19 research outputs found

    Implementation of the PBL methodology in courses of Construction I-II

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    This paper explains the way in which matters Construction-I and Construction-II have been given, in the Degree of Architecture of the Higher Technical School of Architecture in San Sebastian, during 2015-16, by using for the first time a Project Based Learning (PBL) active methodology. The methodology was implemented during the first four-month period in matter Construction-I, within the framework of the "training program of professors in active teaching methodologies ERAGIN" by the University of the Basque Country. At the conclusion, after an analysis of the developed work and taking into account the good performance results, teachers decided to continue applying the PBL methodology in matter Construction-II, in the second four-month period, making some minor adjustments in order to correct mistakes and to optimize its application. The final result was positive, and the experience will be useful to make a future common design of both matters, based on the same methodology.El artículo expone el modo en el que se han impartido las asignaturas Construcción-I y Construcción-II, de 3er curso del Grado en Fundamentos de Arquitectura de la ETSA de Donostia-San Sebastián (EHU/UPV), durante el curso 2015-16, utilizando por 1ª vez la metodología activa ABP (Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos). Su implantación en Construcción-I durante el 1er cuatrimestre del curso se realizó en el marco del “Programa de formación del profesorado en metodologías activas de enseñanza ERAGIN” de EHU/UPV. A su conclusión, tras un análisis del trabajo desarrollado y los buenos resultados obtenidos, se decidió continuar con la metodología PBL en la asignatura Construcción II del 2º cuatrimestre realizando una serie de pequeños cambios para corregir errores y optimizar su aplicación. Los resultados finales han sido también muy positivos y la experiencia servirá para realizar un diseño unificado de ambas asignaturas basado en la misma metodología en los próximos cursos

    The Role of Photography and Photomontage in the Project of the Aita Donostia Monument (Jorge Oteiza and Luis Vallet)

