60 research outputs found

    Parenting Stress in Mothers and Fathers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders

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    Narzędzia przesiewowe pomocne w rozpoznawaniu ryzyka autyzmu u dzieci w wieku do trzech lat

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    Diagnoza zaburzeń ze spektrum autyzmu wciąż pozostaje wyzwa-niem. Mimo obecności ich wczesnych symptomów już u najmłodszych dzieci (nawet niemowląt), są one rozpoznawane znacznie później. Jednym z istotnych powodów jest brak obiektywnych wskaźników, które pozwalałyby na trafną, wczesną diagnozę. Artykuł poświęcono przedstawieniu sygnałów ostrzegaw-czych, które już w pierwszym roku życia mogą wskazywać na ryzyko autyzmu. Omówiono także narzędzia przydatne w badaniach przesiewowych pod kątem autyzmu u dzieci w wieku poniżej trzech lat.Diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) still remains a chal-lenge. Despite the presence of early symptoms in the youngest children (even in infants), ASDs are identified much later. One of the important reasons for that is the lack of objective biological indicators allowing accurate early diagnosis. This paper aims at the presentation of the behavioral warning signals which may indicate risk of autism even in children aged under one year. Useful screening tools for autism in children under three years of age are also discussed

    Spostrzeganie przez rodziców wczesnego rozwoju dzieci z autyzmem

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    Parents’ perception of the early development of children’s with autismAutism is one of the most profound and difficult to diagnose developmental disorders. The parent’s report play the important role in diagnostic process. The purpose of this study was to determine how parents do perceive the development of their children with autism. Fifteen parents of children aged 3–7 participated in the study. The symptoms that concerned parents fell into three categories: social functioning, communication and rigid behavioural patterns. When describing children, parents paid attention to communication and social peer relations. They attempted to interpret and explained these phenomena. They also mentioned the role of partners activity in the child's behaviour regulation. Moreover, they pointed out, the structuralization of interaction acts positively on the social competence in their children. When interpreting the results of this study, some methodological limitations must be taken into account

    Difficulties in the management of hypokalemia in a pregnant patient with Gitelman syndrome

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    Gitelman syndrome (GS) is a rare renal disorder, and little is known about its impact on pregnancy. We report the successful outcome of pregnancy in a patient with GS that was managed with aggressive oral and intravenous potassium supplementation

    The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on reproductive intentions among the Polish population

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    Objectives: The study was conducted in order to determine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the fertility intentions among the Polish population. Material and methods: A cross-sectional, questionnaire-based online study was carried out among Polish adults in order to determine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the reproductive plans of the Polish society. A total of 984 participants correctly completed the survey. Results: The pandemic has affected the reproductive intentions of 22% (n = 216) of the respondents, most of them want to have a child later than they previously planned (74.1%). The relationship between the change in reproductive intentions and the concerns about the pandemic was found. Most of those who changed their plans were afraid that the access to prenatal care and delivery services could be limited (86.6%) or were afraid about giving birth at the hospital (81%). More than half (51.9%) of those who changed reproductive plans were afraid of losing their income and 40.3% had already experienced a decrease in their income. The change in partner’s emotional relationships was also observed. More than half of respondents (56.7%) admitted that during the pandemic they had developed a deeper emotional relationship with their partners or felt more emotionally supported (56.6%). Most participants responded that the frequency of their sexual intercourses was not affected (66.7%) and that they had not experienced limited access to contraceptives (95.1%) during the pandemic. Conclusions: The COVID-19 pandemic has affected Polish people’s reproductive intentions. Concerns related to healthcare access and the economic difficulties have the most significant impact

    Attitudes of the autism community to early autism research

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    Investigation into the earliest signs of autism in infants has become a significant sub-field of autism research. This work invokes specific ethical concerns such as: use of ‘at-risk’ language; communicating study findings to parents; and the future perspective of enrolled infants when they reach adulthood. The current study aimed to ground this research field in an understanding of the perspectives of members of the autism community. Following focus groups to identify topics, an online survey was distributed to autistic adults, parents of children with autism, and practitioners in health and education settings across eleven European countries. Survey respondents (n=2317) were positively disposed towards early autism research and there was significant overlap in their priorities for the field, and preferred language to describe infant research participants. However there were also differences including overall less favourable endorsement of early autism research by autistic adults relative to other groups and a dislike of the phrase ‘at-risk’ to describe infant participants, in all groups except healthcare practitioners. The findings overall indicate that the autism community in Europe is supportive of early autism research. Researchers should endeavour to maintain this by continuing to take community perspectives into account