60 research outputs found

    Agronomic characteristics of the Panicum maximum cv. Mombaça submitted to increasing levels of phosphorus

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    O objetivo deste experimento foi avaliar o efeito da adição de doses crescentes de P2O5 sobre a altura do dossel, o número de perfilhos e a produção de matéria seca de folhas e de colmos do capim-Mombaça, em diferentes idades. Foi conduzido um experimento implantado em um Nitossolo Vermelho Eutrófico. O delineamento experimental usado foi o de blocos completos casualizados, com quatro repetições, cinco doses de P2O5 (30, 60, 90, 120 e 150kg ha-1) e uma testemunha. Para a primeira e segunda coletas, observou-se o efeito linear do fósforo sobre o perfilhamento. Para a terceira e quarta coletas, os dados ajustaram-se ao modelo quadrático. A participação das lâminas foliares na matéria seca da parte aérea diminuiu com as doses de P2O5. Por outro lado, a participação de colmos aumentou com as doses de P2O5. A produção de matéria seca (MS) da parte aérea para primeira, segunda e terceira coletas respondeu de forma linear à aplicação de P2O5 observando-se um aumento estimado de 7, 15 e 19kg ha-1 de MS por kg ha-1 de P2O5, respectivamente. Para a quarta coleta, os dados ajustaram-se ao modelo quadrático de regressão, sendo a máxima produção, 8,3Mg ha-1 de MS, obtida com a aplicação de 103kg ha-1 de P2O5.The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the effects of the addition of increasing doses of P2O5 on the height of the dossal, number of stalks, production of dry matter of leaves and the stems of the Mombaça-grass, in different ages. The experiment was implanted in an Eutrophic Red Nitossol. The experimental designs used were complete randomized block, with four replicates, five levels of P2O5 (30, 60, 90, 120, and 150kg. ha-1) and a tester. Analyzing the first and second harvest of the pasture the tillering showed positive linear response to the increasing phosphorus levels, for the third and fourth harvest, the data were adjusted to the quadratic model. Increasing P2O5 doses decreased the leaf lamina fraction of aerial part dry matter, however raised the stems fraction. In the first, second and third harvest, aerial part dry matter production increased linearly (7, 15 and 19kg ha-1 of DM for kg ha-1 of P2O5, respectively). In the fourth harvest the data were adjusted to the quadratic model of regression, the maximum production (8.3Mg ha-1 of DM) was obtained in the application of 103kg ha-1 of P2O5

    Fresh sugarcane or ensiled without and with chemical additives: aerobic stability of forage and diets

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    Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a susceptibilidade à deterioração aeróbia e às perdas de matéria seca da cana-de-açúcar in natura ou ensilada com ou sem aditivos químicos, bem como de rações formuladas com esses volumosos. O experimento foi desenvolvido em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições, composto da cana-de-açúcar in natura ou ensilada com cal virgem ou calcário no nível de 1% da massa verde. Avaliou-se a estabilidade aeróbia dos volumosos e das rações, por meio do monitoramento da temperatura, do pH e das perdas de matéria seca, durante dez dias. O tratamento da cana-de-açúcar com cal virgem melhorou a estabilidade aeróbia, evidenciada pelo maior tempo para elevação de temperatura e pelas menores perdas de matéria seca. A cana-de-açúcar in natura mostrou-se mais propensa à deterioração, com maior aumento da temperatura e maior perda de matéria seca. Nas rações contendo os volumosos, também foi observada superioridade das silagens tratadas com aditivos químicos, bem como melhoria na estabilidade aeróbia, em comparação aos volumosos sem os componentes das rações. Os aditivos foram efetivos na melhoria da estabilidade das silagens e na redução das perdas de matéria seca. A cana-de-açúcar in natura apresentou maior susceptibilidade à deterioração aeróbia em comparação às silagens. As rações contendo os volumosos tornaram a deterioração aeróbia mais tardia, revelando-se como possível estratégia para melhoria do manejo dentro da propriedade.The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the susceptibility to aerobic deterioration and dry matter losses of fresh sugarcane and silages with or without chemical additives, and diets composed formulated with these bulks. The experiments were conducted in a complete randomized design with four replications, consisting of fresh or ensilaged sugarcane with calcium oxide or limestone at the level of 1% fresh matter. The aerobic stability was assessed of the bulks and diets by monitoring temperature, pH and dry matter losses during ten days. The treatment sugarcane with calcium oxide improved aerobic stability, shown by the longer time needed to raise the temperature and the smaller dry matter losses. Fresh sugarcane was more susceptible to deterioration, showing the highest temperature increase and dry matter losses. Diets containing bulk also showed the superiority of the silage treated with chemical additives and improvement in aerobic stability, compared to bulks without the diet components. The additives were shown to be effective in improving silage stability and reducing dry matter losses. Fresh sugarcane was more susceptible to aerobic deterioration than silages. Diets containing sugarcane silage with additives delayed the aerobic deterioration and may be a possible strategy to improve farm nutritional management

