23 research outputs found

    Basic reproduction number and effective reproduction number for North Cyprus for fighting Covid-19

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    The aim of this paper is to show how North Cyprus fought with Covid-19 by using R0 and Rt, as herd immunity. For that purpose, we used a SEIR model for basic reproduction number, R0, and calculated Rt values by using R0 values. North Cyprus is the first country in Europe to free from Covid-19 epidemic. One of the most important reasons for this is that the government decided to tackle Covid-19 pandemic by using R0 and Rt daily. For R0, we constructed a new SEIR model by using real data for North Cyprus. From March 11, 2020 to May 15, 2020, R0 varies from 0.65 to 2.38

    Stability analysis of an eco-epidemiological model consisting of a prey and two competing predators with SI-disease in prey and toxicant

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    In the present paper, we study two eco-epidemiological models. The first one consists of a prey and twocompeting predators with SI-disease in prey species spreading by contacts between susceptible prey and infected prey. This model assumes linear functional response. The second model is the modification of the first one when the effect of toxicant is taken into account. In this paper, we examine the dynamical behavior of non-survival and free equilibrium points of our proposed model

    Statistical Analysis of Tuberculosis in Jigawa State, North-Western Nigeria

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    Studies on Tuberculosis (TB) in Jigawa, a Northwestern state in Nigeria, is very scarce as Tuberculosis and Leprosy Control Center in the state started functioning properly only recently in 2009. Since then, there has been a hike in the number of TB patients visiting the center. This study is conducted to analyze the incidence of Tuberculosis in the state. Data used is obtained from Tuberculosis and Leprosy Control Center, Ministry of Health, Jigawa State, Nigeria. Questioners are used for the collection of the available data for the period of six years (2009–2014). Linear regression is used to analyze the trend of the disease from the same period. Trends within various age groups were recorded. HIV co–infection is analyzed and its trend is also recorded over the years. Gender parity is also analyzed using a t-test. There is an increase in the number of patients from 2009 to 2014. Out of the 9590 patients seen in the period, 6538 (68.18 %) are males and3052 (31.82%) are females. At-test is used to show the significance in the difference between the number of males and females. It is also found that, there is an increase in the number of HIV co-infection over the said years. The study shows the prevalence of TB is highest among the age group of 25 – 34 (30.15%). The commonest type of TB in the population was smear positive pulmonary TB, with 5853 patients (61.03%). TB in Jigawa state was found to be significantly increasing. Out of all the 9590 patients seen at the center, 6538 (68.18 %) are males and3052 (31.82%) are females. HIV co - infection with Tuberculosis occurred in 9.94% of the patients considered. This study shows a high percentage of infection: 30.14% between the age group of 25-34.In general, Pulmonary TB has a higher prevalence of 95.69% compared to Extra Pulmonary TB that has 4.31%

    Cancer Incidence in Nigeria and Border Countries

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    Many inequalities in cancer incidence exist between Nigeria and border countries. This information is absent or largely unavailable. Benin, Cameroun, Chad, Niger, and Nigeria cover a population of more than 224,922,000. Globocan data base supplied incidence for 132,939cases of cancer for these countries. The prevalence of Bladder, Colorectum, Kaposi sarcoma, Larynx, Leukaemia, Lip, oral cavity, Liver, Lungwas estimated for the year 2012.The prevalence of Nasopharynx, Non – Hodgkin, Lymphoma, Pancrease, Prostrate, Stomach combined was also estimated for the same year. The most common male cancer found in Nigeria and border countries is Prostate cancer, seconded by Liver. In this study also we found Breast cancer to be the most common in females, followed by Cervical Cancer. Larynx and Kaposi sarcoma are found to be the least common cancer for both males and females in the population. In conclusion, the findings of this study gave lights to some guidelines to aid the design of cancer control programs in Nigeria and border countries.  The spectrum of the cancers is dominated by the breast & Cervix uteri for females, while Prostate & Liver for males. &nbsp

    Time-efficient reformulation of the Lobatto III family of order eight.

