27 research outputs found

    Integrated management of HIV/NCDs: knowledge, attitudes, and practices of health care workers in Gaborone, Botswana

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    Background: The epidemiologic transition and double disease burden from chronic infections and Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) worldwide requires re-engineering of healthcare delivery systems. Healthcare workers (HCWs) need to adapt to new integrated disease management approaches and change from current disease-specific management. Objectives: The study aimed to determine HCWs knowledge, capacity and skills for management of NCDs among HIV patients and their attitudes towards integrated HIV/NCDs disease management approaches for future clinical practice. Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional survey among HCWs attending to HIV patients at selected government facilities. Results: One hundred out of 105 responses were analysed. Only 6% could fully define NCDs. Awareness levels of NCDs were high: Diabetes and hypertension 98%; cancer 96%; cardiovascular diseases 86%. However, 11.8% and 58% classified HIV and malaria respectively as NCDs. Most respondents (88%) believe that integrating HIV/NCDs care would be good use of resources while 62% disagreed with current separate facility management of HIV patients with NCDs. Over 60% routinely screened HIV patients for NCDs risk factors: Smoking (87.2%), alcohol (90.8%), diet (84.9%) and physical activity (73.5%). Conclusion: There were gaps in detailed knowledge on NCDs, but positive attitude towards routine primary care integrated HIV/NCDs management, showing likely support for implementation of such policy.Keywords: Non-communicable diseases, knowledge, attitude, HIV, integration

    Integrated management of HIV/NCDs: knowledge, attitudes, and practices of health care workers in Gaborone, Botswana

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    Background: The epidemiologic transition and double disease burden from chronic infections and Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) worldwide requires re-engineering of healthcare delivery systems. Healthcare workers (HCWs) need to adapt to new integrated disease management approaches and change from current disease-specific management. Objectives: The study aimed to determine HCWs knowledge, capacity and skills for management of NCDs among HIV patients and their attitudes towards integrated HIV/NCDs disease management approaches for future clinical practice. Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional survey among HCWs attending to HIV patients at selected government facilities. Results: One hundred out of 105 responses were analysed. Only 6% could fully define NCDs. Awareness levels of NCDs were high: Diabetes and hypertension 98%; cancer 96%; cardiovascular diseases 86%. However, 11.8% and 58% classified HIV and malaria respectively as NCDs. Most respondents (88%) believe that integrating HIV/NCDs care would be good use of resources while 62% disagreed with current separate facility management of HIV patients with NCDs. Over 60% routinely screened HIV patients for NCDs risk factors: Smoking (87.2%), alcohol (90.8%), diet (84.9%) and physical activity (73.5%). Conclusion: There were gaps in detailed knowledge on NCDs, but positive attitude towards routine primary care integrated HIV/NCDs management, showing likely support for implementation of such policy

    Neurobehavioral Effects in HIV-Positive Individuals Receiving Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) in Gaborone, Botswana

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    Objective To explore the prevalence and features of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HANDS) in Botswana, a sub-Saharan country at the center of the HIV epidemic. Design and Methods A cross sectional study of 60 HIV-positive individuals, all receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), and 80 demographically matched HIV-seronegative control subjects. We administered a comprehensive neuropsychological test battery and structured psychiatric interview. The lowest 10th percentile of results achieved by control subjects was used to define the lower limit of normal performance on cognitive measures. Subjects who scored abnormal on three or more measures were classified as cognitively impaired. To determine the clinical significance of any cognitive impairment, we assessed medication adherence, employment, and independence in activities of daily living (ADL). Results HIV+ subjects were impaired for all cognitive-motor ability areas compared with matched, uninfected control subjects. Thirty seven percent of HIV+ patients met criteria for cognitive impairment. Conclusion These findings indicate that neurocognitive impairment is likely to be an important feature of HIV infection in resource-limited countries; underscoring the need to develop effective treatments for subjects with, or at risk of developing, cognitive impairment

    Neurocognitive impairment among HIV-positive individuals in Botswana: a pilot study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The primary objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of neurocognitive impairment among HIV-positive individuals in Botswana, using the International HIV Dementia Scale (IHDS). We also compared performance on the IHDS with performance on tests of verbal learning/memory and processing speed, and investigated the association between performance on the IHDS and such variables as depression, age, level of education and CD4 count.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We conducted a cross-sectional study of 120 HIV-positive individuals randomly selected from an outpatient HIV clinic in Gaborone, Botswana. Patients provided a detailed clinical history and underwent neuropsychological testing; measures of depression, daily activities and subjective cognitive complaints were recorded.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Despite the fact that 97.5% of subjects were receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), 38% met criteria for dementia on the IHDS, and 24% were diagnosed with major depressive disorder. There was a significant association between neurocognitive impairment as measured by the IHDS and performance on the other two cognitive measures of verbal learning/memory and processing speed. Level of education significantly affected performance on all three cognitive measures, and age affected processing speed and performance on the IHDS. Depression and current CD4 count did not affect performance on any of the cognitive measures.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The prevalence of neurocognitive impairment in HIV-positive individuals in Botswana is higher than expected, especially since almost all of the subjects in this study were prescribed HAART. This suggests the need to reconsider the timing of introduction of antiretroviral therapy in developing countries where HAART is generally not administered until the CD4 cell count has dropped to 200/mm<sup>3 </sup>or below. The contribution of other factors should also be considered, such as poor central nervous system penetration of some antiretrovirals, drug resistance, potential neurotoxicity, and co-morbidities. Memory impairment and poor judgment may be underlying causes for behaviours that contribute to the spread of HIV and to poor adherence. It is important to identify these neurobehavioural complications of HIV so that effective treatments can be developed.</p

