120 research outputs found

    An Algorithmic Study of Manufacturing Paperclips and Other Folded Structures

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    We study algorithmic aspects of bending wires and sheet metal into a specified structure. Problems of this type are closely related to the question of deciding whether a simple non-self-intersecting wire structure (a carpenter's ruler) can be straightened, a problem that was open for several years and has only recently been solved in the affirmative. If we impose some of the constraints that are imposed by the manufacturing process, we obtain quite different results. In particular, we study the variant of the carpenter's ruler problem in which there is a restriction that only one joint can be modified at a time. For a linkage that does not self-intersect or self-touch, the recent results of Connelly et al. and Streinu imply that it can always be straightened, modifying one joint at a time. However, we show that for a linkage with even a single vertex degeneracy, it becomes NP-hard to decide if it can be straightened while altering only one joint at a time. If we add the restriction that each joint can be altered at most once, we show that the problem is NP-complete even without vertex degeneracies. In the special case, arising in wire forming manufacturing, that each joint can be altered at most once, and must be done sequentially from one or both ends of the linkage, we give an efficient algorithm to determine if a linkage can be straightened.Comment: 28 pages, 14 figures, Latex, to appear in Computational Geometry - Theory and Application

    Probabilistic Bounds on the Length of a Longest Edge in Delaunay Graphs of Random Points in d-Dimensions

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    Motivated by low energy consumption in geographic routing in wireless networks, there has been recent interest in determining bounds on the length of edges in the Delaunay graph of randomly distributed points. Asymptotic results are known for random networks in planar domains. In this paper, we obtain upper and lower bounds that hold with parametric probability in any dimension, for points distributed uniformly at random in domains with and without boundary. The results obtained are asymptotically tight for all relevant values of such probability and constant number of dimensions, and show that the overhead produced by boundary nodes in the plane holds also for higher dimensions. To our knowledge, this is the first comprehensive study on the lengths of long edges in Delaunay graphsComment: 10 pages. 2 figures. In Proceedings of the 23rd Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry (CCCG 2011). Replacement of version 1106.4927, reference [5] adde

    Maximum thick paths in static and dynamic environments

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    AbstractWe consider the problem of finding a large number of disjoint paths for unit disks moving amidst static or dynamic obstacles. The problem is motivated by the capacity estimation problem in air traffic management, in which one must determine how many aircraft can safely move through a domain while avoiding each other and avoiding “no-fly zones” and predicted weather hazards. For the static case we give efficient exact algorithms, based on adapting the “continuous uppermost path” paradigm. As a by-product, we establish a continuous analogue of Menger's Theorem.Next we study the dynamic problem in which the obstacles may move, appear and disappear, and otherwise change with time in a known manner; in addition, the disks are required to enter/exit the domain during prescribed time intervals. Deciding the existence of just one path, even for a 0-radius disk, moving with bounded speed is NP-hard, as shown by Canny and Reif [J. Canny, J.H. Reif, New lower bound techniques for robot motion planning problems, in: Proc. 28th Annu. IEEE Sympos. Found. Comput. Sci., 1987, pp. 49–60]. Moreover, we observe that determining the existence of a given number of paths is hard even if the obstacles are static, and only the entry/exit time intervals are specified for the disks. This motivates studying “dual” approximations, compromising on the radius of the disks and on the maximum speed of motion.Our main result is a pseudopolynomial-time dual-approximation algorithm. If K unit disks, each moving with speed at most 1, can be routed through an environment, our algorithm finds (at least) K paths for disks of radius somewhat smaller than 1 moving with speed somewhat larger than 1

