10 research outputs found

    Changes in the level of regional development of Albania and voivodships in Poland in 2010-2017

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    The article presents the results of research on changes in the level of regional development in Albania and in all voivodships (regions) in Poland in 2010-2017. Annual data comes from national statistical offices. The level of regional development was determined by the multi-criteria decision analysis method - SAW (the Simple Additive Weighting) and includes two social and six economic criteria. The obtained results indicate that in the whole analyzed period the level of regional development in Albania was lower than in all regions in Poland. However, it achieved the highest increase in the studied group, among others thanks to improving the demographic situation, increasing entrepreneurship and improving the quality of the market. The Mazowieckie, Pomorskie and Wielkopolskie voivodships were characterized by the highest level of development throughout the entire period as a consequence of a good demographic situation, increased entrepreneurship and high GDP dynamics. Negative population growth and an increase in unemployment meant that the Lubelskie and Warmińsko-Mazurskie voivodships are characterized by the lowest level of regional development in Poland. Faster improvement of the situation in more developed regions contributed to the increase of disparity in the socio-economic development of regions in PolandArtykuł prezentuje wyniki badania zmian jakie zaszły w poziomie rozwoju regionalnego w Albanii i we wszystkich województwach (regionach) w Polsce w latach 2010-2017. Dane roczne pochodzą krajowych urzędów statystycznych. Poziom rozwoju regionalnego wyznaczono metodą wielokryterialnej analizy decyzyjnej - SAW (the Simple Additive Weighting) i uwzględniają dwa kryteria socjalne i 6 kryteriów gospodarczych. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują, że w całym analizowanym okresie poziom rozwoju regionalnego w Albanii był niższy niż we wszystkich regionach w Polsce. Osiągnął on jednak największy przyrost w badanej grupie m.in. dzięki poprawie sytuacji demograficznej, wzrostowi przedsiębiorczości i poprawie jakości rynku. Województwa mazowieckie, pomorskie i wielkopolskie w całym okresie charakteryzowały się najwyższym poziomem rozwoju, co m.in. zawdzięczały dobrej sytuacji demograficznej, wzrostowi przedsiębiorczości i wysokiej dynamice PKB. Negatywny przyrost naturalny, wzrost bezrobocia sprawiły, że województwa lubelskie i warmińsko-mazurskie charakteryzują się najniższym w Polsce poziomem rozwoju regionalnego. Szybsza poprawa sytuacji w lepiej rozwiniętych regionach przyczyniła się do wzrostu dysparytetu w społeczno-gospodarczym rozwoju regionów w Polsc

    Environmental threats to beekeeping in the Western Balkan countries - beekeepers' perceptions

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    The subject of the paper refers to the research on beekeepers’ perceptions of environmental threats to beekeeping in the Western Balkan region. The following environmental threats were supposed to be the most pronounced: cutting of melliferous perennial plants and clearing of forests, urbanisation and environmental pollution, use of pesticides in agricultural production, pests and agents of bees’ diseases, climate changes. The aim of the research was to find out how beekeepers perceived these threats, to determine the presence of the threats and to define their intensity as well as their mutual relationship. For the purpose of this research, the authors created a structured questionnaire which was filled in by randomly selected beekeepers living in the Western Balkans. The research results show that most beekeepers in the studied area evaluated the assumed threats as strong to very strong, while the greatest percentage of beekeepers believes that climate change represents the greatest threat to beekeeping in the region. All assumed environmental threats show the same tendency, while they have the most serious effect on large apiaries with more than 150 bee colonies, located in lowland areas up to 200 meters above sea level with intensive farming. Findings of this research are important in order to adapt the current beekeeping practice in the region to more sustainable solutions, through improvement of the existing beekeeping legislation and advisory services

    Czy członkostwo w Unii Europejskiej jest wystarczającym czynnikiem dla poprawy poziomu rozwoju regionalnego? Przypadek Albanii i województw w Polsce

