37 research outputs found

    Effects of a long-term recurrent selection program on the genetic structure of the BSSS maize population

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    Evaluating of Recurrent Selection (RS) programs can lead to increase knowledge of methods, populations, and traits and give support for better management of breeding programs. The objective herein was to evaluate the effects of seven cycles of half-sib selection followed by seven cycles of S2 selection on the genetic structure of BSSS maize population. Individuals from BSSSP (progenitor lines), BS13(S)C0 (original S2 selection), and BS13(S)C7 (7th S2 cycle) cycles were genotyped based on a sample of 105 RFLP loci.;Measures of genetic variation within (expected heterozygosity, number of alleles, average frequency of the most common allele, and proportion of polymorphic loci) and among (Principal Component Analysis and Nei\u27s genetic distance, NGD) cycles of selection indicated: BSSSP has a considerable genetic variability, substantial loss of variation and increase of divergence over the cycles of selection, greatest loss of diversity occurred during the HS selection program, future cycles of RS are predicted to have narrow genetic variation, and low average effective population size was an important factor in loss of genetic variation.;Changes in allele frequencies for about 30% of the loci cannot be explained by genetic drift alone, suggesting that selection also was an important factor of variation. The majority of loci in C0 and C7 were in H-W equilibrium. Progenitor line Illinois Hy had a lower NGD to C0 and C7 and five of its unique alleles had frequencies significantly increased in later generations, indicating a selective advantage over the cycles of RS. Hybrid Hy x LE 23 showed the lowest NGD to C0 and C7 populations. NGD among parental lines was not a good predictor of single-crosses yield performance. A founder effect observed herein may explain partially reduced genetic gains during the S2-selection period reported in other studies. Limited RFLP diversity in BS13(S)C7 suggests this population may not have enough genetic variability to sustain significant long-term genetic gains per se for grain yield. RFLP data were useful tools to evaluate this RS program. However, much more information could be obtained about recurrent selection programs by integrating of molecular (a standard set of marker loci) and phenotypic data

    Selection of corn cultivars for yield, stability, and adaptability in the state of Amazonas, Brazil

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar cultivares de milho, cultivadas no Estado do Amazonas, que reúnam simultaneamente alta produtividade de grãos, adaptabilidade e estabilidade. Os ensaios foram conduzidos em sete ambientes do Amazonas, em delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com duas repetições. A produtividade de grãos de 30 cultivares de milho foi avaliada em quatro safras agrícolas, de 2011/2012 a 2014/2015. Os parâmetros genéticos foram estimados pela metodologia REML/Blup. A seleção quanto à adaptabilidade e à estabilidade baseou-se no valor genético predito e na média harmônica do desempenho relativo dos valores genéticos. Apesar da existência de interação genótipo x ambiente, identificaram-se cultivares com elevadas adaptabilidade e estabilidade. Os ambientes Iranduba – várzea, em 2011/2012 e 2014/2015 – e Rio Preto da Eva – terra firme, em 2012/2013 – destacaram-se como favoráveis, enquanto os ambientes Iranduba – terra firme, em 2011/2012 e 2012/2013 – e Manaus – terra firme, em 2012/2013 e 2013/2014 – foram classificados como desfavoráveis. O híbrido simples BRS 1055 apresentou superioridade produtiva e alta estabilidade nessa região. As variedades sintéticas Sint 10771, Sint 10781 e Sint 10699 apresentaram elevada adaptabilidade. BRS Caimbé apresenta adaptabilidade específica para cultivo em ambientes de terra firme do Estado do Amazonas.The objective of this work was to evaluate corn cultivars grown in the state of Amazonas, Brazil, which simultaneously show high grain yield, adaptability, and stability. The trials were carried out in seven environments in the state of Amazonas, in a randomized complete block design, with two replicates. The grain yield of 30 corn cultivars was evaluated in four growing seasons, from 2011/2012 to 2014/2015. The genetic parameters were estimated by the REML/Blup methodology. The selection for adaptability and stability was based on the predicted genetic value and on the harmonic mean of the relative performance of the genetic values. Despite the existence of genotype x environment interaction, cultivars with high adaptability and stability were identified. Iranduba – lowland, in 2011/2012 and 2014/2015 – and Rio Preto da Eva – upland, in 2012/2013 – stood out as favorable environments, while Iranduba – upland, in 2011/2012 and 2012/2013 – and Manaus – upland, in 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 – were classified as unfavorable environments. The single-cross hybrid BRS 1055 showed productive superiority and high stability in this region. The Sint 10771, Sint 10781, and Sint 10699 synthetic varieties showed high adaptability. BRS Caimbé shows specific adaptability to cropping in upland environments of the state of Amazonas, Brazil

