3,127 research outputs found

    Direct real-time neural evidence for task-set inertia

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    One influential explanation for the costs incurred when switching between tasks is that they reflect interference arising from completing the previous task—known as task set inertia. We report a novel approach for assessing task-set inertia in a memory experiment using event related potentials (ERPs). After a study phase participants completed a test block in which they switched between a memory task (retrieving information from the study phase) and a perceptual task. These tasks alternated every two trials. An ERP index of the retrieval of study information was evident in the memory task. It was also present on the first trial of the perceptual task but was markedly attenuated on the second. Moreover, this task-irrelevant ERP activity was positively correlated with a behavioral cost associated with switching between tasks. This real-time measure of neural activity thus provides direct evidence of task-set inertia, its duration, and the functional role it plays in switch costs

    An Evaluation of Audio-Visual and Self-Learning Programs for Agricultural Economic Students

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    Exact date of working paper unknown

    On Writ of Certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, Brief of Product Liability Advisory Council, Inc., National Association of Manufacturers, Business Roundtable, and Chemical Manufacturers Association as Amici Curiae in Support of Respondent, William Daubert and Joyce Daubert, Individually and as Guardians Ad Litem for Jason Daubert, and Anita De Young, Individually and as Gaurdian Ad Litem for Eric Schuller v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

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    The Federal Rules of Evidence exclude expert scientific testimony when it has been developed without regard for accepted scientific methods. This case focuses on expert scientific evidence. Such evidence plays a vital and often dispositive role in modern litigation. For scientific evidence to be helpful to the factfinder it must meet some minimal threshold of reliability. To hold otherwise would be to allow a system of adjudication based more on chance than on reason

    Holtite and Dumortierite from the Szklary Pegmatite, Lower Silesia, Poland

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    The Szklary holtite is represented by three compositional varieties: (I) Ta-bearing (up to 14.66 wt.% Ta(2)O(5)), which forms homogeneous crystals and cores within zoned crystals; (2) Ti-bearing (up to 3.82 wt.% TiO(2)), found as small domains within the core; and (3) Nb-bearing (up to 5.30 wt.% Nb(2)O(5),) forming the rims of zoned crystals. All three varieties show variable Sb+As content, reaching 19.18 wt.% Sb(2)O(3) (0.87 Sb a.p.f.u.) and 3.30 wt.% As(2)O(3) (0.22 As a.p.f.u.) in zoned Ta-bearing holtite, which constitutes the largest Sb+As content reported for the mineral. The zoning in holtite is a result of Ta-Nb fractionation in the parental pegmatite-forming melt together with contamination of the relatively thin Szklary dyke by Fe, Mg and Ti. Holtite and the As- and Sb-bearing dumortierite, which in places overgrows the youngest Nb-bearing zone, suggest the following crystallization sequence: Ta-bearing holtite -\u3e Ti-bearing holtite -\u3e Nb-bearing holtite -\u3e As- and Sb-bearing, (Ta,Nb,Ti)-poor dumortierite -\u3e As- and Sb-dominant, (Ta,Nb,Ti)-free dumortierite-like mineral (16.81 wt.% As(2)O(3) and 10.23 wt.% Sb(2)O(3)) with (As+Sb) \u3e Si. The last phase is potentially a new mineral species, Al(6)rectangle B(Sb,As)(3)O(15). or Al(5)rectangle(2)B(Sb,As)(3)O(12)(OH)(3), belonging to the dumortierite group. The Szklary holtite shows no evidence of clustering of compositions around \u27holtite I\u27 and \u27holtite II\u27. Instead, the substitutions of Si(4+) by Sb(3+)+As(3+) at the Si/Sb sites and of Ta(5+) by Nb(5+) or Ti(4+) at the Al(l) site suggest possible solid solutions between: (1) (Sb,As)-poor and (Sb,As)-rich holtite; (2) dumortierite and the unnamed (As+Sb)-dominant dumortierite-like mineral; and (3) Ti-bearing dumortierite and holtite, i.e. our data provide further evidence for miscibility between holtite and dumortierite, but leave open the question of defining the distinction between them. The Szklary holtite crystallized from the melt along with other primary Ta-Nb-(Ti) minerals such as columbite-(Mn), tantalite-(Mn), stibiotantalite and stibiocolumbite as the availability of Ta decreased. The origin of the parental melt can be related to anatexis in the adjacent Sowie Mountains complex, leading to widespread migmatization and metamorphic segregation in pelitic-psammitic sediments metamorphosed at similar to 390-380 Ma

    Venom costs and optimization in scorpions

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    Scorpions use venoms as weapons to improve prey capture and predator defense, and these benefits must be balanced against costs associated with its use. Venom costs involve direct energetic costs associated with the production and storage of toxins, and indirect fitness costs arising from reduced venom availability. In order to reduce these costs, scorpions optimize their venom use via evolutionary responses, phenotypic plasticity, and behavioral mechanisms. Over long timescales, evolutionary adaptation to environments with different selection pressures appears to have contributed to interspecific variation in venomcomposition and stingermorphology. Furthermore, plastic responses may allow scorpions to modify and optimize their venom composition as pressures change. Optimal venomuse can vary when facing each prey itemand potential predator encountered, and therefore scorpions display a range of behaviors to optimize their venom use to the particular situation. These behaviors include varying sting rates, employing dry stings, and further altering the volume and composition of venom injected. Whilst these cost-reducing mechanisms are recognized in scorpions, relatively little is understood about the factors that influence them. Here, we review evidence of the costs associated with venom use in scorpions and discuss the mechanisms that have evolved to minimize them

