43 research outputs found

    Implementation of Digital Twin-based Virtual Commissioning in Machine Tool Manufacturing

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    Virtual commissioning is not a new concept; However, it is all the rage with the introduction of Industry 4.0, in the field of product lifecycle management, computer-aided design (CAD), computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), and within the industrial automation programming frameworks. Although, this is a very active area of research and innovation, these technologies have little implementation in the machine tool industry [11]. There is still no integrated simulation environment for virtual commissioning in the market. In this context, digitalisation is a key driver. The aim of this paper is to describe the practice of virtual commissioning in the machine tool manufacturing industry by identifying available solutions in the market and addressing the challenges faced within the machine tool sector. As a result, a digital twin based virtual commissioning solution has been developed at Danobatgroup, the leading machine tool builder in Spain, which is a step forward towards the digitalisation of machine tool manufacturing

    Reuse in Safety Critical Systems: Educational Use Case Final Results

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    The University of Mondragon, has participated in an European ARTEMIS project called SafeCer during 4 years. The main objective of the project has been to research about the "Reuse of safety related embedded systems and components". Mondragon University has defined an Educational Use Case in order to form the future engineers and has also conducted a first experiment with students of the Master of Embedded Systems. In this paper, the results of this experiment are shown

    Reuse in safety critical systems: educational use case

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    The last decades, the electromechanical control systems are being replaced by Programmable Electronic Control Systems. The challenge is that these new systems have to be at least as safe as the replaced ones. Any company that want to compete in the Safety Embedded Systems related market and have success in business, have to develop competent systems reducing the time to market and the cost of the development and certification. The reusability of SW components is one of the solutions in this way. It is clear that the industry needs new graduates with this knowledge. In this paper we are going to explain a use case that the University of Mondragon is developing in order to use it in the Master of Embedded Systems with the objective to transfer the knowledge about how to develop safety critical and certifiable systems in an efficient way

    Hezkuntza emozionala Haur Hezkuntzan

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    52 p. ; Bibliogr.: pp. 34-35 : il.Hezkuntza Emozionala azkenaldian indar hartzen doan kontzeptua da, baina oraindik ere asko dira gaiaren inguruko zalantzak. Teor铆a asko izan bai baina praktikan honen isla ez dela egi bilakatzen hipotesitik abiatuta ikerketa teoriko/ praktiko bat burutuko da izaera ezberdineko ikastetxeetako irakasleekin. Gradu Amaierako Lan hau Haur Hezkuntza etapan zentratzen da eta adin tarte honetako haurren garapena eta adin tarte honetako haurren hezkuntza beharrizanetan zentratzen da, egungo hezkuntza sistemak zer nolako erantzuna eskaintzen dien aztertzeko. Lana hiru ataletan banatu liteke: lehenengoan, egungo marko teorikoa aztertzen jardungo dugu; bigarrenean, Goierriko hiru ikastetxe ezberdinetan Hezkuntza Emozionala nola lantzen den aztertuko da eta azken zatian, bi atal hauetatik eratorritako ondorioak eta aurrera begirako iker ildoak aztertuko dira

    Hezkuntza emozionala Haur Hezkuntzan

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    52 p. ; Bibliogr.: pp. 34-35 : il.Hezkuntza Emozionala azkenaldian indar hartzen doan kontzeptua da, baina oraindik ere asko dira gaiaren inguruko zalantzak. Teor铆a asko izan bai baina praktikan honen isla ez dela egi bilakatzen hipotesitik abiatuta ikerketa teoriko/ praktiko bat burutuko da izaera ezberdineko ikastetxeetako irakasleekin. Gradu Amaierako Lan hau Haur Hezkuntza etapan zentratzen da eta adin tarte honetako haurren garapena eta adin tarte honetako haurren hezkuntza beharrizanetan zentratzen da, egungo hezkuntza sistemak zer nolako erantzuna eskaintzen dien aztertzeko. Lana hiru ataletan banatu liteke: lehenengoan, egungo marko teorikoa aztertzen jardungo dugu; bigarrenean, Goierriko hiru ikastetxe ezberdinetan Hezkuntza Emozionala nola lantzen den aztertuko da eta azken zatian, bi atal hauetatik eratorritako ondorioak eta aurrera begirako iker ildoak aztertuko dira

    Lankidetza-erronka fisikoak eta gamifikazioa: escape room batera bideratutako unitate didaktikoa

