25 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengaruh Udara Ambien Terhadap Beban Turbin Generator Pltg Teluk Lembu

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    Energi listrik yang digunakan untuk keperluan industri, perkantoran dan rumah tangga yang disalurkan melalui transmisi dan distribusi. Besar energy listrik dari generator sangat bergantung dari energy yang di hasilkan turbin ke generator dan efisiensi dari generator tersebut. Oleh karena itu pengetahuan akan tingkat efisiensi dan besar daya masuk ke generator pada pusatpembangkit listrik di perlukan guna memperoleh produksi maksimal dan menghindari unit pembangkit mengalami derating. Nilai rata-rata efisiensi generator dalam satu hari menggunakan simulasi adalah 99,67 % dan perhitungan manual adalah 99,67 %, Nilai maksimum  dari daya serap kompresor dalam satu hari untuk simulasi  adalah 52,99 KJ/kg yaitu pada jam 04.00 dan untuk perhitungan manual adalah 52,99 KJ/kg  yaitu pada jam 04.00. Nilai rata-rata dari daya serap kompresor dalam satu hari untuk simulasi adalah 51,24 KJ/kg dan perhitungan manual adalah 51,24 KJ/kg, Rugi generator tertinggi pada temperatur ambien 29,7 °C, 29,3 °C, 28,5 °C, 27,6 °C dengan daya keluaran generator 15MW dengan rugi generator  sebesar 84465,30  Watt.Electrical energy used for industrial, office, and household purposes is channelled through transmission and distribution. The amount of electrical energy from the generator depends on the energy produced by the turbine to the generator and the generator's efficiency. Therefore, knowledge of the level of efficiency and the amount of power entering the generator at the power plant centre is needed to obtain maximum production and avoid generating unit’s derating the. The average value of generator efficiency in one day using simulation is 99.67%, and manual calculation is 99.67%. The maximum value of compressor absorption in one day for simulation is 52.99 KJ/kg at 04.00, and for calculation, the manual is 52.99 KJ/kg at 04.00. The average value of compressor absorption in one day for simulation is 51.24 KJ/kg, and manual calculation is 51.24 KJ/kg. The highest generator loss is at ambient temperature 29.7 °C, 29.3 °C, 28,5 °C, 27,6 °C with a generator output power of 15 MW with a generator loss of 84465.30 Watt

    Line Differential Protection Modeling with Composite Current and Voltage Signal Comparison Method

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    This paper discusses the protection system which is the most important part in a power system. Increased protection system reliability determines to improve the performance of the entire electrical system. Differential scheme denoted a very reliable method to secure the protection zone. There have been some studies on this topic. However, still need further study in order to obtain a better system, simple and reliable. The resulting model is made in gradually. Each stage is verified to reduce operational errors. Validation was done using the composite method of current and voltage signals, and the sigma delta algorithm as the analog to digital converter. Numerous computing were done to simulate the differential protection system on the underground cable transmission line 420 kV along the 58.5 km, using Matlab / Simulink. The results showed that the proposed method is effective enough to minimize the percentage of errors


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    People can make solar energy alternative energy by employing solar panels to generate electricity. The utilization of solar energy on a solar panel to generate electricity is affected by the weather and the duration of the radiation, and they will affect the solar panel’s temperature. There are various types of solar panels that can be found on the market today, including Mono-Crystalline and Poly-Crystalline. The difference in the material used needs to be observed in terms of temperature changes in the solar module. Our study’s findings showed that a change in the temperature would impact the solar panel’s output voltage, and the solar panel’s output voltage would change when it was connected to the load although the measured temperatures were almost the same

    Penerapan Persyaratan Umum Instalasi Listrik 2011 Pada Instalasi Listrik Bangunan Gedung

