26 research outputs found

    Antigen interaction with B cells in two proliferative disorders : CLL and MGUS

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    The aim of the work presented in this thesis was to elucidate B cell interaction with antigen in the two B cell proliferative disorders chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS). In the first part we investigated the antigen specificity of CLL cells and characterized Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-transformed CLL cell lines with regard to phenotype and genotype. The second part consists of studies on the antigen presenting capacity of myelin protein zero (P0) specific MGUS B cells and their relation to T cells and development of polyneuropathy. The aim of the work presented in this thesis was to elucidate B cell interaction with antigen in the two B cell proliferative disorders chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS). In the first part we investigated the antigen specificity of CLL cells and characterized Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-transformed CLL cell lines with regard to phenotype and genotype. The second part consists of studies on the antigen presenting capacity of myelin protein zero (P0) specific MGUS B cells and their relation to T cells and development of polyneuropathy. CLL cells are considered antigen experienced and different patient-derived CLL cells expressing B cell receptors (BCR) with highly homologous antigen binding sites are believed to have been selected by a common antigen at some point during the leukemogenesis. In paper I we investigated the antigen specificity of CLL-cell derived antibodies (Abs) with various IGHV gene usage and stereotyped BCR subset belonging. Identified CLL antigens included vimentin, filamin B, cofilin-1, proline rich acidic protein-1, cardiolipin, oxidized low density lipoprotein and Streptococcus pneumoniae capsular polysaccharides. Many of the CLL Abs studied displayed an oligo- or polyreactive antigen binding pattern and the identified antigens were either associated with apoptotic cells or microbial infection. This is similar to what has been described for innate natural antibodies, possibly indicating that CLL cells are derived from a natural-antibody- producing B cell population. Further characterization of CLL homology subset-2 antigen specificity showed binding to glands in human gastric mucosa corpus tissue sections for a CLL homology subset-2 Ab with HCDR3 motif-1, suggesting that this CLL subset recognize an autoantigen much like the CLL Abs tested in Paper I. Characterization of EBV-transformed CLL and normal lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs) in paper II showed that eight of the CLL cell lines were verified to be of authentic neoplastic origin. Indication for a biclonal CLL was found in two of the cell lines and two of the presumably normal LCLs turned out to represent the malignant CLL clone. For three cell lines no conclusive evidence for CLL origin could be found emphasizing the importance of verifying the identity of cell lines used in research

    Antigen interaction with B cells in two proliferative disorders : CLL and MGUS

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    The aim of the work presented in this thesis was to elucidate B cell interaction with antigen in the two B cell proliferative disorders chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS). In the first part we investigated the antigen specificity of CLL cells and characterized Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-transformed CLL cell lines with regard to phenotype and genotype. The second part consists of studies on the antigen presenting capacity of myelin protein zero (P0) specific MGUS B cells and their relation to T cells and development of polyneuropathy. The aim of the work presented in this thesis was to elucidate B cell interaction with antigen in the two B cell proliferative disorders chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS). In the first part we investigated the antigen specificity of CLL cells and characterized Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-transformed CLL cell lines with regard to phenotype and genotype. The second part consists of studies on the antigen presenting capacity of myelin protein zero (P0) specific MGUS B cells and their relation to T cells and development of polyneuropathy. CLL cells are considered antigen experienced and different patient-derived CLL cells expressing B cell receptors (BCR) with highly homologous antigen binding sites are believed to have been selected by a common antigen at some point during the leukemogenesis. In paper I we investigated the antigen specificity of CLL-cell derived antibodies (Abs) with various IGHV gene usage and stereotyped BCR subset belonging. Identified CLL antigens included vimentin, filamin B, cofilin-1, proline rich acidic protein-1, cardiolipin, oxidized low density lipoprotein and Streptococcus pneumoniae capsular polysaccharides. Many of the CLL Abs studied displayed an oligo- or polyreactive antigen binding pattern and the identified antigens were either associated with apoptotic cells or microbial infection. This is similar to what has been described for innate natural antibodies, possibly indicating that CLL cells are derived from a natural-antibody- producing B cell population. Further characterization of CLL homology subset-2 antigen specificity showed binding to glands in human gastric mucosa corpus tissue sections for a CLL homology subset-2 Ab with HCDR3 motif-1, suggesting that this CLL subset recognize an autoantigen much like the CLL Abs tested in Paper I. Characterization of EBV-transformed CLL and normal lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs) in paper II showed that eight of the CLL cell lines were verified to be of authentic neoplastic origin. Indication for a biclonal CLL was found in two of the cell lines and two of the presumably normal LCLs turned out to represent the malignant CLL clone. For three cell lines no conclusive evidence for CLL origin could be found emphasizing the importance of verifying the identity of cell lines used in research

