2,365 research outputs found

    One-Loop Anomaly Mediated Scalar Masses and (g-2)_mu in Pure Gravity Mediation

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    We consider the effects of non-universalities among sfermion generations in models of Pure Gravity Mediation (PGM). In PGM models and in many models with strongly stabilized moduli, the gravitino mass may be O(100) TeV, whereas gaugino masses, generated through anomalies at 1-loop, remain relatively light O(1) TeV. In models with scalar mass universality, input scalar masses are generally very heavy (m_0 \simeq m_{3/2}) resulting in a mass spectrum resembling that in split supersymmetry. However, if one adopts a no-scale or partial no-scale structure for the K\"ahler manifold, sfermion masses may vanish at the tree level. It is usually assumed that the leading order anomaly mediated contribution to scalar masses appears at 2-loops. However, there are at least two possible sources for 1-loop scalar masses. These may arise if Pauli-Villars fields are introduced as messengers of supersymmetry breaking. We consider the consequences of a spectrum in which the scalar masses associated with the third generation are heavy (order m_{3/2}) with 1-loop scalar masses for the first two generations. A similar spectrum is expected to arise in GUT models based on E_7/SO(10) where the first two generations of scalars act as pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone bosons. Explicit breaking of this symmetry by the gauge couplings then generates one-loop masses for the first two generations. In particular, we show that it may be possible to reconcile the g_mu - 2 discrepancy with potentially observable scalars and gauginos at the LHC.Comment: 30 pages, 30 figure

    Upper Limit on the Proton Lifetime in Minimal Supersymetric SU(5)

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    In minimal supersymmetric SU(5) models, the proton can decay through dimension 5 operators. Since this decay depends directly on the supersymmetric soft masses, it will be constrained by other observables which depend on the soft masses, such as the Higgs mass and the dark matter relic density. In this work, we will examine the upper limit on the proton lifetime in minimal supersymmetric SU(5) with constrained minimal supersymmetric (CMSSM) boundary conditions set at the grand unification scale. We perform a random scan over the variables of the (CMSSM), with of order 10610^{6} points, and find that the proton lifetime is within reach of JUNO and Hyper-Kamiokande's experiment.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    A 125GeV Higgs Boson and Muon g-2 in More Generic Gauge Mediation

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    Recently, the ATLAS and CMS collaborations reported exciting hints of a Standard Model-like Higgs boson with a mass around 125GeV. A Higgs boson this heavy is difficult to realize in conventional models of gauge mediation. Here we revisit the lightest Higgs boson mass in "more generic gauge mediation," where the Higgs doublets mix with the messenger doublets. We show that a Higgs boson mass around 125GeV can be realized in more generic gauge mediation models, even for a relatively light gluino mass ~1TeV. We also show that the muon anomalous magnetic moment can be within 1sigma of the experimental value for these models, even when the Higgs boson is relatively heavy. We also discuss the LHC constraints and the prospects of discovery.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figures. Corrections and references are adde

    A CP-safe solution of the μ/Bμ problem of gauge mediation

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    AbstractWe construct a model that naturally generates μ and B of the same order without producing large CP violating phases. This is easily accomplished once one permits these mass scales to be determined independently of the ordinary gauge-mediated soft masses. The alignment of phases is shown to emerge dynamically upon coupling to supergravity and is not unique to the model presented here

    W boson mass anomaly and grand unification

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    It is known that the recently reported shift of the W boson mass can be easily explained by an SU(2)LSU(2)_L triplet Higgs boson with a zero hypercharge if it obtains a vacuum expectation value (VEV) of O(1)O(1) GeV. Surprisingly, the addition of a TeV scale complex triplet Higgs boson to the standard model (SM) leads to a precise unification of the gauge couplings at around 101410^{14} GeV. We consider that it is a consequence of SU(5)SU(5) grand unification and show a possible potential for the Higgs fields yielding a weak scale complex SU(2)SU(2) triplet scalar boson. Although it seems the proton decay constraint would doom such a low-scale unification, we show that the constraint can be avoided by introducing vector-like fermions which mix with the SM fermions through mass terms involving the VEV of GUT breaking Higgs field. Importantly, the simplest viable model only requires the addition of one pair of vector-like fermions transforming 10{\bf 10} and 10‾\overline{\bf 10}.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figure; references adde

    Relatively Heavy Higgs Boson in More Generic Gauge Mediation

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    We discuss gauge mediation models where the doublet messengers and Higgs doublets are allowed to mix through a "charged" coupling. The charged coupling replaces messenger parity as a means of suppressing flavor changing neutral currents without introducing any unwanted CP violation. As a result of this mixing between the Higgs doublets and the messengers, relatively large A-terms are generated at the messenger scale. These large A-terms produce a distinct weak scale mass spectrum. Particularly, we show that the lightest Higgs boson mass is enhanced and can be as heavy as 125GeV for a gluino mass as light as 2TeV. We also show that the stops are heavier than that predicted by conventional gauge mediation models. It is also shown that these models have a peculiar slepton mass spectrum.Comment: 17pages, 5 figures, revised versio
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