104 research outputs found
Cryogenic challenges for different superconductive motor topologies
Numerous studies and prototypes have proven the potential benefi t of supercon- ducting material
being used in motors and generators. The electromagnetic system used in the motor or generator
offers already for normal conductive systems a large variety of topologies, with the superconduc-
tor being introduced completely new compositions can be realized. This presentation will give an
overview of selected rotor and stator topologies being suitable for integrating superconducting
material to improve the performance. The specifi c requirements of each system will be discussed,
focusing on the potential application range. Besides the electromagnetic layout it is also important
to completely integrate necessary cryogenic components into the motor or generator. Depending
on the topology the specifi cations for the cryogenic components will be listed and characteristical
constraints are mentioned. Complementary to the theoretical discussion of the topologies some
representative demonstrators of the past will be selected and presented
Context-based Normalization of Histological Stains using Deep Convolutional Features
While human observers are able to cope with variations in color and
appearance of histological stains, digital pathology algorithms commonly
require a well-normalized setting to achieve peak performance, especially when
a limited amount of labeled data is available. This work provides a fully
automated, end-to-end learning-based setup for normalizing histological stains,
which considers the texture context of the tissue. We introduce Feature Aware
Normalization, which extends the framework of batch normalization in
combination with gating elements from Long Short-Term Memory units for
normalization among different spatial regions of interest. By incorporating a
pretrained deep neural network as a feature extractor steering a pixelwise
processing pipeline, we achieve excellent normalization results and ensure a
consistent representation of color and texture. The evaluation comprises a
comparison of color histogram deviations, structural similarity and measures
the color volume obtained by the different methods.Comment: In: 3rd Workshop on Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis (DLMIA
Crowdlending in Microfinance: A New Source of Debt Capital
This dissertation combines aspects from classical microfinance and online commercial crowdlending in order to investigate several aspects which are important, but still under-researched in the field of crowdlending through socially-oriented investors in microfinance.
Kiva’s intermediation-based microfinancing model has extensively been researched regarding several topics. However, we noticed a lack of knowledge regarding the credit default risk of microborrowers which results in financial losses for investors. Additionally, very little is known about the
MFIs which are the core of this microfinancing model. But this is important as MFIs are simultaneously financial intermediaries and recipients of interest-free
capital. This thesis addresses these two gaps in empirical research. It aims to shed light on, firstly, the determinants of credit default risk and, secondly, the characteristics of the MFIs in the context of microfinancing through the worldwide
crowd. The third part of this dissertation provides very first insights on the funding behavior of investors who enable microloans requested in developed countries via Kiva’s direct peer-to-peer model without intermediation.
The research projects contribute to the literature on microfinance and crowdlending through examining MFIs refinancing their loan portfolio with interest-free debt capital, analyzing credit risk factors and discussing the funding behavior of investors who enable microloans in a developed country
Exploring the transition to the digital age in higher education teaching
The global Covid 19-pandemic led to many challenges for higher education (HE) teachers. However, it also provided an opportunity to not only re-evaluate a previously unquestioned teaching culture, but also to fundamentally question the capabilities of HE institutions and teachers to implement digitally supported education at the organizational, teaching, and learning levels. In this study, we analyzed data from 1,339 HE teachers’ conclusions for post-pandemic teaching terms of instructional course quality. Our findings shed light on HE teachers’ mindsets toward traditional face-to-face and online teaching, as well as (im)probable changes in academic teaching culture. Our results offer a “bottom-up” basis for recommendations on how institutions can support their faculty for digital transformations in HE based on teachers’ expertise and perceptions of the advantages and hindrances of HE online teaching
Neutrophils are required for both the sensitization and elicitation phase of contact hypersensitivity
Allergic contact dermatitis and its animal model, contact hypersensitivity (CHS), are T cell-mediated inflammatory skin diseases induced by contact allergens. Though numerous cellular and molecular players are known, the mechanism of chemical-induced sensitization remains poorly understood. Here, we identify neutrophils as crucial players in the sensitization phase of CHS. Genetic deficiency of neutrophils caused by myeloid-specific deletion of Mcl-1 or antibody-mediated depletion of neutrophils before sensitization abrogated the CHS response. Neutrophil deficiency reduced contact allergen-induced cytokine production, gelatinase release, and reactive oxygen species production in naive mice. Mast cell deficiency inhibited neutrophil accumulation at the site of sensitization. In turn, neutrophils were required for contact allergen-induced release of further neutrophil-attracting chemokines, migration of DCs to the draining lymph nodes, and priming of allergen-specific T cells. Lymph node cells from mice sensitized in the absence of neutrophils failed to transfer sensitization to naive recipients. Furthermore, no CHS response could be induced when neutrophils were depleted before elicitation or when normally sensitized lymph node cells were transferred to neutrophil-deficient recipients, indicating an additional role for neutrophils in the elicitation phase. Collectively, our data identify neutrophils to be critically involved in both the sensitization and elicitation phase of CHS
Capturing complex tumour biology in vitro: Histological and molecular characterisation of precision cut slices
Precision-cut slices of in vivo tumours permit interrogation in vitro of heterogeneous cells from solid tumours together with their native microenvironment. They offer a low throughput but high content in vitro experimental platform. Using mouse models as surrogates for three common human solid tumours, we describe a standardised workflow for systematic comparison of tumour slice cultivation methods and a tissue microarray-based method to archive them. Cultivated slices were compared to their in vivo source tissue using immunohistochemical and transcriptional biomarkers, particularly of cellular stress. Mechanical slicing induced minimal stress. Cultivation of tumour slices required organotypic support materials and atmospheric oxygen for maintenance of integrity and was associated with significant temporal and loco-regional changes in protein expression, for example HIF-1α. We recommend adherence to the robust workflow described, with recognition of temporal-spatial changes in protein expression before interrogation of tumour slices by pharmacological or other means
Multidimensional treatment foster care for preschoolers: early findings of an implementation in the Netherlands
Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care (MTFC) has been shown to be an evidence based alternative to residential rearing and an effective method to improve behavior and attachment of preschool foster children in the US. This preliminary study investigated an application of MTFC for preschoolers (MTFC-P) in the Netherlands focusing on behavioral outcomes in course of the intervention. To examine the following hypothesis: “the time in the MTFC-P intervention predicts a decline in problem behavior, as this is the desired outcome for children assigned to MTFC-P”, we assessed the daily occurrence of 38 problem behaviors via telephone interviews. Repeated measures revealed significant reduced problem behavior in course of the program. MTFC-P promises to be a treatment model suitable for high-risk foster children, that is transferable across centres and countries
Sektoralisierung als Planungsherausforderung im inklusiven Gemeinwesen
2. Hrsg.: Martin F. Reichstein
Förderung durch: Forschungsinstitut für gesellschaftliche Weiterentwicklung (FGW)Seit September 2016 führt das Zentrum für Planung und Evaluation
Sozialer Dienste (ZPE) der Universität Siegen das Forschungsprojekt
„Koordinationspotenziale kommunaler Teilhabepolitik in der Pflege,
Behindertenhilfe und Sozialpsychiatrie (KoKoP)“ durch. Das Projekt wird
im Rahmen des Programms „Vorbeugende Sozialpolitik“ des nordrheinwestfä-
lischen Forschungsinstituts fĂĽr Gesellschaftliche Weiterentwicklung
(FGW) finanziell gefördert.
