28 research outputs found

    Removal of Total Coliforms, Thermotolerant Coliforms, and Helminth Eggs in Swine Production Wastewater Treated in Anaerobic and Aerobic Reactors

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    The present work evaluated the performance of two treatment systems in reducing indicators of biological contamination in swine production wastewater. System I consisted of two upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactors, with 510 and 209 L in volume, being serially arranged. System II consisted of a UASB reactor, anaerobic filter, trickling filter, and decanter, being also organized in series, with volumes of 300, 190, 250, and 150 L, respectively. Hydraulic retention times (HRT) applied in the first UASB reactors were 40, 30, 20, and 11 h in systems I and II. The average removal efficiencies of total and thermotolerant coliforms in system I were 92.92% to 99.50% and 94.29% to 99.56%, respectively, and increased in system II to 99.45% to 99.91% and 99.52% to 99.93%, respectively. Average removal rates of helminth eggs in system I were 96.44% to 99.11%, reaching 100% as in system II. In reactor sludge, the counts of total and thermotolerant coliforms ranged between 105 and 109 MPN (100 mL)−1, while helminth eggs ranged from 0.86 to 9.27 eggs g−1 TS

    Gastrointestinal parasites of free-range chickens : a worldwide issue

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    Gastrointestinal parasites with direct and/or indirect life cycles, namely Eimeria spp., Ascaridia galli, Heterakis gallinarum and Capillaria spp., are responsible for the most frequent and heavy economic losses in aviculture. The current review aimed to collect information about gastrointestinal parasites affecting poultry, as well as, research studies regarding parasitic diseases in free-range chicken production. From the references used in this review, 20% highlight research studies correlating prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in free-range chickens and factors such as the production system, age and animal density, hygienic conditions and weather. Coccidiosis is responsible for the major economic losses in poultry farms. Diseases have different clinical signs and result in variable impacts on animals. Control programs include mainly vaccination, anti-coccidia and anthelminthic drugs, as well as, house cleaning and disinfection. This review concluded that coccidia and helminths are a global threat to free-range poultry production. More research in this area is necessary in order to understand the major factors influencing the prevalence of parasitic diseases in this type of poultry production. Also the search for new control strategies must be a priority, mainly using natural antiparasitic compounds and biological control approaches.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    La nutria (Myocastor coypus Molina, 1782) puede afectar significativamente los ecosistemas, resultando en consecuencias socioeconómicas y de salud adversas para los seres humanos y los animales. El presente trabajo identificó la helmintofauna de M. coypus oriundos de una región de Mata de Araucária en el Estado de Paraná, Brasil. Se utilizaron tres animales de vida libre, adultos, machos, encontrados muertos en el área rural del municipio de Dos Vizinhos-PR. Los segmentos anatómicos del tracto digestivo, respiratorio, cardíaco y renal fueron tamizados y el contenido fijado en solución de Railliet y Henry. Después de la identificación y recuento de los helmintos, se elaboró un análisis descriptivo de los indicadores de infección. Se recogieron 341 helmintos, pertenecientes al Orden y Familia: Trichostrongylidea: Heligmonelidae, Cestoda: Hymenolepididae y Digenea: Notocotylidae. La prevalencia, intensidad y abundancia parasitaria media de las dos primeras especies de helmintos fueron las mayores observadas en los animales evaluados. La región de estudio representa un nuevo registro de localidad para las tres especies diagnosticadas. Myocastor coypus es un nuevo huésped registrado para Rondentolepis octocoronata Linstow, 1879, en Brasil. Estos datos contribuyen al conocimiento de la helmintofauna de M. coypus de vida libre en la región de la Mata de Araucária Brasileña

    Infecção experimental de Mazana gouazoubira (Ficher, 1814) (Cervidae: Odocoileinae) com Haemonchus contortus (Rudolphi, 1803) (Nematoda: Trichostrongyloidea)

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    A adequada compreensão dos mecanismos fisiopatológicos das doenças que afetam os animais silvestres contribui positivamente para a melhoria das condições de manutenção desses animais em cativeiro e fornece subsídios para a elaboração de planos de conservação de animais de vida livre. Diversos relatos de Haemonchus contortus em cervídeos de cativeiro e vida livre, bem como a importância desse nematódeo para a ovinocultura, motivaram o presente estudo. Inicialmente, foram determinados valores de normalidade para os parâmetros hematológicos e bioquímicos, bem como testada possível influência do sexo sobre eles. Num segundo momento, os animais foram separados em grupos e infectados experimentalmente. O processo infeccioso foi monitorado por um período de 60 dias, ao final do qual os animais foram submetidos à eutanásia e necropsiados. O processo infeccioso estabelecido, em intensidade parasitária similar à observada em animais de vida livre, não foi capaz de suscitar alterações hematológicas, bioquímicas ou anátomo-patológicas relevantes, tampouco interferir na ingestão de alimentos, sugerindo que, apesar da possibilidade de parasitismo, a infecção por H. contortus, nos níveis deste experimento, não provocam doença clínica nos animais. À luz dos dados morfométricos e parasitológicos, sugere-se uma má adaptação do H. contortus aos veados-catingueiros, apesar da possibilidade de manutenção do parasita nestes animais.The comprehension of the pathophysiological aspects concerning wild animals’ diseases contributes favourably to the improvement of captive rearing of these animals, and also to the elaboration of conservation action plans for free-ranging animals. The diverse reports on deer parasitism by Haemonchus contortus and the importance of this nematode for sheep production motivated this research. First, reference values for haematological and biochemical parameters were determined for this species and the gender influence on them was tested. Then, the animals were divided in groups and infected. The infectious process was monitored over a 60 days period, and then the animals were killed and necropsied. The established infection, similar to natural acquired infections, was insufficient to lead to haematological, biochemical or pathological changes or interfere with food uptake. Based on this, despite the possibility of infection, H. contortus did not cause clinical disease in gray-brocket deer. Moreover, the morphometric and parasitological data suggest a maladaptation of H. contortus in this host species.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Detailed morphological description of Habronema clarki Foster & Chitwood, 1937, a nematode parasite of capybaras Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris (Linnaeus, 1766) in Brazil

