24 research outputs found

    Compassion Satisfaction, Burnout and Compassion Fatigue within the Context of the Dimensions of the Professional Quality of Life Scale in Nurses: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Objective: This study was conducted to determine the prevalence of compassion satisfaction, burnout and compassion fatigue, which are the dimensions of the professional quality of life, among nurses working in a university hospital, and the affecting demographic and occupational factors. Material and Methods: The population of this cross-sectional study included 349 nurses and the study was completed with 253 nurses (72.5%). The data were collected using the personal information form and “Professional Quality of Life Scale” developed by Stamm. Results: The mean scores obtained by the nurses participating in the study were as follows: 32.08±9.09 for the compassion satisfaction subscale, 25.75±5.87 for the burnout subscale, and 18.50±7.57 for the compassion fatigue subscale. The level of compassion satisfaction was significantly higher among nurses working in surgical clinics. The burnout levels of the participants were affected by the marital status. The married nurses obtained significantly higher mean scores from the burnout subscale. There were not differences between the participants’ compassion fatigue levels in terms of the demographic variables. Conclusion: While the participating nurses had low levels of compassion satisfaction, they had moderate levels of burnout, and high levels of compassion fatigue

    The perceptions of inpatients with schizophrenia about aggression: a qualitative study

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    Amaç: Şizofreni hastalarının, hastalığın belirtileri ve şiddeti gibi etkenlerle ilişkili olarak saldırgan davranış göstermeriski artabilmektedir. Bu çalışmada şizofreni hastalarında saldırganlık düşünceleri ve deneyimlerinin yarı yapılan-dırılmış görüşme soru formu kullanılarak keşfedilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Yöntem: Elazığ Ruh ve Sinir HastalıklarıHastanesi’nde yatmakta olan 26 şizofreni hastasıyla yarı yapılandırılmış bireysel görüşmeler yapılmıştır. Görüş-meler ses kaydı ile kaydedilmiş ve sonra deşifre edilmiştir. Verilerin analizinde içerik analizi tekniğinden yararlanıl-mıştır. Bulgular: Görüşmelerden elde edilen verilerin analizi sonucunda ‘saldırganlık davranışı’, ‘hissedilenler’,‘sonuçlar’ ve ‘öneriler’ olmak üzere dört tema saptanmıştır: Saldırganlık davranışı teması ‘şiddet’ ve ‘ruhsal bozuk-luk;’ hissedilenler teması ‘pişmanlık;’ sonuçlar teması ‘cezaevi, kapalıya gönderilmesi’, ‘ölüm, yaralama’ ve ‘umutkaybı’; öneriler teması ise ‘tedavi ve rehabilitasyon’, ‘iletişim’, ‘maneviyat’ ve ‘eğitim, bilinçlendirme’ alt temalarındanoluşmuştur. Sonuç: Bu çalışma şizofreni hastalarında görülen saldırgan davranışların fiziksel, psikolojik ve sosyalnedenleri, olası sonuçları ve davranışın oluşmasının önlenmesine yönelik önerileri içermektedir. Bu sonuçlarınsağlık bakımı sağlayan profesyonellerin ve bakım vericilerin hastanın saldırgan davranışlarının yönetiminde duygu-ların paylaşımındaki gerekli desteğin sunulmasında ışık tutacağı düşünülmektedir. (Anadolu Psikiyatri Derg 2019;20(6):597-604)Objective: Patients with schizophrenia may be at increased risk of aggressive behavior in relation to factors suchas symptoms and severity of the disease. In this study, it is aimed toexplore the thoughts and experiences ofaggression in schizophrenia patients using a semi-structured interview questionnaire. Methods: Semi-structuredindividual interviews were conducted with 26 patients who had been hospitalized with a diagnosis of schizophreniain Elazığ Mental Health and Diseases Hospital. Interviews were recorded with voice recording and then transcribed.Content analysis was used in data analysis. Results: As a result of the analysis of the data obtained from theinterviews, four themes were identified: aggressive behavior, feelings, consequences, suggestions. It was deter-mined that consists of subthemes as ‘violence’, ‘mental illness’ for aggressive behavior theme; ‘regret’ for feelingstheme; ‘sent to prison, a closed service’, ‘death, wounding’ and ‘loss of hope’ for consequences theme; ‘treatmentand rehabilitation’, ‘communication’, ‘spirit’ and ‘education’, ‘awareness’ for suggestions theme. Conclusions: Thisstudy includesthe physical, psychological and social reasons for the aggressive behaviors experienced in patientswith schizophrenia, possible consequences and suggestions for preventing the occurrence of behavior. It is estimated that these results will enlighten on providing health care professionals and caregivers with the necessarysupport in sharing feelings in the management of the patient's aggressive behavior. (Anatolian Journal ofPsychiatry 2019; 20(6):597-604

    Doping Types of Athletics Sportsmen and Determination of the Opinions About Anti-Doping

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    WOS: 000419631500013Objective: This research was conducted to determine the level of knowledge of athletics national team athletes about doping types used in sport and their views on anti-doping. Methods: Seven descriptive type studies were conducted with 73 athletes who participating in the Super League Final Competitions and Junior European Champion Club Cup competitions in the Activity Program of the Turkish Athletics Federation and agreeing to participate in the research. Survey form prepared by researchers was used as data collection tool. The data are expressed in numbers and percentages, using the chi-square test in the analysis. Results: 79.5% of the athletes stated that the most stimulants were used in the sport. This was followed by anabolic androgenic steroids with 68.5%, and anti-estrogenic agents with 65.8%. Approximately two-thirds of the athletes said they were well informed about doping by athletes, coaches and administrators (64.4%), and also they had knowledge about it (% 64.4) and had read doping related publications (65.8%). In terms of anti-doping, athlethes find the activities satisfactory of the related institutions and organizations, in particular state (76.7%), federation (82.2%) and clubs (63.0%). Conclusion: As a result, it has been determined that among the participating athletes, the most common types of doping are in which stimulants and anabolicandrogenic steroids, and approximately two-thirds of the athletes said they were well informed about doping by athletes, coaches and administrators, and also think that they had knowledge about it, moreover more than half of the athletes find the activities of the related institutions and organizations satisfactory for the anti-doping

    The Determination of Opinions of Triathlon Athletes on Doping and Anti-Doping Matters

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    WOS: 000404817500012Objectives: This study aims to determine the knowledge of triathlon athletes on the types of doping used in sports as well as their opinions on the anti-doping matters. Methods: This descriptive study was conducted with 92 individuals participated in Tasucu Triathlon and Istanbul Salcano Triathlon Series, which was organized in 2015 by the Turkish Triathlon Federation. A questionnaire was used to collect data. Chi-square test was used in analysis of the data. Corticosteroids, masking agents, anti-estrogenic agents, beta blockers, and cannabinoids were among the types of doping which were least known by the triathlon athletes. These were followed by peptide hormones, narcotic analgesics, anabolic-androgenic steroids and stimulants. Results: Approximately two thirds of triathlon athletes consider that knowledge of athletes, coaches and administrators on doping is not sufficient. Conclusion: The majority of the athletes participated in the study stated that the relevant institutions and organizations are not fighting against doping adequately