91 research outputs found

    Modeled Tracheidograms Disclose Drought Influence on Pinus sylvestris Tree-Rings Structure From Siberian Forest-Steppe

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    Wood formation allows trees to adjust in a changing climate. Understanding what determine its adjustment is crucial to evaluate impacts of climatic changes on trees and forests growth. Despite efforts to characterize wood formation, little is known on its impact on the xylem cellular structure. In this study we apply the Vaganov-Shashkin model to generate synthetic tracheidograms and verify its use to investigate the formation of intra-annual density fluctuations (IADF), one of the most frequent climate tree-ring markers in drought-exposed sites. Results indicate that the model can produce realistic tracheidograms, except for narrow rings (<1 mm), when cambial activity stops due to an excess of drought or a lack of growth vigor. These observations suggest that IADFs are caused by a release of drought limitation to cells formation in the first half of the growing season, but that narrow rings are indicators of an even more extreme and persistent water stress. Taking the example of IADFs formation, this study demonstrated that the Vaganov-Shashkin model is a useful tool to study the climatic impact on tree-ring structures. The ability to produce synthetic tracheidogram represents an unavoidable step to link climate to tree growth and xylem functioning under future scenarios

    Tree-Ring Structure of the Pinus sibirica and Pinus cembra Grafts as a Reflection of the Interaction of Scion and Rootstock

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    Проведен анализ анатомических характеристик годичных колец у подвоев P. sylvestris L. и привоев двух климатипов P. sibirica Du Tour (емельяновского и сургутского) и одного климатипа P. cembra L. (карпатского) за 10 лет их совместного роста. У привоев P. sibirica относительно контрольных деревьев увеличивается число трахеид, их радиальный диаметр и толщина клеточной стенки (кроме клеточной стенки сургутских привоев). В то же время в годичных кольцах подвоев P. sylvestris число трахеид и размеры данных характеристик уменьшаются относительно контрольных деревьев. Исключение составляет сосна обыкновенная, являющаяся подвоем для привоев сургутского климатипа, у которой радиальный диаметр трахеид переходной зоны увеличивается. Сезонная динамика радиального диаметра трахеид и толщины клеточной стенки привитых деревьев сохраняет свою видовую особенность, характерную для непривитых деревьев, что свидетельствует о стабильности генетической программы дифференциации ксилемы. Адаптация привоев к климатическим условиям их места происхождения не влияет на анатомическую структуру годичных колец подвоев в годы, близкие по условиям к климату региона происхождения привоевThe analysis of the anatomical characteristics of tree rings of P. sylvestris L. rootstocks and scions of P. sibirica Du Tour (Emelianovo and Surgut provenances) and P. cembra L. (Karpat provenance) has been carried out for 10 years of their joint growth. The number of tracheids, their radial diameter and the cell wall thickness for the P. sibirica scions increases relative to control trees (with the exception of the cell wall thickness for Surgut scions). At the same time, in the annual rings of the P. sylvestris rootstocks these characteristics as well as the number of tracheids decrease relative to the control trees. An exception is the Scots pine, which is the rootstock for Surgut provenance scion, for which the radial tracheid diameter of the transition zone increases. The seasonal dynamics of the radial tracheid diameter and the cell wall thickness of the grafted trees retains the species features typical for the ungrafted trees, suggesting the stability of the genetic program of xylem differentiation. The adaptation of scions to the climatic conditions of their place of origin does not affect the anatomical structure of the tree rings of the rootstocks during the years in which the conditions are close to the climate of the region of origin of the scion

    Methodology for Development of a 600-Year Tree-Ring Multi-Element Record for Larch from the Taymir Peninsula, Russia