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    [EN] Once Jorge Oteiza defined the stele in tribute to Aita Donostia by order of the Aranzadi Science Society, Luis Vallet began the development of the architectural project for the chapel that was to accompany it. Vallet was in charge of integrating the stele with the chapel and the millenary henges of Agiña, making use of photography as a work tool that would be applied at every stage of the project. During  the project that commenced in November 1956 and finished in the summer of 1959, Oteiza and Vallet used two techniques: photography and photomontage, and three types of photographic cameras: Weltaflex, Polaroid and Leica. It is time to bring  to light the technical aspects of these photo reports, as well as the influences under which they were made, and the motives that made them choose one technique or camera in each of the stages.[ES] Una vez que Jorge Oteiza definiera la estela en homenaje a Aita Donostia por encargo de la Sociedad de Ciencias Aranzadi, comenzaba el desarrollo, por parte de Luis Vallet, del proyecto arquitectónico para la capilla que iba a acompañarla. Vallet se encargó de integrar la estela, la capilla y los crómlech milenarios de Agiña, haciendo uso de la fotografía como herramienta de trabajo aplicada en todos los estadios de proyecto. Durante el proyecto, que arrancó en noviembre de 1956 y finalizó en verano de 1959, Oteiza y Vallet emplearon dos técnicas, la fotografía y el fotomontaje, y tres tipos de cámara fotográfica: una Weltaflex, una Polaroid  y una Leica. Es hora de sacar a la luz los aspectos técnicos de los distintos reportajes, las influencias bajo las cuales fueron realizados y los motivos por los que optaron por una determinada técnica o cámara en cada una de las fases.Etxepare Igiñiz, L.; García Nieto, F. (2021). El papel de la fotografía y el fotomontaje en el proyecto del Monumento a Aita Donostia (Jorge Oteiza y Luis Vallet). EGA Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 26(41):242-253. https://doi.org/10.4995/ega.2021.14241OJS2422532641Archive of the Foundation Museum Jorge Oteiza, Alzuza [AFMJO].Luis Vallet Archive [LVA].ARNAIZ GÓMEZ, A., 2006. "Entre escultura y monumento. La estela del Padre Donostia para Agiña del escultor Jorge Oteiza", Ondare, 25, pp. 305-325.BADIOLA, T., 2016. "Homenaje al Padre Donosti, 1957-1958", en Oteiza, catálogo razonado de escultura, vol. 2. Alzuza: Foundation Museum Jorge Oteiza, pp. 582-589.BENJAMIN, W., 1939. L'oeuvre d'art à l'époque de sa reproductibilité technique mecanisee. Paris: Payot, 2013.BERGERA, I., 2014. "Fotos de casas, cosas de fotos", in I. Bergera (Ed.) Fotografía y Arquitectura Moderna en España, 1925-1965. Madrid: La Fábrica.BERGERA, I., 2016. Retratando sueños: Fotografías de maquetas de arquitectura moderna en España", Proyecto, Progreso, Arquitectura, 15, pp. 30-41. https://doi.org/10.12795/ppa.2016.i15.02CALVO, I., 2014. "Nicolás de Lekuona, la poesía del fotomontaje", Ah, Magazine.CHÉROUX, C. and JONES, J. (Eds.), 2014. Henri Cartier-Bresson. Ver es un todo. Entrevistas y conversaciones 1951-1998. (translated by Carles Roche). Barcelona: Gustavo Gili. p.12CRABIFFOSSE, F., Historia de la fotografía en Gijón (1839-1936), Gijón: Fundación Municipal de Cultura, 2000, pp. 206-208.ELORZA, M., 2008. En torno a la revista novedades: fotografía y fotógrafos en el País Vasco en el primer tercio del siglo XX (PhD Thesis). Universidad del País Vasco.GONZÁLEZ JIMÉNEZ, B. S., 2017. La mirada construida: aproximación moderna española a través de la fotografía de Juan Pando Barrero (PhD Thesis). School of Architecture (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.LÉVI-STRAUSS, C., 1962. La Pensée sauvage. Paris: Plon, pp. 34-35.LÓPEZ-BAHUT, E., 2013. "Oteiza y la construcción del Paisaje: intervenciones desde la arquitectura en los años 50", ZARCH: Journal of interdisciplinary studies in Architecture ans Urbanism, 1, pp. 104- 115.LÓPEZ RIVERA, F.J., 2014. "El GATEPAC y algunas de sus claves a través de las imágenes fotográficas", Constelaciones, 2, 161-174.MANTEROLA, I. 2008. Nicolás de Lekuona: estrella fugaz en la vanguardia de los años 30. Madrid: Galería Guillermo de Osma.MOYA, A. 1994. Orígenes de la Vanguardia Artística en el País Vasco. Nicolás de Lekuona y su tiempo. Madrid: Electa.OTEIZA, J., 1979. "Noticia sobre los fotógrafos", in M. Pelay Orozco (ed.), Oteiza. Su obra, su vida, su pensamiento, su palabra, Bilbao: Biblioteca de la Gran Enciclopedia Vasca, Bilbao, p. 597.OTEIZA, J. and VALLET, L., 1957, "Memorial en honor al padre Donosti, capuchino y musicólogo", Munibe, 3, pp. 189-193.ORTIZ-ECHAGÜE, J., 2013, "La cámara metafísica: fotografía y cine al final del ciclo experimental de Jorge Oteiza", Goya, 342, pp. 74-89.PAPADAKI, S., 1958, Oscar Niemeyer: Works in Progress. New York: Reinhold.PELAY OROZCO, M., 1979. Oteiza, su vida, su pensamiento, su palabra. Bilbao: Biblioteca de la Gran Enciclopedia Vasca.PEÑA, L., 1960. "Reconstitución y catalogación de los «cromlechs» existentes en Guipúzcoa y sus zonas fronterizas con Navarra". Munibe, 12, pp. 89-212.ZUAZNABAR, G., 2006.: Piedra en el Paisaje. Cuadernos del Museo Oteiza, nº 2. Fundación Museo Jorge Oteiza, Alzuza

    Sancho el Sabio.

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    Obras tunecinas de Joseph Hiriart, maestro del Art-Déco (1927-1936)

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    Joseph Hiriart fue uno de los principales arquitectos de la Exposition des Arts décoratifs industriels et modernes celebrada en Paris (1925). Desde su estudio de París, junto con sus asociados Georges Beau y Georges Tribout, proyectó un conjunto de brillantes obras, entre las que destacan las realizadas en el País Vasco francés. En 1927, en vista de la recesión económica y tras asociarse con Jean-Marcel Seignouret, Hiriart abrió un estudio en la ciudad de Túnez. Durante diez años, llevaron a cabo una serie de proyectos residenciales y dotacionales, que, aunque memorables, han permanecido en el olvido. Es hora de conocerlos.Joseph Hiriart was one of the principal architects of the Exposition des Arts décoratifs industriels et modernes, in Paris (1925). From his studio in Paris, together with his associates Georges Beau and Georges Tribout, he designed a set of brilliant works, among which the ones carried out in the Basque Country. In 1927, in view of the economic recession and after partnering with Jean-Marcel Seignouret, Hiriart opened a studio in Tunis. For ten years, they carried out a series of residential and educational projects that, even though they are memorable, have remained in oblivion. It is time to know about them

