380 research outputs found

    Integrating spatiotemporal dynamics of natural capital security and urban ecosystem carbon metabolism

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    The purpose of the study is to address and quantify the increase in urban expansion and carbon (C) metabolism burden on ecosystem service value (ESV), net ecosystem productivity (NEP), and C storage of urban footprint. Urban footprint is required to meet the demands arising from economic consumption and production as well as waste accumulation and assimilation. Spatiotemporal changes in main land covers (LCs) were detected using remotely sensed data (Landsat 5 and 8, and digital elevation model) between 1987 and 2016. Changes in ESV and C influx, efflux and pools associated with LC dynamics were approximated using global proxies for a western Mediterranean region in Turkey of 54,162 km2. Urban expansion over the 29-year period decreased ESV by 22% ($7.28 ± 0.4 billion), NEP by 4.3% (2.3 ± 9 Gg C), and total ecosystem C pool by 10.9% (1008.3 ± 1006 Gg C) and led to a 62.8% appropriation of the total NEP (50.1 ± 51 Gg C) of the urban footprint in 2016. The main cause of the environmental degradation across the study region was the loss of the seminatural areas. Our findings emphasize that the deterioration rate of ecosystems should be slowed down by natural capital-friendly decisions and should not exceed rehabilitation rate of damaged ecosystems in the face of rapidly increasing burdens of the cities on their footprint.Izmir Institute of Technology and Abant Izzet Baysal Universit

    An Analysis of Fifty-Year-Surveillance of Food Related Diseases in Turkey

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    Occurrence rate and magnitude of food-related diseases (FRD) are of global concern causing socio-economic issues, and thus, they must be continuously monitored. The objectives of the study were to determine occurrence rate and trends of FRD in Turkey from 1960 to 2010 in parallel to increased rate of population growth. Recorded incidents of foodborne illnesses/diseases were obtained as annual reports and expressed as disease/population rate in order to determine trends of each disease. Long-term evaluations of bacillary dysentery (BD), brucellosis, gastrointestinal diarrhea (GD), meningitis infections, meningitis and central nervous system infections (MCNSI), other bacterial infections, other infections and parasite-caused diseases (OIPCD), other virus-caused infections, paratyphoid, and typhoid showed different trends in terms of occurrence rate but an overall decrease in the occurrence rates of BD, GD, OIPCD, and typhoid

    Diurnal CO2 fluxes of different Seyhan Watershed ecosystem

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    Quantification of evaporation from bare soils in a changing climate

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    Climate change in the eastern Mediterranean and agriculture

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    An analysis of fifty-year surveillance of food related diseases in Turkey

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    Occurrence rate and magnitude of food-related diseases (FRD) are of global concern causing socio-economic issues, and thus, they must be continuously monitored. The objectives of the study were to determine occurrence rate and trends of FRD in Turkey from 1960 to 2010 in parallel to increased rate of population growth. Recorded incidents of foodborne illnesses/diseases were obtained as annual reports and expressed as disease/population rate in order to determine trends of each disease. Long-term evaluations of bacillary dysentery (BD), brucellosis, gastrointestinal diarrhea (GD), meningitis infections, meningitis and central nervous system infections (MCNSI), other bacterial infections, other infections and parasite-caused diseases (OIPCD), other virus-caused infections, paratyphoid, and typhoid showed different trends in terms of occurrence rate but an overall decrease in the occurrence rates of BD, GD, OIPCD, and typhoid

    Quantifying Ecosystem Productivity of Seyhan Watershed under Human Disturbances

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    Gerçek Zamanlı Otomatik Göl İzleme Sistemi ile Göl Metabolizması ve Fitoplankton Biyokütlesinin Uç Olaylar ve Çevresel Değişkenlere Göre Değişiminin Araştırılması

