1,370 research outputs found

    Kooperationen zwischen der ersten und zweiten Phase der Lehrerausbildung

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    Die Autorin geht zunächst der Frage nach, warum in den neuen Studienstrukturen die beiden Phasen der Lehrerbildung miteinander kooperieren sollten, und liefert drei Antworten darauf, darunter u.a. die Forderung nach mehr Praxisbezug. Schließlich geht sie auf ein umfassendes Projekt zur Reform der Lehrerbildung in Hamburg als ein Beispiel ein, bei dem die Sicherung von Anschlussfähigkeit des Referendariats an das Studium einen zentralen Stellenwert einnahm. (DIPF/ ssch

    Mathematical analysis and applications of logistic differential equation

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    Logistic differential equation has a way to measure the proportionality of various resources with respect to time. This equation has been used in many research areas, such as, biology, medicine, psychology, economics, etc. A mathematical description, analysis and solution of the logistic type differential equation is studied. Besides the mathematical part, the poster will contain biological examples, graphs of the direction fields for different parameter settings and logistic plots for specific species population. The logistic growth function will also be applied to learning curves in area of psychology, as a rate at which performance improves

    Job demands-resources model

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    * The question of what causes job stress and what motivates people has received a lot of research attention during the past five decades. In this paper, we discuss Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) theory, which represents an extension of the Job Demands-Re

    The Job Demands?Resources model: Challenges for future research

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    Motivation: The motivation of this overview is to present the state of the art of Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) model whilst integrating the various contributions to the special issue. Research purpose: To provide an overview of the JD-R model, which incorporates many possible working conditions and focuses on both negative and positive indicators of employee well-being. Moreover, the studies of the special issue were introduced. Research design: Qualitative and quantitative studies on the JD-R model were reviewed to enlighten the health and motivational processes suggested by the model. Main findings: Next to the confirmation of the two suggested processes of the JD-R model, the studies of the special issue showed that the model can be used to predict work-place bullying, incidences of upper respiratory track infection, work-based identity, and early retirement intentions. Moreover, whilst psychological safety climate could be considered as a hypothetical precursor of job demands and resources, compassion satisfaction moderated the health process of the model. Contribution/value-add: The findings of previous studies and the studies of the special issue were integrated in the JD-R model that can be used to predict well-being and performance at work. New avenues for future research were suggested. Practical/managerial implications: The JD-R model is a framework that can be used for organisations to improve employee health and motivation, whilst simultaneousl

    The citizens’ perspective : awareness, feelings and acceptance of surveillance and surveillance systems for fighting crime in the Czech Republic. A quantitative study

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    This document presents the results for the Czech Republic within the framework of a larger study undertaken as part of the RESPECT project – “Rules, Expectations and Security through Privacy-enhanced Convenient Technologies” (RESPECT; G.A. 285582) – which was co-financed by the European Commission within the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013). Analyses are based on a survey regarding the perceptions, feelings, attitudes and behaviours of citizens towards surveillance for the purpose of fighting crime, carried out amongst a quota sample that is representative of the population in the Czech Republic for age and gender (based on Eurostat data of 12/2012). Responses were gathered, predominantly, through an online survey supplemented by a number of questionnaires administered in face to face interviews, in order to fulfil the quota and also reach those citizens who do not use the internet. The questionnaire consisted of 50 questions and was available online in all languages of the European Union between November 2013 and March 2014. The face to face interviews were carried out between January and March 2014. The Czech sample is based on the responses from 200 individuals who indicated the Czech Republic as their country of residence in the online survey or were administered the questionnaire face to face. As a result, the Czech respondents indicated a strongly felt lack of trust in the protection of, and control over, personal information gathered via surveillance. At the same time, it depends on the specific type of surveillance measure whether respondents feel more unhappy or happy with it. But despite the respondents’ general perception of surveillance measures being useful, surveillance measures currently reduce feelings of insecurity in less than 1 in 5 people, whereas in 1 out of 3 respondents the presence of surveillance produces feelings of insecurity. Analyses also indicate that the Czech respondents’ feeling happy or unhappy with surveillance is only weakly to moderately related to feeling more secure or insecure in the presence of surveillance, and that neither an increased belief in the general effectiveness of surveillance nor in the effectiveness of laws regarding the protection of personal data gathered via surveillance may make citizens feel more secure. More research is needed to disentangle the relationships and effects between surveillance measures, feelings of security or insecurity, and citizens’ general quality of life feelings.This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 285582.peer-reviewe

    Absolventenstudien zur Unterstützung von Studienreformprojekten: wie lässt sich der Nutzen steigern?