    Respostas heteróticas de acessos elites tropicais do Programa Latino Americano de Milho em cruzamento com testadores brasileiros

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    Little emphasis has been placed on identifying new sources of tropical maize germplasm that can be used in breeding programs. Additional information on the performance and heterotic classification of tropical germplasm is needed. This study was conducted to identify elite maize accessions from Latin America that could contribute to increase the level of heterosis with the best heterotic patterns of Brazil. Seventy-two elite accessions from the Latin American Maize Project (LAMP) were crossed with the testers BR 105 (flint kernel Suwan background) and BR 106 (dent kernel Tuxpeño background). The 72 crosses plus 9 checks were evaluated using a simple 9 × 9 lattice in four locations that represent one tropical region. The combined analysis showed highly significant differences among treatments for ear weight and the interaction treatment × location was also significant. With both testers better crosses for ear weight were identified in relation to the double cross BR 201 (commercial check). With the tester BR 105, the high parent heterosis ranged from --28% to 26%, the accessions SE 032 and PE 001 were selected for further work. With the tester BR 106, the high parent heterosis ranged from --35% to 17% and the accessions PE 011 and Pasco 14 were selected for further work. The selected accessions will be improved through recurrent selection schemes to increase yield and improve agronomic traits. Afterwards they can be exploited, within and between heterotic groups, to produce highly productive hybrid combinations, or used per se as improved maize varieties.Pouca ênfase tem sido dada na identificação de novas fontes de germoplama tropical que podem ser usadas em programas de melhoramento de milho. São necessárias informações adicionais sobre a performance e classificação heterótica de germoplasmas tropicais. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar acessos elite originados do Programa Latino Americano de Milho (LAMP) que poderiam contribuir para aumentar o nível de heterose com padrões heteróticos do Brasil. Setenta e dois acessos elites do LAMP foram cruzados com os testadores BR 105 (padrão heterótico flint) e BR 106 (padrão heterótico dentado). Os setenta e dois testcrosses, resultantes de cada cruzamento, e nove testemunhas foram avaliados em quatro locais. Utilizou-se o delineamento em látice simples 9 × 9. A análise combinada mostrou diferença significativa entre tratamentos para o caráter peso de espigas sendo também significativa a interação tratamentos × locais. Foram identificados, com ambos os testadores, cruzamentos mais produtivos que o híbrido duplo BR 201 (testemunha comercial). Com a variedade BR 105, a heterose em relação ao pai superior variou de --28% a 26% e os acessos SE 032 e PE 001 foram selecionados para melhoramento. Com a variedade BR 106, a heterose em relação ao pai superior variou de --35% a 17% e os acesses PE 011 e Pasco 14 foram selecionados para posteriores trabalhos de melhoramento. Os acessos selecionados serão melhorados através de esquemas de seleção recorrente para produção e características agronômicas. Estes acessos podem ser explorados, dentro e entre os grupos heteróticos, para produzir combinações híbridas ou para serem usados como variedades melhoradas de milho

    Yield stability of maize germoplasm evaluated in several regions of Brazil

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    Este trabalho teve por objetivo obter informações quanto aos aspectos relacionados aos padrões de respostas apresentados por 30 diferentes genótipos de milho (híbridos, cultivares e populações), avaliados em 14 diferentes ambientes do Brasil, no ano agrícola de 1995/96. Foram obtidas as estimativas dos parâmetros de estabilidade da produção de espigas despalhadas. Os genótipos estudados apresentaram comportamento diferenciado quanto à adaptabilidade da produção. Os híbridos foram mais adaptados que as cultivares e populações. O híbrido triplo P 3041 foi o mais produtivo, porém de baixa previsibilidade e estabilidade nos ambientes estudados. As cultivares CMS 50 e BR 106 apresentaram a primeira e a quinta melhores produções, respectivamente, entre as cultivares estudadas, porém não foram muito resistentes ao baixo nível tecnológico. Foi possível identificar genótipos promissores para utilização de imediato e em programas de melhoramento.The objective of this work was the obtention of information on the response pattern of 30 maize genotypes in 14 environments of Brazil in 1995/96. The stability parameters of ear yield were estimated. All the genotypes varied for yield adaptability. The three-way cross P 3041 presented the best yield and showed low stability to a deterioration on environmental variations. The open pollinated materials cmS 50 and BR 106 were, respectively, the first and fifth best yieldings among all the studied maize genotypes, with low adaptation on unfavorable environments. The identification of promising maize genotype was possible for immediate utilization and as a source of germplasm in breeding programs

