13 research outputs found

    Traits and trajectories of audiovisual documentation: achievements, challenges and chimeras

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    Although many analogic audiovisual archives are still awaiting a digitization project that guarantees their preservation and public access, a massive generation of audiovisual content is taking place, once the source has completed the transition to digital production and distribution. The demand for an increasingly diversified production at TV stations is leading to the need to prioritize image retrieval from the archives for reuse. Efficient alternatives for automatic metadata extraction, indexing and searching are sought, and text information to describe images continues to be necessary. The documentary image processing is extremely costly in human resources, with dedication times of two, three or even more times the length of the treated material. In parallel, part of the audiovisual production is indexed during the production process by people other than archivists, librarians or information scientists. Therefore, a transformation of the traditional tasks carried out by the above mentioned professionals is becoming more evident; on the other hand, these professionals continue to be isolated and less hybridized than expected with other labor profiles

    Documentaci贸n en Televisi贸n

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    The differents management aspects of television archives are explained, from documents typology to storage systems, cataloging, conservation and services

    Expectations and reality in the cover of the archive an documentation necessities in the MAM of television.

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    The existing differences between the expectations created by the technical possibilities of the digitalization in television, and the development of new functionalities offered by MAM (Media Asset Management) in the scope of the work flows of the archives and documentation departments are exposed. Also a proposal is made of corporative work in FIAT (International Federation of Television Archives) to elaborate a guide of functionalities who can be of utility to the people in charge of archives, areas of engineering and suppliers of MAM in the evaluation, selection and implementation of solutions of this type in television

    Transition and future of the Documentation in 3 Antena Television

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    A brief revision is made on the evolution of the Documentation in Antena 3 Television between 1989 and 2006 on three fundamental aspects: systems of computerization, infrastructure of archive and orgnizational criteria. Also the opened process of transition of the analogical Documentation to the one of the new digital systems of production is analysed, identifying the main questions on the immediate future of the profession in this sector: changes in the models of business of the audio-visual production, new parameters from accessibility to the corporative archives of images, compatibility between yield and documentary management, and definition of new professional profiles of the documentalist of television

    De la intermediaci贸n a la anticipaci贸n: rutas alternativas en la documentaci贸n de la producci贸n audiovisual

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    The documentalist鈥檚 role of intermediation between the users and the archive in images searching seems to be undergoing a number of changes. This intermediation, based on a combination of the habits of the users in searching information and the lack of a user friendly orientation in many of the information management systems, contrasts with the general idea of accessibility conveyed by the new digital production systems. This paper analyses the consequences of these changes, and presents a new approach to the relation between documentalists and users based on the anticipation of their information needs, as an alternative to the traditional answer to question scheme. Some ongoing experiences in Antena 3 Television that follow this approach are also described

    Transici贸n y futuro de la Documentaci贸n en Antena 3 Televisi贸n

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    A brief revision is made on the evolution of the Documentation in Antena 3 Television between 1989 and 2006 on three fundamental aspects: systems of computerization, infrastructure of archive and orgnizational criteria. Also the opened process of transition of the analogical Documentation to the one of the new digital systems of production is analysed, identifying the main questions on the immediate future of the profession in this sector: changes in the models of business of the audio-visual production, new parameters from accessibility to the corporative archives of images, compatibility between yield and documentary management, and definition of new professional profiles of the documentalist of television

    Transformaci贸n y compatibilidad: el documento audiovisual en los archivos municipales

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    Due to the foreseen increase in the amount of audiovisual footage to be received by the local municipal archives from the audiovisual sector it is deemed necessary that a compatibility policy for the management of said materials be devised for two key issues: the making use and integration of documentary analysis obtained from the original cataloguing organisations, and the maintenance of their current range of services, including the footage to be used in audiovisual production. Likewise, the characteristic features involved in footage analysis are reviewed, in both digital and analogue archives

    Elementos diferenciadores de los archivos de televisi贸n en el tr谩nsito hacia la digitalizaci贸n.

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    Three are the principal characteristics of the television archives, among the company archives: the predominance of the video materials on professional formats; the link between the archives and the television production flows; and the commitment with historical conservation of the audio-visual memory of their own production, which is also available for commercial purposes. At this moment the management of these archives is immersed in the process of transition towards the digitalization, in which the cycles of production and emission in the television companies are involved. As a result, the traditional functions of the documentary flow and the professional profile of those that are in charge of it are experiencing a transformation, the scope of which is still not entirely known