    Diet digestibility, ruminal parameters and performance of Santa Ines sheep fed dried citrus pulp and wet brewer grain

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    Dois experimentos foram realizados com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da substituição do milho por polpa cítrica peletizada e resíduo úmido de cervejaria sobre a digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes da dieta, os parâmetros ruminais e o desempenho de ovinos. As dietas foram definidas pela substituição do milho (controle) pela polpa cítrica peletizada ou pela mistura de resíduo úmido de cervejaria e polpa cítrica. No experimento 1, para avaliação do consumo, da digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes e dos parâmetros ruminais, foram utilizados 12 machos da raça Santa Inês canulados no rúmen, distribuídos em delineamento experimental de blocos completos casualisados, com três dietas e quatro repetições. No experimento 2, para avaliação do desempenho, foram confinadas 48 fêmeas, que foram alimentadas com as mesmas dietas do experimento 1. A substituição do milho pela polpa cítrica peletizada não influenciou o consumo nem a digestibilidade dos nutrientes da dieta, diferente da inclusão de resíduo úmido de cervejaria, que reduziu o consumo e a digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes, com exceção apenas da FDN, cuja digestibilidade aparente foi similar entre as dietas. A inclusão de resíduo úmido de cervejaria na dieta reduziu as concentrações ruminais de acetato e propionato e aumentou a relação acetato/propionato e o pH ruminal. Em geral, não há diferença entre a dieta contendo milho e aquela contendo polpa cítrica em substituição total ao milho. A utilização de resíduo úmido de cervejaria, no entanto, reduz o ganho médio diário, o peso corporal final e a eficiência alimentar.Two experiments were carried out with the objective to determine the effect of replacing corn by dried citrus pulp and wet brewer grain on apparent digestibility of nutrients of the diet, ruminal parameters and performance of sheep. The diets were defined by the replacement of corn (control) by dried citrus pulp or by a mixture of wet brewer grain and citrus pulp. In experiment 1, for evaluation of intake, apparent digestibility of nutrients and ruminal parameters, 12 Santa Ines ram lambs fitted with canulas in the rumen were assigned to a randomized complete block design with three diets and four replicates. In experiment two, for performance evaluation, 48 ewe lambs were confined and fed the same diets of experiment 1. Replacement of corn by dried citrus pulp did not affect intake or digestibility of nutrients in the diet. However, the inclusion of wet brewer grain reduced intake and apparent digestibility of nutrients, with exception of NDF. Apparent digestibility of NDF was similar among diets. Inclusion of wet brewer grain in the diet decreased ruminal concentration of acetate and propionate and increased acetate/propionate ratio and ruminal pH. In general, there is no difference between the diet containing corn and that containing citrus pulp in total replacement to corn. The use of wet brewer grain, however, reduces average daily gain, final body weight and feed efficiency

    Polpa cítrica úmida na terminação de cordeiros confinados:: desempenho e concentração de enzimas hepáticas