    Validation of the Pediatric Symptom Checklist in HIV-Infected Batswana

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    Objective—To determine the validity of the Pediatric Symptom Checklist (PSC), a brief measure of psychosocial health, for screening HIV+ Batswana children. Method—Setswana versions of the parent and child PSC were administered to 509 HIV+ Batswana children (age 8–16) and their parents/guardians. Test properties were evaluated and cutoff scores were derived using receiver operating characteristic curve analysis. Scores on the parent-completed PSC and the child-completed PSC-Y were compared to parental and clinic staff reports of concern about the child’s psychosocial health and to scores on the Children’s Depression Inventory and the Revised Children’s Manifest Anxiety Scale. Results—The Setswana PSC has high internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha 0.87 for the parent-completed version). Comparing PSC scores to parental reports of concern and childreported depression symptoms, a cut-off score of 20 on the PSC and PSC-Y maximised the sensitivity and specificity. Conclusions—The PSC performed well in Setswana-speaking children and is a promising screening tool for paediatric psychosocial problems in busy clinical settings. Screening with the PSC may allow for early detection and treatment of psychosocial problems. This is likely to be of particular value for HIV+ children for whom HIV treatment non-adherence may result from untreated psychosocial dysfunction

    Estimating the cost of care giving on caregivers for people living with HIV and AIDS in Botswana: a cross-sectional study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Community home-based care is the Botswana Government's preferred means of providing care for people living with HIV (PLHIV). However, primary (family members) or volunteer (community members) caregivers experience poverty, are socially isolated, endure stigma and psychological distress, and lack basic care-giving education. Community home-based care also imposes considerable costs on patients, their caregivers and families in terms of time, effort and commitment. An analysis of the costs incurred by caregivers in providing care to PLHIV will assist health and social care decision makers in planning the most appropriate ways to meet future service needs of PLHIV and their caregivers.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This study estimated the cost incurred in providing care for PLHIV through a stratified sample of 169 primary and volunteer caregivers drawn from eight community home-based care groups in four health districts in Botswana.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The results show that the mean of the total monthly cost (explicit and indirect costs) incurred by the caregivers was (90.45±9.08)whilethemeanexplicitcostofcaregivingwas(90.45 ± 9.08) while the mean explicit cost of care giving was (65.22 ± 7.82). This mean of the total monthly cost is about one and a half times the caregivers' mean monthly income of 66.00(±5.98)andmorethansixtimestheGovernmentofBotswana′sfinancialsupporttothecaregivers.Inaddition,thecostincurredpervisitbythecaregiverswas66.00 (± 5.98) and more than six times the Government of Botswana's financial support to the caregivers. In addition, the cost incurred per visit by the caregivers was 15.26, while the total expenditure incurred per client or family in a month was $184.17.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The study, therefore, concludes that as the cost of providing care services to PLHIV is very high, the Government of Botswana should substantially increase the allowances paid to caregivers and the support it provides for the families of the clients. The overall costs for such a programme would be quite low compared with the huge sum of money budgeted each year for health care and for HIV and AIDS.</p

    The utility of a modified WHO TB screening tool among children at a Botswana child welfare clinic

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    Background: In high TB/HIV settings, the increased risk for TB amongst children exposed to HIV has been established through biomedical tests. Screening HIV exposed children for TB can improve early childhood TB detection and treatment. Objective: This study assessed the utility of a modified World Health Organization (WHO) tool by including HIV variables, to determine TB exposure amongst HIV exposed children presenting to a \u201cWell Child\u201d Clinic (CWC). Methods: Clinical data were obtained from medical records and/or from the caregivers of children presenting to CWC. Data was analyzed to explore factors associated with positive screening for TB, including being exposed to HIV and current HIV status. Results: Five percent (55/1100) screened reported a close TB contact and 21% (n=231) had positive TB symptom screen. History of close TB contact was a risk factor for positive screening for TB symptoms (OR 1.89 CI 1.05-3.4) while being HIV negative was protective (OR 0.3, Cl 0.19-0.62). HIV exposure was associated with increased risk of TB exposure (OR 2.9 CI 1.61-5.19). Conclusion: Integrating HIV variables in the existing WHO screening tool for childhood TB can be useful in early detection and treatment of TB in HIV exposed children in resource limited settings

    HIV/ AIDS at the University of Botswana

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