223 research outputs found

    Digital literacies for amateurs and professionals

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    Information literacy education can benefit from a balanced view of different literacies and thoroughly scrutinized approaches to their relationship to amateurs and professionals. An analysis and synthesis of an interdisciplinary body of the literature shows that the most prevailing concepts are information literacy, digital literacy and media literacy. An overview of these literacies is provided. The discussion of literacies is unimaginable without taking the Web 2.0 and of the attention economy into consideration, determined to a high degree by social interaction with the participation of amateurs. There are not equally influential in different information institutions. The vast majority of amateurs can make good use of public library services or uses other libraries for non-professional purposes. It is scholars, who continue to require “traditional” “professionally-minded” services, even though they heavily rely on informal information gathering. They require a different kind of literacy, similar to the traditional conception of information literacy

    Results of a Teacher Burnout Intervention with Self-compassion and Self-Concordant Goals

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    This research aimed to help decrease the level of burnout among Primary School teachers in Hungary. We conducted a 7 week-long "Renewal programme" intervention, which was based on self-compassion theory and the self-concordance model. Self-compassion practices advocate the adoption of an accepting mindset regarding one's own mistakes, and further assume that by setting self-concordant goals, one can create the conditions for long-term intrinsic motivation. Our results showed that the Renewal programme decreased participants' burnout levels. It also turned out that the programme was more effective for those participants who were doing their homework regularly. Self-compassion was a relatively new concept for teachers who participated in the intervention, but 6 months after the programme ended, the levels of it had increased further beyond what was recorded in the post-measurement. Our results show that social support is an important characteristic of the programme, as burnout subsequently decreased, while self-compassion increased, possibly due to the decreasing support of the former group members. As an enhancement, we recommend creating a private social media group for participants, something which would enable future participants to stay in touch after a programme like this has ended

    Néphit és népi vallás a legújabb korban = Folk belief and folk religion at the modern age

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    1. Népi vallás, néphit és vallásos folklór Gyimesben. A vallási élet és hiedelemvilág komplex vizsgálata két gyimesi községben: Romániában (Hargita megye), kiegészítve a gyimesbükki románság vizsgálatával is. Kutatásunk fő vizsgálati szempontjai voltak: a hivatalos és népi vallás kettőssége és kapcsolatai, a kereszténység normatív szerepe, a vallásos világkép és a szájhagyományozott szövegvilág kapcsolatai, valamint a szekularizáció, globalizáció hozta új jelenségek tanulmányozása. 2. Az újkori magyar néphit adatbázisa 120 000 adat tipizlásán alapuló számítógépes adatbázis-rendszer létrehozása, amely az újkori magyar néphit reprezentáns összefoglalása, és egyben alapul szolgál a Magyar Néphit Enciklopédiájának elkészüléséhez. A munka menete volt: az archívum adatainak manuális és elektronikus feldolgozása; a cédulák archiválása, csoportosítása, katalogizálása, digitalizálása; az elektronikus adatok tárolása Folio adatbázis-kezelő programokban. A munkát folyamatosan végeztük; feldolgozott adatink száma 20 000-ről 70000-re emekedett. A részeredményeket CD munkapéldányként mutattuk be. Két kutatási területünkön 58 tanulmányt és 8 könyvet publikáltunk. | 1. Popular religion, folkbelief and religious folklore in the Gyimes region. Complex examination of religious life and belief system in two villages of the Gyimes region (Harghita county, Romania), complemented with the Romanian inhabitants of Gyimesbükk. An important stand in the research was to analyse the duality and interconnections between the official religion and the local popular religion, the normative role of Christianity, the connection between the religious world view and the related textual world, and the new forms which owe their emergence to secularisation and globalisation. 2. Data base of modern Hungarian folk belief This project aimed to create a computer database built on the classification of the 120 000 data regarding Hungarian folk belief, which was to be a representative summary of the Hungarian folk belief of the modern era. The sequence of the work was the following: manual and electronic processing of the data of the archive, archiving, classifying, cataloguing and digitalising the cards, storing the electronically processed data with the help of a Folio database managemenet programme. The work was carried out continuously; the number of processed data increased from 20 000 to 70 000. We published the partial results as a CD working copy. In the two research areas, we accomplished 58 papers and 8 books