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    81 p. : il. -- Bibliogr.: p. 64-47[EUS] Gradu amaierako lan honetan Lehen Hezkuntzako ikasleekin praktiketan zehar aurrera eramandako lau saioko unitate didaktikoa ebaluatu da; lortutako datuak, datu horietatik ateratako emaitzak eta ondorioak aztertuz. Horrez gain, unitate didaktikoaren baliagarritasuna analizatu da, ikasleek jarduera horien inguruan dituzten iritziak eta bizipenak ikertuz; horrez aparte, irakasleek egindako behaketa ere baliatu da unitatearen egokitasuna ikusteko. Unitate didaktikoak lankidetza-jarduerak hartu ditu oinarri, lankidetza-erronka fisikoak erabiliz; hain zuzen, unitatearen amaierako helburua ikasleek Escape Room izeneko jokoa gauzatzea da. Ikerketari dagokionez, ikasleei hainbat ebaluazio pasa zaizkie; Ebaluazio mota anitz hori erabiltzearen helburua da askotariko emaitzak lortzea. Batetik, jarduera kooperatiboei buruzko datu orokor batzuk bereganatu nahi izan dira; bestetik, aldiz, landutako gai espezifikoei buruzko datu zehatzagoak ere erdietsi nahi izan dira. Eskuratutako datu guztiak analizatu ondoren, ondorio positiboak atera dira; hortaz, baieztatu egin da jarduera kooperatiboetan oinarritutako unitate didaktikoak baliagarriak izan daitezkeela. Lanaren amaieran, egindako proposamenaren gakoak eta gabeziak modu kritikoan baloratu dira, etorkizunera begirako ondorioak osatuz.[EN] In this final degree project, a didactic unit of four sessions has been carried out, which has been evaluated, and from which the results have been analyzed and conclusions drawn. In addition to this, the effectiveness of the didactic unit has been analyzed, analyzing the opinions that the students have about this type of activities and the experiences they have had, while the teacher has made observations of all the students during the sessions. The didactic unit is based on cooperative activities, using physical cooperative challenges in order to perform an Escape Room. The students and the teacher have made different types of evaluations, in order to get all kinds of results; around the cooperative activities, more general results on general topics that have been wanted to know and more concrete results on more specific topics. After analyzing all the results, positive conclusions have been reached, being able to demonstrate the effectiveness of the didactic unit on cooperative activities In the end, the keys and shortcomings of the proposal have been critically concluded, in order to create more stable ideas for the future

    Evolving Legacy Model Transformations to Aggregate Non Functional Requirements of the Domain

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    The use of Model Driven Development (MDD) is increasing in industry. When a Non Functional Requirement (NFR) not considered in the development must be added metamodels, models and also transformations are affected. Tasks for defining and maintaining model transformation rules can be complex in MDD. Model Transformation By Example (MTBE) approaches have been proposed to ease the development of transformation rules. In this paper an approach based on MTBE to derive the adaptation operations that must be implemented in a legacy model transformation when a NFR appears is presented. The approach derives semi-automatically the model transformations using execution traceability data and models differences. An example where access control property is integrated on a MDD system is introduced to demonstrate the usefulness of the tool to evolve model transformations

    Increasing dependability in Safety Critical CPSs using Reflective Statecharts

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    Dependability is crucial in Safety Critical Cyber Physical Systems (CPS). In spite of the research carried out in recent years, implementation and certification of such systems remain costly and time consuming. In this paper, a framework for Statecharts based SW component development is presented. This framework called CRESC (C++ REflective StateCharts), in addition to assisting in transforming a Statechart model to code, uses reflection to make the model available at Run Time. Thus, the SW components can be monitored at Run Time in terms of model elements. Our framework helps the developer separate monitoring from functionality. Any monitoring strategy needed to increase dependability can be added independently from the functional part. The framework was implemented in C++ because this programming language, together with the Statechart formalism constitute widely used choices for the Safety Critical CPS domain

    CRESCO Framework and Checker: Automatic Generation of Reflective UML State Machine's C++ Code and Checker

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    Software Systems are becoming increasingly complex leading to new Validation & Verification challenges. Model checking and testing techniques are used at development time while runtime verification aims to verify that a system satisfies a given property at runtime. This second technique complements the first one. This paper presents a tool that enables the developers to generate automatically reflective UML State Machine controllers and the Runtime Safety Properties Checker (RSPC) which checks a component-based software system's safety properties defined at design phase. We address embedded systems whose software components are designed by Unified Modelling Language-State Machines (UML-SM) and their internal information can be observed in terms of model elements at runtime. RESCO (REflective State Machines-based observable software COmponents) framework, generates software components that provide this runtime observability. The checker uses software components' internal status information to check system level safety properties. The checker detects when a system safety property is violated and starts a safe adaptation process to prevent the hazardous scenario. Thus, as demonstrated in the evaluated experiment but not shown in the paper due to the space limitation, the safety of the system is enhanced