    Genetic parameters estimatives in CMS-42 and CMS-43 popcorn populations

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    Com os objetivos de elevar a frequência de alelos favoráveis e estimar os parâmetros genéticos e fenotípicos de algumas características agronômicas, as populações de milho pipoca CMS-42 e CMS-43 foram submetidas ao 2º ciclo de seleção entre e dentro de progênies de meios irmãos. Avaliaram-se 196 progênies de cada população, em látice simples 14 x 14, tendo como testemunhas os respectivos ciclos anteriores. O espaçamento utilizado foi de 1,0 x 0,20, para parcelas de 5,0 m com 25 plantas. Embora se tenha dado maior importância à capacidade de expansão (CE), as médias das progênies selecionadas evidenciaram a possibilidade de obtenção de materiais superiores também quanto à produtividade. A CMS-43, de maneira geral, apresentou maior variabilidade que a CMS-42, refletida num maior componente da variância genética aditiva. As médias da CE na testemunha, no ensaio e nas progênies selecionadas foram: 14,62, 15,21 e 19,65 para a CMS-42, e 16,07, 16,85 e 22,31 para a CMS-43, respectivamente. Os coeficientes de herdabilidade no sentido restrito em progênies de meios irmãos (h2p), quanto à CE, foram da ordem de 60%, com uma expectativa de ganho com a seleção entre progênies de 16,80% para a CMS-42, e de 19,12% para a CMS-43.The popcorn maize populations CMS-42 and CMS-43 were undergone to the second selection cycle among and within half-sib families. The objectives were to increase the favorable allele frequencies and to estimate the genetics and phenotypics parameters from some agronomic traits. It was used an 14 x 14 simple lattice field design with 196 treatments. The former selection cycles were used as intercalar check. Plots consisted of one 5 m row with a plant density of 50,000 pl/ha. Although more importance was given to popping expansion, the mean values from the selected families showed the possibility to obtain high productivity with these populations. CMS-43 showed greater variability than CMS-42 as could be seen by the greater additive genetic variance component in CMS-43 than in CMS-42. The mean values for popping capacity were 14.62%, 15.21% and 19.65% for the checks, families and selected progenies, respectively with the population CMS-42, and 16.07%, 16.85% and 22.31%, respectively, for CMS-43. For both populations, the narrow sense heritability for popping expansion was 60% and the estimated gain with selection among families was 16.80% for CMS-42 and 19.12% for CMS-43

    Variabilidade de genótipos de milho quanto à composição de carotenoides nos grãos

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    The objective of this work was to characterize 134 maize (Zea mays) genotypes, for carotenoids content and build a genetic profile to facilitate future breeding to increase grain nutritional value (biofortification). Seeds came from experimental fields and from the Banco Ativo de Germoplasma of Embrapa Milho e Sorgo, Sete Lagoas, MG, Brazil. The genotypes were commercial hybrids, varieties, and inbred lines developed by the Embrapa biofortification program and other accessions, chosen for their yellow-orange endosperm color. Total grain carotenoids, carotenes, xanthophylls (monohydroxylates and dihydroxylates) were determined by chromatographic-spectrophotometric methods. The detected averages were: 22.34 µg g-1 for total carotenoids, 2.55 µg g-1 for carotenes, 3.86 μgág-1 for monohydroxylated xanthophylls, and 15.93 µg g-1 for dihydroxylated xanthophylls. The genotypes variability was divided into 18 groups by the method of Tocher. The Embrapa germplasm has variability and potential for development of maize lines biofortified for total of provitamin A carotenoids.O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar e avaliar a variabilidade quanto ao teor e perfil de carotenoides nos grãos de 134 genótipos de milho (Zea mays), com vistas à utilização em programas de biofortificação. Os materiais foram provenientes dos campos experimentais e do Banco Ativo de Germoplasma da Embrapa Milho e Sorgo, Sete Lagoas, MG. São cultivares e híbridos comerciais, linhagens-elite e outros acessos escolhidos com base na coloração amarelo-alaranjada do endosperma. A quantificação do teor de carotenoides totais, carotenos e xantofilas mono-hidroxilada e di-hidroxilada dos grãos foi realizada por método cromatográfico-espectrofotométrico. As médias encontradas nos grãos foram 22,34 µg g-1 de carotenoides totais, 2,55 µg g-1 de carotenos, 3,86 µg g-1 de xantofilas mono-hidroxiladas e 15,93 µg g-1 de xantofilas di-hidroxiladas. Os genótipos foram agrupados em 18 grupos pelo método de Tocher. O germoplasma da Embrapa possui potencial para ser usado em programas de desenvolvimento de linhagens de milho biofortificadas, quanto ao total de carotenoides pró-vitamina A

