8 research outputs found

    Monocarboxylate transporters 1 and 4 are associated with CD147 in cervical carcinoma

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    Due to the highly glycolytic metabolism of solid tumours, there is an increased acid production, however, cells are able to maintain physiological pH through plasma membrane efflux of the accumulating protons. Acid efflux through MCTs (monocarboxylate transporters) constitutes one of the most important mechanisms involved in tumour intracellular pH maintenance. Still, the molecular mechanisms underlying the regulation of these proteins are not fully understood. We aimed to evaluate the association between CD147 (MCT1 and MCT4 chaperone) and MCT expression in cervical cancer lesions and the clinico-pathological significance of CD147 expression, alone and in combination with MCTs. The series included 83 biopsy samples of precursor lesions and surgical specimens of 126 invasive carcinomas. Analysis of CD147 expression was performed by immunohistochemistry. CD147 expression was higher in squamous and adenocarcinoma tissues than in the non-neoplastic counterparts and, importantly, both MCT1 and MCT4 were more frequently expressed in CD147 positive cases. Additionally, co-expression of CD147 with MCT1 was associated with lymph-node and/or distant metastases in adenocarcinomas. Our results show a close association between CD147 and MCT1 and MCT4 expressions in human cervical cancer and provided evidence for a prognostic value of CD147 and MCT1 co-expression.CP received a PhD fellowship from Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (SFRH/BD/27465/2006)

    Association between age at first sexual intercourse and subsequent human papillomavirus infection: results of a Brazilian screening program

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    Objetivo: descrever a idade de início da atividade sexual (sexarca) e a sua associação com a idade das mulheres com a infecção por papilomavírus humano (HPV) e com as alterações citológicas no exame de papanicolaou. Métodos: mulheres da população geral foram recrutadas para participar de um estudo de rastreamento de câncer cervical e lesões pré-malignas. Após a aplicação de questionário comportamental, foram submetidas ao rastreamento com gia cervical e teste para DNA de HPV de alto risco, por meio de Captura Híbrida 2. Este projeto faz parte do Latin American Screening Study, que envolve mulheres do Brasil e da Argentina, e os dados aqui apresentados referem-se aos centros brasileiros nas cidades de Porto Alegre, São Paulo e Campinas. Resultados: de 8.649 mulheres entrevistadas, 8.641 relataram atividade sexual prévia e foram incluídas na análise. A média de idade no momento da entrevista foi de 38,1±11,04 anos, com início da atividade sexual em média aos 18,5±4,0 anos. Identificamos que a idade do início da atividade sexual aumenta de acordo com o aumento da faixa etária no momento da entrevista, isto é, mulheres mais novas relataram sexarca mais precoce que mulheres mais velhas (p<0,001). Em relação à infecção por HPV de alto risco, do total de mulheres que haviam iniciado as relações sexuais, 3.463 foram testadas, com 17,3% de positividade para HPV. Notadamente, em todos os centros, as mulheres com idade ao início da atividade sexual abaixo da média da população entrevistada apresentaram positividade maior para HPV (20,2%) do que as mulheres com sexarca em idade acima da média (12,5%) – Odds Ratio (OR)=1,8 (IC95%=1,5-2,2; p<0,001). Em relação à citologia, mulheres com sexarca abaixo da média de idade apresentaram também maior percentual de citologia alterada ≥ ASC-US (6,7%) do que mulheres com sexarca em idade maior que a média (4,3%) – OR=1,6 (IC95%=1,3-2,0; p<0,001). Conclusões: a infecção por HPV e a presença de alterações citológicas identificadas no rastreio de lesões cervicais em uma população assintomática estiveram significativamente associadas à idade mais precoce no início das relações sexuais. Ademais, identificamos também que as mulheres desta amostra apresentaram diminuição da idade ao início da atividade sexual, nas últimas décadas, sugerindo importante causa para o acréscimo da prevalência de HPV e as lesões decorrentes desta infecção.Purpose: to investigate women’s age at their first sexual intercourse and its correlation with their present age, human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and cytological abnormalities at Pap smear. Methods: women from the general population were invited to be screened for cervical cancer and pre-malignant lesions. After answering a behavior questionnaire, they were submitted to screening with cervical cytology and high-risk HPV testing with Hybrid Capture 2 (HC2). This report is part of the Latin American Screening (LAMS) study, that comprises centers from Brazil and Argentina, and the data presented herein refer to the Brazilian women evaluated at the cities of Porto Alegre, São Paulo and Campinas. Results: from 8,649 women that answered the questionnaire, 8,641 reported previous sexual activity and were included in this analysis. The mean age at the interview was 38.1±11.0 years and the mean age at the first sexual intercourse was 18.5±4.0 years. The age at the first sexual intercourse increased along with the age at the interview, i.e., younger women reported they had begun their sexual life earlier than older women (p<0.001). From the total of women who had already begun having sexual intercourse, 3,643 patients were tested for high-risk HPV infection and 17.3% of them had positive results. In all the centers, it became clear that the women with the first sexual intercourse at ages below the mean age of all the population interviewed presented higher rates of HPV infection (20.2%) than the women with the first sexual intercourse at ages above the mean (12.5%) – Odds Ratio (OR) 1.8 (IC95% 1.5-2.2;p<0,001). According to the cytology, the women with first sexual intercourse at ages under the mean, presented higher percentage of abnormal cytology ≥ ASC-US (6.7%) than the women with the first sexual intercourse at ages above the mean (4.3%) – OR 1.6 (IC95% 1.3-2.;p<0.001). ConclusionS: the high-risk HPV infection and cytological abnormalities identified during the asymptomatic population screening were significantly associated to the women’s age at the first sexual intercourse. Additionally, we have also identified that the women’s age at the first sexual intercourse has decreased during the last decades, suggesting an important contribution to the increase of HPV infection and the subsequent cervical lesions.Comissão Europeia - programa INCO-DEV (International Cooperation Development) Contrato #ICA4-2001-10013

