13 research outputs found

    Preclinical Evaluation of Vemurafenib as Therapy for BRAFV600E Mutated Sarcomas

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    The BRAFV600E mutation, which in melanoma is targetable with vemurafenib, is also found in sarcomas and we here evaluate the therapeutic potential in sarcoma cell lines. Methods: Four sarcoma cell lines harboring the BRAFV600E mutation, representing liposarcomas (SA-4 and SW872), Ewing sarcoma (A673) and atypical synovial sarcoma (SW982), were treated with vemurafenib and the effects on cell growth, apoptosis, cell cycle progression and cell signaling were determined. Results: Vemurafenib induced a strong cytostatic effect in SA-4 cells, mainly due to cell cycle arrest, whereas only moderate levels of apoptosis were observed. However, a high dose was required compared to BRAFV600E mutated melanoma cells, and removal of vemurafenib demonstrated that the continuous presence of drug was required for sustained growth inhibition. A limited growth inhibition was observed in the other three cell lines. Protein analyses demonstrated reduced phosphorylation of ERK during treatment with vemurafenib in all the four sarcoma cell lines confirming that the MAPK pathway is active in these cell lines, and that the pathway can be inhibited by vemurafenib, but also that these cells can proliferate despite this. Conclusions: These findings indicate that vemurafenib alone would not be an efficient therapy against BRAFV600E mutated sarcomas. However, further investigations of combination with other drugs are warranted

    Characterization of Liposarcoma Cell Lines for Preclinical and Biological Studies

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    Liposarcoma cell lines represent in vitro models for studying disease mechanisms at the cellular level and for preclinical evaluation of novel drugs. To date there are a limited number of well-characterized models available. In this study, nine immortal liposarcoma cell lines were evaluated for tumor-forming ability, stem cell- and differentiation potential, and metastatic potential, with the aim to generate a well-characterized liposarcoma cell line panel. Detailed stem cell and differentiation marker analyses were also performed. Five of the liposarcoma cell lines were tumorigenic, forming tumors in mice. Interestingly, tumor-forming ability correlated with high proliferative capacity in vitro. All the cell lines underwent adipocytic differentiation, but the degree varied. Surprisingly, the expression of stem cell and differentiation markers did not correlate well with function. Overall, the panel contains cell lines suited for in vivo analyses (LPS141, SA-4, T778, SW872, and LISA-2), for testing novel drugs targeting cancer stem cells (LPS141) and for studying tumor progression and metastasis (T449 and T778)

    Pml nuclear body disruption cooperates in APL pathogenesis and impairs DNA damage repair pathways in mice

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    A hallmark of acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) is altered nuclear architecture, with disruption of PML nuclear bodies (NBs) mediated by the PML-RARĪ± oncoprotein. To address whether this phenomenon plays a role in disease pathogenesis, we generated a knock-in mouse model with NB disruption mediated by two point mutations (C62A/C65A) in the Pml RING domain. While no leukemias developed in PmlC62A/C65A mice, these transgenic mice also expressing RARĪ± linked to a dimerization domain (p50-RARĪ± model) exhibited a doubling in the rate of leukemia, with a reduced latency period. Additionally, we found that response to targeted therapy with all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) in vivo was dependent on NB integrity. PML-RARĪ± is recognized to be insufficient for development of APL, requiring acquisition of cooperating mutations. We therefore investigated whether NB disruption might be mutagenic. Compared to wild-type cells, primary PmlC62A/C65A cells exhibited increased sister-chromatid exchange and chromosome abnormalities. Moreover, functional assays showed impaired homologous recombination (HR) and non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) repair pathways, with defective localization of Brca1 and Rad51 to sites of DNA damage. These data directly demonstrate that Pml NBs are critical for DNA damage responses, and suggest that Pml NB disruption is a central contributor to APL pathogenesis

    Estimation of evapotranspiration from TOA radiances in the Poyang Lake Basin, China

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    A hallmark of acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) is altered nuclear architecture, with disruption of PML nuclear bodies (NBs) mediated by the PML-RARĪ± oncoprotein. To address whether this phenomenon plays a role in disease pathogenesis, we generated a knock-in mouse model with NB disruption mediated by two point mutations (C62A/C65A) in the Pml RING domain. While no leukemias developed in PmlC62A/C65A mice, these transgenic mice also expressing RARĪ± linked to a dimerization domain (p50-RARĪ± model) exhibited a doubling in the rate of leukemia, with a reduced latency period. Additionally, we found that response to targeted therapy with all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) in vivo was dependent on NB integrity. PML-RARĪ± is recognized to be insufficient for development of APL, requiring acquisition of cooperating mutations. We therefore investigated whether NB disruption might be mutagenic. Compared to wild-type cells, primary PmlC62A/C65A cells exhibited increased sister-chromatid exchange and chromosome abnormalities. Moreover, functional assays showed impaired homologous recombination (HR) and non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) repair pathways, with defective localization of Brca1 and Rad51 to sites of DNA damage. These data directly demonstrate that Pml NBs are critical for DNA damage responses, and suggest that Pml NB disruption is a central contributor to APL pathogenesis