    Environmental stratification based on a 28 x 28 diallel of open-pollinated maize varieties

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    The objective of this study was to assess the representativeness of the test environments used by the maizebreeding program of Embrapa in the first phase of genotype evaluation. Ear weight of 378 hybrids from a diallel of 28 openpollinatedvarieties (OPVs) evaluated in ten environments were used. The following environments were evaluated: twogrowing seasons (1991-92 and 1992-93), at three locations (Sete Lagoas, MG, Londrina, PR, and Goiania-GO); in twogrowing seasons (1991/92 and 1993/94) in Aracaju-SE; and in two growing seasons (1992-93 and 1993-94), in PontaGrossa-PR. The complex part of the interaction accounted for nearly 75% of the genotype by environment interaction (G x E).The environments of Londrina-91/92, Ponta Grossa-93/94 and Aracaju-93/94 differed from the others and also from eachother, as shown by stratification analysis. The phenotypic correlation between genotype means in the pairwise groupedenvironments, interpreted as coefficient of genotypic determination, indicated that non-genetic causes were responsible for64.40% of the mean phenotypic variances. The results confirmed the discrimination of three major environmental groups,representing the Northeast (Aracaju), Central Southeast (Sete Lagoas, Goiania and Londrina) and South (Ponta Grossa)regions

    Adaptabilidade e estabilidade de híbridos de milho para o sul do bioma Amazônia via GGE biplot

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    The objective of this work was to select maize hybrids using the GGE biplot analysis, as well as to evaluate their stability and adaptability in different environments of the North and Midwest regions of Brazil. Thirty-six maize hybrids were evaluated in 2018, in the following five environments in the Northern and Midwestern regions, respectively: in the municipality of Vilhena, in the state of Rondônia; and in the municipalities of Sorriso, Sinop, Alta Floresta, and Carlinda, in the Northern region of the state of Mato Grosso. The experimental design was a randomized complete block design. The analysis of variance was performed, and adaptability and stability were estimated by the GGE biplot method based on grain yield performance. A significant interaction between genotypes and environments was detected, and the biplot analysis was efficient in explaining 62.74% of the total variation in the first two principal components, with the formation of three macroenvironments. The 1P2227, 'BRS 3042', and 1P2265 hybrids showed high yield, responsiveness, and stability in the evaluated environments. The DKB310VTPRO2 hybrid was the most unstable genotype. The recommended hybrids are: DKB310 for the Sorriso and Vilhena macroenvironment; 1M1810 and 1O2106 for the Carlinda environment; and 1M1807 for the Sinop environment.O objetivo deste trabalho foi selecionar híbridos de milho, por meio da análise GGE biplot, bem como avaliar sua estabilidade e adaptabilidade em diferentes ambientes das regiões Centro-Oeste e Norte do Brasil. Trinta e seis híbridos de milho foram avaliados em 2018, nos seguintes cinco ambientes das regiões Norte e Centro-Oeste, respectivamente: no município de Vilhena, no estado de Rondônia; e nos municípios de Sorriso, Sinop, Alta Floresta e Carlinda, na região norte do estado de Mato Grosso. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos completos ao acaso. Realizou-se a análise de variância, e estimaram-se a adaptabilidade e a estabilidade pelo método GGE biplot com base na produtividade. Detectou-se interação significativa entre genótipos e ambientes, e a análise biplot foi eficiente para explicar 62,74% da variação total nos dois primeiros componentes principais, com a formação de três macroambientes. Os híbridos 1P2227, 'BRS 3042' e 1P2265 apresentam alta produtividade, capacidade de resposta e estabilidade nos ambientes avaliados. O híbrido DKB310VTPRO2 foi o genótipo mais instável. Os híbridos recomendados são: DKB310 para o macroambiente Sorriso e Vilhena; 1M1810 e 1O2106 para o ambiente Carlinda; e 1M1807 para o ambiente Sinop