8 research outputs found

    Profiling of Flavonol Derivatives for the Development of Antitrypanosomatidic Drugs

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    Flavonoids represent a potential source of new antitrypanosomatidic leads. Starting from a library of natural products, we combined target-based screening on pteridine reductase 1 with phenotypic screening on Trypanosoma brucei for hit identification. Flavonols were identified as hits, and a library of 16 derivatives was synthesized. Twelve compounds showed EC50 values against T. brucei below 10 \u3bcM. Four X-ray crystal structures and docking studies explained the observed structure-activity relationships. Compound 2 (3,6-dihydroxy-2-(3-hydroxyphenyl)-4H-chromen-4-one) was selected for pharmacokinetic studies. Encapsulation of compound 2 in PLGA nanoparticles or cyclodextrins resulted in lower in vitro toxicity when compared to the free compound. Combination studies with methotrexate revealed that compound 13 (3-hydroxy-6-methoxy-2-(4-methoxyphenyl)-4H-chromen-4-one) has the highest synergistic effect at concentration of 1.3 \u3bcM, 11.7-fold dose reduction index and no toxicity toward host cells. Our results provide the basis for further chemical modifications aimed at identifying novel antitrypanosomatidic agents showing higher potency toward PTR1 and increased metabolic stability

    Ribosome Profiling Reveals HSP90 Inhibitor Effects on Stage-Specific Protein Synthesis in Leishmania donovani

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    Leishmania parasites cause severe illness in humans and animals. They exist in two developmental stages, insect form and mammalian form, which differ in shape and gene expression. By mapping and quantifying RNA fragments protected by protein synthesis complexes, we determined the rates of protein synthesis for >90% of all Leishmania proteins in response to the inhibition of a key regulatory protein, the 90-kDa heat shock protein. We find that Leishmania depends on a regulation of protein synthesis for controlling its gene expression and that heat shock protein 90 inhibition can trigger the developmental program from insect form to mammalian form of the pathogen.The 90-kDa heat shock protein (HSP90) of eukaryotes is a highly abundant and essential chaperone required for the maturation of regulatory and signal proteins. In the protozoan parasite Leishmania donovani, causative agent of the fatal visceral leishmaniasis, HSP90 activity is essential for cell proliferation and survival. Even more importantly, its inhibition causes life cycle progression from the insect stage to the pathogenic, mammalian stage. To unravel the molecular impact of HSP90 activity on the parasites’ gene expression, we performed a ribosome profiling analysis of L. donovani, comparing genome-wide protein synthesis patterns in the presence and absence of the HSP90-specific inhibitor radicicol and an ectopically expressed radicicol-resistant HSP90 variant. We find that ribosome-protected RNA faithfully maps open reading frames and represents 97% of the annotated protein-coding genes of L. donovani. Protein synthesis was found to correlate poorly with RNA steady-state levels, indicating a regulated translation as primary mechanism for HSP90-dependent gene expression. The results confirm inhibitory effects of HSP90 on the synthesis of Leishmania proteins that are associated with the pathogenic, intracellular stage of the parasite. Those include heat shock proteins, redox enzymes, virulence-enhancing surface proteins, proteolytic pathways, and a complete set of histones. Conversely, HSP90 promotes fatty acid synthesis enzymes. Complementing radicicol treatment with the radicicol-resistant HSP90rr variant revealed important off-target radicicol effects that control a large number of the above-listed proteins. Leishmania lacks gene-specific transcription regulation and relies on regulated translation instead. Our ribosome footprinting analysis demonstrates a controlling function of HSP90 in stage-specific protein synthesis but also significant, HSP90-independent effects of the inhibitor radicicol

    Synthetic analogs of an Entamoeba histolytica glycolipid designed to combat intracellular Leishmania infection

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    Intracellular pathogens belonging to the genus Leishmania have developed effective strategies that enable them to survive within host immune cells. Immunostimulatory compounds that counteract such immunological escape mechanisms represent promising treatment options for diseases. Here, we demonstrate that a lipopeptidephosphoglycan (LPPG) isolated from the membrane of a protozoan parasite, Entamoeba histolytica (Eh), shows considerable immunostimulatory effects targeted against Leishmania (L.) major, a representative species responsible for cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL). Treatment led to a marked reduction in the number of intracellular Leishmania parasites in vitro, and ameliorated CL in a mouse model. We next designed and synthesized analogs of the phosphatidylinositol anchors harbored by EhLPPG; two of these analogs reproduced the anti-leishmanial activity of the native compound by inducing production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. The use of such compounds, either alone or as a supportive option, might improve the currently unsatisfactory treatment of CL and other diseases caused by pathogen-manipulated immune responses

    Discovery of a benzothiophene-flavonol halting miltefosine and antimonial drug resistance in Leishmania parasites through the application of medicinal chemistry, screening and genomics

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    Leishmaniasis, a major health problem worldwide, has a limited arsenal of drugs for its control. The appearance of resistance to first- and second-line anti-leishmanial drugs confirms the need to develop new and less toxic drugs that overcome spontaneous resistance. In the present study, we report the design and synthesis of a novel library of 38 flavonol-like compounds and their evaluation in a panel of assays encompassing parasite killing, pharmacokinetics, genomics and ADME-Toxicity resulting in the progression of a compound in the drug discovery value chain. Compound 19, 2-(benzo[b]thiophen-3-yl)- 3-hydroxy-6-methoxy-4H-chromen-4-one, exhibited a broad-spectrum activity against Leishmania spp. (EC50 1.9 mM for Leishmania infantum, 3.4 mM for L. donovani, 6.7 mM for L. major), Trypanosoma cruzi (EC50 7.5 mM) and T. brucei (EC50 0.8 mM). Focusing on anti-Leishmania activity, compound 19 challenge in vitro did not select for resistance markers in L. donovani, while a Cos-Seq screening for dominant resistance genes identified a gene locus on chromosome 36 that became ineffective at concentrations beyond EC50. Thus, compound 19 is a promising scaffold to tackle drug resistance in Leishmania infection. In vivo pharmacokinetic studies indicated that compound 19 has a long half-life (intravenous (IV): 63.2 h; per os (PO): 46.9 h) with an acceptable ADME-Toxicity profile. When tested in Leishmania infected hamsters, no toxicity and limited efficacy were observed. Low solubility and degradation were investigated spectroscopically as possible causes for the sub-optimal pharmacokinetic properties. Compound 19 resulted a specific compound based on the screening against a protein set, following the intrinsic fluorescence changes

    The genetics of Leishmania virulence

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