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    A indústria de produção de pectina gera um resíduo composto por pedúnculo, endocarpo, vesículas de suco, columela, sementes e minúsculas frações de epicarpo e mesocarpo de frutas cítricas, denominada Polpa Cítrica Úmida (WCP), que ainda não foi testada como alimento na nutrição de ovinos. Sendo assim, este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da substituição parcial do milho pela WCP em dietas contendo elevado teor de concentrado sobre o desempenho e a concentração de enzimas hepáticas de cordeiros confinados. Quarenta e dois cordeiros machos (15 Santa Inês e 27 ½ Dorper x Santa Inês), com 24,7 ± 1,5 kg de peso corporal e 60 ± 5 dias de idade foram distribuídos em delineamento de blocos completos casualizados. Dentro de cada bloco (n = 14), os cordeiros foram distribuídos aleatoriamente entreos tratamentos: 0WCP – dieta contendo 75,5% de milho moído, sem a inclusão de WCP; 20WCP – dieta contendo 20% de WCP em substituição ao milho moído; e 40WCP – dieta contendo 40% de WCP em substituição ao milho moído. O experimento teve duração de 70 dias, sendo dividido em 3 períodos experimentais (14 dias de adaptação as dietas e 2 períodos de 28 dias cada). As análises estatísticas foram realizadas utilizando o procedimento MIXED do SAS. Os polinômios ortogonais lineares e quadráticos foram utilizados para avaliar o efeito das dietas. Houve efeito quadrático para o consumo de matéria seca, PB, cinzas, extrato etéreo e CNF. A maior ingestão de MS e PB foi observada para os cordeiros alimentados com 20WCP, entretanto, a dieta controle aumentou o consumo de cinzas, extrato etéreo e CNF. O aumento na inclusão de WCP diminuiu o ganho médio diário e a eficiência alimentar durante o período de adaptação,entretanto, não afetou essas variáveis durante os períodos 1 e 2. Consequentemente, a inclusão de WCP reduziu o peso corporal ao final do período experimental. Não houve efeito das dietas na concentração de gama-glutamil transferase (GGT). Entretanto, houve aumento linear na concentração de aspartato aminotransferase (AST) durante o período de adaptação. Em conclusão, a inclusão de até 40% de WCP nas dietas de terminação para cordeiros confinados diminuiu o desempenho durante o período de adaptação, comprometendo o peso corporal ao final do período experimental, entretanto, não comprometeu a afetou as enzimas hepáticas. Pectin industry generates a citrus pulp residue compounded by peduncle, endocarp, juice vesicles, columella, seeds and tiny fractions of epicarp and mesocarp of citrus fruits, denominated Wet Citrus Pulp (WCP), which has not yet been tested as food for lamb’s nutrition. Thus, this study aimed to determine the effect of partial replacement of ground corn by WCP in high-concentrate diets on the performance and hepatic enzyme concentration of feedlot lambs. Forty-two male lambs (15 Santa Inês and 27 ½ Dorper × Santa Inês), with 24.7 ± 1.5 kg of BW and 60 ± 5 d of age was assigned to a randomized complete block design. Within blocks (n = 14), lambs were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 treatments: 0WCP (control) – diet containing 75.5% ground corn without WCP; 20WCP – diet containing 20% WCP in replacement of ground corn, and 40WCP – diet containing 40% WCP in replacement of ground corn. The experiment lasted 70 days, which was split in 3 experimental periods (14 days of diets’ adaptation and 2 sub-periods of 28 days each). Statistical analyses were performed using the MIXED procedure of the SAS. Orthogonal polynomials for diet response were determined by linear and quadratic effects. There was a quadratic effect for DM, CP, ash, ether extract and NFC intake The highest DM and CP intake was observed for lambs fed 20WCP, however, the control diet increased the ash, ether extract and NFC intake. The increased levels of WCP decreased the ADG and feed efficiency (FE) during the adaptation period, however, did not affect the ADG and FE on periods 1 and 2. Consequently, the increased levels of WCP inclusion decreased linearly the BW. There was no effect of WCP inclusion in diets on Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase (GGT) concentration. However, there was a linear increase for Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST) concentration during the adaptation period, but without difference in other periods. In conclusion, adding up to 40% of WCP in finishing diets for feedlot lambs decrease performance during adaptation period, compromising the final body weight, but without damages effects on liver enzymes

