54 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Individual Travel Cost Method Di Area Publik

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    Public areas useful to meet the inner needs with recreational facilities and educational facilities. Development of public areas to provide additional public welfare or detrimental to society. The public welfare increased if the development was provide benefit larger compared by the cost to be borne, plus loss of benefit for development in the state of being old. The public welfare indicated by the magnitude of the consumer surplus acquired. Individualtravel cost method (ITCM) is used as a model that describes the number of visits and is a function of travel costs, time needed to travel, where replacement and income. The number of visits to the Taman Pintar positively and significantly influenced by the total cost of a visit to Taman Pintar, the total cost of visits to alternative places other than Taman Pintar, and visitor revenue. The correlation between the visits of the total costs a visit to Taman Pintar, the total costs a visit to place a substitute for other than Taman Pintar, and visitors income are very strong

    Unequal Infrastructure Development (Case Study in Banjarnegara District)

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    This study will discuss the inequality of infrastructure development in terms of various aspects such as road conditions, clean water, solid waste, education, worship, and health. The purpose of this research is to determine the condition of infrastructure development that is not evenly distributed in the Banjarnegara district so that a strategy can be formulated to overcome this problem. The method used is descriptive qualitative using primary data obtained directly through a survey to show how the state of the existing infrastructure and secondary data. The results of this study indicate that inequality in infrastructure development occurs in almost all aspects. Three important and main aspects that must be addressed immediately are related to the construction or repair of road infrastructure because it is the mobility for all community movements to carry out their activities to make it smooth and easy, so that the development of an area is also easy to do. The second is increasing the number of clean water connection service coverage, and the third is handling solid waste management. If this is not done immediately, it will lead to even wider inequality in infrastructure development in the Banjarnegara district considering that infrastructure is also the key to driving economic growth and improving the quality of people's welfare

    The Economic Value of Sangiran Museum, Central Java, Indonesia Application of Travel Cost Method

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    Abstract— This research is an application travel cost method (TCM) at Sangiran Museum which aims to estimate the total value of benefit for visitors Sangiran Museum, willingness to pay (WTP) visitors to the activities of the addition of new facilities at the Sangiran Museum and analysed factors that affect the significant impact on the level of visits per 1000 population per year to the Sangiran Museum. This sample size was 180 people, the election is done by way of probability sampling. The results of this study indicate that the total value of benefits at Sangiran Museum admission fee is equal to zero for Rp. 728,013,743.7 (USD 80,890.42), while the total value of benefits per year, Sangiran Museum in admission rates applicable to Rp. 300,- (USD 0.03) to Rp. 532,788,743.7,- (USD 59,198.75). Magnitude average maximum willingness to pay (WTP) of visitors to the activities of the addition of new facilities at the Sangiran Museum is Rp. 11,102.63 (USD 1.23). Form of empirical model functions best in this study is the log-log form. The results of regression analysis showed that the variable cost of travel (LnTC), education (LnEDC), income (LnNC), distance (LnDIS) and age (LnAGE) significantly affect the level of significance level of 5% of visits per 1000 population per annum (LnV) the Sangiran Museum

    Economic Valuation of Lead Impact to Human Health in Yogyakarta Urban Area, Indonesia*

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    The urban economic development needs transportation facilities. People moves form one location to the other rapidly. The amount of vehicle increases, it also increases lead content in the air. As a research topic is the human health cost increases as lead content in the air increases. Lead impacts increase public health cost. This research identifies the determinant of public health cost and estimates the respondent’s willingness to pay (WTP). The respondents are 146 people in three areas of study, Yogyakarta City, Sleman Regency, and Bantul Regency. Dose response method determinates the valuation of lead impact caused by emission to human health. Contingent valuation method estimates the respondents’ WTP to take care human health by keeping the environmental condition. It is analyzed by ordered probit model. By increasing lead pollutant, the health impacts are 123,647 cases of incremental child IQ, 15,783 cases of hypertension, 17 cases of coroner core, and 127 cases of premature mortality. Total health compensation cost because of lead impact is 1,469,594,723,409 (US $ 122,466,226.95). The increasing of the probability of respondent’s WTP is only 0.00000233 percent, if the dependent variables increase one percent. It indicates that people’s awareness to keep their environment and to decrease lead content is not good enough, despite the fact that there is some increase of awareness for example


