1,701 research outputs found

    Shaping Giant Membrane Vesicles in 3D-Printed Protein Hydrogel Cages

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    Giant unilamellar phospholipid vesicles are attractive starting points for constructing minimal living cells from the bottom-up. Their membranes are compatible with many physiologically functional modules and act as selective barriers, while retaining a high morphological flexibility. However, their spherical shape renders them rather inappropriate to study phenomena that are based on distinct cell shape and polarity, such as cell division. Here, a microscale device based on 3D printed protein hydrogel is introduced to induce pH-stimulated reversible shape changes in trapped vesicles without compromising their free-standing membranes. Deformations of spheres to at least twice their aspect ratio, but also toward unusual quadratic or triangular shapes can be accomplished. Mechanical force induced by the cages to phase-separated membrane vesicles can lead to spontaneous shape deformations, from the recurrent formation of dumbbells with curved necks between domains to full budding of membrane domains as separate vesicles. Moreover, shape-tunable vesicles are particularly desirable when reconstituting geometry-sensitive protein networks, such as reaction-diffusion systems. In particular, vesicle shape changes allow to switch between different modes of self-organized protein oscillations within, and thus, to influence reaction networks directly by external mechanical cues

    Vortices on Orbifolds

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    The Abelian and non-Abelian vortices on orbifolds are investigated based on the moduli matrix approach, which is a powerful method to deal with the BPS equation. The moduli space and the vortex collision are discussed through the moduli matrix as well as the regular space. It is also shown that a quiver structure is found in the Kahler quotient, and a half of ADHM is obtained for the vortex theory on the orbifolds as the case before orbifolding.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figures; references adde

    Non-Abelian vortex dynamics: Effective world-sheet action

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    The low-energy vortex effective action is constructed in a wide class of systems in a color-flavor locked vacuum, which generalizes the results found earlier in the context of U(N) models. It describes the weak fluctuations of the non-Abelian orientational moduli on the vortex worldsheet. For instance, for the minimum vortex in SO(2N) x U(1) or USp(2N) x U(1) gauge theories, the effective action found is a two-dimensional sigma model living on the Hermitian symmetric spaces SO(2N)/U(N) or USp(2N)/U(N), respectively. The fluctuating moduli have the structure of that of a quantum particle state in spinor representations of the GNO dual of the color-flavor SO(2N) or USp(2N) symmetry, i.e. of SO(2N) or of SO(2N+1). Applied to the benchmark U(N) model our procedure reproduces the known CP(N-1) worldsheet action; our recipe allows us to obtain also the effective vortex action for some higher-winding vortices in U(N) and SO(2N) theories.Comment: LaTeX, 25 pages, 0 figure

    Vortex counting from field theory

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    The vortex partition function in 2d N = (2,2) U(N) gauge theory is derived from the field theoretical point of view by using the moduli matrix approach. The character for the tangent space at each moduli space fixed point is written in terms of the moduli matrix, and then the vortex partition function is obtained by applying the localization formula. We find that dealing with the fermionic zero modes is crucial to obtain the vortex partition function with the anti-fundamental and adjoint matters in addition to the fundamental chiral multiplets. The orbifold vortex partition function is also investigated from the field theoretical point of view.Comment: 21 pages, no figure

    Exploratory analysis of high-resolution power interruption data reveals spatial and temporal heterogeneity in electric grid reliability

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    Modern grid monitoring equipment enables utilities to collect detailed records of power interruptions. These data are aggregated to compute publicly reported metrics describing high-level characteristics of grid performance. The current work explores the depth of insights that can be gained from public data, and the implications of losing visibility into heterogeneity in grid performance through aggregation. We present an exploratory analysis examining three years of high-resolution power interruption data collected by archiving information posted in real-time on the public-facing website of a utility in the Western United States. We report on the size, frequency and duration of individual power interruptions, and on spatio-temporal variability in aggregate reliability metrics. Our results show that metrics of grid performance can vary spatially and temporally by orders of magnitude, revealing heterogeneity that is not evidenced in publicly reported metrics. We show that limited access to granular information presents a substantive barrier to conducting detailed policy analysis, and discuss how more widespread data access could help to answer questions that remain unanswered in the literature to date. Given open questions about whether grid performance is adequate to support societal needs, we recommend establishing pathways to make high-resolution power interruption data available to support policy research.Comment: Journal submission (in review), 22 pages, 8 figures, 1 tabl

    Structurally Parameterized d-Scattered Set

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    In dd-Scattered Set we are given an (edge-weighted) graph and are asked to select at least kk vertices, so that the distance between any pair is at least dd, thus generalizing Independent Set. We provide upper and lower bounds on the complexity of this problem with respect to various standard graph parameters. In particular, we show the following: - For any d2d\ge2, an O(dtw)O^*(d^{\textrm{tw}})-time algorithm, where tw\textrm{tw} is the treewidth of the input graph. - A tight SETH-based lower bound matching this algorithm's performance. These generalize known results for Independent Set. - dd-Scattered Set is W[1]-hard parameterized by vertex cover (for edge-weighted graphs), or feedback vertex set (for unweighted graphs), even if kk is an additional parameter. - A single-exponential algorithm parameterized by vertex cover for unweighted graphs, complementing the above-mentioned hardness. - A 2O(td2)2^{O(\textrm{td}^2)}-time algorithm parameterized by tree-depth (td\textrm{td}), as well as a matching ETH-based lower bound, both for unweighted graphs. We complement these mostly negative results by providing an FPT approximation scheme parameterized by treewidth. In particular, we give an algorithm which, for any error parameter ϵ>0\epsilon > 0, runs in time O((tw/ϵ)O(tw))O^*((\textrm{tw}/\epsilon)^{O(\textrm{tw})}) and returns a d/(1+ϵ)d/(1+\epsilon)-scattered set of size kk, if a dd-scattered set of the same size exists

    レントゲン セン ノ エネルギー ソクテイ

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    ニジセン ニツイテ

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    Coherent manipulation of electronic states in a double quantum dot

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    We investigate coherent time-evolution of charge states (pseudo-spin qubit) in a semiconductor double quantum dot. This fully-tunable qubit is manipulated with a high-speed voltage pulse that controls the energy and decoherence of the system. Coherent oscillations of the qubit are observed for several combinations of many-body ground and excited states of the quantum dots. Possible decoherence mechanisms in the present device are also discussed.Comment: RevTe