152 research outputs found

    In Vitro Models for Glaucoma Research: Effects of Hydrostatic Pressure

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    PURPOSE. The response of cells (e.g., optic nerve head [ONH] cells) to mechanical stress is important in glaucoma. Studies have reported the biological effects of hydrostatic pressure on ONH cells cultured on a rigid substrate. An apparatus, designed to independently vary hydrostatic pressure and gas tension (including oxygen tension) in culture medium, was used to evaluate the effects of pressure and tension on cell migration, shape, and α-tubulin architecture in a transformed cell line (DITNC1 rat cortical astrocytes). METHODS. During the assay period, cells were exposed to one of four experimental configurations: (1) control pressure and control gas tension; (2) high-pressure (7.4 mm Hg) and reduced gas tension; (3) control pressure and reduced gas tension; and (4) high-pressure and control gas tension. RESULTS. Calculations suggested that the cells in configurations 2 and 3 were hypoxic, as confirmed by direct measurements in configuration 2. No effects of hydrostatic pressure were observed on cell migration or α-tubulin architecture. However, cells cultured under low gas tension (configurations 2 and 3) showed increased migration at 48 and 72 hours (P \u3c 0.05). CONCLUSIONS. A hydrostatic pressure of 7.4 mm Hg has no effect on DITNC1 astrocytes cultured on rigid coverslips, whereas hypoxia associated with a fluid column creating this pressure does. These results differ from those in a previous report, the results of which may be explained by altered gas tensions in the culture medium. Steps are recommended for control of secondary effects when testing the effect of pressure on cultured cells

    Optic Nerve Sheath Mechanics in VIIP Syndrome

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    Visual Impairment and Intracranial Pressure (VIIP) syndrome results in a loss of visual function and occurs in astronauts following long-duration spaceflight. Understanding the mechanisms that lead to the ocular changes involved in VIIP is of critical importance for space medicine research. Although the exact mechanisms of VIIP are not yet known, it is hypothesized that microgravity-induced increases in intracranial pressures (ICP) drive the remodeling of the optic nerve sheath, leading to compression of the optic nerve which in turn may reduce visual acuity. Some astronauts present with a kink in the optic nerve after return to earth, suggesting that tissue remodeling in response to ICP increases may be taking place. The goal of this work is to characterize the mechanical properties of the optic nerve sheath (dura mater) to better understand its biomechanical response to increased ICP

    Finite Element Modeling of the Posterior Eye in Microgravity

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    Microgravity experienced during spaceflight affects astronauts in various ways, including weakened muscles and loss of bone density. Recently, visual impairment and intracranial pressure (VIIP) syndrome has become a major concern for space missions lasting longer than 30 days. Astronauts suffering from VIIP syndrome have changes in ocular anatomical and visual impairment that persist after returning to earth. It is hypothesized that a cephalad fluid shift in microgravity may increase the intracranial pressure (ICP), which leads to an altered biomechanical environment of the posterior globe and optic nerve sheath (ONS).Currently, there is a lack of knowledge of how elevated ICP may lead to vision impairment and connective tissue changes in VIIP. Our goal was to develop a finite element model to simulate the acute effects of elevated ICP on the posterior eye and optic nerve sheath. We used a finite element (FE) analysis approach to understand the response of the lamina cribrosa and optic nerve to the elevations in ICP thought to occur in microgravity and to identify which tissue components have the greatest impact on strain experienced by optic nerve head tissues

    Biomechanics of the Optic Nerve Sheath in VIIP Syndrome

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    Long-duration space flight carries the risk of developing Visual Impairment and Intracranial Pressure (VIIP) syndrome, a spectrum of ophthalmic changes including posterior globe flattening, choroidal folds, distension of the optic nerve sheath (ONS), optic nerve kinking and potentially permanent degradation of visual function. The slow onset of VIIP, its chronic nature, and certain clinical features strongly suggest that biomechanical factors acting on the ONS play a role in VIIP. Here we measure several relevant ONS properties needed to model VIIP biomechanics. The ONS (meninges) of fresh porcine eyes (n7) was reflected, the nerve proper was truncated near the sclera, and the meninges were repositioned to create a hollow cylinder of meningeal connective tissue attached to the posterior sclera. The distal end was cannulated, sealed, and pressure clamped (mimicking cerebrospinal fluid [CSF] pressure), while the eye was also cannulated for independent control of intraocular pressure (IOP). The meninges were inflated (CSF pressure cycling 7-50 mmHg) while ONS outer diameter was imaged. In another set of experiments (n4), fluid permeation rate across the meninges was recorded by observing the drainage of an elevated fluid reservoir (30 mmHg) connected to the meninges. The ONS showed behavior typical of soft tissues: viscoelasticity, with hysteresis in early preconditioning cycles and repeatable behavior after 4 cycles, and nonlinear stiffening, particularly at CSF pressures 15 mmHg (Figure). Tangent moduli measured from the loading curve were 372 101, 1199 358, and 2050 379 kPa (mean SEM) at CSF pressures of 7, 15 and 30 mmHg, respectively. Flow rate measurements through the intact meninges at 30mmHg gave a permeability of 1.34 0.46 lmincm2mmHg (mean SEM). The ONS is a tough, strain-stiffening connective tissue that is surprisingly permeable. The latter observation suggests that there could be significant CSF drainage through the ONS into the orbit, likely important for CSF transport in the optic nerve. These experimental measurements, extended to human eyes, are informing computational models of the pathophysiology and biomechanics of the ONS in VIIP syndrome