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    Abstract: The economic growth in the urban areas is characterized by the growth of the industrial sector and traffic density. The increase in the amount of factories and motorized vehicles caused an increase in gas emission in the air. Residual smoke from factory production processes and gas emission are stationary and mobile sources of pollution, which interfere with the air quality in the urban areas. These effects human health negatively. This research was calculating the willingness to pay (WTP) with the contingent valuation method. This research aims to determine the public awareness to keep their environment clean. It is indicated by peo­ple’s WTP on policy implication that offered once every year. The strategy offered to diminish the stationary sources of pollution is reforestation. While the strategies offered to diminish the mobile sources of pollution are: 1) improvement in transportation infrastructure; 2) reforesta­tion; 3) replacement of old motorized vehicles; and 4) the use of alternative roads on traffic peak hours. The strategies to diminish the mobile sources of pollution were ranked by an Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) according to people’s preference in the implementation. The strategies have implications in four consecutive years. The research result showed that the level of WTP of the society was still low. The determinant factors of the WTP are estimated by the ordered probit method. The estimated results showed that the income of the respondents compared to health costs, caused by dam­aged lungs, eyes, and nose, has an influence on the WTP. While the age, education, and dis­tance to the polluted area of the respondents are not significantly influencing the WTP. Abstrak: Pembangunan ekonomi di perkotaan ditandai dengan perkembangan di sektor industri dan diikuti oleh aktivitas transportasi yang padat. Peningkatan jumlah pabrik dan kendaraan bermotor menghasilkan gas buang di udara yang semakin meningkat. Asap sisa proses industrialisasi dan gas buang kendaraan bermotor (emisi) menjadi polusi sumber tidak bergerak dan sumber bergerak yang mengganggu kualitas udara di perkotaan dan berdampak buruk terhadap kesehatan. Studi ini menghitung kesediaan masyarakat membayar (WTP) terhadap kebijakan memperbaiki kualitas udara dengan tujuan mengetahui kesadaran masyara­kat menjaga lingkungannya. Kesediaan membayar masyarakat ditunjukkan dengan seberapa besar masyarakat mau membayar kebijakan yang ditawarkan tiap setahun sekali. Kebijakan yang ditawarkan untuk polusi sumber tidak bergerak adalah penghijauan sedangkan untuk polusi sumber bergerak ada empat kebijakan. Empat kebijakan untuk polusi sumber tidak ber­gerak diranking dengan analisis AHP dengan urutan perbaikan infra­struktur, penghijauan, penggantian kendaraan bermesin tua, dan pengalihan jalur padat. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa tingkat WTP masyarakat masih rendah. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi WTP masyarakat adalah pendapatan dan biaya kesehatan paru-paru, mata, dah hidung. Faktor usia, tingkat pendidikan, dan jarak polusi terhadap responden tidak begitu berpengaruh.

    The Welfare of the Indonesian Migrant Workers (TKI) in the Land of a Malay Nation: A Socio-Economic Analysis

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    The aim of this research is to find out whether the welfare of the Indonesian migrant workers (TKI) working in Kedah, Malaysia, increases. There are three special targets which the researchers want to reach: (1) to identify and to map the location of the Indonesian migrant workers (TKI) working in Kedah, Malaysia, (2) to analyse their social and economic condition, and (3) to identify their problems met during they work in the location. The methods used are spatial and regression method. Geography Information System (GIS) is used to map the location of the Indonesian migrant workers (TKI). Regression method gives information of primary factors of the Indonesian migrant workers (TKI) that can increase their welfare. Spatial analysis is divided by three themes of map: (1) work type, (2) education, experience, age, and family size, and (3) remittance, income and migration cost. Socio-economy condition of the Indonesian migrant workers (TKI) is good enough. Other important finding is that the Indonesian migrant workers (TKI) mostly spend their money for phone deposit and cigarettes. Remittance is a proxy of the Indonesian migrant workers (TKI) welfare. It is significantly influenced by income, education level, family size, and living cost. Meanwhile, age, experience, and migration cost do not influence the remittance

    Analysis of Indonesian Labor Welfare Case Study : Kedah, Malaysia

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    The aims of this research are to know how increase the Indonesian labor (TKI) welfare in Kedah, Malaysia. The targets which are reached : (1) identifying and mapping T K I location in Kedah, Malaysia, (2) socio-economy analysis and (3) identifying the T K I problems. The methods are spatial and regression method. Geography Information System (GIS) is used to map T K I location. Regression method gives the information of primary factors of TKI that will increase their welfare. Spatial analysis is divided by three themes of map: (1) work type, (2) education, experience, age, and family size, (3) remittance, income and migration cost. Socio-economy condition of TKI is good enough. Other important finding is T K I mostly spend their money for phone deposit and cigarette. Remittance is a proxy of T K I welfare. It is significantly influenced by income, education level, family size, and living cost. Meanwhile, age, experience, and migration cost are not influence to remittance.

    Kesediaan Membayar Mitigasi Banjir dengan Pendekatan Contingent Valuation Method

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    : The aim of this research is identified, mapping flooded areas in eks karesidenan surakarta, and performs analysis of flood disaster mitigation. The analysis used is geography information systems and contingent valuation methods. by calculating the willingness to pay (WTP) to reduce the risk of flood disaster and the factors that affect the WTP. The subject of this research are farmers in the basin of the river Bengawan Solo River in Klaten, Sukoharjo, Karanganyar and Sragen. The result showed that variable income, age, education and the number of members of the family has influence significantly to a willingness to pay, perform the act of mitigating flood, and the average willingness to pay farmers/ respondents only between rp.250.000-rp.500.000 for flood mitigation. Respondents/ farmers in the Bengawan Solo River basin if having flooded, they suffered losses farming production, an average of 50% of the normal production

    An Impulse of Human Activities to Carbon Dioxide Gas Emissions in the Sub-Saharan Africa Region

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    It is complicated to determine with exactitude the share of responsibility of the various sources of pollution for Africa. This intricacy emphasizes that pollution is not always considered a major risk for the continent. The existing data are still too few and often too imprecise to assess the extent of pollution on the continent. Sub-Saharan Africa is challenged by increasing pollution reinforced by a lack of politics and goodwill to formulate and implement good practices to deal with climate change issues. This paper highlight trends in carbon emissions due to agricultural land, energy use, agriculture-forestry and fisheries (value adds), real gross domestic product, and industry and construction based on their importance to the productive capacity of SSA. The output from the proposed study of causality between variables using the impulse response functions and the forecast error decomposition revealed this: the rise in agriculture/forestry, and fisheries, and energy use has positive shocks on CO2 emissions. The carbon emissions growth in the SSA does not necessarily reckon on agricultural land, industry construction or manufactural construction, and real gross domestic product. Keywords: Pollution, atmospheric pollutants, CO2 emissions, climate change, policy DOI: 10.7176/JESD/12-6-04 Publication date:March 31st 202
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