67 research outputs found

    The roles of forensic anthropology in fetal death investigation

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    ABSTRACT Physical anthropologist who has a training in forensic anthropology may be requested to give an expertestimony. In case of discovery of fetal remains, forensic scientist should understand on what main principles of medicolegal examination the evidences are based. In relation with fetal skeletal remains several investigations should be emphasized, i.e. the origin of the skeleton, the maturity compared with gestational age, the prematurity, whether the fetus is viable at birth, is the case an abortion one, the furnish data indicating the possible cause of death, and the time elapased between the interment and the discovery. The aim of this paper is to discuss the role of forensic anthropology in fetal death investigation and to present case studies of fetal death. The methods used in this study are those by various experts, to determine the age of fetuses. The material of the case study is an unknown fetal remain from Java-Indonesia sent by the law enforcement agency. The study was carried out in the Laboratory of Bioanthropology and Paleoanthropology Faculty of Medicine in July 1990. The result shows the Ohtsuki\u27s method proved to be the most appropriate in this case, probably due to the similarity in body size between the Japanese and Indonesian. The result also shows that fetal age identification is extremely sensitive to measurement error. An error of 2 mm. Can lead to 3 months difference in fetal age, therefore, a caliper with 0.005 mm. accuracy is suggested. The conclusion drawn from this study is that physical anthropology is a necessary part of forensic investigation. Key Words: fetal remains investigation - Java origin - fetal age - identification method - forensic anthropology Pakar antropologi ragawi yang telah mengalami latihan dalam antropologi forensic dapat diminta untuk bertindak sebagai saksi ahli mengenai suatu kasus forensik. Jika kasus yang dihadapi adalah sisa-sisa janin, pakar forensik harus menguasai prinsip-prinsip pemeriksaan medikolegal yang dijadikan dasar. Dalam kaitan dengan sisa-sisa kerangka beberapa pemeriksaan harus mendapat perhation khusus, yaitu dari mana asal kerangka (manusia atau hewan), maturitas terhadap umur kehamilan, apakah prematur, apakah lahir hidup, apakah kasus pengguguran, data-data yang memberi petunjuk sebab kematian, dan waktu antara mayat dikubur sampai diperiksa. Tujuan artikel ini adalah menguraikan peran anthropologi forensik dalam pemeriksaan kematian fetus serta presentasi kasus kematian fetus. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penentuan umur fetus oleh berbagai pakar. Materi penelitian studi kasus ini adalah fetus tak dikenal dari Kedu, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Bioantropologi dan Paleoantropologi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Gadjah Mada pada bulan Juli 1990. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode Ohtsuki adalah yang terbaik, kemungkinan karena ukuran orang Jawa lebih mirip dengan orang Jepang. Hasil juga menunjukkan bahwa identifikasi umur fetus sangat sensitif terhadap kesalahan pengukuran. Kesatahan pengukuran 2 milimeter dapat mengakibatkan kesalahan identifikasi umur sampai selisih 3 bulan. Untuk itu dianjurkan memakai kaliper dengan derajat ketepatan 0,005 milimeter. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa anthropologi ragawi dan anthropologi forensik merupakan bagian penting pada pemeriksaan kasus forensik

    Individuasi pada penggal kepala dengan skaning vertebra C7-T1

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    ABSTRACT Etty Indriati - Individuation in decapitation with C7-T1 vertebral scanning Background: Mutilation to eliminate the identity of murder victim is often conducted in crimes, for instance by cutting the head from the body. In order to determine whether the head belongs to the same individual with the body, research on the vertebral anatomy of the seventh cervical and first thoracic vertebrae is very important to be conducted. Objective: to observe the morphological congruence between the seventh cervical vertebrae and the first thoracic vertebrae. Material and Method: Thirty skeletons housed at the Laboratory of Anatomy, Embryology and Anthropology Gadjah Mada University Faculty of Medicine, Yogyakarta. The methodology is by scanning the C7 and T1 with three-dimensional scanner Umax Astra 2000, which scanned the bones into two dimensional on scanning paper. The scanned C7 is superimposed to T1, in the same individual and also between individual. Result: High degree of congruence between C7-T1 occurred at lamina, the structure that connects the pedicle and spinous process. This congruence extends into the posterio-inferior lateral border at the interior articular facets. Superimposition of C7-T1 inter-individual showed no accordance on the spinous process, lamina, inter-vertebral foramen, transverse process, and corpus vertebrae. Thus there was no two individuals had the same size and contour of C7-T1. Conclusion: This research is important in determining individuation on decapitation homicide where the body is dispersed from the head. This study also shows the contribution of anatomy in forensic sciences. Key words: decapitation, individuation, congruence, vertebrae, scannin