    Finite Element Modeling Techniques for Analysis of VIIP

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    Visual Impairment and Intracranial Pressure (VIIP) syndrome is a major health concern for long-duration space missions. Currently, it is thought that a cephalad fluid shift in microgravity causes elevated intracranial pressure (ICP) that is transmitted along the optic nerve sheath (ONS). We hypothesize that this in turn leads to alteration and remodeling of connective tissue in the posterior eye which impacts vision. Finite element (FE) analysis is a powerful tool for examining the effects of mechanical loads in complex geometries. Our goal is to build a FE analysis framework to understand the response of the lamina cribrosa and optic nerve head to elevations in ICP in VIIP

    VIIP: Central Nervous System (CNS) Modeling

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    Current long-duration missions to the International Space Station and future exploration-class missions beyond low-Earth orbit expose astronauts to increased risk of Visual Impairment and Intracranial Pressure (VIIP) syndrome. It has been hypothesized that the headward shift of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and blood in microgravity may cause significant elevation of intracranial pressure (ICP), which in turn may then induce VIIP syndrome through interaction with various biomechanical pathways. However, there is insufficient evidence to confirm this hypothesis. In this light, we are developing lumped-parameter models of fluid transport in the central nervous system (CNS) as a means to simulate the influence of microgravity on ICP. The CNS models will also be used in concert with the lumped parameter and finite element models of the eye described in the related IWS works submitted by Nelson et al., Feola et al. and Ethier et al

    Effects of peripapillary scleral stiffening on the deformation of the lamina cribrosa

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    Purpose: Scleral stiffening has been proposed as a treatment for glaucoma to protect the lamina cribrosa (LC) from excessive intraocular pressure–induced deformation. Here we experimentally evaluated the effects of moderate stiffening of the peripapillary sclera on the deformation of the LC. Methods: An annular sponge, saturated with 1.25% glutaraldehyde, was applied to the external surface of the peripapillary sclera for 5 minutes to stiffen the sclera. Tissue deformation was quantified in two groups of porcine eyes, using digital image correlation (DIC) or computed tomography imaging and digital volume correlation (DVC). In group A (n = 14), eyes were subjected to inflation testing before and after scleral stiffening. Digital image correlation was used to measure scleral deformation and quantify the magnitude of scleral stiffening. In group B (n = 5), the optic nerve head region was imaged using synchrotron radiation phase-contrast microcomputed tomography (PC μCT) at an isotropic spatial resolution of 3.2 μm. Digital volume correlation was used to compute the full-field three-dimensional deformation within the LC and evaluate the effects of peripapillary scleral cross-linking on LC biomechanics. Results: On average, scleral treatment with glutaraldehyde caused a 34 ± 14% stiffening of the peripapillary sclera measured at 17 mm Hg and a 47 ± 12% decrease in the maximum tensile strain in the LC measured at 15 mm Hg. The reduction in LC strains was not due to cross-linking of the LC. Conclusions: Peripapillary scleral stiffening is effective at reducing the magnitude of biomechanical strains within the LC. Its potential and future utilization in glaucoma axonal neuroprotection requires further investigation

    Altered mechanobiology of Schlemm’s canal endothelial cells in glaucoma

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    Increased flow resistance is responsible for the elevated intraocular pressure characteristic of glaucoma, but the cause of this resistance increase is not known. We tested the hypothesis that altered biomechanical behavior of Schlemm’s canal (SC) cells contributes to this dysfunction. We used atomic force microscopy, optical magnetic twisting cytometry, and a unique cell perfusion apparatus to examine cultured endothelial cells isolated from the inner wall of SC of healthy and glaucomatous human eyes. Here we establish the existence of a reduced tendency for pore formation in the glaucomatous SC cell—likely accounting for increased outflow resistance—that positively correlates with elevated subcortical cell stiffness, along with an enhanced sensitivity to the mechanical microenvironment including altered expression of several key genes, particularly connective tissue growth factor. Rather than being seen as a simple mechanical barrier to filtration, the endothelium of SC is seen instead as a dynamic material whose response to mechanical strain leads to pore formation and thereby modulates the resistance to aqueous humor outflow. In the glaucomatous eye, this process becomes impaired. Together, these observations support the idea of SC cell stiffness—and its biomechanical effects on pore formation—as a therapeutic target in glaucoma

    Quantitative mapping of scleral fiber orientation in normal rat eyes

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    Purpose. Previous work has suggested a major role of scleral biomechanics in the pathogenesis of glaucoma. Since fiber orientation in connective tissues is a key determinant of tissue biomechanics, experimental characterization of scleral fiber orientation is needed to fully understand scleral biomechanics. This is a report of baseline experimental measurements of fiber orientation in whole normal rat scleras. Methods. Twenty ostensibly normal Norway brown rat eyes were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde. The scleras were cleaned of intra- and extraorbital tissues and dissected into five patches, and each patch was glycerol treated to maximize its transparency. Fiber orientation was measured using small-angle light scattering (SALS). Scattering patterns were analyzed to extract two microstructural parameters at each measurement location—the preferred fiber orientation and the degree of alignment—yielding a fiber orientation map for each sclera. Results. Rat sclera is structurally anisotropic with several consistent features. At the limbus, fibers were highly aligned and organized primarily into a distinct ring surrounding the cornea. In the equatorial region, the fibers were primarily meridionally aligned. In the posterior and peripapillary region, the scleral fibers were mostly circumferential but less aligned than those in the anterior and equatorial regions. Conclusions. Circumferential scleral fibers may act as reinforcing rings to limit corneal and optic nerve head deformations, whereas equatorial meridional fibers may either provide resistance against extraocular muscle forces or limit globe axial elongation
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