    Intake, nutrient apparent digestibility and ruminal constituents of sheep fed diets with canola, sunflower or castor oils

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    The objective in this experiment was to determine the effects of feeding diets with canola, sunflower or castor oils on intake, nutrient apparent digestibility and ruminal constituents of crossbred Dorper x Santa Ines sheep. Four rumen-cannulated animals of 90.2 +/- 11.4 kg average body weight were assigned to a 4 x 4 latin square. Animals remained individually in cages for the metabolism assay and were fed diets containing roughage at 500 g/kg and concentrate based on ground corn and soybean meal also at 500 g/kg. No oil was added to the control diet, whereas the others had canola, sunflower or castor oils at 30 g/kg (DM basis). There was no difference for the intake of DM and nutrients, except for ether extract, which was greater when animals received oil. The digestibility coefficients of dry matter, organic matter, crude protein, non-fiber carbohydrates and neutral detergent fiber were not changed; however, the addition of oil increased the ether extract digestibility. The values of total digestible nutrients (TDN, g/kg of DM), digestible energy (DE, Mcal/kg of DM), TDN intake and DE intake also did not change with the addition of lipids. Concerning the ruminal constituents, the addition of vegetable oils reduced the concentrations of acetate, butyrate and total short-chain fatty acids. Adding canola, sunflower or castor oils at 30 g/kg in diets with 500 g roughage/kg and 500 g concentrate/kg does not impair the intake or digestibility of nutrients in sheep, although it reduces the concentration of short-chain fatty acids in the rumen

    Growth, carcass characteristics, chemical composition and fatty acid profile of the longissimus dorsi muscle in goat kids fed diets with castor oil

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    The objective in this study was to determine growth, carcass characteristics, chemical composition and fatty acid profile of the longissimus dorsi of crossbred Boer x Saanen kids fed castor oil. Twenty-four kids (12 males and 12 females) were assigned in a randomized complete block design with two treatments and twelve replications. Blocks were defined according to weight, gender and initial age of animals for the evaluation of performance. The experimental treatments consisted of two diets containing 900 g concentrate/kg: a control diet (without addition of oil) and another containing castor oil at 30 g/kg (on a dry matter basis). After they reached an average body weight of 25 kg, males were slaughtered for the evaluation of carcass characteristics, chemical composition and fatty acid profile of the longissimus dorsi muscle. The addition of castor oil in the diet did not affect the intake of dry matter, crude protein and neutral detergent fiber; the average daily gain; and feed conversion, but increased the ether extract intake. No difference was observed for the carcass characteristics, chemical composition of the meat, concentration of C18:2 cis-9, trans-11 (CLA) and total concentration of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids and their relations; however, there was increase in the concentrations of C18:2 trans-10, cis-12 (CLA) and C20:4 omega-6. The addition of castor oil to the diet of crossbred Boer x Saanen kids containing a high content of concentrate did not promote benefit to the characteristics evaluated

    Effect of genotype on chemical composition and fatty acid profile of ewe lamb meat

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    O objetivo neste experimento foi avaliar os efeitos do genótipo sobre a composição química e o perfil de ácidos graxos no músculo longissimus dorsi de borregas. Foram utilizados 36 animais dos grupos genéticos: Santa Inês (SI), Ile de France (IF), Ile de France × Santa Inês (IF × SI), Dorper × Santa Inês (DO × SI), Texel × Santa Inês (TE × SI) e Suffolk × Santa Inês (SU × SI). Os animais foram distribuídos em blocos completos casualizados, definidos de acordo com o peso e a idade inicial. Não houve efeito do genótipo sobre os teores de umidade, cinzas e proteína no músculo. A carne das borregas dos genótipos Santa Inês e Suffolk × Santa Inês apresentou menor teor de gordura em comparação à das borregas Ile de France e Ile de France × Santa Inês. Os ácidos graxos identificados em maiores proporções no músculo foram o ácido oleico (C18:1cis), ácido palmítico (C16:0) e ácido esteárico (C18:0). No grupo genético Ile de France × Santa Inês, a relação entre os ácidos graxos poliinsaturados e saturados foi menor que nas borregas Santa Inês e Suffolk × Santa Inês. O genótipo Santa Inês e o cruzamento Suffolk × Santa Inês tem potencial para produção de carne de melhor valor nutricional, devido ao menor teor de gordura e à melhor relação entre ácidos graxos poliinsaturados e saturados


