78 research outputs found

    Orthogonality properties of transverse eigenmodes of phase conjugate optical resonators

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    The orthogonality properties of the transverse eigenmodes of optical resonators which have phase conjugate mirrors at both ends are derived. As in conventional resonators and also resonators with only one phase conjugate mirror, it is shown that the transverse eigenmodes are essentially biorthogonal, a relation which is satisfied between the set of modes propagating in one direction around the resonator and the adjoint set of modes propagating in the reverse direction

    The human cytomegalovirus UL55 (gB) and UL75 (gH) glycoprotein ligands initiate the rapid activation of Sp1 and NF-kappaB during infection.

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    The cellular transcription factors Sp1 and NF-kappaB were upregulated shortly after the binding of purified live or UV-inactivated human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) to the cell surface. The rapid time frame of transcription factor induction is similar to that seen in other systems in which cellular factors are induced following receptor-ligand engagement. This similarity suggested that a cellular receptor-viral ligand interaction might be involved in Sp1 and NF-kappaB activation during the earliest stages of HCMV infection. To focus on the possible role viral ligands play in initiating cellular events following infection, we first used purified viral membrane extracts to demonstrate that constituents on the membrane are responsible for cellular activation. Additionally, these studies showed, through the use of neutralizing antibodies, that the viral membrane mediators of this activation are the major envelope glycoproteins gB (UL55) and gH (UL75). To confirm these results, neutralizing anti-gB and -gH antibodies were used to block the interactions of these glycoproteins on whole purified virus with their cell surface receptors. In so doing, we found that Sp1 and NF-kappaB induction was inhibited. Lastly, through the use of purified viral gB protein and an anti-idiotypic antibody that mimics the image of the viral gH protein, it was found that the engagement of individual viral ligands with their appropriate cell surface receptors was sufficient to activate cellular Sp1 and NF-kappaB. These results support our hypothesis that HCMV glycoproteins mediate an initial signal transduction pathway which leads to the upregulation of host cell transcription factors and suggests a model wherein the orderly sequence of virus-mediated changes in cellular activation initiates with viral binding via envelope glycoproteins to the cognate cellular receptor(s)

    An immunoassay using biotinylated single-walled carbon nanotubes as Raman biomarkers

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    A new immunoassay with biotinylated single-walled carbon nanotubes as persistent, non-photobleaching Raman biomarkers demonstrated excellent sensitivity and specificity.Shvedova AA, 2009, PHARMACOL THERAPEUT, V121, P192, DOI 10.1016/j.pharmthera.2008.10.009Choi JH, 2007, APPL PHYS LETT, V90, DOI 10.1063/1.2745228True LD, 2007, J MOL DIAGN, V9, P7, DOI 10.2353/jmoldx.2007.060186Tian FR, 2006, TOXICOL IN VITRO, V20, P1202, DOI 10.1016/j.tiv.2006.03.008Hwang ES, 2006, NANOTECHNOLOGY, V17, P3442, DOI 10.1088/0957-4484/17/14/016Jeng ES, 2006, NANO LETT, V6, P371, DOI 10.1021/nl051829kHeller DA, 2006, SCIENCE, V311, P508, DOI 10.1126/science.1120792REDDEHASE MJ, 2006, CYTOMEGALOVIRUSES MOHeller DA, 2005, ADV MATER, V17, P2793Varnum SM, 2004, J VIROL, V78, P10960, DOI 10.1128/JVI.78.20.10960-10966.2004Zheng M, 2003, SCIENCE, V302, P1545Saxena V, 2003, J PHARM SCI, V92, P2090, DOI 10.1002/jps.10470Zheng M, 2003, NAT MATER, V2, P338, DOI 10.1038/nmat877Jaiswal JK, 2003, NAT BIOTECHNOL, V21, P47, DOI 10.1038/nbt.767Dresselhaus MS, 2002, ACCOUNTS CHEM RES, V35, P1070, DOI 10.1021/ar0101537O`Connell MJ, 2002, SCIENCE, V297, P593MCCREERY RL, 2002, HDB VIBRATIONAL SPEC, V1, P71Hwang ES, 2000, MICROBIOL IMMUNOL, V44, P827DRESSELHAUS MS, 2000, CARBON, V44, P2000

    Klassevirus Infection in Children, South Korea

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    To investigate prevalence and clinical characteristics of klassevirus in South Korea, we performed molecular screening in fecal and nasopharyngeal samples from hospitalized children with gastroenteritis. A total of 26 (8.8%) of 294 fecal samples were positive for klassevirus. Klassevirus may be a possible cause of gastroenteritis

    WU Polyomavirus in Children with Acute Lower Respiratory Tract Infections, South Korea

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    In South Korea, WU polyomavirus (WUPyV) was detected in 34 (7%) of 486 children with acute lower respiratory tract infections, 3 (4.2%) of 72 asymptomatic children, and as coinfection with other respiratory viruses in 23 (67.6%) children. Although WUPyV was frequently detected, its clinical role has not been distinguished from that of coinfecting viruses

    Phase Variation of Biofilm Formation in Staphylococcus aureus by IS256 Insertion and Its Impact on the Capacity Adhering to Polyurethane Surface

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    While ica gene of Staphylococcus epidermidis is known to undergo phase variation by insertion of IS256, the phenomenon in Staphylococcus aureus has not been evaluated. Six biofilm-positive strains were tested for the presence of biofilm-negative phase-variant strains by Congo red agar test. For potential phase-variant strains, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis was done to exclude the possibility of contamination. To investigate the mechanism of the biofilm-negative phase variation, PCR for each ica genes were done. Changes of ica genes detected by PCR were confirmed by southern hybridization, and their nucleotides were analyzed by DNA sequencing. Influence of ica genes and biofilm formation on capacity for adherence to biomedical material was evaluated by comparing the ability of adhering to polyurethane surface among a biofilm-negative phase-variant strain and its parent strain. A biofilm-negative phase-variant S. aureus strain was detected from 6 strains tested. icaC gene of the phase-variant strain was found to be inactivated by insertion of additional gene segment, IS256. The biofilm-negative phase-variant strain showed lower adhering capacity to polyurethane than its parent strain. This study shows that phase variation of ica gene occurs in S. aureus by insertion of IS256 also, and this biofilm-negative phase variation reduces adhering capacity of the bacteria

    Human Metapneumovirus Infection in Hospitalized Children with Acute Respiratory Disease in Korea

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    Human metapneumovirus (hMPV) is a recently isolated virus, mostly associated with acute lower respiratory infection in children, of which symptoms are similar to those of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection. The aim of our study was to determine the frequency of hMPV in hospitalized children with acute respiratory tract disease in Korea. Nasal aspirates from hospitalized children with respiratory infections under 15 yr old between December 2003 and February 2005 were included in the study. Each sample was analyzed for RSV, adenovirus, influenza virus A and B, and parainfluenza virus by indirect fluorescent assay (IFA). F-gene sequences were used for PCR for the detection and sequencing of hMPV. In total 381 samples, negative samples in which any viral pathogen could not be identified by IFA were 231 cases. hMPV was detected using reverse transcriptase-PCR (RT-PCR) in 28 of 231 (12.1%) children who were not infected with another respiratory viruses. The hMPV-infected children were diagnosed as having pneumonia, bronchiolitis, bronchial asthma exacerbation, croup, and upper respiratory tract infection. Most of the RT-PCR positive samples for hMPV were collected in winter season. These results suggest that hMPV may be a responsible pathogen causing acute respiratory tract infection in Korean children

    Preparedness for Prevention of Ebola Virus Disease

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