    Environmental and economic optimization and prioritization tool-kit for residential building renovation strategies with life cycle approach

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    The most recent regulations, as well as the scientific studies, remark the importance of the evaluation of the entire life cycle on building renovations, relative to the environmental impact and economic feasibility, making the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) the prioritizing analysis. The objective of the study is to develop a simplified methodology for the environmental and economic assessment of residential building renovations with life cycle approach. For this, a script-based tool-kit is developed: the first tool optimizes the thickness of envelope insulation based strategies; the second tool is for the prioritization of strategies by assessing their environmental performance and economic feasibility. In order to follow the objective, the development of the two tools is presented: both tools follow a parallel scheme where the input parameters are required by an excel file and the calculation script provides the results automatically by exporting the results excel file. The evaluation provides the quantification of the relative environmental improvement with the net energy ratio (NER), and the economic feasibility by the financial indicator of internal rate of return (IRR). The tool-kit is applied in a case study of a multifamily residential building. The results show, on the one hand, that the usability of the tool-kit can be determinant in the decision-making of stakeholders; and in the other hand, the importance of carrying out a dynamic assessment, taking into account the variation of the results caused by the uncertain parameters that differ in time. Moreover, the tool-kit can assist the development of cost-effective decarbonisation strategies.Part of the work presented in this paper belongs to the research project PIBA-PUE 2020(PUE_2020_1_0013) funded by the Department of Education of the Basque Government. Moreover, this research work is part of the corresponding author's Doctoral Thesis that aims to investigate the holistic assessment of technical renovation solutions of residential buildings in the Basque Country funded by the Predoctoral Training Programme for Non-Doctor Research Personnel of the Department of Education of the Basque Government (PRE_2021_1_0247)

    Recomponiendo vida y obras de Juan José Olazábal, arquitecto del GATEPAC

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    Juan José Olazábal (1905-73) was a key architect during the years of the Second Spanish Republic, in which he actively participated in the birth of GATEPAC. However, his career was cut short as a result of the Civil War, during which he was sentenced to prison. His career would be divided into two: a first part developed in the Basque Country, whose main works belong to the Modern Movement, and a second stage, in Granada, of a rather eclectic character.; Juan José Olazábal (1905-73) fut un architecte clé pendant les années de la Seconde République espagnole, où il participa activement à la naissance du GATEPAC. Cependant, sa carrière a été interrompue à la suite de la guerre civile, au cours de laquelle il a été condamné à une peine de prison. Sa carrière serait divisée en deux: une première partie développée au Pays Basque, dont les principales œuvres appartiennent au Mouvement Moderne, et une deuxième étape, à Grenade, de caractère plutôt éclectique.; Juan José Olazábal (1905-73) fue un arquitecto clave durante los años de la Segunda República Española, en los que participó activamente en el nacimiento del GATEPAC. Sin embargo, su carrera se vio truncada como consecuencia de la Guerra Civil, en el transcurso de la cual fue condenado a presidio. Su carrera quedaría partida en dos: una primera parte desarrollada en el País Vasco, cuyas principales obras pertenecen al Movimiento Moderno, y una segunda etapa, en Granada, de carácter más bien ecléctico

    Barriers and challenges of the assessment framework of the Commission Recommendation (EU) 2019/786 on building renovation by European RTD projects

