1,585 research outputs found

    Evolution of a Cooling Water Treatment Program at a Chemical Processing Plant

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    During the construction of a chemical processing plant, a polyphosphate product was selected for use as a corrosion inhibitor in the open recirculating cooling tower system. After several months of operation, problems in the system made evident the fact that polyphosphate as a corrosion inhibitor was not acceptable. An organic corrosion inhibitor was substituted for the phosphate, resulting in improved corrosion protection and the elimination of phosphate fouling

    Magnetic Field Induced Charge Instabilities in Weakly Coupled Superlattices

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    Using a time dependent selfconsistent model for vertical sequential tunneling,we study the appearance of charge instabilities that lead to the formation of electric field domains in a weakly coupled doped superlattice in the presence of high magnetic fields parallel to the transport direction. The interplay between the high non linearity of the system --coming from the Coulomb interaction-- and the inter-Landau-level scattering at the domain walls (regions of charge accumulation inside the superlattice) gives rise to new unstable negative differential conductance regions and extra stable branches in the sawtooth-like I-V curves.Comment: 5 pages, 4 postscript figure

    Composite Poisson Models For Goal Scoring

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    Goal scoring in sports such as hockey and soccer is often modeled as a Poisson process. We work with a Poisson model where the mean goals scored by the home team is the sum of parameters for the home team\u27s offense, the road team\u27s defense, and a home advantage. The mean goals for the road team is the sum of parameters for the road team\u27s offense and for the home team\u27s defense. The best teams have a large offensive parameter value and a small defensive parameter value. A level-2 model connects the offensive and defensive parameters for the k teams. Parameter inference is made by imagining that goals can be classified as being strictly due to offense, to (lack of) defense, or to home-field advantage. Though not a realistic description, such a breakdown is consistent with our model assumptions and the literature, and we can work out the conditional distributions and generate random partitions to facilitate inference about the team parameters. We use the conditional Binomial distribution, given the Poisson totals and the current parameter values, to partition each observed goal total at each iteration in an MCMC algorithm

    Bio-Creep in Non-Inferiority Clinical Trials

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    After a non-inferiority clinical trial, a new therapy may be accepted as effective, even if its treatment effect is slightly smaller than the current standard. It is therefore possible that, after a series of trials where the new therapy is slightly worse than the preceding drugs, an ineffective or harmful therapy might be incorrectly declared efficacious; this is known as “bio-creep.” Several factors may influence the rate at which bio-creep occurs, including the distribution of the effects of the new agents being tested and how that changes over time, the choice of active comparator, the method used to model the variability of the estimate of the effect of the active comparator, and changes in the effect of the active comparator from one trial to the next (violations of the constancy assumption). We performed a simulation study to examine which of these factors might lead to bio-creep and found that bio-creep was rare, except when the constancy assumption was violated

    Buprestidae of southern Vancouver Island

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    This paper lists the Buprestidae known to occur on Southern Vancouver Island, British Columbia, with their hosts. Represented are the following tribes: Buprestini (15 spp.); Chrysobothrini (6 spp.); Acmaeoderini (1 sp.); and Agrilini (1 sp.)

    Changes in Completed Family Size and Reproductive Span in Anabaptist Populations

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    This is the published version. Copyright 1989 Wayne State University Press.The Anabaptist Amish, Hutterite and Mennonite peoples trace their origins to the Reformation. Although they share certain beliefs, such as adult baptism and the separation of church and state, each group is culturally unique. The Hutterite and Amish are highly fertile and their populations exhibit stable rates of growth. These demographic characteristics reflect communal living among the Hutterites and labor intensive farming practices among the Amish. The Mennonites are the most receptive Anabaptist group to outside socioeconomic influences and provide a demographic contrast to the more conservative Amish and Hutterites. Demographic data collected during a study of aging in Mennonite population samples from Goessel and Meridian, Kansas, 1980, and Henderson, Nebraska, 1981, formed the basis of a cohort analysis in order to assess fertility change over time. Completed family size has decreased significantly in all three communities since 1870. Since the early 1900' s the mean age of the mother at first birth has fluctuated but the mean age of mother at the birth of the last child is decreasing significantly for the communities of Goessel and Henderson, thus effectively shortening the reproductive span. The pattern is somewhat different for Meridian, the most conservative of the three communities

    Riddled-like Basin in Two-Dimensional Map for Bouncing Motion of an Inelastic Particle on a Vibrating Board

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    Motivated by bouncing motion of an inelastic particle on a vibrating board, a simple two-dimensional map is constructed and its behavior is studied numerically. In addition to the typical route to chaos through a periodic doubling bifurcation, we found peculiar behavior in the parameter region where two stable periodic attractors coexist. A typical orbit in the region goes through chaotic motion for an extended transient period before it converges into one of the two periodic attractors. The basin structure in this parameter region is almost riddling and the fractal dimension of the basin boundary is close to two, {\it i.e.}, the dimension of the phase space.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. (2002

    Immunoglobulin Haplotypes: Markers of Reproductive Success?

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    This is the published version. Copyright 1990 Wayne State University Press.Immunoglobulin haplotypes are highly polymorphic and are useful for analyses of both macro-and microdifferentiation of populations. The origins of this diversity are not known, but recent reports suggest strong selection at this locus. Increased rates of first-trimester spontaneous abortions have been reported when parents share GM phenotypes. Reduced fertility has been observed in mixed European descent white and Hutterite populations when both parents share immunoglobulin haplotypes. Population samples with completed family information and GM haplotype data are rare; the objective here is to provide this information on another sample. A sample of 242 Mennonite couples with mothers older than 40 years was divided into 3 groups of matings based on how many haplotypes were shared: 0, 1, or 2. The distribution of mean completed family sizes for the three groups were 3.35 ± 1.85 (n = 23), 3.47 ± 1.69 (n = 128), and 3.37 ± 1.60 (n = 91), respectively; these values were not significantly different (F = 0.145, p = 0.865). The log-rank test was used to compare the time-to-next-birth curves. The intervals between first and later births (2-4 births) were not significantly different for the three subgroups either. There is also only limited evidence for segregation distortion in another sample of 923 offspring (in which at least one parent is heterozygous)

    Phytoseiulus persimilis (Acarina: Phytoseiidae) for control of two-spotted mites in a commercial greenhouse

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    Natural infestations of the two-spotted spider mite were controlled on green house cucumber by early releases of the predatory mite, Phytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot. Later sporadic mite outbreaks severely damaged some plants and required frequent surveys and repeated predator releases in the greenhouse. However, no mite sprays were required and crop yield was satisfactory

    Setting a precautionary catch limit for Antarctic krill

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    A revised precautionary catch limit for Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) in the Scotia Sea of 4 million tons was recently adopted by the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR). The limit was based on a total biomass of 44.3 million tons, as estimated from an acoustic and net survey of krill across the Scotia Sea sector of the Southern Ocean, and a harvest rate of 9.1%, as determined from an analysis of the risks of exceeding defined conservation criteria. We caution, however, that before the fishery can expand to the 4-inillion-ton level it will be necessary to establish mechanisms to avoid concentration of fishing effort, particularly in proximity to colonies of land-breeding krill predators, and to consider the effects of krill immigrating into the region from multiple sources