7,062 research outputs found

    On the impact of the Bimodal Oscillating System (BiOS) on the biogeochemistry and biology of the Adriatic and Ionian Seas (Eastern Mediterranean)

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    Analysis of 20-year time-series of the vertically averaged salinity and nutrient data in the Southern Adriatic shows that the two parameters are subject to strong decadal variability. In addition, it is documented that nutrient and salinity variations are out of phase. Nutrients in the Ionian and in the Adriatic vary in parallel except that generally the nutrient content in the Adriatic is lower than in the Ionian, a fact that has been attributed to primary producer consumption following the winter convective mixing. As shown earlier, North Ionian Gyre (NIG) changes its circulation sense on a decadal scale due to the Bimodal Oscillating System, i.e. the feedback mechanism between the Adriatic and Ionian. Cyclonic circulation causes a downwelling of the nitracline along the borders of the NIG and a decrease in the nutrient content of the water flowing into the Adriatic across the Otranto Strait, and vice versa. In addition, the highly oligotrophic central area of the Ionian shows annual blooms only during cyclonic NIG circulation. Inversion of the sense of the NIG results in the advection of Modified Atlantic Water or of the Levantine/Eastern Mediterranean waters in the Adriatic. Here, we show that the presence of allochtonous organisms from Atlantic/Western Mediterranean and Eastern Mediterranean/temperate zone in the Adriatic are concurrent with the anticyclonic and cyclonic circulations of the NIG, respectively. On the basis of the results presented, a revision of the theory of Adriatic ingressions formulated in the early 1950s is proposed

    Reduced Admissions for Cerebrovascular Events during COVID-19 Outbreak in Italy

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    Background and Purpose: We aimed to investigate the rate of hospital admissions for cerebrovascular events and of revascularization treatments for acute ischemic stroke in Italy during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak. Methods: The Italian Stroke Organization performed a multicenter study involving 93 Italian Stroke Units. We collected information on hospital admissions for cerebrovascular events from March 1 to March 31, 2020 (study period), and from March 1 to March 31, 2019 (control period). Results: Ischemic strokes decreased from 2399 in 2019 to 1810 in 2020, with a corresponding hospitalization rate ratio (RR) of 0.75 ([95% CI, 0.71-0.80] P<0.001); intracerebral hemorrhages decreased from 400 to 322 (hospitalization RR, 0.81 [95% CI, 0.69-0.93]; P=0.004), and transient ischemic attacks decreased from 322 to 196 (hospitalization RR, 0.61 [95% CI, 0.51-0.73]; P<0.001). Hospitalizations decreased in Northern, Central, and Southern Italy. Intravenous thrombolyses decreased from 531 (22.1%) in 2019 to 345 in 2020 (19.1%; RR, 0.86 [95% CI, 0.75-0.99]; P=0.032), while primary endovascular procedures increased in Northern Italy (RR, 1.61 [95% CI, 1.13-2.32]; P=0.008). We found no correlation (P=0.517) between the hospitalization RRs for all strokes or transient ischemic attack and COVID-19 incidence in the different areas. Conclusions: Hospitalizations for stroke or transient ischemic attacks across Italy were reduced during the worst period of the COVID-19 outbreak. Intravenous thrombolytic treatments also decreased, while endovascular treatments remained unchanged and even increased in the area of maximum expression of the outbreak. Limited hospitalization of the less severe patients and delays in hospital admission, due to overcharge of the emergency system by COVID-19 patients, may explain these data

    Identification of gas sparging regimes for granular anaerobic membrane bioreactor to enable energy neutral municipal wastewater treatment