    Perceptions about children neuropsychiatry’s diagnoses

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    Children become diagnosed with neuropsychiatry diagnostic. The diagnostic of children is critiqued from. The national board of health and welfare because the child psychiatric clinics differ in the reliability of diagnostic. This is a problem both in the same clinic and between clinics. The purpose is to investigate if parents of children with neuropsychiatry diagnostic consider that the diagnostic criteria were met when the child was diagnosed. The method was first a pilot study with surveys and interviews. The study was a telephone survey with parents of diagnosed children. The result indicates that the parents didn’t experience that the diagnostic criteria was met. The discussion suggests that communication between parents, child psychiatry and school needs to improve.076177784

    When pupil and parents become- the otherÂŽs

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    One of sociologyÂŽs to assess the effects of political decision. According to sociologist Anders Persson the society is changing, and in that change social fear appear. In the reaction of social fear some people are being excluded. In that more narrow frame for normality laws are created that makes some parents and their children “the other”. Nine years ago the sociologist Eva KĂ€rfve published a book that was very critical to the newborn psychiatrics diagnosing of children as a way of segregating groups in society. I am sad to say but she was right. According to the theory of Howard Becker I use a social interaction perspective to understand and interpret peopleÂŽs actions. This perspective means that people through their actions creates phenomena in society. BeckerÂŽs book Tricks of the trade gives tools to investigate situations in society. The purpose of this study is to through a case study increase the understanding of a parentÂŽs experiences in a case where municipality moved a pupil against the parents will. The method is case study, where the bulk is an interview with a pupilÂŽs parents. The study shows the steps of human interaction that lead to the moving of a pupil against the parents will. The result indicates that the decision of what a violation of the norm is decides if the new law is to be executed. I present the schoolÂŽs action from a view of the society and conclude with the questions: If we are using laws instead of giving schools economic resources, is that really what we want? If just one child is taken away from his school for the wrong reasons, is that not a case too much? The sociology is supposed to plead people without a voice cause. Reflect a structure of society and elucidate problems according to different theoretic perspectives. For me personally, the area of problem preceded the method. This study had not been what it is without the case. It takes a great deal of courage to invite a stranger to oneÂŽs home and talk about painful experiences. In the end I like to purpose that life is for everybody.070990265

    Den erotiske spelmannen

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    Jag och mitt fanskap : vad musik kan göra för mÀnniskor

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    This dissertation aims to find further understanding of how people with special interest in a certain artist utilise music and the fact that they are fans in their everyday lives. I have opted to study two fans included in each group selected for this study: Kiss, Status Quo and Lasse Stefanz, one male and one female fan belonging to each respective group. I have worked according to grounded theory as a method, and through an analysis of their musical life stories, I have attempted to identify why they became fans and how them being fans has affected them in their lives. Four categories, fandom as: a marker of identity, socialisation, a form of self therapy and a pseudo religion and the core category authenticity usage show the results of the study. The categories show that to a large extent it all comes down to the musical identity of these people, i.e. the identity of being a fan, and their experiences of being fans. They have been socialised into a specific genre, which has meant increased interest in a specific artist. Family, media and friends have all played a part in this socialisation. The informants have developed cultural competence as concerns their idols, although they have also gained the subcultural capital resources required in order to come across as credible fans. Various kinds of experiences offer meaning and nourish the fans. Security and stability in everyday lives are also contributing factors to them being fans and the music offers them something that they are unable to acquire from elsewhere. They have established different strategies in order to be able to be fans, one of these being legitimacy. A vital part of this legitimacy consists in them viewing the bands as authentic, i.e. important