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    The article presents the results of research on changes in the level of regional development in Albania and in all voivodeships in Poland in the years 2010–2017. The applied annual data come from national statistical offices and include two social and six economic criteria. The study used one of the methods of multi-criteria decision analysis—TOPSIS with vector and linear parameters’ normalization. The results obtained (for both methods of normalization) indicate that in the years 2010–2017 Albania made the greatest progress in regional development, raising it from the lowest level in 2010 to comparable with several Polish voivodeships in 2017. Unlike some Polish voivodeships, Albania has significantly improved the demographic situation, conditions on the labour market and reduced employment in agriculture. The group of Polish voivodeships that have achieved the greatest progress in regional development have maintained positive demographic perspectives, increased the GDP growth, improved labour market conditions and increased the economic activity of their inhabitants. The results of the study indicate that EU membership is a favourable, but in some cases insufficient, circumstance for raising the overall living standards of households and the performance of enterprises operating in a given region.Artykuł prezentuje wyniki badania zmian, jakie zaszły w poziomie rozwoju regionalnego w Albanii i we wszystkich województwach w Polsce w latach 2010–2017. Zastosowane dane roczne pochodzą z krajowych urzędów statystycznych i obejmują dwa kryteria socjalne i sześć kryteriów gospodarczych. W badaniu wykorzystano jedną z metod wielokryterialnej analizy decyzyjnej – TOPSIS z wektorową i liniową normalizacją parametrów. Uzyskane wyniki (dla obu metod normalizacji parametrów) wskazują, że w latach 2010–2017 Albania zrobiła największy postęp w rozwoju regionalnym, podnosząc go z najniższego poziomu w 2010 roku do porównywalnego z kilkoma polskimi województwami w 2017 roku. W przeciwieństwie do niektórych polskich województw Albania znacznie poprawiła sytuację demograficzną, warunki na rynku pracy i ograniczyła zatrudnienie w rolnictwie. Grupa polskich województw, które osiągnęły największy postęp w rozwoju regionalnym, utrzymała pozytywne perspektywy demograficzne, podniosła dynamikę PKB, poprawiła warunki na rynku pracy i zwiększyła aktywność gospodarczą swoich mieszkańców. Wyniki badania wskazują, że członkostwo w UE jest sprzyjającą, ale w niektórych przypadkach niewystarczającą okolicznością dla podniesienia ogólnych standardów życiowych gospodarstw domowych i wyników przedsiębiorstw działających w danym regionie

    Changes in the level of socio-economic development in western Balkan EU accossionist countries in 2010-2018

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    The paper presents the results of research on changes in the level of socioeconomic development in Western Balkan countries, including Albania, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia, for the period 2010- -2018. The level of development was determined by the method TOPSIS, based on two social and six economic criteria using data from national statistical offices. The results indicate that four countries present long-term positive growth over the course of the decade. Throughout the entire analyzed period, Montenegro characterized with the highest and Albania the lowest development in the region. These countries characterized with the most and the least favorable levels of the analyzed categories, inter alia, the level of employment in agriculture, population growth, infant mortality rate, or the average wage. The levels of development of North Macedonia and Serbia were average for the region. However, the stable and rather favorable trends of the main sociaW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczących zmian poziomu socjoekonomicznego rozwoju w krajach Bałkanów Zachodnich, w tym w Albanii, Czarnogórze, Macedonii Północnej i Serbii, w 5v latach 2010--2018. Poziom rozwoju określono metodą –TOPSIS w oparciu o dwa kryteria społeczne i sześć kryteriów ekonomicznych z wykorzystaniem danych z krajowych urzędów statystycznych. Wyniki wskazują, że cztery kraje odnotowują długoterminowy dodatni wzrost w ciągu dekady. W całym analizowanym okresie najsilniejszym rozwojem w regionie charakteryzowała się Czarnogóra, a najniższym Albania. Kraje te charakteryzowały się najbardziej i najmniej korzystnymi poziomami analizowanych kategorii, m.in. poziomem zatrudnienia w rolnictwie, przyrostem naturalnym, wskaźnikiem umieralności niemowląt czy przeciętnego wynagrodzenia. Poziomy rozwoju Macedonii Północnej i Serbii były średnie w regionie. Jednak stabilne i dość korzystne trendy głównych kryteriów społeczno-ekonomicznych regionu pozwalają oczekiwać, że jego potencjał rozwojowy będzie kontynuowany w przyszłości

    The Role of GI Products or Local Products in the Environment—Consumer Awareness and Preferences in Albania, Bulgaria and Poland

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    The main goal of this paper is to measure and compare the awareness and preferences of consumers in relation to local products in three countries: Albania, Bulgaria, and Poland. (1) Background: The analysis focused on consumer choices when presented with local products, specifically knowledge as to their environmentally friendly status. The study was evoked by the need to recognize and evaluate changes in consumer behavior as a result of the pandemic and the global challenges related to climate change and the widespread call for nature preservation. (2) Methods: An online survey was conducted with 300 respondents from Poland, 262 from Albania, and 250 from Bulgaria. Statistical analysis was applied. (3) Results: The study answered research questions about consumer readiness to pay a premium price and awareness about the impact of regional products on the environment and livelihood of rural communities. (4) Conclusions: The study proved that consumer perceptions and behavior are influenced by a variety of factors and driving forces in the three countries surveyed depending on socioeconomic characteristics and relevant policies. COVID-19 accelerated the demand for products derived from nature-friendly production systems. Products with geographical indication (GI products) are a better choice from the perspective of sustainable consumption