    Small molecules in the venom of the scorpion Hormurus waigiensis

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    Despite scorpion stings posing a significant public health issue in particular regions of the world, certain aspects of scorpion venom chemistry remain poorly described. Although there has been extensive research into the identity and activity of scorpion venom peptides, non-peptide small molecules present in the venom have received comparatively little attention. Small molecules can have important functions within venoms; for example, in some spider species the main toxic components of the venom are acylpolyamines. Other molecules can have auxiliary effects that facilitate envenomation, such as purines with hypotensive properties utilised by snakes. In this study, we investigated some non-peptide small molecule constituents of Hormurus waigiensis venom using LC/MS, reversed-phase HPLC, and NMR spectroscopy. We identified adenosine, adenosine monophosphate (AMP), and citric acid within the venom, with low quantities of the amino acids glutamic acid and aspartic acid also being present. Purine nucleosides such as adenosine play important auxiliary functions in snake venoms when injected alongside other venom toxins, and they may have a similar role within H. waigiensis venom. Further research on these and other small molecules in scorpion venoms may elucidate their roles in prey capture and predator defence, and gaining a greater understanding of how scorpion venom components act in combination could allow for the development of improved first aid

    On the sensitivity of event-related fields to recollection and familiarity

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    The sensitivity of event-related potentials (ERPs) to the processes of recollection and familiarity has been explored extensively, and ERPs have been used subsequently to infer the contributions these processes make to memory judgments under a range of different circumstances. It has also been shown that event-related fields (ERFs, the magnetic counterparts of ERPs) are sensitive to memory retrieval processes. The links between ERFs, recollection and familiarity are, however, established only weakly. In this experiment, the sensitivity of ERFs to these processes was investigated in a paradigm used previously with ERPs. An early frontally distributed modulation varied with memory confidence in a way that aligns it with the process of familiarity, while a later parietally distributed modulation tracked subjective claims of recollection in a way that aligns it with this process. These data points strengthen the argument for employing ERFs to assess the contributions these processes can make to memory judgments, as well as for investigating the nature of the processes themselves

    The Crystal Chemistry of Holtite

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    Holtite, approximately (Al,Ta,square)Al(6)(BO(3))(Si,Sb(3+),As(3+))(Sigma 3)O(12)(O,OH,square)(Sigma 3), is a member of the dumortierite group that has been found in pegmatite, or alluvial deposits derived from pegmatite, at three localities: Greenbushes, Western Australia; Voron\u27i Tundry, Kola Peninsula, Russia; and Szklary, Lower Silesia, Poland. Holtite can contain \u3e30 wt.% Sb(2)O(3), As(2)O(3), Ta(2)O(5), Nb(2)O(5), and TiO(2) (taken together), but none of these constituents is dominant at a crystallographic site, which raises the question whether this mineral is distinct from dumortierite. The crystal structures of four samples from the three localities have been refined to R(1) = 0.02-0.05. The results show dominantly: Al, Ta, and vacancies at the Al(1) position; Al and vacancies at the Al(2), (3) and (4) sites; Si and vacancies at the Si positions; and Sb, As and vacancies at the Sb sites for both Sb-poor (holtite I) and Sb-rich (holtite II) specimens. Although charge-balance calculations based on our single-crystal structure refinements suggest that essentially no water is present, Fourier transform infrared spectra confirm that some OH is present in the three samples that could be measured. By analogy with dumortierite, the largest peak at 3505-3490 cm(-1) is identified with OH at the O(2) and O(7) positions. The single-crystal X-ray refinements and FTIR results suggest the following general formula for holtite: Al(7-[5x+y+z]/3)(Ta,Nb)(x)square([2x+y+z]/3)BSi(3-y)(Sb,As)(y)O(18-y-z)(OH)(z), where x is the total number of pentavalent cations, y is the total amount of Sb + As, and z \u3c= y is the total amount of OH. Comparison with the electron microprobe compositions suggests the following approximate general formulae Al(5.83)(Ta,Nb)(0.50)square(0.67)BSi(2.50)(Sb,As)(0.50)O(17.00)(OH)(0.50) and Al(5.92)(Ta,Nb)(0.25)square(0.83)BSi(2.00)(Sb,As)(1.00) O(16.00)(OH)(1.00) for holtite I and holtite II respectively. However, the crystal structure refinements do not indicate a fundamental difference in cation ordering that might serve as a criterion for recognizing the two holtites as distinct species, and anion compositions are also not sufficiently different. Moreover, available analyses suggest the possibility of a continuum in the Si/(Sb + As) ratio between holtite I and dumortierite, and at least a partial continuum between holtite I and holtite II. We recommend that use of the terms holtite I and holtite II be discontinued
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