    Bioarkeologi: integrasi dinamis Antara antropologi biologis dan Arkeologi

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    Kata kunci: bioarkeologi, antropologi biologi

    Child sexual abuse (Pencabulan terhadap anak): Tinjauan klinis dan psikologis

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    Child sexual abuse: clinical and psychological perspectives This article reviews the clinical and psychological effects of children who suffer sexual abuse. Child sexual abuse (CSA) is a forced sexual behavior toward a child, either from the opposite or same sex. The types of child sexual abuse include exhibitionism, vouyerism, kissing, fondling, fellatio and cunnilingus, sexual intercourse, and pornography. The psychological effects of child sexual abuse often last a long time, in the form of anger, anxiety, nightmares, insecure, confused, scared, sad, and behavioral change from good to bad. The clinical effects of child sexual abuse ranges from bleeding in the genital and anus, fissure on anus, enlargement of vaginal and anal openings, and thinning/damaged of the hymen in the vagina. The Indonesian law no. 290 mentions that sexual offender or perpetrator is to be jailed for at most 7 years. It is hoped this review can be used as a general reference for clinicians in obstetrics and gynecology as well as pediatrics, in diagnosing child sexual abuse. This diagnosis is important for helping the abused child to recover and as medical records for law enforcement. Key words: child sexual abuse, clinical effects, psychological effect

    Mati: tinjauan klinis dan antropologi forensik

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    ABSTRACT Etty Indriati - Death: clinical and forensic anthropological perspectives All biological living beings inevitably die, and the ways to die vary although in essence death is a manifestation of the absence of Oxygen in the brain. After death, biological remains undertake proteolysis and decomposition. The aim of this article is to discuss clinical death, cerebral or medicolegal death, social death, phases of cerebral death, and biological process after deathâwhich is important for forensic medicine and forensic anthropology. How long a person die, if the time elapsed is in minutes, hours, days and a week,-it is within the field of medical forensic and pathological forensic. If the time elapsed after death is in weeks, months, or years, it is within the field of forensic anthropology. The time elapsed from biological death to the examination of the death is called postmortem interval. Five case studies on postmortem interval are presented in this article. It can be concluded that knowledge of the biological process of death and the fate of biological remains after death are important for handling abnormal death both in forensic medicine and forensic anthropology. Key words: clinical death, cerebral death, postmortem interval, forensic medicine, forensic anthropolog

    Permanent tooth eruption in Javanese children

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    Later Belakang: Erupsi gigi permanen dari alveolus ke dalam rongga mulut adalah satu proses pertumbuhan dan perkembangan pada manusia. Erupsi gigi permanen terjadi bertahap sejalan dengan usia dan oleh karenanya jadwal erupsi gigi dapat digunakan sebagai indikator umur pada kasus forensik di mane hanya rangka dan gigi anak ditemukan. Tujuan penelitian: Untuk memeriksa erupsi gigi permanen anak-anak Jawa dan dibandingkan dengan jadwal erupsi gigi anak-anak populasi lain. Bahan dan Cara: Subyek adalah 175 anak dari S.D. Negeri Imogiri II di Kabupaten Bantul, Yogyakarta. Pemeriksaan dilakukan dengan kaca mulut di bawah sinar alamiah (matahari). Data diklasifikasikan ke dalam 1 tahun interval, berdasarkan kuesioner yang diberikan kepada orang tua murid untuk mengisi tanggal lahir. Umur rata-rata dan umur median erupsi gigi pada anak laki-laki dan perempuan pada gigi maxilla dan mandibula juga dianalisa secara statistik. Hasil: Hasil menunjukkan bahwa pada maxilla, anak laki-laki lebih dahulu bererupsi giginya, kecuali pada gigi caninus atas. Demikian pula pada mandibula, anak laki-laki lebih dahulu erupsi giginya daripada pada perempuan, kecuali pada gigi caninus dan premolar kedua bawah. Pada anak laki-laki, gigi caninus atas bererupsi lebih dulu dibanding molar kedua atas, polanya terbalik pada anak perempuan. Urutan erupsi gigi pada anak laki-laki adalah 11-M1, M\u27, 1/, 12, 12, P1, P\u27, P2, P2, CO3 M2, C°, M2. Pada anak perempuan, urutan 11, 12. 12, P\u27. P1. Co, P2-P2, C°, my W. erupsi gigi permanennya adalah: M1, Simpulan: Umur bisa ditentukan berdasarkan waktu dan jenis erupsi gigi pada anak-anak. Background: Permanent tooth eruption from the alveolus into the oral cavity is one of the basic growth and developmental processes in humans. The permanent tooth eruption occurs gradually with age and therefore the eruption schedule can be used as an age indicator in forensic cases where only skeletons and teeth of children have been found. Objective: This study examines permanent tooth eruption in Javanese children and compares it with other populations. Material and Method: The subjects were 175 children from the state elementary school of Imogiri II, Bantu! District, Yogyakarta. Examinations were carried out using a mouth mirror under natural light. Data was classified in one-year age interval, based on the questionnaire given to parents to fill out with the birth date of each child. In addition, the mean and median ages of dental eruption in boys and girls maxillary and mandibular dentition were also statistically analyzed. Results: Results show that in their maxillas, boys were more advanced than girls in tooth eruption, except for the upper canine teeth. Similarly, in the mandible, boys were more advanced than girls in tooth eruption, except for lower canine and second premolar teeth. In boys, the upper canines erupt later than upper second molars, which is opposite to the pattern of girls. The order of tooth eruption in boys is 11-M1, M\u27, I\u27, 12, 12, P1, P\u27, P2, P2, CO3 M2, C°, M2. In girls, the order of tooth eruption is 11, M1, M\u27, P, 12,12, PI, P1, Co, P2-P2, co, M2, M2. Conclusion: Age can be determined on the basis of tooth eruption in children and subadults. Key words: permanent teeth, eruption, children, age, growth, Jav

