167 research outputs found

    The Welsh language in the digital age - Y Gymraeg yn yr Oes Ddigidol

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    A study on social protection programs for the poor children in Uganda:A case of the Universal Primary Education (UPE) Program

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    The government of Uganda has implemented various forms of social protection programs focusing on different social groups within the population. The Universal primary education (UPE) program has been selected among others, for this thesis, as one of the social protection programs focusing on the poor children. The program was introduced in January 1997 and has been implemented hitherto, with a view to enrolling all children of primary –school age, addressing concerns about inequity in education on the basis of socio-economic status and gender, and improving education quality outcomes. The overall objective of the study is to examine the educational opportunities for the poor children that have come along with the introduction and subsequent implementation of UPE program in Uganda; the challenges facing the implementation of the program; and the strategies the government of Uganda has put in place to address these challenges. The findings of the study indicate that the UPE program has increased access to and affordability of basic education by children most of whom from poor families who had been previously not attending school. Consequently, there was sudden massive primary school enrollment from 2.5 million in 1996 to 5 million in 19997 and 8.3 million in 2012. Other educational opportunities that have come along with the introduction and subsequent implementation of UPE program include reduction in primary school dropout for the first six years before it started rising again in the recent past; achieving gender parity in school enrollment; and creating educational opportunities for children with various categories of special needs. The findings further indicate that despite these opportunities, the UPE program is facing challenges that are affecting its effective implementation. The major challenges include declining quality of primary education, increasing rates of school dropout, limited financial resources, corruption and mismanagement of financial resources (UPE funds). Amidst these challenges, the government of Uganda through the Ministry of education and sports has put in place various strategies to address these challenges in order to enable UPE program achieve its goal and objectives. These include introduction of customized performance targets guidelines in UPE schools to address the challenge of declining quality of education, introduction of several programs to address the challenge of rising school dropout rates, increasing budget for primary education over the years though it has been reduced in the recent past to finance the Universal secondary education (USE) program, and devising mechanisms for fighting corruption in UPE program implementation. The thesis proposes recommendations that would keep the UPE program on track and be able to achieve its goal and objectives. These include imploring the government through ministry of education to strive and strike a balance between quantity (in terms of massive enrollment) and quality of education; double efforts in mitigating increased rates of school dropout; increase and maintain sufficient budget for both UPE and USE programs without having one program affecting implementation of the other; and use a multi-stakeholder approach in fighting corruption in the implementation of UPE program.Master in International Social Welfare and Health Polic

    Rhwystrau ar lwybr dwyieithrwydd

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    Archwilia’r traethawd hwn rai o’r problemau a wynebir wrth hyrwyddo iaith fechan, gan ddefnyddio’r Gymraeg yn brif enghraifft. Amlinella’r bennod gyntaf effaith negyddol unffurfrwydd monolithig y wladwriaeth-genedl ar amlieithrwydd, gan ei wrthwynebu ar y sail y gall medru sawl iaith wella hyblygrwydd meddwl a pherthnasau rhwng gwahanol grwpiau. Yn yr ail bennod cyflwynir damcaniaeth cymdeithaseg iaith a chynllunio ieithyddol ac amlinellir yr hyn y gallai disgyblaeth marchnata ei wneud i newid agweddau ac ymddygiad o blaid dwyieithrwydd. Ym mhennod 3 cyflwynir canlyniadau ymchwil a wnaed ar 219 o breswylwyr Dyffryn Teifi, ardal a chanddi ddwysedd siaradwyr Cymraeg uchel. Archwilir sawl agwedd ar yr iaith, e.e. defnydd iaith, dyheadau siaradwyr at y dyfodol, mesurau cynllunio ieithyddol a phroblemau a photensial grðp ail iaith cynyddol yr ardal. Ym mhennod 4 cymherir agweddau 324 o unigolion tuag at yr iaith, traean ohonynt yn ddisgyblion chweched dosbarth mewn ysgolion Cymraeg, traean arall yn ddisgyblion uniaith Saesneg a thraean yn ddysgwyr. Cyflwynir eu hatebion i restr gyffredin o gwestiynau parthed defnyddioldeb y Gymraeg, hunaniaeth genedlaethol a mesurau cynllunio ieithyddol. Pwysleisir pa mor bwysig yw siaradwyr ail iaith a’r rhai di-Gymraeg wrth geisio goresgyn y rhwystrau i sefyllfa ieithyddol wedi ei ‘normaleiddio’. Ym mhennod olaf y traethawd dadansoddir rhwystr arall i ddwyieithrwydd, sef y methiant anferth i gynhyrchu siaradwyr newydd, rhugl o oedolion. Cynigir mai methodoleg hen ffasiwn sydd ar fai am hyn a chynigir cyrchddulliau ‘ymennydd gyfeillgar’ i gymryd eu lle. Archwilir un o’r rhain, Suggestopedia, yn fanwl, a chesglir ei fod o leiaf mor effeithiol â chyrchddulliau eraill ac, o bosib, yn fwy effeithiol o dipyn. Cloir y traethawd drwy bwysleisio mai dim ond trwy gynllunio’n strategol wrth ystyried anghenion siaradwyr newydd o oedolion y goresgynnir y rhwystrau ar lwybr dwyieithrwyd

    Y Cynllun Ymchwil Cymunedol

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    Diseño de un sistema de gestión integral para la empresa ferretera “San Pedrito”

