10,677 research outputs found

    Parenting during a pandemic

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    The pandemic has shed light on the unseen work that many parents do every day. Society can take for granted parenting and sometimes see the work as being not so challenging. As a mother and a full time faculty member, my life as a parent has been significantly altered during this pandemic.https://dc.ewu.edu/covid/1017/thumbnail.jp

    Developing the repository manager community

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    This paper describes activities which have taken place within the UK institutional repository (IR) sector focusing on developing a community of practice through the sharing of experiences and best practice. This includes work done by the UK Council of Research Repositories (UKCoRR) and other bodies, together with informal activities, such as sharing the experience of organising Open Access Week events. The paper also considers future work to be undertaken by UKCoRR to continue developing the community

    The influences of German/Viennese singspiel and French opera comique Rescue Opera on Beethoven\u27s Fidelio

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    The problematic, compositional development of Beethoven’s only rescue opera, Fidelio, which was written from 1804 to 1814, was inspired by a variety of late‐eighteenth century operatic forms, including Viennese and German Singspiel, French opéra comique rescue opera and Italian opera seria. The composer explored the technical aspects of these operatic forms in several compositions, in particular those written by Karl Ditters von Dittersdorf (Der Doktor und Apotheker, Vienna, 1786); Paul Wranitzky (Oberon, Vienna, 1789); Luigi Cherubini (Les deux journées, Paris, 1800); and André‐Ernest‐ Modeste Grétry (Richard Coeur‐de‐Lion, Paris, 1784). Focusing specifically on the compositional influence of Cherubini’s Les deux journées on Beethoven’s Fidelio, this Thesis will question Beethoven’s juxtaposition of Singspiel melody with the somber texture of the opéra comique aria in both acts of his rescue opera. Furthermore, the melodic form of Cherubini’s Les deux journées, strongly influenced by Grétry’s pre‐Revolutionary opéra comique Richard Coeur‐de‐Lion, was an operatic composition which indirectly affected Beethoven’s Fidelio. Overall, this Thesis establishes that Beethoven created in Fidelio an unfocused composition of previously‐established operatic genres of the Classical period, rather than sending forth a personal statement of late‐Classical, early‐Romantic operatic form

    Ready or not, here they come: A college prepares for food allergies

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    According to the national organization FARE (Food Allergy Research Education), researchers estimate that up to 15 million Americans, including one in 13 children, have food allergies. In fact, a 2013 report released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that the number of children with food allergies in the U.S. increased 50 percent between 1997 and 2011. Food allergy reactions send someone to the emergency department every three minutes, resulting in more than 200,000 emergency department visits in the U.S. per year. (FARE, n.d.).https://fuse.franklin.edu/ss2018/1013/thumbnail.jp

    Your Dissertation, Your Story

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    Sexual Differentiation of the Prefrontal Cortex in Humans: Examining Behavioural Sex Differences and the Modulatory Role of Androgens

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    Sex hormones are important factors in the establishment of sex differences in the brain and behaviour during the prenatal developmental period and during adulthood. One brain area that has received little attention with respect to the study of sex differences is the prefrontal cortex (PFC). The PFC is involved in cognitive functions not limited to working memory, reinforcement learning, and inhibitory control. Currently, our understanding of the hormonal modulation of the PFC by sex steroids is also limited. The overall objectives of the present thesis were: to test the hypothesis that select cognitive functions known to depend on the PFC exhibit sex differences, to investigate whether some of these functions are influenced by developmental and/or adult androgens, and to begin to determine the functional components of PFC-dependent cognitive tasks that are responsible for eliciting sex differences. In Study 1, there was no evidence for a sex difference on two working memory tasks (Self-Ordered Pointing and the n-back), but males selected more advantageous cards than females on the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) and were more accurate during the reversal phase of a probabilistic reversal learning task. In Study 2, the relationship between current and developmental androgens and performance on the IGT was investigated. Financial risk-taking was assessed as a potential mediator of the relationships. Circulating testosterone was found to be negatively correlated with the number of good card selections on the IGT, but there was no evidence to suggest that risk-taking was a mediator. On the other hand, there was evidence that developmental levels of androgens (using digit ratio as a proxy measure) may influence IGT performance in adulthood indirectly through an effect on risk-taking. In Study 3, females were more accurate than males on a reinforcement learning task under conditions where learning was based on positive feedback, whereas males were faster on an interference inhibition task than females. Taken together, the set of studies described in the present dissertation advance our knowledge regarding the sexual differentiation of the PFC and add to our current understanding of the modulatory role played by sex steroids on certain cognitive functions dependent on the PFC

    社会生態システムの空間的レジリアンス ― ザンビア南部州における世帯レベルのリスクと対処戦略 ―

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    Spatial relationships and spatial interactions affect the resilience in social-ecological systems in complex ways. This report reviews relevant literature to demonstrate the utility of a spatial perspective for the analysis of resilience in social-ecological systems, and provides selective examples from preliminary analysis of the extensive household survey in the Eastern Province (Zambia). We employ the term “spatial resilience” to characterize how spatial arrangement, spatial interactions and spatial context relate to the resilience of smallholders to climate variability. We also present a basic framework for transitioning this preliminary work to a more comprehensive analysis of the Eastern and Southern Province study areas.和文のものは、英文の報告の内容を要約したものとなってい