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    [EN]Implicit block methods for solving initial value problems in ordinary differential equations are well-known among the contemporary scientific community, since they are cost-effective, self-starting, consistent, stable, and usually converge fast when applied to solve particularly stiff models. These characteristics of block methods are the primary reasons for the one-step optimized block method devised in the present research study with three off-grid points. Theoretical analysis, including the order of convergence, consistency, zero-stability, A-stability, order stars, and the local truncation error, are considered. The obtained method may be categorized as the well-known Lobatto IIIA Runge–Kutta method. The superiority of the devised method over various existing approaches having similar features is proved via numerical simulations of stiff and nonlinear differential systems. Furthermore, a suitable reformulation of the devised method results in considerable savings in computation time, as revealed through the efficiency plots. This turns out in a strategy to reformulate Runge–Kutta type methods in order to get a better performance

    A Bi-Geometric Fractional Model for the Treatment of Cancer Using Radiotherapy

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    Our study is based on the modification of a well-known predator-prey equation, or the Lotka–Volterra competition model. That is, a system of differential equations was established for the population of healthy and cancerous cells within the tumor tissue of a patient struggling with cancer. Besides, fractional differentiation remedies the situation by obtaining a meticulous model with more flexible parameters. Furthermore, a specific type of non-Newtonian calculus, bi-geometric calculus, can describe the model in terms of proportions and implies the alternative aspect of a dynamic system. Moreover, fractional operators in bi-geometric calculus are formulated in terms of Hadamard fractional operators. In this article, the development of fractional operators in non-Newtonian calculus was investigated. The model was extended in these criteria, and the existence and uniqueness of the model were considered and guaranteed in the first step by applying the Arzelà–Ascoli. The bi-geometric analogue of the numerical method provided a suitable tool to solve the model approximately. In the end, the visual graphs were obtained by using the MATLAB program

    Dynamics of Immune Checkpoints, Immune System, and BCG in the Treatment of Superficial Bladder Cancer

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    This paper aims to study the dynamics of immune suppressors/checkpoints, immune system, and BCG in the treatment of superficial bladder cancer. Programmed cell death protein-1 (PD-1), cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated antigen 4 (CTLA4), and transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β) are some of the examples of immune suppressors/checkpoints. They are responsible for deactivating the immune system and enhancing immunological tolerance. Moreover, they categorically downregulate and suppress the immune system by preventing and blocking the activation of T-cells, which in turn decreases autoimmunity and enhances self-tolerance. In cancer immunotherapy, the immune checkpoints/suppressors prevent and block the immune cells from attacking, spreading, and killing the cancer cells, which leads to cancer growth and development. We formulate a mathematical model that studies three possible dynamics of the treatment and establish the effects of the immune checkpoints on the immune system and the treatment at large. Although the effect cannot be seen explicitly in the analysis of the model, we show it by numerical simulations

    Residual power series algorithm for fractional cancer tumor models

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    Inc, Mustafa/0000-0003-4996-8373WOS:000563902400012In this paper, the new series solutions of some fractional cancer tumor models are investigated by using residual power series method (RPSM). The RPSM is explained with Maclaurin expansion for the solution. One of the advantages of this method is quick and easy calculation to find series solutions by using mathematica software package. Graphical presentations for series solutions are given to explanation of the method. The obtained outcomes explain that process is applicable and reliable method to obtain numerical solutions of fractional equations. (C) 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University

    Comparison of linear and angular measurements in CBCT scans using 2D and 3D rendering software

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    The aim of this study was to compare the reliability of both linear and angular measurements conducted on two-dimensional (2D) lateral cephalometric images and three-dimensional (3D) cone-beam computed tomography-generated cephalograms derived from various rendering software. Pre-treatment cephalometric digital radiographs of 15 patients and their corresponding cone beam computed tomographic images were randomly selected. Vista Dent OC as 2D, In vivo 5.1.2, Maxilim and Romexis software were used to generate cephalograms from the CBCT scans (NewTom 3G, QR Verona, Italy). In total, 19 cephalometric landmarks were identified and 18 widely used (11 linear, 7 angular) measurements were performed by an independent observer. Mann–Whitney and Kruskall–Wallis H tests were also used to compare the four methods (p 0.05). The ICCs for Vista Dent OC (2D) measurements indicated high reproducibility (p < 0.05). The 2D and 3D generated cephalograms from various rendering software were found to be similar; however, measurements on curved surfaces are not easily reproducible for 3D software

    Comparative analysis of numerical simulations of blood flow through the segment of an artery in the presence of stenosis

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    A mathematical model is developed to study the characteristics of blood flowing through an arterial segment in the presence of a single and a couple of stenoses. The governing equations accompanied by an appropriate choice of initial and boundary conditions are solved numerically by Taylor Galerkin’s time-stepping equation, and the numerical stability is checked. The pressure, velocity, and stream functions have been solved by Cholesky’s method. Furthermore, an in-depth study of the flow pattern reveals the separation of Reynolds number for the 30 and 50% blockage of single stenosis and 30% blockage of multi-stenosis. The present results predict the excess pressure drop across the stenosis site than it does for the inlet of the artery with single and multiple stenosis and the increase in the velocity is observed at the center of the artery