    Passive sampling for pesticides and PAHs in the SIMONA project

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    Passive samplers (solid phase extraction, SPE disks and Polar Organic Chemical Integrative Sampler, POCIS) were tested to monitor 85 pesticides (including glyphosate and aminomethylphosphonic acid, AMPA), 19 polycyclicaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) components, metals in the Drava river. Among pesticides the time weighted average concentrations of terbuthylazine, S-metolachlor and tebuconazole were the highest. Some chlorophenoxy acids (2,4-D, mecoprop-P and MCPA) also appeared at lower levels. Bentazone, DEET and diuron were detected in all samples at low levels. Among the 19 PAHs phenanthrene occurred at the highest concentrations, but fluoranthene, pyrene and naphthalenes also contributed to the total PAH concentration. In the case of the POCIS sampler selective for glyphosate and AMPA, the levels of AMPA metabolite exceeded significantly that of the parent herbicide compound

    A c-jun N-terminális kináz védő szerepe nitrogén-oxid által indukált szívizom apoptosisban = Cytoprotective role of c-jun N-terminal kinase in nitric oxide-induced cardic mycocyte apoptosis

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    A pályázat 4 éves futamideje alatt kettős célt próbáltunk teljesíteni. 1, Az alapkutatás módszereivel sejttenyészeteken vizsgáltunk a szívizomsejtek programozott sejthalálát, az intracelluláris jelátviteli mechanizmusokra koncentrálva. Az általunk kidolgozott in vitro szepszis modellen az vizsgáltuk, hogy a nitrogén-oxidhoz (NO) hasonlóan a Gram-negatív baktériumok sejtfalából származó endotoxin (LPS) is fokozza-e a szívizomsejtek apoptotikus sejtpusztulásának arányát. Kimutattuk, hogy az LPS indukálja a szívizomsejtek programozott sejthalálát az NO termelődés fokozásán keresztül. A c-Jun N-terminális kináz (JNK) szerepét vizsgálva azt találtuk, hogy a JNK-nak kifejezett védő szerepe van a folyamatban. Az intracelluláris jelátviteli utakat vizsgálva kimutattuk, hogy az LPS az un. intrinsic apoptosis utat aktiválja. 2, A projekt második részében a szívizomsejtek regenerációs képességét vizsgáltuk szívizom infarktus után. Kidolgoztuk a humán szívizom apoptosis és perkután koronária intervenció disznó modelljét, és vizsgáltuk az infarktusos terület kiterjedésének csökkenthetőségét. Megállapítottuk, hogy mind az intrakoronáriás autológ csontvelői őssejt transzplantáció, mind a távirányított ischaemiás posztkondicionálás szignifikáns mértékben csökkenti az infarktusos terület nagyságát. | During the period of four years, two goals were tried to achieve: 1, With basic science methods, the apoptotic death of cardiac myocytes were studied on cell cultures concentrating on the intracellular signalling pathways. On an in vitro sepsis model, it was analysed whether endotoxine (LPS), like nitric oxide (NO), induces apoptotic cell death. It was shown that LPS induces apoptotic cell death through NO production. Analysing the role of c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) it was revealed the JNK has a protective role in the process. Studiing the intracellular signalling pathways it was shown that LPS activates the intrinsic apoptotic pathway. 2, In the second part of the project, the regeneration capabilities of cardiac myocytes were studied after myocardial infarction. The swine model of human myocardial infarction and pimary percutaneous coronary intervention was worked out and the reduction of infarct territory was analysed. It was revealed that both the intracoronary autologous bone marrow-derived stem cell transplantation and the remote ischemic postconditioning significantly decreases the infarct territory

    Intangible cultural heritage communities in the network of the Skanzen Hungarian Open Air Museum

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    In Hungary, the professional coordinator of the execution of the 2003 UNESCO convention about the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage is the Skanzen Hungarian Open Air Museum, celebrating its 50th birthday this year. During its existence, the institution has formed an extensive community and professional network and has become a knowledge center concerning the protection of cultural heritage. The establishment of the Directorate of Intangible Cultural Heritage at the Museum is closely connected to the topic, as it constructed its own national networks based on this background. With respect to the philosophy of the Skanzen, together with the sponsoring cultural ministry, the Directorate created a heritage protection mechanism that focuses on communities retaining and maintaining their identity as a cultural practice, actively engaging them in the unfolding and registration of their intangible cultural heritage. At the same time, it pays attention to continuous communication and options for exchanging experiences. The Hungarian model, which is internationally acknowledged, is exactly ten years old, since Hungary joined the convention in 2006
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