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    La presente tesis está dirigida al análisis de las necesidades actuales de la organización con el fin elaborar un DISEÑO DE UN SISTEMA DE GESTIÓN INTEGRAL que mejore los procesos en cada área de la organización, fortaleciendo el desarrollo y bienestar permanente de la empresa, presentándola con el fin de mejorar las condiciones de estructura interna. La propuesta se la realiza al gerente de la FERRETERÍA SAN PEDRITO., a través de los resultados, luego de la información obtenida sobre los diferentes aspectos, como es el caso de la parte organizacional de la empresa. La investigación está integrada por tres capítulos: El primer capítulo contiene el marco teórico en el que se sustenta el desarrollo de este trabajo para una mejor comprensión. El segundo capítulo hace referencia a la metodología utilizada en la investigación, se basa en la elaboración de encuestas aplicadas al gerente y trabajadores de esta institución, que permitió obtener información precisa para elaborar la matriz FODA que ayudó a definir la situación actual de la empresa, así Como también sobre la transformación y desarrollo de la empresa. En el tercer capítulo se detalla la validación del Modelo de Gestión Administrativa resumiendo las conclusiones más importantes y relevantes de la tesis. Se recomienda la aplicación del sistema de gestión integral con el fin de mejorar la gestión y control de la organizaciónThe present thesis is directed to the analysis of the current needs of the organization in order to elaborate a design of an integral management system that improves the processes in each area of the organization, strengthening the development and permanent well-being of the company, presenting it with the purpose of improving the conditions of internal structure. The proposal is made to the manager of ferretería san pedrito, through the results, after the information obtained on the different aspects, as is the case of the organizational part of the company. The research is composed of three chapters: the first chapter contains the theoretical framework on which the development of this work is based for a better understanding. The second chapter refers to the methodology used in the research, based on the elaboration of surveys applied to the manager and workers of this institution, which allowed obtaining precise information to elaborate the swot matrix that helped to define the current situation of the company, as well as the transformation and development of the company. The third chapter details the validation of the administrative management model, summarizing the most important and relevant conclusions of the thesis. The application of the integrated management system is recommended in order to improve the management and control of the organizatio

    Plan de merchandising para el incremento de ventas en el grupo ferretero San Pedrito en la ciudad de Riobamba

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    El proyecto de investigación tuvo como objetivo el incremento de ventas en el Grupo Ferretero San Pedrito ubicado en la cuidad de Riobamba en el sector de Licán por medio del desarrollo de un plan de merchandising. El marco metodológico abarcó la utilización de los instrumentos y técnicas apropiadas tales como: encuestas dirigidas a los clientes que estuvieron en contacto directo con el establecimiento, continuadamente se procedió a la realización de la entrevista que fue realizada a la gerente propietaria del establecimiento, y posterior a ello se procedió con la aplicación de la ficha de observación haciendo el recorrido interno y externo de establecimiento considerando la presencia y manejo del merchandising visual, de gestión y de seducción. Los resultados obtenidos determinaron que los principales aspectos de mejora en el establecimiento son la iluminación, la capacitación del personal y la infraestructura tanto interna como externa, también se logró identificar la disposición de la gerente propietaria a pasar de una ferretería de mostrador a una ferretería de autoservicio. Se concluye que el Grupo Ferretero posee elementos de ventaja competitiva como el precio, la dimensión del local y la capacidad de expandirse en el mercado, sin embargo, debe potencializar sus recursos para satisfacer a los clientes e incrementar los ingresos, la ausencia de esto incidiría en el estancamiento de la empresa y por ende la competencia tomaría ventaja en el mercado, a la vez se presentaría gradualmente una caída en la rentabilidad. Finalmente se recomienda que se ponga en marcha la aplicación de las estrategias propuestas tales como recursos BTL, merchandising de gestión por categoría, merchandising de seducción con aromas y música, merchandising visual con adecuación del escaparate e iluminación, publicidad externa e interna por medio de rótulos, material P.O.P, Souvenirs y la especialización de trabadores todo ello en beneficio de la empresa y de sus clientes para lograr el éxito deseado.This research project aimed to increase sales at Grupo Ferretero San Pedrito, located in the city of Riobamba in the Licán sector, through the development of a merchandising plan. The methodological framework included the use of appropriate instruments and techniques, such as: surveys directed to customers who were in direct contact with the establishment, followed by an interview with the manager owner of the establishment, and then the application of the observation sheet, making an internal and external tour of the establishment, considering the presence and management of visual merchandising, management, and seduction. The results obtained determined that the main aspects of improvement in the establishment are lighting, staff training, and internal and external infrastructure, and identified the willingness of the owner manager to change from a counter hardware store to a self-service hardware store. It is concluded that Grupo Ferretero has elements of competitive advantage such as price, the size of the store, and the ability to expand in the market. However, it must enhance its resources to satisfy customers and increase revenues. The absence of this would affect the stagnation of the company, and therefore the competition would take advantage of the market while gradually presenting a drop in profitability. Finally, it is recommended to implement the application of the proposed strategies such as BTL resources, merchandising management by category, seduction merchandising with aromas and music, visual merchandising with adequacy of the showcase and lighting, external and internal advertising through signs, P.O.P. material, souvenirs, and specialization of workers for the benefit of the company and its customers to achieve the desired success