243 research outputs found

    Aportación al catálogo liquénico de Navarra (España): saxícolas I.

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    Se citan 51 especies de liqúenes saxícolas en la provincia, tanto de sustratos ácidos como básicos. Algunos de ellos son la primera referencia para Navarra

    On the minimum genus problem on bordered Klein surfaces

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    The minimum genus problem consists in determining the minimum algebraic genus of a surface on which a viven group G acts. For cyclic groups G this problem on bordered Klein surfaces was solved in 1989. The next step is to fix the number of boundary components of the surface and to obtain the minimum algebraic genus, and so the minimum topological genus. It was achieved for cyclic groups of prime and prime-power order in the nineties. In this work the corresponding results for cyclic groups of order N=pq, where p and q are different odd primes, is obtained. There appear different results depending on the orientability of the surface. Finally we obtain general results when the number of boundary components is small, which are valid for any odd N

    Influencia de la organización del tiempo sobre la creatividad en las agencias de publicidad

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    La creatividad es el principal atributo en la valoración de la calidad de los servicios ofrecidos por las agencias de publicidad. En este trabajo se realiza un análisis sobre cómo la creatividad se ve afectada por la organización del tiempo de trabajo y los horarios en la agencia de publicidad. Se estudian las consecuencias negativas que se derivan de estos aspectos, así como el tipo de medidas que se utilizan para paliar estos efectos negativos. Para llevar a cabo el trabajo se realizaron entrevistas personales a una muestra de directores creativos ejecutivos de las principales agencias de publicidad en España

    Sobre grupos de automorfismos de superficies de Klein

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    El objetivo de esta memoria es el estudio de los grupos de automorfismos de las superficies de Klein, el concepto de superficie de Klein surge como extensión del de superficie de Riemann que resulta ser un caso particular. La técnica que hemos utilizado en el estudio de los grupos no euclídeos cristalográficos - grupos nec- que fueron estudiados por primera vez en Wilkie en 1966. Esta técnica permite no solo el estudio indicado en superficies de Klein sino también el de los automorfismos no orientables en superficies de Riemann

    Multidrug-Resistant Bacteria Isolated from Different Aquatic Environments in the North of Spain and South of France

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    Due to the global progress of antimicrobial resistance, the World Health Organization (WHO) published the list of the antibiotic-resistant “priority pathogens” in order to promote research and development of new antibiotics to the families of bacteria that cause severe and often deadly infections. In the framework of the One Health approach, the surveillance of these pathogens in different environments should be implemented in order to analyze their spread and the potential risk of transmission of antibiotic resistances by food and water. Therefore, the objective of this work was to determine the presence of high and critical priority pathogens included in the aforementioned list in different aquatic environments in the POCTEFA area (North Spain–South France). In addition to these pathogens, detection of colistin-resistant Enterobacteriaceae was included due its relevance as being the antibiotic of choice to treat infections caused by multidrug resistant bacteria (MDR). From the total of 80 analyzed samples, 100% of the wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and collectors (from hospitals and slaughterhouses) and 96.4% of the rivers, carried antibiotic resistant bacteria (ARB) against the tested antibiotics. Fifty-five (17.7%) of the isolates were identified as target microorganisms (high and critical priority pathogens of WHO list) and 58.2% (n = 32) of them came from WWTPs and collectors. Phenotypic and genotypic characterization showed that 96.4% were MDR and resistance to penicillins/cephalosporins was the most widespread. The presence of bla genes, KPC-type carbapenemases, mcr-1 and vanB genes has been confirmed. In summary, the presence of clinically relevant MDR bacteria in the studied aquatic environments demonstrates the need to improve surveillance and treatments of wastewaters from slaughterhouses, hospitals and WWTPs, in order to minimize the dispersion of resistance through the effluents of these areas

    El género real de los grupos C2m ×Dn

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    Todo grupo finito G actúa como grupo de automorfismos de diversas superficies de Klein con borde. Al menor de los géneros algebraicos de estas superficies se le llama género real ρ(G) del grupo G. Se conocen todos los grupos con0 ≤ ρ(G) ≤ 8, ası como el género real para varias familias de grupos. En este trabajo calculamos el género real de los grupos 0 = C2m × Dn, en función delos números m y n

    Automorphism-Groups Of Real Algebraic-Curves Of Genus-3

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    Let C be an algebraic curve of genus 3, defined over the real field R. The automorphism group of C is studied in this paper. In a paper by the same authors [Mich. Math. J. 33, 55-74 (1986; see 20043 below)], the hyperelliptic case was solved, the authors found 5 abstract groups in that case. In the paper under review, a full classification is announced, in which 8 abstract groups appear. A sketch of one of the new cases is given, full proofs appeared in Mem. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fis. Nat. Madrid, Ser. Cienc. Exactas 19 (1985; see the following review)]