    The effectiveness of piper betel solution and combination of sodium hypochlorite and hydrogen peroxide in root canal irrigation for endodontic treatment: A scanning electron microscope study

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    ABSTRACT Etty Indriati - The effectiveness of piper betel solution and combination of sodium hypochlorite and hydrogen peroxide in root canal irrigation for endodontic treatment: A scanning electron microscope study. Background: Root canal irrigation is a step needed in endodontic treatment, after extirpation of dental nerves, to clean the debris in the root canal in infected tooth pulp. The cleaned root canal was then filled with synthetic nerves and thus allowed the tooth crown to be preserved and function normally in the oral cavity. Objective: This study was aimed to compare the effectiveness of piper betel solution with the combination of sodium hypochlorite and hydrogen peroxide as irrigation material in dental root canal treatment. Material and Method: The material of study consisted of 6 upper incisors that were sectioned longitudinally into 12 parts. This study used in vitro method, by applying standard root canal treatment: preparation, extirpation, and irrigation of the root canal of incisor teeth. After irrigation (one group of teeth used piper betel solutionand the other group used combination of sodium hypochlorite and hydrogen peroxide), the tooth was longitudinally cut becoming mesial and distal parts. These parts were examined under scanning electron microscope with 500 magnification, and photographed using electron micrograph on the apical, middle, and coronal sections. The amount of debris was calculated (pm2) in each of those sections. Results: Irrigation using piper betel solution showed less amount of debris (n = 12, mean = 565 pm2) in the root canal, compared to combination of sodium hypochlorite and hydrogen peroxide (n = 12, mean =703,um2). However, the t test statistical analysis showed no significant difference between the two. Conclusion: Because of the toxicity of combination of sodium hypochlorite and hydrogen peroxide, no significant difference in irrigation material for root canal treatment, and the cleaner effect of piper betel solution, I suggest piper betel solution to be used widely as irrigant in endodontic treatment. Key words: root canal, piper betel, sodium hypochlorite, hydrogen peroxide, incisor teet

    Kebiasaan manusia dan efeknya pada biologi oral: tinjauan biokultural

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    Etty Indriati - Human behavior and its effect on oral biology: biocuitural observation Human behavior, tradition, habit, and culture are closely associated with human biological condition, their health and sickness. Thus, human\u27s habits and activities mimic in their health and sickness. Among human cultural traditions reviewed are coca-leaf chewing, betel-nut chewing, tobacco chewing, irradiation treatment in cancer patients, tooth-tool use related to task activities, tooth cleaning and palliative purposes, and gum chewing. Many literatures have shown that humans\u27 activities and habits have impact on their oral biology, ranging from gingival recession, hyperkeratosis of buccal mucosa, cervical-root caries on molar teeth, desquamation of tongue, approximal grooves, and leucoplakia on the oral mucosa. This review suggests that understanding a disease process requires knowledge of human\u27s activities and cultural tradition due to the close association of culture and biology, behavior and health. Key words: habit, teeth, oral, biology, healt

    Latar belakang tengkorak patologis dari paruh pertama abad ke-20 M: diskusi bioantropologi historis dan bioarkeologis