    Algorithms for Rapidly Dispersing Robot Swarms in Unknown Environments

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    We develop and analyze algorithms for dispersing a swarm of primitive robots in an unknown environment, R. The primary objective is to minimize the makespan, that is, the time to fill the entire region. An environment is composed of pixels that form a connected subset of the integer grid. There is at most one robot per pixel and robots move horizontally or vertically at unit speed. Robots enter R by means of k>=1 door pixels Robots are primitive finite automata, only having local communication, local sensors, and a constant-sized memory. We first give algorithms for the single-door case (i.e., k=1), analyzing the algorithms both theoretically and experimentally. We prove that our algorithms have optimal makespan 2A-1, where A is the area of R. We next give an algorithm for the multi-door case (k>1), based on a wall-following version of the leader-follower strategy. We prove that our strategy is O(log(k+1))-competitive, and that this bound is tight for our strategy and other related strategies.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, Latex, to appear in Workshop on Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics, 200

    The Lazy Bureaucrat Scheduling Problem

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    We introduce a new class of scheduling problems in which the optimization is performed by the worker (single ``machine'') who performs the tasks. A typical worker's objective is to minimize the amount of work he does (he is ``lazy''), or more generally, to schedule as inefficiently (in some sense) as possible. The worker is subject to the constraint that he must be busy when there is work that he can do; we make this notion precise both in the preemptive and nonpreemptive settings. The resulting class of ``perverse'' scheduling problems, which we denote ``Lazy Bureaucrat Problems,'' gives rise to a rich set of new questions that explore the distinction between maximization and minimization in computing optimal schedules.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figures, Latex. To appear, Information and Computatio

    When Can You Fold a Map?

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    We explore the following problem: given a collection of creases on a piece of paper, each assigned a folding direction of mountain or valley, is there a flat folding by a sequence of simple folds? There are several models of simple folds; the simplest one-layer simple fold rotates a portion of paper about a crease in the paper by +-180 degrees. We first consider the analogous questions in one dimension lower -- bending a segment into a flat object -- which lead to interesting problems on strings. We develop efficient algorithms for the recognition of simply foldable 1D crease patterns, and reconstruction of a sequence of simple folds. Indeed, we prove that a 1D crease pattern is flat-foldable by any means precisely if it is by a sequence of one-layer simple folds. Next we explore simple foldability in two dimensions, and find a surprising contrast: ``map'' folding and variants are polynomial, but slight generalizations are NP-complete. Specifically, we develop a linear-time algorithm for deciding foldability of an orthogonal crease pattern on a rectangular piece of paper, and prove that it is (weakly) NP-complete to decide foldability of (1) an orthogonal crease pattern on a orthogonal piece of paper, (2) a crease pattern of axis-parallel and diagonal (45-degree) creases on a square piece of paper, and (3) crease patterns without a mountain/valley assignment.Comment: 24 pages, 19 figures. Version 3 includes several improvements thanks to referees, including formal definitions of simple folds, more figures, table summarizing results, new open problems, and additional reference

    Minimum-Cost Coverage of Point Sets by Disks

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    We consider a class of geometric facility location problems in which the goal is to determine a set X of disks given by their centers (t_j) and radii (r_j) that cover a given set of demand points Y in the plane at the smallest possible cost. We consider cost functions of the form sum_j f(r_j), where f(r)=r^alpha is the cost of transmission to radius r. Special cases arise for alpha=1 (sum of radii) and alpha=2 (total area); power consumption models in wireless network design often use an exponent alpha>2. Different scenarios arise according to possible restrictions on the transmission centers t_j, which may be constrained to belong to a given discrete set or to lie on a line, etc. We obtain several new results, including (a) exact and approximation algorithms for selecting transmission points t_j on a given line in order to cover demand points Y in the plane; (b) approximation algorithms (and an algebraic intractability result) for selecting an optimal line on which to place transmission points to cover Y; (c) a proof of NP-hardness for a discrete set of transmission points in the plane and any fixed alpha>1; and (d) a polynomial-time approximation scheme for the problem of computing a minimum cost covering tour (MCCT), in which the total cost is a linear combination of the transmission cost for the set of disks and the length of a tour/path that connects the centers of the disks.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, Latex, to appear in ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry 200
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