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    Im Jahr 1988 empfahl die Westdeutsche Rektorenkonferenz den Hochschulen, zur Evaluation von Studium und Lehre auch Absolventenbefragungen durchzuführen. Der vorliegende Beitrag geht der Frage nach, wie die existierenden Absolventenstudien für Studienreformprojekte nutzbar gemacht werden können. Absolventenstudien werden im Hochschulbereich in der Regel von den Einrichtungen initiiert, deren Ehemalige befragt werden: von Instituten, Fachbereichen/Fakultäten oder Hochschulen. Die Autorin vertritt die Ansicht, dass sich der Nutzen von Absolventenstudien steigern ließe, wenn bereits im Vorfeld Erwartungen geklärt und die Erhebungen konsequent in den Ablauf von Studienreformprojekten integriert würden. Die Ergebnisse der Studien verdeutlichen insgesamt, dass Absolventenbefragungen zur Unterstützung von Studienreformvorhaben sinnvoll sind, da sie die Verantwortlichen mit wertvollen Informationen versorgen, die ansonsten nicht zugänglich sind. Besonders die berufsqualifizierende Funktion von Studienangeboten lässt sich nur auf der Grundlage der Rückmeldungen von Absolventen verlässlich einschätzen. Damit die Befunde optimal genutzt werden, sollten Absolventenbefragungen in den Projektablauf von Reformvorhaben integriert und mit den Verantwortlichen intensiv vorbereitet und ausgewertet werden. Sind nur einzelne Personen oder kleine Gruppen beteiligt, die durch 'Selbstbeauftragung' tätig werden, bleiben die Ergebnisse mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit ohne Wirkung. (ICA2

    How do cynical employees serve their customers? A multi-method study

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    In this multi-method study, we investigate how social job demands (i.e., social interruptions) and resources (i.e., colleague support) in the service context influence employee (negative) (re)actions to customers through cynicism towards the job. In addition, we investigate why customers are less satisfied with the provided service when employees endorse a cynical attitude. To test the hypothesized process, we used observer ratings of the employee–customer interactions regarding the number of interruptions and employee negative (re)actions during service encounters, employee self-reports of overall colleague support and daily cynicism, and customer-ratings of service quality. Participants were 48 service employees and 141 customers. Results of multi-level structural equation modelling analyses showed that whereas the number of observed social interruptions during service encounters related positively to cynicism, social support related negatively. Cynical employees exhibited more negative (re)actions towards their customers (e.g., expressed tension, were unfriendly). Consequently, the more negative (re)actions employees showed towards their customers, the less satisfied customers were with the service quality. The study contributes to the literature by explaining what makes service employees cynical about their work, and why cynical employees provide low-quality services

    Job Resources Boost Work Engagement, Particularly When Job Demands Are High

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    This study of 805 Finnish teachers working in elementary, secondary, and vocational schools tested 2 interaction hypotheses. On the basis of the job demands–resources model, the authors predicted that job resources act as buffers and diminish the negative relationship between pupil misbehavior and work engagement. In addition, using conservation of resources theory, the authors hypothesized that job resources particularly influence work engagement when teach

    Kommunikation im Groves-Mechanismus – Ergebnisse eines Laborexperiments

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    Theoretische Untersuchungen haben gezeigt, dass der Groves-Mechanismus als Anreizsystenn zur wahrheitsgemäßen Berichterstattung äußerst wünschenswerte Eigenschaften aufweist. So ergibt sich die wahrheitsgemäße Berichterstattung für alle Spieler als Gleichgewicht in dominanten Strategien. Offen ist jedoch, ob sich dieses Gleichgewicht auch unter realen Bedingungen zeigt und ob der Anreizmechanismus — wie von der Theorie vorhergesagt — manipulationsresistent ist. Diesen Fragen wird in einer experimentellen Studie nachgegangen. Dabei wird den Teilnehmern in einem von zwei Treatments die Möglichkeit zur anonymen Kommunikation gegeben. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der Groves-Mechanismus in keinem der beiden Treatments zu wahrheitsgemäßer Berichterstattung führt. Während dies im Treatment ohne Kommunikation jedoch auf soziale Präferenzen bzw. Schwierigkeiten beim Verständnis des Anreizmechanismus zurückgeführt werden kann, zeigen sich im Kommunikationstreatment stabile Manipulationsstrategien der Teilnehmer bis in die letzte Runde
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