1,240 research outputs found

    Contratos y Patrimonio: la venta de herencia

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    Derecho de Obligaciones comparado: Derecho Alemán, Español y Suizo

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    Violencia doméstica y malos tratos en el Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos

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    La responsabilidad de proteger: Reflexiones sobre su fundamento y articulación

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    Leadership in english as a foreign language classroom: Teacher and student roles

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    El liderazgo educativo es el proceso de guiar los talentos y las energías de los docentes, los alumnos y todos los miembros de la comunidad educativa hacia el logro de objetivos comunes. Los docentes solían pensar que eran los únicos responsables del aprendizaje de los alumnos. Sin embargo, se han dado cuenta de que los estudiantes son cada vez más conscientes de su propio aprendizaje. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar cómo se ha implementado el liderazgo educativo compartido en las clases de inglés como lengua extranjera. Tradicionalmente, los profesores de idiomas seguían métodos muy teóricos y se consideraban los únicos líderes. Afortunadamente, esta idea ha terminado. Hoy en día, los estudiantes se vuelven cada vez más activos en el aula y, por lo tanto, lideran su propio proceso de aprendizaje. Se revisarán métodos y enfoques de enseñanza para determinar las funciones de los docentes y los estudiantes. Los resultados muestran que todavía hay algunas metodologías centradas en el profesor, pero los alumnos son el centro de prácticas innovadoras en el aula y, por lo tanto, el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje ha mejoradoEducational leadership is the process of enlisting and guiding the talents and energies of teachers, pupils and all members of the educative community towards achieving common educational aims. Teachers used to think they were the only ones responsible for student learning. However, they have come to realise students are more and more reliable for their own learning as well. The aim of this study is to analyse how the shared educational leadership has been implemented in those classrooms of English as a Foreign Language. Traditionally, language teachers followed very theoretical methods and they were considered the lone instructional leaders. Fortunately, this idea is over. Nowadays, learners are becoming more and more active in the classroom and, therefore, they are leading their own learning process. Teaching methods and approaches will be revised in order to determine the roles of teachers and students. Results show there are still some teachercentered methodologies but learners are the focus of innovative classroom practices and, thus, the teaching and learning process has improve

    Placentophagy: a controversial trend

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    This work presents the latest scientific results of research in placenta, highlighting the description of the organ’s associated microbiotic, whose possible deleterious effects will be of greater magnitude in a hemomonochorial placental barrier, as is the case in the human species. We want to make solid scientific evidence available to Health Professionals in the delivery and post-delivery care area, so that they may adequately inform their patients that the supposed benefits of the placentophagy are not supported by scientific studies. On the contrary, they are based on misguided popular beliefs spread on social media and untrustworthy maternity/health blogs and internet pages. None of these sources warn mothers about the fact that placentophagy involves a potential risk of exposure of the baby to vertically transmitted infections, risk of the mother developing a thromboembolism due to the estrogen content in the organ, or that the accumulation of heavy metals and/or environmental toxins in the placenta could prove poisonous to mother and baby. It is also of great concern that the presence of normal prions in the placenta has been reported lately, because, normal prions can be transformed into the infective forms albeit by a mechanism that yet remains unclear. This adds another risk to those previously described. Therefore, it is imperative that Health Professionals warn their patients that placentophagy is not a safe practice and can constitute unnecessary risks for both mother and baby