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    TÜBİTAK ÇAYDAG15.01.2018Ocak 2015 - Ocak 2018 dönemini kapsayan üç yıllık 4 is paketinden (IP) olusan TUBITAKprojesinin 1. IP si olan Eymir Gölü?nde yüksek frekanslı otomatik izleme istasyonun (YFOII)kurulması 2015 Haziran ayı itibari ile gerçeklestirilmistir. IP2 kapsamında planlanan çevrimiçiveri transferi ise ODTÜ, Limnoloji Laboratuvarında tahsis edilen bilgisayara uygun yazılımlararacılıgı ile aktarılmıstır. IP3, YFOII?den alınan verilerin kontrolü ve takibi, manuel su kaliteörneklemesi, YFOII verileri ile metabolizma hesabı, bu verilerin birincil üretim ve uç olaylarlailiskilendirilmesini kapsamaktadır. IP3 paketinden elde edilen sonuçlar ile Eymir Gölü?nünötrofik bir göl olmasına ragmen yılın çogu zamanı heterotrofik (Net Ekosistem Üretimi (NEP)0'dan küçük) özellikte oldugu yani atmosfere karbon salınımı yaptıgı tespit edilmistir.Fitoplankton asırı artıslarına ise genellikle Agustos ve Eylül aylarında su girisinin olmadıgı gölsuyunun durgun, hava sıcaklıgının yüksek oldugu dönemlerde rastlanılmıstır. Bu dönemlerdegöl metabolizmasının ototrofik (NEP 0'dan büyük) oldugu yani ekosistemin karbon tuttugutespit edilmistir. Bu durumun uzun yıllarca yürütülen restorasyon amaçlı evsel atıksuuzaklastırılması ve biyomanipulasyonun olumlu etkisi oldugu düsünülmektedir. Bunların yanısıra Eymir Gölü ani meteorolojik ve çevresel degisimlerden hızlıca etkilenmektedir. Özelliklerüzgar göldeki sıcaklık tabakalasmasını degistirmekte ve epilimnion tabakasındametabolizmanın salınımlar göstermesine sebep olmaktadır. Ancak bu degiskenlerin eskidegerlerine dönmesi ile sistem kendini kısa sürede toparlayabilmektedir.Ayrıca yine projenin 4. IP si kapsamında, ortaokul ögrencilerinin bilimsel süreçle tanısması,doga ve göl ekolojisi bilincinin ve duyarlılıgının gelismesini amaçlayan ?Eymir Gölü Elçileri?egitim paketi gelistirilmesi hedeflenmistir. Proje kapsamında gelistirilen egitim programı ODTÜAnkara Gelistirme Vakfı Ortaokulu ve Gölbası Cemil Yıldırım Ortaokulundan 5. ve 7. sınıfögrencilerine uygulanmıstır. Ayrıca proje çıktıları www.lem.bio.metu.edu.tr adresinden güncelolarak paylasılmıstır. Toplanan verilerin ilgili kurumlarla paylasılması içinde site içerisinde sifreile girilen bir sekme açılmıstır. Yine bilgiyi yayma kapsamında 9 Mart 2018 tarihinde ilgilibirimlerin davet edildigi mini-çalıstay düzenlenmistir.The establishment of a high-frequency automated monitoring station (HFAMS) was carried out inJune 2015 in Lake Eymir as the first work package (WP1) with four WPs in the TÜBİTAK project(project number: 114Y415) which covered the period of January 2015 to January 2018. Theonline data transfer planned within the scope of the second WP was provided through the propersoftware embedded in a computer allocated to Limnology Laboratory, METU. WP 3 included amanuel of water quality sampling to control and monitor data from HFAMS, further data qualitycontrol and assurance of the HFAMS, metabolism estimates from, and relating these data to netprimary productivity and extreme events. According to data from HFAMS obtained in WP 3, LakeEymir was determined to be heterotrophic (net ecosystem production (NEP) 0). Moreover. Lake Eymir wasrapidly subjected to the sudden meteorological and environmental changes. In particular, highwind speeds destroyed the lake stratification and caused instant fluctuations in metabolism inthe epilimnion layer. However, when wind speed returned to their previous phases, the systemwas restored back in a short period of time.Within the scope of the WP 4, it is aimed at devising a training package called “Lake EymirAmbassadors” for secondary school students with the purpose of having them recognizescientific processes and developing their awareness and sensitivity about nature and lakeecology. This training programme was applied to students of the fifth and seventh grades ofODTÜ Ankara Geliştirme Vakfı (ODTÜ GVO) and Gölbaşı Cemil Yıldırım secondary schools.Project outputs and data have been shared and updated online from this address(www.lem.bio.metu.edu.tr). Also, a mini-workshop to disseminate information was organized on9 March 2018 by which people from the relevant departments were invited.Keywords: Environmental factors, real-time automated water quality monitoring system, lakemetabolism, climate change, meteorological extreme events, citizen science, data transfe