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    The installation of lighting does not only cover the problem of lighting but includes the installation of equipment (fans, electric motors, water pumps, air conditioners, etc.) PT. Sumatera Riang Lestari is a company engaged in the industrial sector that does not know and understand how to properly install and operate electrical equipment. Based on the results of identifying problems with partners, identifying problems with partners PT. Sumatra Riang Lestari which is being faced by activity partners. In the operation of electrical installation equipment, it often experiences damage, for example there is a voltage drop, damage to equipment occurs and power outages occur. The results of the discussion partners know and master Basic Knowledge of Electrical Installation after socialization 92%, General Requirements for Electrical Installation (PUIL) 2011 by 88%, Electricity Standardization (SNI) by 96%, Use and Operation of Electrical Equipment according to Electricity Standards (SNI) according to Electricity Standards (SNI) of 88%, Electrical Installation Materials and Components of 96

    Pelatihan Keselamatan Dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) Bagi Pengelola Bank Sampah Berkah Abadi Kelurahan Limbungan

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    Bank Sampah saat ini menjadi solusi dalam memecahkan persoalan sampah terutama di Kota Pekanbaru, sampah yang tidak bernilai ekonomis yang selama ini menjadi penyebab kebanjiran, polusi serta kotoran yang menjijikkan dapat menjadi barang – barang dan produk lainnya yang memiliki nilai ekonomis yang tinggi. Dalam pengelolaannya, diperlukan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) bidang kelistrikan agar peralatan kerja berupa mesin yang dioperasikan menggunakan tenaga listrik serta instalasinya telah sesuai standar yang berlaku sehingga capaian zero accident untuk keselamatan dan kesehatan dilingkungan tempat kerja dapat terwujud. Pelatihan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) Kelistrikan bagi Pengelola Bank Sampah Kelurahan Limbungan bertujuan untuk menambah pengetahuan, cara penanganan, serta langkah preventif apa saja yang harus dilakukan agar penggunaan dan pemasangan yang tidak selamat (dapat mengancam keselamatan kerja, ancaman kebakaran akibat konsleting dan sebagainya) dapat dihindari sehingga pelatihan ini diharapkan dapat mengubah budaya hidup selamat dengan moto mengutamakan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) khususnya kelistrikan di lingkungan Bank Sampah Berkah Abadi Kelurahan Limbunga

    IBM Implementasi Automatic Transfer Switch Pada Generator Set Di Pondok Pesantren Al-Quds Kecamatan Rumbai Timur

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    Energi listrik saat ini telah menjadi kebutuhan energi primer pada masyarakat kita. Hal ini juga terlihat pada mitra yaitu Pesantren Tahfiz Al Quds yang berada di Kawasan Rumbai Timur. Mitra sering mengalami padamnya listrik di lokasi mereka. Alhamdulillah saat ini mitra telah memiliki Generator Set sendiri, sehingga pada saat suplai energi dari PT. PLN tidak bisa ada, mereka masih bisa mengaktifkan generator untuk kebutuhan penerangan. Namun genset yang mereka miliki saat ini masih dioperasikan secara manual. Hal ini menjadi kendala tersendiri jika pemutusan energi listrik dari PT. PLN tersebut terjadi saat-saat mereka sedang beraktivitas ataupun pada saat mereka sedang tertidur lelap. Berdasarkan permasalahan mitra, hasil survey tim IbM ke lokasi kegiatan yaitu Pondok Pesantren Tahfiz Al Quds Kecamatan Rumbai Timur. Luaran dari kegiatan IbM ini selain menghibahkan satu set peralatan ATS, juga memberikan peningkatan pengetahuan santri tentang pengoperasian generator serta pengetahuan dasar tentang ketenagalistrika

    Comparative Analysis of Nuclear Power Plant and Thermal Power Plants Using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)

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    In Malaysia, fossil fuels are the most frequently used as energy resource. However, the amount of reserves for fossil fuels is now declining. That is why nuclear energy has become more popular for a certain country to diversify its production of energy. The aim of this paper is to analyze the suitability of nuclear power plant (NPP) compared to conventional power plants using a multi-criteria decision-making technique or known as the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). A framework of AHP’s hierarchy is being developed, and the hierarchy structure consists of six criteria, namely safety and security, resources, public acceptance, cost of energy, construction time, and CO2 emission, respectively. Other than that, three alternatives, namely NPP, thermal power plant and hydropower plant, are also considered in the hierarchy structure. By using AHP technique, the system reveals that the hydropower plant is the most favourable choice of a better power plant compared with others. The results obtained demonstrate the validity of the framework developed