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    In this study, conventional and novel gas sparging regimes have been evaluated for a municipal wastewater granular anaerobic MBR to identify how best to achieve high sustainable fluxes whilst simultaneously conserving energy demand. Using continuous gas sparging in combination with continuous filtration, flux was strongly dependent upon shear rate, which imposed a considerable energy demand. Intermittent gas sparging was subsequently evaluated to reduce energy demand whilst delivering an analogous shear rate. For a flux of 5 L m-2 h-1, a fouling rate below 1 mbar h-1 was sustained with low gas sparging frequency and gas sparging rates. However, to sustain low fouling rates for fluxes above 10 L m-2 h-1, a gas sparging frequency of 50 % (i.e. 10 s on/10 s off) and an increase in gas sparging rate is needed, indicating the importance of shear rate and gas sparging frequency. An alternative gas sparging regime was subsequently tested in which filtration was conducted without gas sparging, followed by membrane relaxation for a short period coupled with gas sparging, to create a pseudo dead-end filtration cycle. Fouling characterisation evidenced considerable cake fouling rates of 200-250 mbar h-1 within each filtration cycle. However, long term fouling transient analysis demonstrated low residual fouling resistance, suggesting the cake formed during filtration was almost completely reversible, despite operating at a flux of 15 L m-2 h-1, which was equivalent or higher than the critical flux of the suspension. It is therefore asserted that by operating filtration in the absence of shear, fouling is less dependent upon the preferential migration of the sub-micron particle fraction and is instead governed by the compressibility of the heterogeneous cake formed, which enables higher operational fluxes to be achieved. Comparison of energy demand for the three gas sparging regimes to the energy recovered from municipal wastewater AnMBR demonstrated that only by using dead-end filtration can energy neutral wastewater treatment be realised which is the ultimate ambition for the technology

    Genetic clonal mapping of in situ and invasive ductal carcinoma indicates the field cancerization phenomenon in the breast

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    Summary Nearly 80% of well-differentiated in situ duct carcinomas (g1 DCIS) have been shown to be multicentric (multilobar) lesions, while most in situ poorly differentiated duct carcinomas (g3 DCIS) were unifocal (unilobar) lesions. Here we present a clonality study of 15 cases of DCIS, all showing multiple foci. Twelve of these cases were associated with an invasive duct carcinoma. Fifteen cases of female breast cancer patients all showing multiple DCIS foci (5 g1 DCIS, 5 g2 DCIS, 5 g3 DCIS) were randomly selected and histologically studied using large histological sections. Care was taken to laser-microdissect DCIS foci that were most distantly located from one another in the same large section, and pertinent cells were genetically studied. Invasive duct carcinoma and ipsilateral lymph node metastases and/or contralateral lesions, whenever present, were additionally microdissected. DNA of neoplastic cells was purified, and the mtDNA D-loop region was sequenced. Genetic distance of different foci from the same case was visualized by phylogenetic analyses using the neighbor-joining method. Patients ranged in age from 36 to 87 years (mean 65.1). All 9 cases of widely spread DCIS were not clonal. Four of 6 cases that showed multiple adjacent foci were clonally related on mtDNA analysis. In the present series, 11/15 DCIS appeared as multiple synchronous primary breast tumors, genetically not related to one another. The present data enhance the view that breast can also show the field cancerization phenomenon, paralleling what has already been proposed in other organs

    Moriremo di autodeterminazione? Brevi note su BVG 26 febbraio 2020

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    L\u2019articolo esamina la recente sentenza della Corte costituzionale tedesca che ha dichiarato illegittimo l\u2019articolo del codice penale che puniva l\u2019aiuto al suicidio organizzato in forma professionale. L\u2019Autore, sottolineando che la decisione segna ormai una forte discontinuit\ue0 della giurisprudenza costituzionale tedesca sulla tutela della vita umana, ne propone una lettura critica, anche alla luce delle conseguenze sistemiche che la concezione dell\u2019autodeterminazione che essa sorregge implicano sul complessivo assetto dei diritti e dei doveri della persona, specialmente con riferimento ai soggetti pi\uf9 fragili.L\u2019articolo esamina la recente sentenza della Corte costituzionale tedesca che ha dichiarato illegittimo l\u2019articolo del codice penale che puniva l\u2019aiuto al suicidio organizzato in forma professionale. L\u2019Autore, sottolineando che la decisione segna ormai una forte discontinuit\ue0 della giurisprudenza costituzionale tedesca sulla tutela della vita umana, ne propone una lettura critica, anche alla luce delle conseguenze sistemiche che la concezione dell\u2019autodeterminazione che essa sorregge implicano sul complessivo assetto dei diritti e dei doveri della persona, specialmente con riferimento ai soggetti pi\uf9 fragili