Ziel des Projektes ist es, anhand empirischer Untersuchungen Erkenntnisse
darüber zu gewinnen, welche Möglichkeiten für Kommunen bestehen,
durch Planung und Koordination die Wirkungen von Teilhabeleistungen in
den Leistungsbereichen der Pflege, Behindertenhilfe und Sozialpsychiatrie
zu optimieren. Zudem soll der Frage nachgegangen werden, wie
professionelle Hilfen stärker mit informellen Ressourcen im Vor- und
Umfeld des Leistungsgeschehens verknüpft werden können. Mögliche
Problemquellen werden u.a. in einer ausgeprägten Sektoralisierung des
Leistungsgeschehens, mangelnder Kooperation sowie in einer geringen
Sozialraumorientierung vermutet.
Im Rahmen eines eintägigen Expertenworkshops am 14. November
2017 wurden zum einen Zwischenergebnisse bisheriger Untersuchungen
vorgestellt und diskutiert. Zum anderen wurden in drei Arbeitsgruppen
zentrale Fragestellungen des Projekts erörtert. Der vorliegende Band ist
eine Zusammenschau von Beiträgen einzelner Teilnehmer*innen dieses
Analyzing the regulation of metabolic pathways in human breast cancer
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Tumor therapy mainly attacks the metabolism to interfere the tumor's anabolism and signaling of proliferative second messengers. However, the metabolic demands of different cancers are very heterogeneous and depend on their origin of tissue, age, gender and other clinical parameters. We investigated tumor specific regulation in the metabolism of breast cancer.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>For this, we mapped gene expression data from microarrays onto the corresponding enzymes and their metabolic reaction network. We used Haar Wavelet transforms on optimally arranged grid representations of metabolic pathways as a pattern recognition method to detect orchestrated regulation of neighboring enzymes in the network. Significant combined expression patterns were used to select metabolic pathways showing shifted regulation of the aggressive tumors.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Besides up-regulation for energy production and nucleotide anabolism, we found an interesting cellular switch in the interplay of biosynthesis of steroids and bile acids. The biosynthesis of steroids was up-regulated for estrogen synthesis which is needed for proliferative signaling in breast cancer. In turn, the decomposition of steroid precursors was blocked by down-regulation of the bile acid pathway.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We applied an intelligent pattern recognition method for analyzing the regulation of metabolism and elucidated substantial regulation of human breast cancer at the interplay of cholesterol biosynthesis and bile acid metabolism pointing to specific breast cancer treatment.</p
Cobaloxime complex salts : synthesis, patterning on carbon nanomembranes and heterogeneous hydrogen evolution studies
Cobaloximes are promising, earth-abundant catalysts for the light-driven hydrogen evolution reaction. Typically, these cobalt(III) complexes are prepared in situ or employed in their neutral form, e.g. [Co(dmgH 2 )(py)Cl], even though related complex salts have been reported previously and could in principle offer improved catalytic activity as well as more efficient immobilization on solid support. Here we report an interdisciplinary investigation into complex salts [Co(dmgH) 2 (py) 2 ] + [Co(dmgBPh 2 ) 2 Cl 2 ] - , TBA + [Co(dmgBPh 2 ) 2 Cl 2 ] - and [Co(dmgH) 2 (py) 2 ] + BArF - . We describe their strategic syntheses from commercially available complex [Co(dmgH) 2 (py)Cl] and demonstrate that these double and single complex salts are potent catalysts for the light-driven hydrogen evolution reaction. We also show that scanning electrochemical cell microscopy can be used to deposit arrays of catalysts [Co(dmgH) 2 (py) 2 ] + [Co(dmgBPh 2 ) 2 Cl 2 ] - and [Co(dmgH) 2 (py)Cl] on supported and free-standing amino-terminated ~ 1 nm thick carbon nanomembranes (CNMs). Photocatalytic H 2 evolution at such arrays was quantified with Pd microsensors using scanning electrochemical microscopy, thus providing a new approach for catalytic evaluation and opening up novel routes for the creation and analysis of “designer catalyst arrays”, nano-printed in a desired pattern on a solid support
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