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    The refurbishment of buildings is one of the main keys to pursue the targets of the European Green Deal, and to accomplish the European Union has applied two mechanisms among others: the European policy and the European Research and Technological Development (RTD) projects. On the one hand, the EU has published the Commission Recommendation (EU) 2019/786 with an assessment framework composed by Measurable Progress Indicators (MPI) that can be considered the main legal instrument to measure the progress of the decarbonisation together with health & wellness, social and economic related targets of the Directive 2018/844, the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD). On the other hand, the RTD projects also pursue the targets of the EU but following their own assessment methodology com-posed by Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Considering the parallelism of these two mechanisms, the objective of this study is to analyse the applicability of the EU's assessment framework by the RTD pro-jects, establishing a critical point of view of the viability of the MPIs and identifying the barriers and chal-lenges of the evaluation system proposed by the EU. Regarding the methodology, the applicability of MPIs by RTD projects has been analysed in five stages: (1) Identification and listing of the MPIs of EU Recommendation; (2) selection of European RTD projects; (3) identification of the KPIs applied by the projects; (4) study of the concordance of the MPIs of the Commission Recommendation's assessment framework and the KPIs of the RTD projects; (5) evaluation of the barriers and challenges of the applica-bility of the EU's MPIs based on the level of agreement with the projects' KPIs. This investigation shows that although some evaluation scopes of the Commission Recommendation (EU) 2019/786 do agree with high degree with RTD projects, many MPIs present barriers related to the low reliability, the absence of standardised calculation methods, and the lack of data. Besides, the assessment framework of the Commission Recommendation (EU) 2019/786 also presents challenges to improve the evaluation of the building renovation like calibration techniques, standardised input data and the shortlisting of the MPIs to improve the effectiveness of the method. The main conclusion is that the readjustment of the assessment framework proposed in the Recommendation (EU) 2019/786 is needed. This readjustment is proposed to be done by shortlisting the MPIs and defining standardised measurement methods in order to build a common roadmap that could be followed and assessed homogenously towards the decarbon-isation of the European building stock.Part of the work presented in this paper belongs to the research Project LOCAL-REGEN (PID2019-104871RB-C22), funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation – State Research Agency/10.13039/501100011033. Moreover, this research work is part of the corresponding author's Doctoral Thesis that aims to investigate the holistic assessment of technical renovation solutions of residential buildings in the Basque Country funded by the Predoctoral Training Programme for Non-Doctor Research Personnel of the Department of Education of the Basque Government (PRE_2021_1_0247)

    Implementation of the BIM Methodology in the Architecture Degree: Experience of the Architecture School of San Sebastian

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    [EN] The emergence of the Building Information Modelling (BIM) methodology in the design, generation, maintenance and data management of any type of building has meant the most important advance in decades in the construction sector. Moreover, current European and Spanish regulations require its mandatory use. In this context, the university degree studies related to construction must challenge this new reality. The aim of the project conducted in the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) School of Architecture of San Sebastian, is the implementation of the BIM methodology in its Architecture Degree. The intention of this research is to implement the BIM methodology without subtracting competencies or content from the current Syllabus. This methodology should be gradually integrated into the different courses and intertwined with the contents of different subjects, in order to train Architecture graduates on BIM and preparing them to join a professional market that demands this knowledge. The purpose of this communication is to report the current status and the level of development of this study.Uranga, E.; Leon, I.; Alberdi, A.; Otaduy, JP.; Azcona, L.; Etxepare, L.; Lizundia, I.... (2021). Implementation of the BIM Methodology in the Architecture Degree: Experience of the Architecture School of San Sebastian. En 7th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'21). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 687-694. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd21.2021.13015OCS68769

    Hormigoi armatuaren eboluzioa linealki irakurtzeko ezintasuna. Espainiaren kasua (1896-1973)

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    The evolution of the quality of an artificial material in subsequent periods should not present setbacks. Technological development and monitoring the execution should ensure a favourable outcome in quality. However, socioeconomic and political forces can distort the course of this evolution, making it impossible for a linear read-ing; serving as an example of this is the history of reinforced concrete in Spain. The purpose of this article is to explain this evolution, comparing and analyzing chronolog-ically the data obtained from a series of structures built in the Basque Country in the past.; Material artifizial baten kalitateak garaiz garai duen bilakaerak ez luke atzerakadarik izan behar. Garapen teknologikoak eta erabileraren jarraipenak bermatu beharko lukete kalitatearen hobekuntza, baldin eta egia balitz teknologiak eta zien-tziak, bide beretik, norabide berean eta abiadura berarekin egiten dutela beti aurrera. Alabaina, gertaera sozioekonomiko eta politikoek baldintzatu dezakete bilakaera hori, material baten teknologiaren eta ezaugarrien eboluzioa linealki irakurtzea ezinezko bihurtuz. Horren adibide garbia da Espainian hormigoi armatuak izan duen bilakaera. Artikulu honek hori azaltzea du helburu, Euskal Herrian aspaldian eraikitako hainbat egitura historikotan eskuraturiko datuak elkarren parean jarriz eta kronologikoki aztertuz