    Colant omnes quemque. Tornare all’essenziale dopo il ddl Zan

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    Per il lettore italiano il contento è validamente desumibile, in sintesi, dall'indice dei paragrati: 1. Il rispetto reciproco come obiettivo: sulla prevenzione di offese motivate da scelte altrui relative all’affettività o alla sessualità. – 2. Alcune forzature palesi concernenti le forme del ricorso al diritto penale nel ddl Zan: a) un utilizzo retrivo della penalità. – 3. (Segue) b) Lo scivolamento verso forme di utilizzo simbolico-promozionale delle norme penali (e complementari). – 4. (Segue) c) l’indifferenza rispetto al canone della determinatezza in ambito penale. – 5. (Segue) d) il nodo relativo alla punibilità degli atti discriminatòri e l’attrito col principio di libera manifestazione del pensiero. – 6. Ipotesi per interventi normativi condivisibili sulla materia di cui al ddl Zan: le risorse, in particolare, della giustizia riparativa.This essay takes account of the draft law aimed at tightening up the punishment for crimes committed on grounds of the victim’s sexual orientation or disability. In addition, it introduces a new hate crime for these reasons, extending to the above scope the offenses concerning discrimination on ‘racial, ethnic, or religious’ grounds. As known, this draft law wasn’t approved by the Italian senate. In relation to this project, the Author critically evaluates the traditional use of the threat of penal sanctions, which ends up assuming promotional purposes of certain life choices rather than contributing to the growth of a social climate of respect towards all. It is stated that this outcome would be better achieved through restorative justice. Furthermore, the lack of determination of the draft provisions and the delicate problems of the relationship between an unspecified case of discrimination and the constitutional principle of freedom of expression are highlighted

    Il diritto penale e la guerra. Suggestioni da N. Irti, Il silenzio del diritto mentre la guerra infuria

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    Il testo muove da una riflessione di Natalino Irti, svolta su un autorevole quotidiano, circa l’inanità del diritto rispetto ai fatti più drammatici della storia, e segnatamente rispetto alle guerre: soprattutto, del diritto costituzionale e di quello internazionale, rimanendo assolti, da Irti, il diritto civile e quello pena-le, in quanto deputati a regolare i contesti ordinari della vita. In dialogo con questo approccio, s’intende rimarcare, invece, come il modello tradizionale della giustizia cui fa riferimento il diritto penale risulti il medesimo attraverso il quale s’è giustificato nei secoli il ricorso alle guerre, pressoché sempre proposte da chi le abbia intraprese come guerre giuste. Se ne deriva l’urgenza, per evitare la distruzione totale del pianeta, di superare tale modello di giustizia, e a questo fine si individuano tre elementi propulsivi deri-vabili, in modo inatteso, proprio dalla riflessione penalistica contemporanea: la consapevolezza del fatto che la giustizia e una prevenzione efficace non possono consistere in dinamiche di ritorsione del negati-vo rispetto a un corrispondente giudizio negativo rivolto verso un altro; il ruolo ineludibile da ricono-scersi ai fattori che facilitano il prodursi degli eventi tragici e, con ciò, alla prevenzione primaria, che implica il senso della corresponsabilità nei confronti di quei fattori; la possibilità, anche dinnanzi alla già avvenuta causazione di eventi tragici, del tornare a rendere giuste relazioni che non lo siano state, come può evincersi dalle procedure della giustizia riparativa.The paper starts from a consideration, published by Natalino Irti in a prestigious newspaper, about the inanity of the law concerning the most dramatic events in history and regarding wars. This reflection refers mainly to the constitutional and international law, absolving civil and criminal law because they are aimed at the regulation of the ordinary life. In dialogue with this approach, the essay intends to point out that the traditional model of justice, as currently supported by the criminal law, is the same through which wars have been justified over the centuries, having been outlined as righteous wars by those who have undertaken them. From this derives the urgency to overcome this model of justice, with the aim of avoiding the destruction of the planet. Therefore, it is possible to identify three driving forces derived, in an unexpected way, precisely from contemporary criminal thinking: the awareness of the fact that justice and effective prevention cannot consist of retribution of the negative respect with a corre-sponding negative judgment directed at any other person; the unavoidable role of the factors that facili-tate the occurrence of tragic events and, with this, the role of primary prevention, which implies a sense of co-responsibility towards those factors; even when tragic events have occurred, the possibility of re-turning to fair relationships, as can be inferred from the restorative justice procedures