    ”Don't stand so close to me” : Musik som medel för att hantera en pandemi

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    Eva Kjellander Hellqvist bidrag diskuterar musikens betydelse för välmående, under en tid då det inte har varit möjligt att gå på konserter, fotbollsmatcher eller på annat sätt uppleva musik eller evenemang. Kjellander Hellquist diskuterar hur musik och känslor kopplas ihop med tidigare erfarenheter och hur utövandet av fanskap påverkats under pandemin

    Musik och idoler : om att vara fans till lÄgstatusband

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    Alla mÀnniskor har nÄgon gÄng i sitt liv en idol eller i alla fall nÄgon de ser upp till, en förebild. Detta Àr ett fenomen som i mÄngt och mycket hör ungdomen till, men ocksÄ nÄgot som kan följa med genom hela livet. Under de tidiga tonÄren börjar individen utveckla en egen musiksmak och detta sker ofta genom influenser frÄn familj, media och kamrater och hÀnger intimt samman med identitetsprocessen. I min avhandling Jag och mitt fanskap- vad musik kan betyda för mÀnniskor (2013) visar jag hur viktigt det Àr Àven för vuxna att ha idoler, och vad det innebÀr för den enskilda personen.  I denna artikel, som utgÄr frÄn avhandlingen, handlar det om sex fans till lÄgstatusbanden Kiss (hÄrdrock, bildades 1973), Status Quo (boogie-woogierock, bildades 1962) och Lasse Stefanz (dansband, bildades 1967), alltsÄ band med lÄg autenticitet som inte tillhör den outtalade populÀrmusikaliska kanon som finns. Denna kanon bestÀms i stor utstrÀckning av journalister och forskare, det vill sÀga dem som oftast kommer med olika smakomdömen och som vÀljer vilka artister som Àr vÀrda att skriva om. För fansen till dessa lÄgstatusband Àr det dock oproblematiskt dÄ de ser artisterna som Àkta och vÀderfulla, oavsett hur andra uppfattar dem. Problemen som uppstÄr Àr av annan karaktÀr och handlar om hur fansen hanterar det faktum att omvÀrlden har en annan syn pÄ artisterna Àn vad de sjÀlva har. Det har alltsÄ inget att göra med huruvida banden Àr bra eller dÄliga, det Àr upp till var och en att bedöma, och för fansen Àr de sjÀlvklart vÀldigt bra. Syftet med denna artikel Àr dÀrför att visa pÄ de olika strategier fansen kan anta för att hantera det faktum att de Àr fans till lÄgstatusband. För en fördjupning kring detta hÀnvisar jag till min avhandling Jag och mitt fanskap- vad musik kan betyda för mÀnniskor (2013).

    Lekens betydelse : FörskollÀrarnas syn pÄ lekens betydelse för barns sociala utveckling, lÀrande och miljö

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    Denna uppsats Àr en empirisk studie om hur förskolepersonal resonerar och tolkar lekens betydelse för barns sociala utveckling, lÀrande och miljö. VÄrt syfte med denna fallstudie Àr att undersöka vad förskolepersonalen pÄ tre förskolor och tre förskoleklasser har för uppfattning nÀr det gÀller lekens betydelse. UtifrÄn vÄr fallstudie dÀr vi har intervjuat sex förskollÀrare har vi fÄtt deras tolkningar och syn pÄ leken, lÀrandet och miljöns betydelse för barns utveckling. I undersökningen har vi arbetat utifrÄn kvalitativa metoder och djupintervjuer. Totalt har sex personer pÄ tre förskolor och i tre förskoleklasser intervjuats och det har endast varit förskollÀrare. Intervjuerna har transkriberats och analyserats i sin helhet. Resultatet frÄn de sex intervjuerna av förskollÀrarna visar att det finns mÄnga likheter i deras tolkningar av lekens betydelse. DÀr redovisas deras syn pÄ hur viktig de tycker att leken Àr och pÄ vilket sÀtt de anvÀnder lek och lÀrande i förskolan och skolan. FörskollÀrarnas uppfattning om att miljön Àr anpassningsbar utefter barns behov samt att den ska vara inbjudande och locka till lek och lÀrande. I vÄr studie av förskollÀrarnas tolkningar Àr de överens om att de försökte anvÀnda leken i sÄ stor utstrÀckning som möjligt. Det de anser som ett dilemma Àr all strÀvan efter mÄl som skall uppfyllas. FörskollÀrarna betonar att tiden till lek ofta försummas i och med detta