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    Kehidupan seseorang dipengaruhi oleh lingkungannya, sejak dalam lingkungan rahim sampai lingkungan dia lahir dan menjalani kehidupan awalnya. Lingkungan abiotik, biotik dan sosio-kultural selalu berperan dalam memodifikasi ragawi dan kulturalnya. Peranan pengasuhan dan perawatan di masa bayi yang berupa sosialisasi, internalisasi dan tumbuh kembangnya membawa konsekuensi dalam kesehatannya di masa berikutnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi sebuah tengkorak patologis dari paruh pertama abad ke-20, dan mendiskusikan hasil-hasilnya secara antropologi historis dan bioarkeologis. Para peneliti mengamati dan memeriksa bukti-bukti patologisnya, dan menentukan diagnosisnya. Lebih jauh, para peneliti mendiskusikan hasil-hasilnya dengan merujuk data sejarah dan sosio-kulturalnya yang berkaitan dengan suasana dan peristiwa pada masa kehidupan individu tersebut. Para peneliti juga berupaya untuk memberikan nuansa yang berperspektif luas dalam memandang manusia sebagai makhluk biokultural

    Kajian Perbandingan Karakteristik Epigenetis Populasi Tengkorak Manusia Paleometalik Gilimanuk (Bali) dan Liang Bua, Lewoleba, Melolo dan Ntodo Leseh (Nusa Tenggara Timur)

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    ABSTRAC The epigenetic characteristics of Paleometallic human skull\u27 populations from prehistoric sites of Nusa Tenggara Timur i.e. Liang Bua (Flores), Lewoleba (Lembata), Melolo (Sumba) and Ntodo Leseh (Komodo), and Gilimanuk (Bali) were studied. The aims of the study were to find wether there significant differences and biological contiguity among the populations. The subjects consisted of adult skulls from prehistoric sites of Gilimanuk (Bali), and Liang Bua, Lewoleba, Melolo and Ntodo Leseh (Nusa Tenggara Timur) from a period of transition of Late Neolithic to the beginning of Metallic Age that had an antiquity of 1500-4000 years. The subjects were selected from 20 skulls that consisted of 13 males and 7 females from Gilimanuk (Bali), and 20 skulls from Nusa Tenggara Timur consisted of 2 males and 3 females from Liang Bua, 4 males and 2 females from Lewoleba, 5 males and 2 females from Melolo, and 1 male and 1 female from Ntodo Leseh. Nonparametric statistical analysis i.e. Mann Whitney U test and Kruskal-Wallis, were used to compare the means of independent groups. Informative, discriminative, and determinative quality existed in various kinds of variables were used to make balance factors which reduced variable\u27s representativeness. Independent variables consisted of agesex, and site, and dependent variables consisted of 55 characteristics. Statistical analysis results were interpreted to answer the study questions, and reconstruction and extrapolation were done in several levels by using the research results of archaeological, paleoanthropological and geological in the.Epigenetic characteristics between males and females within the population of Gilimanuk (Bali) were significantly different (p < 0,05) in 11 characteristics, and within the population of Nusa Tenggara Timur in 6 characteristics. Epigenetic characteristics of males among Liang Bua, Lewoleba, Melolo and Ntodo Leseh in Nusa Tenggara Timur populations were significantly different (p < 0,05) in 24 characteristics, while their females showed no difference. Epigenetic characteristics of males between populations of Gilimanuk (Bali), Liang Bua, Lewoleba, Melolo and Ntodo Leseh were significantly different (p < 0,05 and p < 0,01) respectively in 34 characteristics, while their females in 28 characteristics. Genetic, racial and environmental factors influenced epigenetic characteristics between males and females in the populations of Gilimanuk (Bali) and Nusa Tenggara Timur. The difference of epigenetic characteristics among Liang Bua, Lewoleba, Melolo and Ntodo Leseh in Nusa Tenggara Timur populations were influenced by chronological factors of migration, occupancy and culture, and geographical dissociation of each population of Nusa Tenggara Timur that racially showed an Australomelanesid characteristic. Contiguity of epigenetic characteristics between Gilimanuk and Ntodo Leseh populations were influenced by geographical factors, chronological factors of migration, occupancy and culture, and mongolidisation process which showed a tendency of more to the east. Epigenetic characteristics of Melolo population which much differ towards Gilimanuk were influenced by racial factors, Australomelanesid characteristic dissociation in Nusa Tenggara Timur geographically from a set of studied sites, and chronological factors of migration, occupancy and culture. Keyword: Epigenetic characteristics - Paleometallic - Gilimanuk - Nusa Tenggara Timu
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