15 research outputs found

    Suffixe adverbial -ka et constructions verbales intransitives imperfectives : une question d'affinité

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    This paper focuses on the Basque adverbial suffix -ka when it suffixes to verbal periphrasis. The suffix, whose principal meaning is ‘‘in a repeated way'', is present in all the Basque dialects but it appears more often in the North Pyrenean ones. In this context, it shows a strong preferance towards both intransitive and imperfective constructions. Basque is a dialectal variation language in which the grammatical category of the verb causes more dispersion than the other categories. The adverbial suffix -ka helps us to say more: a certain category of intransitive verbs causes more dialectal dispersion than the others. The adverbial is less the cause of such a phenomenon than a symptom showing where it develops.La présente note propose une brève approche du morphème adverbial -ka. L'étude s'appuie sur les données d'Euskalerriko atlas etnolinguistikoa (EAEL), atlas réalisé par la société scientifique Aranzadi (Saint-Sébastien) dans les années 1970-1980

    Tester un calque grammatical grâce à la méthode de la covariation d'abstrat

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    International audienceThis paper proposes a method which allows, under certain conditions and within certain limits, to test a contact-induced grammatical change hypothesis. The method does not claim to prove such a change, but it gives a good presumption of it. The work restricts itself to today's state of language and only incidentally approaches the diachronic dimensionLa présente étude propose une méthode qui permet, à certaines conditions et dans certaines limites, de tester une hypothèse de calque grammatical. La méthode ne permet pas de donner une preuve de calque mais fournit un faisceau de présomptions, plus ou moins précises et concordantes, de calque. L'étude se limite à l'état de langue synchronique contemporain et n'aborde qu'accessoirement la dimension diachronique

    Les dialectes basques : homogénéité ou dispersion ?

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    This paper proposes a quantitative approach and some brief comments on the ethnolinguistic atlas of the Basque Country carried out by the Aranzadi scientific society (San Sebastian), published in two parts in 1983 and 1990. Measuring lexical variation in a dialectal status language requires a criterion in order to count lexical items. This criterion is not self-evident to determine, particularly when we deal with an agglutinating language whose lexical productivity is a typical feature. We propose here a method for that, and an overall picture of the situation

    L'emprunt lexical d'origine latino-romane en basque : une approche lexico-statistique

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    Basque has been in intense contact with the Latin and Romance languages throughout the last two thousand years. Those uninterrupted relationships have inevitably left marks on the lexicon, some evident, others veiled. This article proposes a lexicostatistical approach of Latin and Romance loanwords in Basque. Three types of corpuses are tested: fundamental lexicon, popular speech and literary writing. Even if the loanwords of Latin and Romance origin are dominant in the (theoretical) total lexicon, the native Basque words remain majority in all the samples of language tested here

    Les dialectes basques : homogénéité ou dispersion ?

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    L'atlas linguistique : un outil privilégié pour la connaissance dialectale La présente note propose une approche quantitative et un commentaire succinct de l'atlas ethnolinguistique du Pays Basque (Euskalerriko atlas etnolinguistikoa, désormais EAEL) réalisé par la société scientifique Aranzadi (Saint-Sébastien). Cette enquête s'inscrit dans le cadre des recueils de données lexicales opérés selon la méthodologie des atlas linguistiques. Le questionnaire initial comportait 570 questions (une m..

    Cas locatifs et cas grammaticaux en damana

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    An Amerindian language spoken in the north of Colombia, Damana has a partic ularly rich series of locative cases. Its synchronic analysis also shows the links that exist between locative cases and grammatical cases. This state of affairs has a certain compar ative interest. That does not mean that the etymological connection that joins locative and grammatical cases is the same in Basque as in Damana. The comparison with other languages would certainly provide other connections. Here, what may be interesting from the comparative point of view is to see how a linguistic possibility is instantiated in a natural language, and to draw some parallels

    L'emprunt lexical d'origine latino-romane en basque : une approche lexico-statistique

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    Basque has been in intense contact with the Latin and Romance languages throughout the last two thousand years. Those uninterrupted relationships have inevitably left marks on the lexicon, some evident, others veiled. This article proposes a lexicostatistical approach of Latin and Romance loanwords in Basque. Three types of corpuses are tested: fundamental lexicon, popular speech and literary writing. Even if the loanwords of Latin and Romance origin are dominant in the (theoretical) total lexicon, the native Basque words remain majority in all the samples of language tested here

    Cas locatifs et cas grammaticaux en damana

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    An Amerindian language spoken in the north of Colombia, Damana has a partic ularly rich series of locative cases. Its synchronic analysis also shows the links that exist between locative cases and grammatical cases. This state of affairs has a certain compar ative interest. That does not mean that the etymological connection that joins locative and grammatical cases is the same in Basque as in Damana. The comparison with other languages would certainly provide other connections. Here, what may be interesting from the comparative point of view is to see how a linguistic possibility is instantiated in a natural language, and to draw some parallels

    Historical dynamics of the Basque language : variation across space and change across time

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    L’objectif de la présente étude est de donner une certaine idée de la façon dont la langue basque a changé au cours des deux millénaires écoulés. Dans ce but, l’étude fournit une présentation problématisée du diasystème contemporain. Elle s’intéresse ensuite à un groupe de verbes considérés comme révélateurs de l’évolution du système. Elle présente les principaux acquis des études diachroniques basques et met en place des amorces de scénario de changement. Elle tente de comprendre la façon dont le diasystème latino-roman a pu conditionner l’évolution du diasystème basque. Enfin, elle offre un éclairage particulier à partir de l’exemple du vocabulaire de la parenté.The objective of the present study is to give some idea on the way the Basque language has changed over the last two millennia. For this purpose, the study provides a structured overview of present Basque diasystem. It then focuses on a cluster of verbs considered indicative of the evolution of the system. It presents the main achievements of the Basque diachronic studies and puts first change scenarios forward. It aims to understand how the Latin Romance diasystem has conditioned the evolution of the Basque diasystem. Finally, it offers an insight dealing with the example of the kinship terminology

    Temps composés basques et romans : une hypothèse de convergence aréale

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    Etchebarne Michel. Temps composés basques et romans : une hypothèse de convergence aréale. In: L'Information Grammaticale, N. 128, 2011. pp. 10-15