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    Aim: The tax system is a key pillar of the conceptual framework for the design and implementation of economic policies in Albania. This system, being constantly subject to changes and reforms, sometimes uncoordinated or without follow-up, in certain cases contains contradictory or unclear provisions that do not provide accurate decisions on certain transactions or situations. Changes in tax law provisions and enforcement regulations have recently resulted in unintentional errors by Albanian taxpayers, which are reflected in most cases in small businesses or rural households. The situation is more complicated in rural areas since only 10-12% of the total number of farms are equipped with a Tax Identification Number (NIPT). The main objective of this study is to assess the effects of changing tax rates on the personal income of farmers. Methodology: To carry out this study, the descriptive study research method was used, and primary data were collected through 100 interviews with farmers, and also secondary data were statistically performed as well as analysed with the aim of making conclusions. Results: Findings show that the new income tax rate has changed many times in a decade, and this change has not positively helped farmers. Conclusions: Tax rates have changed irregularly and without a well-studied long-term policy. This must be improved quickly so as not to discourage farmers from following through with their activity and business in Albania

    Factors influencing Albanian consumer preferences for standardized olive oil

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    Albania is considered one of the most important countries where olives are cultivated due to its geographical position and climate conditions. The country is facing many problems with the quality of olive oil which is related to cultivation methods and agronomic techniques. The economic value of the sector is calculated almost €20 million per year. For years the cultivation of olives and associated products have been considered an important sector within agriculture and are an integral part of the Albanian diet. The current study aims to analyze the factors influencing consumer preferences for a standardized olive oil. The data collection was conducted through a socio-economic survey. The survey was an important element which provided general and specific information linked to the study area. The interviewees were selected randomly. Descriptive and multinomial logistic regression analyses were used to evaluate the survey data. As a result, we conclude that Albanian consumers prefer domestic olive oil because they are familiar with the taste and believe in its qualities. Usually, Albanian consumers choose the quality of olive oil at the purchase moment, due to their close relationship with the seller. JEL CODE: D1


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    Albania is considered one of the most important countries where olives are cultivated due to its geographical position and climate conditions. The country is facing many problems with the quality of olive oil which is related to cultivation methods and agronomic techniques. The economic value of the sector is calculated almost €20 million per year. For years the cultivation of olives and associated products have been considered an important sector within agriculture and are an integral part of the Albanian diet. The current study aims to analyze the factors influencing consumer preferences for a standardized olive oil. The data collection was conducted through a socio-economic survey. The survey was an important element which provided general and specific information linked to the study area. The interviewees were selected randomly. Descriptive and multinomial logistic regression analyses were used to evaluate the survey data. As a result, we conclude that Albanian consumers prefer domestic olive oil because they are familiar with the taste and believe in its qualities. Usually, Albanian consumers choose the quality of olive oil at the purchase moment, due to their close relationship with the seller

    Response of Short Food Supply Chains in Western Balkan Countries to the COVID Crisis: A Case Study in the Honey Sector

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    Operation of short food supply chains (abbr. SFSCs) during the period of the pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus provided a lesson which might be useful for perceiving the behaviour of farmers and local food systems in potential future crises caused by various endogenous or exogenous factors. A study based on a sample of 1081 beekeepers in Western Balkan countries shows how beekeepers involved in SFSCs perceived the influence of the pandemic on the growth of demand and sale of honey through these marketing channels. On the scale from 1 (no influence) to 7 (very strong influence), the average rating of 3.53 indicated a weak to moderate influence, which was fairly consistent across the countries of this region. The Kruskal-Wallis test and Mann-Whitney test determined that large-scale beekeepers, those in mountainous areas, those adding value to honey and beekeepers producing other bee products apart from honey stated that the pandemic had a stronger influence on the growth of demand and sale of honey through SFSCs. At the same time, a higher rating of the pandemic’s influence on sales growth was accompanied by greater limitations of beekeepers regarding the availability of family labour for selling honey, as well as by greater needs for digital marketing knowledge and skills. Binary logistic regression showed that the increase in beekeepers’ age led to the decreased rating of the influence of the pandemic on the growth of demand and sale of honey through SFSCs. It also showed that the influence rating rose with the increase in production capacity, adding value to honey and beekeepers’ needs for digital marketing knowledge and skills. The obtained results provide valuable knowledge about the potential response of SFSCs and involved producers to future crises and disruptions. It is primarily intended for policy makers, but also to practitioners and scientific and expert communities. All of them should respond proactively on behalf of society and prepare themselves for future challenges