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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the inclusion of two doses of monensin and lemon grass essential oil (Cymbopogum flexuosus) on nutrient intake and digestibility, ruminal fermentation and ingestive behavior of lambs fed a high-concentrate diet. Four ruminally cannulated ram lambs (44.7 ± 3.72 kg of BW and approximately 5 mo. old) in a 4 x 4 Latin square experimental design were used. The control diet (CONT) contained 15% of oat hay, 85% of concentrate and no additives. In the remaining diets it was included 12.5 (12.5MON) or 25.0 (25MON) mg/kg of monensin (as-fed basis) or 1 mL/kg of DM of lemon grass essential oil (EO). The treatments had no effect on the nutrient intake and digestibility. The lambs that received the EO treatment showed a higher ruminal pH in comparison to those that received the control diet. However, they did not differ from treatments with monensin. A quadratic response was observed for ruminal pH, with the highest value observed in the animals fed the diet 12.5MON. The lambs fed EO had a higher ruminal concentration of acetate than the diet with monensin. There was a quadratic response of monensin on ruminal concentration of acetate, with the lowest value observed for 12.5MON. The acetate:propionate ratio was lower in lambs fed 12.5MON compared to the control. EO decreased the ruminal concentration of butyrate; however, its concentration was higher in lambs fed monensin than EO diets. A lower concentration of total short chain fatty acids (SCFA) was observed in lambs fed 12.5MON. The alanine aminotransferase (ALT) blood concentration was higher in the lambs fed EO compared to the control. EO increased rumen concentration of blood glucose compared to the treatments containing monensin and decreased the number of eggs per gram of feces (EGF). In addition, there was a quadratic response of monensin on the EGF, with a higher value in the lambs fed 12.5MON. In conclusion, half of the daily dose of monensin was more effective at increasing ruminal pH than the full dose, with no negative reflection on nutrient intake and digestibility, as well as on the ingestive behavior and parasitic load of the animals. Thus, 12.5MON may be indicated for lambs feed high concentrate diet. EO proved to be a good natural source to replace ionophores in diets for lambs

    Low doses of monensin for lambs fed diets containing high level of ground flint corn

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    Two experiments were proposed to evaluate the addition of monensin for lambs fed diets containing a high level of mature ground flint corn. The experimental diets were as follows: no inclusion of monensin (M0) and inclusion of 8 (M8), 16 (M16) and 24 mg kg–1 of monensin (M24). In experiment 1, eight cannulated wethers were divided into a double 4 × 4 Latin square experimental design to evaluate nutrient digestibility, plasma parameters and rumen fermentation. The experiment lasted 112 days, divided into four periods of 28 days each. In experiment 2, ninety-two lambs were used in a randomized block design to evaluate the performance over 56 days. In experiment 1, doses of monensin had no effect on nutrient intake (p ≥ 0.07) and digestibility (p ≥ 0.09). There was a quadratic effect for acetate molar proportion (p = 0.01), acetate to propionate ratio (p = 0.04) and rumen pH (p < 0.01). However, there was no effect on the molar proportion of propionate and butyrate. The monensin decreased linearly the total SCFA concentration (p < 0.01). The inclusion of monensin increased glucose (p < 0.01) and decreased lactate concentration in plasma (p = 0.05). In experiment 2, monensin decreased dry matter intake (p = 0.04). However, there was a quadratic effect for average daily gain (p = 0.03) and feed efficiency (p < 0.01), with the greatest values observed for the M8 diet. Thus, the inclusion of 8 mg kg–1 of dry matter diet (DM) improves ruminal fermentation and plasma parameters, resulting in greater growth performance in lambs
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