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    We developed a long (600-year) dataset for the concentrations of 26 elements in tree rings of larch from the Taymir Peninsula, the northernmost region in the world (ca. 72°N) where trees grow. Tree rings corresponding to the time period from 1300 to 1900 A.D. were studied. Eleven wood strips, each from a different larch tree, were cut into ca. 100 mg samples usually consisting of ten consecutive tree rings (but occasionally five). Between 19 and 40 consecutive samples resulted from each tree, yielding a total of 277 samples. The replication of each time interval ranged from three (for periods 1300-1400 A.D. and 1600-1700 A.D.) to six (for 1450-1600 A.D.). Wood samples were digested with concentrated HNO 3 for measurement of Li, B, Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, Cl, K, Ca, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Mo, Ag, Cd, Sn, Sb, I, Ba, La, Ce, Nd, W, Au, Pb, Bi, Th, and U using solution Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICPMS). Fourteen elements (V, Co, As, Y, Nb, Mo, Sb, La, Ce, Nd, W, Au, Th, and U) with extremely low concentrations were eliminated from consideration as unreliable. Here we report our sample preparation and measurement procedure, as well as the observed concentrations in tree rings, emphasizing considerations for developing representative and reliable denrodochemical datasets.Нами был получен длительный массив данных (600 лет) концентраций 26 элементов в годичных кольцах лиственницы с полуострова Таймыр, самого северного региона в мире (около 72° с.ш.), где возможен рост деревьев. Изучались годичные кольца, соответствующие промежутку времени с 1300 по 1900 год н.э. Одиннадцать древесных выпилов, по одному для каждой лиственницы, нарезались на образцы массой около 100 мг, которые, как правило, состояли из десяти годичных колец (но в некоторых случаях из пяти). Из каждого дерева было получено от 19 до 40 последовательных образцов, что дало в общей сложности 277 образцов. Повторность для каждого временного интервала варьировала от трех (для периодов 1300-1400 г.н.э. и 1600-1700 г.н.э.) до шести (для периода 1450-1600 г.н.э.). Древесные образцы растворяли в концентрированной HNO 3 для последующего измерения Li, B, Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, Cl, K, Ca, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Mo, Ag, Cd, Sn, Sb, I, Ba, La, Ce, Nd, W, Au, Pb, Bi, Th и U при помощи масс-спектрометрии с индуктивно связанной плазмой (ICP-MS) для растворов. Четырнадцать элементов (V, Co, As, Y, Nb, Mo, Sb, La, Ce, Nd, W, Au, Th и U) с очень низкими концентрациями были исключены из рассмотрения как недостоверные. В данной статье, основной целью которой являлась отработка методики получения репрезентативных и достоверных дендрохимических данных, приводится использованная нами процедура пробоподготовки и измерений, а также полученные концентрации в годичных кольцах

    Contribution of xylem anatomy to tree-ring width of two larch species in permafrost and non-permafrost zones of Siberia

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    Plants exhibit morphological and anatomical adaptations to cope the environmental constraints of their habitat. How can mechanisms for adapting to contrasting environmental conditions change the patterns of tree rings formation? In this study, we explored differences in climatic conditions of permafrost and non-permafrost zones and assessed their influence on radial growth and wood traits of Larix gmelinii Rupr (Rupr) and Larix sibirica L., respectively. We quantified the contribution of xylem cell anatomy to the tree-ring width variability. Comparison of the anatomical tree-ring parameters over the period 1963–2011 was tested based on non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test. The generalized linear modeling shows the common dependence between TRW and the cell structure characteristics in contrasting environments, which can be defined as non-specific to external conditions. Thus, the relationship between the tree-ring width and the cell production in early- and latewood are assessed as linear, whereas the dependence between the radial cell size in early- and latewood and the tree-ring width becomes significantly non-linear for both habitats. Moreover, contribution of earlywood (EW) and latewood (LW) cells to the variation of TRW (in average 56.8% and 24.4% respectively) was significantly higher than the effect of cell diameters (3.3% (EW) and 17.4% (LW)) for the environments. The results show that different larch species from sites with diverging climatic conditions converge towards similar xylem cell structures and relationships between xylem production and cell traits. The work makes a link between climate and tree-ring structure, and promotes a better understanding the anatomical adaptation of larch species to local environment conditions