    The association of p16INK4A and fragile histidine triad gene expression and cervical lesions

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    Objective. This cross-sectional study was intended to assess the association between immunohistochemical analysis of p16INK4A and fragile histidine triad (FHIT) and the presence of precancerous cervical lesions. Materials and Methods. Women seen at Pe´ rola Byington Hospital, São Paulo, Brazil, with histologically confirmed cervicitis (n = 31), cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) 1 (n = 30), CIN 2,3 (n = 30), and cervical cancer (n = 7) had also cervical material collected for liquid-based cytology, human papillomavirus Hybrid Capture 2 (HC2) test, and p16 and FHIT immunohistochemical reactions. Results. p16 and FHIT reactions were scored as the following: G1%, 1% to 5%, 95% to 25%, and 925%. Receiver operating curve analysis was used to select p16 and FHIT score cutoffs for further categorical analyses. All but one of the 37 CIN 2,3/cancer cases had a p16 score of greater than 1% to 5%. Among the 61 cervicitis/CIN 1 cases, 46 (75%) had a p16 score lower than 1% to 5%. In contrast, no association of FHIT expression and severity of cervical lesions could be demonstrated in this data set. Receiver operating curve analyses suggested the score of 1% to 5% for p16 as the cutoff that best discriminates CIN 2,3/cancer from cervicitis/CIN 1. No cutoff for FHIT scores could be suggested with data set. Conclusions. p16, but not FHIT expression, has the potential to be used as complementary diagnostic tool to investigate human papillomavirusYinduced cervical lesions, if these results are confirmed in larger studies.(undefined

    Deregulated expression of superoxide dismutase-2 correlates with different stages of cervical neoplasia

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    We are grateful to Carlos Ferreira do Nascimento and Severino Ferreira from the Hospital A.C. Camargo for technical assistance. We would like to thank Dr. Enrique Boccardo, Dr. Ismar Haga and Dr. Ana Paula Lepique for critical review of the manuscript and Dr. Erico Tosoni Costa for assistance in figure preparation.Objective: Superoxide dismutase-2 (SOD2) is considered one of the most important antioxidant enzymes that regulate cellular redox state in normal and tumorigenic cells. Overexpression of this enzyme may be involved in carcinogenesis, particularly in lung, gastric, colorectal and breast cancer. Methods: In the present study, we have evaluated SOD2 protein levels by immunohistochemistry (IHC) in 331 cervical histological samples including 31 low-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (LSIL), 51 high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (HSIL), 197 squamous cervical carcinomas (SCC) and 52 cervical adenocarcinomas (ADENO). Results: We observed that SOD2 staining increases with cervical disease severity. Intense SOD2 staining was found in 13% of LSIL, 25.5% of HSIL and 40% of SCC. Moreover, 65.4% of ADENO exhibited intense SOD2 staining. Conclusions: Differences in the expression of SOD2 could potentially be used as a biomarker for the characterization of different stages of cervical disease.Dr. Lara Termini was a Post-Doctoral fellow from Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (grant 05/57274-9)