    Il cantiere lento della riforma in materia di sanzioni penali. Temi per una discussione

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    Lo scritto - destinato a fungere da introduzione a un dibattito fra più Autori nella rivista 'Archivio penale' - espone inizialmente gli aspetti essenziali delle vicende normative in itinere che investono la riforma del sistema sanzionatorio penale: sia con riguardo ai contenuti della legge delega n. 134/2021, sia con riguardo alla traduzione in legge di quanto affermato nella ordinanza n. 97/2021 della Corte costituzionale, in tema di delitti c.d. ostativi. Ciò premesso, il contributo si propone come base per un dibattito sull’evoluzione futura delle modalità di risposta al reato nel sistema penale italiano, attraverso una serie di affermazioni sintetiche finalizzate a stimolare lo scambio delle opinioni. Si esprime l’orientamento per un sistema che intenda la risposta al reato come progetto, piuttosto che come corrispettivo: sia attraverso la diversificazione in senso, soprattutto, prescrittivo delle pene applicabili, sia attraverso una reale finalizzazione rieducativa di tutte le condanne detentive, quando non evitabili. Ci si interroga, fra l’altro, sul ruolo che potranno assumere le procedure di giustizia riparativa valorizzate dalla citata legge delega, come, altresì, su come nuove modalità sanzionatorie potranno favorire forme diverse di prevenzione dei reati, per esempio nell’ambito colposo.This essay initially explains the essential aspects of the current legal events relating to the reform of the criminal sanctioning system: both about the contents of delegated law no. 134/2021, both concerning the legal codification into law of what was stated in the decision of the Constitutional Court no. 97/2021 about impedimental offenses. Then, the paper puts itself forward as a basis for the debate on the future evolution of the methods of responding to crime in the Italian penal system, through a series of concise considerations to stimulate the exchange of views. This essay conveys the scope of a system that intends the response to the crime as a project, rather than as a charge: by diversifying the legal provisions and through a real re-educational purpose of all prison sentences, when not avoidable. Furthermore, questions are raised on the role of the restorative justice procedures enhanced by the delegated law, as well as on how new systems of punishment can favour different forms of crime prevention, for example around criminal negligence

    Superare la visione di una giustizia fondata sul modello della bilancia

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    Si tratta del testo riveduto di un intervento al Congresso dell\u2019associazione \u201cNessuno tocchi Caino\u201d tenutosi presso il carcere di Opera (Milano) il 21 dicembre 2019. Vengono affrontate le problematiche relative a una visione della giustizia e della politica criminale orientate a una strategia di recupero del condannato che assume rilievo anche per fini di prevenzione generale della criminalt\ue0

    Ipotesi di introduzione della pena prescrittiva come nuova pena principale

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    Il contributo si sostanzia in un'ampio progetto organico di articolato, con pregressa relazione, avente per oggetto l'introduzione di una nuova pena principale di natura prescrittiva, comprendente obblighi di fare (nell'orizzonte della 'restorative justice') e divieti nonché tale da assorbire anche provvedimenti interdittivi o di parziale detenzione domiciliare: progetto realizzato ai fini del gruppo di lavoro su 'Linee di riforma in tema di pene alternative edittali' presieduto dal prof. Francesco Palazzo, nell’ambito dell’iniziativa promossa dall’Associazione Italiana dei Professori di Diritto Penale intesa a definire proposte di riforma del sistema sanzionatorio penale