    Coal Fuel Efficiency with Mixed Palm Shell Biomass for Steam Power Plant

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    The accumulation of coal-based fuels is depleting and to obtain coal fuel requires a great amount of money, as a corollary, measures must be taken to reduce the usage of this fuel. PT. Pembangkit Jawa Bali (PJB) is currently investigating the co-firing technique by using oil palm shell biomass waste as a combination coal fuel with a proportion of 95% coal and 5% palm shell, the efficiency results will be compared to 100% of coal fuel. In this research, the Mathcad program and the Professional Simulator 8 were employed, the specific fuel consumption (SFC) technique is used to determine the efficiency of production expenses, as well as the direct and indirect methods to calculate the boiler efficiency. The results reveal that 4.09 IDR/kWh reduction in primary energy expenses could be achieved (0.65%). Co-firing fuel will undoubtedly have a significant impact on the boiler's performance, therefore when using 100% of coal as a fuel, the boiler efficiency value is 63.38% (Direct Method), while using the Indirect Method will produce up to 82.24%, respectively. However, when using co-firing fuel with 95% of coal and 5% of palm shell (Direct Method), the boiler efficiency value is 63.92%, and 83.71% when using the Indirect Method

    Model of Grid-Connected PV System in Sarawak, Malaysia Rural Area

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    Sarawak is largest states in Malaysia and is gifted with lush forest and hilly terrains. However, due to this topography, Sarawak Energy Berhad (SEB) has difficulty to supply a reliable source of electricity to all areas of Sarawak. There are even areas with grid connection that occasionally suffer from power outage. Solar energy can be seen as a solution to the problem of supplying reliable power. However, installing and operating a PV system to generate power will require some insight on the location and the technical information of the PV system. Therefore, this paper aims to collect and analyze the resource data of the locations in Sarawak as well as the possible characteristics of a grid-connected PV system. The project starts with the possible locations of the PV system. The locations include area throughout Sarawak such as Sri Aman, Kapit, Limbang, Lundu, Sebuyau, Tatau and Lawas, respectively. The resource data of the area such as the average annual irradiance and the average annual ambient temperature is collected through HOMER software. The components used to test the characteristics of the PV system are CanadianSolar KuBlack C32K 300MS solar panel, Mitsubishi Electric PV-MLU250HC solar panel, Canadian Solar Single Phase String Inverter CSI-2KTL1P-GI-FL and Mitsubishi Electric Photovoltaic Inverter PVS2600, respectively. Then, the components will interchange into a combination of one PV module and one inverter to make four different sets of PV system. The result of the project revealed that the area of Limbang and Lawas is the most suitable for a Grid connected PV system because the two areas have high irradiance and low ambient temperature. The most suitable combination of components is the Mitsubishi Electric PV-MLU250HC solar panel and CanadianSolar Single Phase String Inverter CSI-2KTL1P-GIFL. This combination component has the least loss which means the PV system is efficient

    Development of micro hydro power plant prototype as a field laboratory for educational and research purposes

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    The need for cheaper electricity generation rises as the price of fossil fuels is increasingly nowadays. Hydropower plant is one of the most efficient and environmentally friendly alternative power plant sources. In this research works, a prototype of small-scale hydro power plant known as micro hydro power plant (MHPP) was developed for educational and research purpose. The motivation of this work is based on there is no field laboratory could be used for students to study the concept and actively involved in electricity generation at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Johor Bahru campus, Malaysia. This work hopefully become the catalyst for further research regarding renewable energy source, particularly in MHPP research. The research flow for this work begins with feasibility activities to determine some potential sites for development of MHPP at UTM Johor Campus. There are 7 (seven) potential sites based on site visits and data analysis. From the data analysis, the most suitable site chosen for MPPP prototype development. The prototype was built based on the improved design. The results show that the constructed prototype is capable for generating electricity. This prototype can be used as a field laboratory and for educational and research purpose