21,930 research outputs found

    A randomized polynomial kernel for Subset Feedback Vertex Set

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    The Subset Feedback Vertex Set problem generalizes the classical Feedback Vertex Set problem and asks, for a given undirected graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E), a set SVS \subseteq V, and an integer kk, whether there exists a set XX of at most kk vertices such that no cycle in GXG-X contains a vertex of SS. It was independently shown by Cygan et al. (ICALP '11, SIDMA '13) and Kawarabayashi and Kobayashi (JCTB '12) that Subset Feedback Vertex Set is fixed-parameter tractable for parameter kk. Cygan et al. asked whether the problem also admits a polynomial kernelization. We answer the question of Cygan et al. positively by giving a randomized polynomial kernelization for the equivalent version where SS is a set of edges. In a first step we show that Edge Subset Feedback Vertex Set has a randomized polynomial kernel parameterized by S+k|S|+k with O(S2k)O(|S|^2k) vertices. For this we use the matroid-based tools of Kratsch and Wahlstr\"om (FOCS '12) that for example were used to obtain a polynomial kernel for ss-Multiway Cut. Next we present a preprocessing that reduces the given instance (G,S,k)(G,S,k) to an equivalent instance (G,S,k)(G',S',k') where the size of SS' is bounded by O(k4)O(k^4). These two results lead to a polynomial kernel for Subset Feedback Vertex Set with O(k9)O(k^9) vertices

    Stability Boundaries for Resonant Migrating Planet Pairs

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    Convergent migration allows pairs of planet to become trapped into mean motion resonances. Once in resonance, the planets' eccentricities grow to an equilibrium value that depends on the ratio of migration time scale to the eccentricity damping timescale, K=τa/τeK=\tau_a/\tau_e, with higher values of equilibrium eccentricity for lower values of KK. For low equilibrium eccentricities, eeqK1/2e_{eq}\propto K^{-1/2}. The stability of a planet pair depends on eccentricity so the system can become unstable before it reaches its equilibrium eccentricity. Using a resonant overlap criterion that takes into account the role of first and second order resonances and depends on eccentricity, we find a function Kmin(μp,j)K_{min}(\mu_p, j) that defines the lowest value for KK, as a function of the ratio of total planet mass to stellar mass (μp\mu_p) and the period ratio of the resonance defined as P1/P2=j/(j+k)P_1/P_2=j/(j+k), that allows two convergently migrating planets to remain stable in resonance at their equilibrium eccentricities. We scaled the functions KminK_{min} for each resonance of the same order into a single function KcK_c. The function KcK_{c} for planet pairs in first order resonances is linear with increasing planet mass and quadratic for pairs in second order resonances with a coefficient depending on the relative migration rate and strongly on the planet to planet mass ratio. The linear relation continues until the mass approaches a critical mass defined by the 2/7 resonance overlap instability law and KcK_c \to \infty. We compared our analytic boundary with an observed sample of resonant two planet systems. All but one of the first order resonant planet pair systems found by radial velocity measurements are well inside the stability region estimated by this model. We calculated KcK_c for Kepler systems without well-constrained eccentricities and found only weak constraints on KK.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    A new proof of a Nordgren, Rosenthal and Wintrobe Theorem on universal operators

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    A striking result by Nordgren, Rosenthal and Wintrobe states that the Invariant Subspace Problem is equivalent to the fact that any minimal invariant subspace for a composition operator Cφ induced by a hyperbolic automorphism φ of the unit disc D acting on the classical Hardy space H² is one dimensional. We provide a completely different proof of Nordgren, Rosenthal and Wintrobe’s Theorem based on analytic Toeplitz operators

    A hyperbolic universal operator commuting with a compact operator

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    A Hilbert space operator is called universal (in the sense of Rota) if every operator on the Hilbert space is similar to a multiple of the restriction of the universal operator to one of its invariant subspaces. We exhibit an analytic Toeplitz operator whose adjoint is universal in the sense of Rota and commutes with a non-trivial, quasinilpotent, injective, compact operator with dense range, but unlike other examples, it acts on the Bergman space instead of the Hardy space and this operator is associated with a `hyperbolic' composition operator

    Effects of screened Coulomb impurities on autoionizing two-electron resonances in spherical quantum dots

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    In a recent paper (Phys. Rev. B {\bf 78}, 075316 (2008)), Sajeev and Moiseyev demonstrated that the bound-to-resonant transitions and lifetimes of autoionizing states in spherical quantum dots can be controlled by varying the confinment strength. In the present paper, we report that such control can in some cases be compromised by the presence of Coulomb impurities. It is demonstrated that a screened Coulomb impurity placed in the vicinity of the dot center can lead to bound-to-resonant transitions and to avoided crossings-like behavior when the screening of the impurity charge is varied. It is argued that these properties also can have impact on electron transport through quantum dot arrays

    The Likelihood Encoder for Lossy Source Compression

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    In this work, a likelihood encoder is studied in the context of lossy source compression. The analysis of the likelihood encoder is based on a soft-covering lemma. It is demonstrated that the use of a likelihood encoder together with the soft-covering lemma gives alternative achievability proofs for classical source coding problems. The case of the rate-distortion function with side information at the decoder (i.e. the Wyner-Ziv problem) is carefully examined and an application of the likelihood encoder to the multi-terminal source coding inner bound (i.e. the Berger-Tung region) is outlined.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, ISIT 201

    Mixed-state evolution in the presence of gain and loss

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    A model is proposed that describes the evolution of a mixed state of a quantum system for which gain and loss of energy or amplitude are present. Properties of the model are worked out in detail. In particular, invariant subspaces of the space of density matrices corresponding to the fixed points of the dynamics are identified, and the existence of a transition between the phase in which gain and loss are balanced and the phase in which this balance is lost is illustrated in terms of the time average of observables. The model is extended to include a noise term that results from a uniform random perturbation generated by white noise. Numerical studies of example systems show the emergence of equilibrium states that suppress the phase transition.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures (published version

    A Rate-Distortion Based Secrecy System with Side Information at the Decoders

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    A secrecy system with side information at the decoders is studied in the context of lossy source compression over a noiseless broadcast channel. The decoders have access to different side information sequences that are correlated with the source. The fidelity of the communication to the legitimate receiver is measured by a distortion metric, as is traditionally done in the Wyner-Ziv problem. The secrecy performance of the system is also evaluated under a distortion metric. An achievable rate-distortion region is derived for the general case of arbitrarily correlated side information. Exact bounds are obtained for several special cases in which the side information satisfies certain constraints. An example is considered in which the side information sequences come from a binary erasure channel and a binary symmetric channel.Comment: 8 pages. Allerton 201