    Avaliação crítica das nomenclaturas diagnósticas dos exames citopatológicos cervicais utilizadas no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS)

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    OBJETIVO: identificar as nomenclaturas diagnósticas dos exames citopatológicos cervicais utilizadas pelos laboratórios que atendem o Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) e participantes do Monitoramento Externo de Qualidade (MEQ). Avaliar as informações adquiridas de profissionais ginecologistas que atuam no SUS sobre os tipos de classificação diagnóstica que recebem nos laudos citopatológicos cervicais. MÉTODOS: foram avaliados 94 laudos citopatológicos liberados pelos laboratórios participantes do MEQ no Estado de São Paulo e 126 questionários aplicados aos ginecologistas que atenderam o SUS. RESULTADOS: dos 94 laboratórios, 81 (86,2%) utilizam uma única nomenclatura diagnóstica: 79 (97,6%) utilizam a Nomenclatura Brasileira para Laudos Citopatológicos (NBLC), 1 (1,2%) utiliza a classificação de Papanicolaou e 1 (1,2%) utiliza a de Richart. Dos 13 (13,8%) laboratórios que utilizam mais de uma nomenclatura, 5 apresentam 2 tipos, e 8, de 3 a 4, 9 dos quais incluem a classificação de Papanicolaou. O estudo demonstrou que 52 (55,3%) laboratórios apresentaram mais de um diagnóstico descritivo num mesmo laudo. Dos 126 ginecologistas que responderam ao questionário de avaliação dos laudos citopatológicos, 78 (61,9%) disseram receber laudos dos laboratórios com apenas uma classificação diagnóstica, 48 (38,1%), laudos com mais de uma classificação, e 2 receberam as 4 classificações. Entre os 93 (73,8%) ginecologistas que preferem uma classificação, 56 (60,2%) alegaram que a NBLC contribui para a conduta clínica, 13 (14,0%) optaram pela nomenclatura de Richart, 8 (8,6%), de Reagan e 16 (17,2%), a de Papanicolaou. De 33 (26,2%) ginecologistas que preferem mais de uma nomenclatura, 5 optaram pelas 4 classificações. CONCLUSÕES: Os dados obtidos mostram que ainda há resistência por parte dos patologistas no emprego da nomenclatura oficial nos laudos citológicos do SUS. Há uma discrepância entre informações que os ginecologistas gostariam que estivessem nos laudos e as que são fornecidas pelos médicos patologistas. Maiores esforços devem ser empregados no sentido de estimular o uso da nomenclatura oficial

    Increasing expression of monocarboxylate transporters 1 and 4 along progression to invasive cervix carcinoma

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    Solid tumor cells are known to be highly glycolytic and, to prevent apoptosis by cellular acidosis, cells increase proton efflux through pH regulators, such as monocarboxylate transporters (MCTs). However, the role of these membrane proteins in solid tumor development and survival is not fully understood. We aimed to evaluate the expression of the MCTs isoforms 1, 2, and 4 in a large series of cervical lesions (neoplastic and non-neoplastic) and assess its clinical-pathologic significance. The series analyzed included 29 chronic cervicitis, 30 low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions, 32 high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions, 49 squamous cells carcinomas, 51 adenocarcinomas, and 30 adenosquamous carcinomas of the uterine cervix. Analysis of the expression of MCT isoforms 1, 2, and 4 was performed by immunohistochemistry with specific antibodies. Immunoreactions were evaluated both qualitatively and semiquantitatively. We found a significant increase in MCT expression from preinvasive to invasive squamous lesions and from normal glandular epithelium to adenocarcinomas. This is the first study evaluating the significance of MCT expression in lesions of the uterine cervix, including invasive carcinomas, and the results found herein led us to believe that these membrane proteins are involved in the progression to invasiveness in uterine cervix carcinoma.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - SFRH/BD/27465/200

    Lymphatic vessel density and epithelial D2-40 immunoreactivity in pre-invasive and invasive lesions of the uterine cervix

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    We sought to determine the significance of lymphatic vessel density (LVD) in pre-malignant lesions and carcinomas of the uterine cervix and to evaluate the prognostic value of lymphatic invasion and D2-40 positivity in tumor cells in the three histological types of invasive lesions. The correlation of LVD, lymphatic invasion and D2-40 positivity in tumor cells with EGFR and COX-2 expressions was also evaluated