51 research outputs found

    Barrier-free use of public spaces - Kroměříž

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    Předmětem diplomové práce bylo analyzování problematiky bezbariérového užívání veřejných prostranství v městě Kroměříž. Za tímto účelem byl proveden rozbor současného stavu veřejných prostranství včetně zastávek MHD, přechodů pro chodce, chodníků a byl proveden návrh řešení s cílem zvýšení dostupnosti a příležitosti pro osoby s omezenou schopností pohybu a orientace se zpřístupněním veřejného prostranství v návaznosti na občanskou vybavenost a s důrazem na vytvoření bezbariérových pěších tras včetně napojení na centrum města Kroměříž s akceptováním zásad Národního rozvojového programu mobility pro všechny, programů SFDI zaměřených ke zvýšení bezpečnosti dopravy a jejího zpřístupňování osobám s omezenou schopností pohybu a orientace. Na základě zjištěných nedostatků byl proveden návrh řešení odstranění bariér, a to v souladu s příslušnými právními předpisy a českými technickými normami.The subject of the diploma thesis was the analysis of the issue of barrier-free use of public spaces in the city of Kroměříž. To this end, an analysis of the current state of public spaces, including public transport stops, pedestrian crossings, sidewalks, was proposed and a solution was proposed to increase accessibility and opportunities for people with reduced mobility with access to public space in relation to civic amenities and with emphasis on creation of barrier-free pedestrian routes, including connection to the city center of Kroměříž with acceptance of the principles of the National Development Program for Mobility for All, SFDI programs aimed at increasing transport safety and making it accessible to people with reduced mobility and orientation. Based on the identified shortcomings, a proposal for a solution to remove barriers was made, in accordance with the relevant legal regulations and Czech technical standards.222 - Katedra městského inženýrstvívýborn

    Support Work Experience of Students in Civil Engineering

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    AbstractCivil engineering is a field with big demand on the theoretical background and practical experience. Very good theoretical knowledge students acquire during their studies at university, which is in many cases supplemented by theoretical knowledge gained at foreign universities in the frame of the student mobility. In conditions of the Czech educational system, however, there is still rather limited use of opportunities to enrich students’ theoretical education with practical experience in areas that students are studying. There are more ways to bring students to practice. One possibility is to include a mandatory practice in the curriculum of students. Other options can be in the form of organized internships for selected students in companies or excursions of students to major constructions with the participation of persons responsible for their realization. The paper is focused on the characteristic of basic approaches leading to the practical experience of students organized by Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, and identification of options for its further development

    Financial Management of Construction Companies

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    The objective of financial management of construction companies is to generate profit and provide financial stability. Financial stability is provided by managing the amount of both fixed and current assets, the amount of equity and external capital. Therefore, in order to reach the objective of financial management, it is necessary to comply with the basic financial rules. In the framework of nationwide analyses of economic indicators for different industries, there is data published on the website of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, which, however, apply to all construction companies. For this reason, the authors of the article focused on individual subcategories of construction companies (small, medium and large), which are defined by turnover, assets and number of employees. The research studied whether these subcategories fulfil all or part of the basic financial rules, including the following rules: golden rule of risk equalization: the ratio of own and external resources should be in the ratio of 1:1, golden balance rule: fixed assets should be covered by long-term resources; golden “pari” rule: fixed assets should be covered by equity. The research also monitored the structure of assets, i.e. the ratio between fixed and current assets and was based on elementary methods of financial analysis (vertical and horizontal methods). The outputs of the paper will be further used for the next step of the research, which will focus on tax optimization of individual categories of construction companies in relation to financial management of fixed assets

    Benefits of Increased Railway Safety and Reliability and their Evaluation

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    The paper focuses on the presentation of key results of the project of applied research oriented on evaluation of the increased safety and reliability of the railway network due to the implementation of relevant railway network projects and their projection into the investment project socio-economic evaluation using Cost-Benefit Analysis. The subject research described in the article is the design and verification of the functionality of the methodological procedure for the evaluation of these benefits for their further use in the assessment of public projects on railways. The methodological part summarizes the basic outputs of the previous research. These outputs were subsequently applied at the formulation of basic rules for the assessment of benefits connected with increased railway reliability and safety, which were later processed into the form of simplified methodological procedure. The simplified approach uses average data on the occurrence impact for the entire railway network, broken down into line and station sections. The functionality of individual approaches was checked on case studies of actually implemented projects

    Accident costs on the railway network in the Czech national conditions

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    The issue of assessing socio-economic impacts represent a key element of the decisionmaking process on the implementation of major public investment projects. The correctness of the decision depends both on the chosen principle of the socio-economic analysis and the input data. The presented article focuses on updating selected input values for the socio-economic assessment of railway infrastructure projects. Specifically, the simplified values of the estimated rail accidents costs. Accident costs are used for considering the change in the safety. At present, these values, which are also stated in the national methodological resources, are based on statistical data of the entire European Union and thus do not reflect the possible national specifics of projects implemented in the territory of individual Member States. The principle of updating values is from a methodological point of view based on the original calculation principles, however, involves a set of information items on the occurrences that emerged in the past in a specific area. The output of the article is a set of methodological steps considering national conditions when determining the average accident costs, subsequently verified on a case study of the railway network in the Czech Republic. The outputs of the presented article directly build on the results of the research project in which the team of article authors has been involved. The research results refer to different values of accident costs uniformly determined for the entire European Union territory and those determined individually for the conditions of the railway infrastructure in the Czech Republic