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    The genus Habronema has four valid species, of which only two are properly known. The present study aimed to describe in detail the morphology of Habronema clarki through optical and scanning electron microscopy analyses. Our results showed that the labial morphology of this parasite is closer to H. muscae than to H. microstoma. Even so, the characteristic pseudolabia and the slightly convex border of the dorsal and ventral lips are sufficient to distinguish these nematodes. Additional morphological data are presented, thus contributing to the knowledge on this little known nematode. In addition, this study provides new locality records for this species

    Occurrence of Paratanaisia confusa Freitas, 1951 in free-living guira cuckoo (Guira guira, Cuculiformes: Crotophagidae)

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    Abstract This report presents a description of natural infection of an adult free-living guira cuckoo with Paratanaisia confusa. Histological and morphological evaluations of renal and parasite samples were performed. The morphological analysis of the parasites revealed spiny tegument, characteristic of P. confusa helminthes. Although macroscopic alterations were absent in the kidneys, the histopathology revealed parasites inside the collecting ducts causing dilatation and destruction of the lining epithelial cells in addition to small focal inflammatory infiltrates in the renal parenchyma. However, as the bird was free-living and naturally infected it was not possible to confirm if all these alterations were directly caused by the parasite presence or if they were related to causes other than the parasitism. Nonetheless, such findings indicate that these trematodes may have pathogenic potential in this host

    Morfologia de ovos de Dioctophyme renale Goeze, 1782 (Nematoda: Dioctophymatidae) e influência da temperatura no desenvolvimento de larvas de primeiro estágio nos ovos

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    Este estudo teve a finalidade de fornecer dados morfológicos de ovos de D. renale e do desenvolvimento de larvas de primeiro estádio em ovos mantidos em diferentes temperaturas. Os ovos foram obtidos por centrífugação da urina de cães parasitados e colocados em placas de Petri em estufa BOD, durante 90 dias. O experimento consistiu de três tratamentos (GI - 15 ºC, GII - 20 ºC e GIII - 26 ºC) com cinco repetições cada. Os ovos apresentaram tamanho médio de 67,23 x 42,78 µm, e o tempo médio de incubação foi inversamente proporcional à temperatura de incubação e as larvas apresentaram motilidade por aproximadamente uma semana após sua formação.This study aims to provide information on morphological data of D. renale eggs, as well as on first-stage larvae development into eggs kept at different temperatures. Eggs were obtained by centrifugation of infected dog urine, placed in Petri dishes, and stored in BOD chamber for a 90-day period. Each treatment (GI - 15 ºC, GII - 20 ºC, and GIII - 26 ºC) was repeated five times. Eggs showed average measures of 67.23 x 42.78 µm, and the mean incubation time was inversely proportional to the incubation temperature. Larvae motility was observed one week after being observed in eggs

    Association of Epistylis spp. (Ciliophora: Peritrichia) with parasitic crustaceans in farmed piava Megaleporinus obtusidens (Characiformes: Anostomidae)

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    Abstract Parasitic diseases have caused significant problems to global aquaculture production. These studies will further our knowledge of this complex problem and help implement adequate prevention measures and control strategies. The present study aimed to investigate the presence of parasites in Megaleporinus obtusidens and to describe the epidemiology and pathology of parasitic infections in these fish. Five moribund fish were sent for parasitological examination. The integument and gills were scrapped off with a glass slide, and samples were examined under a light microscope. Parasitic crustaceans found in these specimens were submitted for scanning electron microscopy and histological analyses. The crustaceans Dolops carvalhoi and Lernaea cyprinacea and the Epistylis spp. were present in all fish examined. Epistylis spp. were also seen on the entire surface of the crustacean integument. Microscopic lesions observed in the parasitized gills included hyperplasia and hypertrophy of the lamellar epithelium, an inflammatory infiltrate, telangiectasia, foci of hemorrhage and necrosis, fusion of the secondary lamellae, and detachment of the lamellar epithelium. Crustacean parasites are important mechanical vectors of Epistylis infection and disseminate the disease in fish farming operations. Epistylis spp. infection affects the health of fish and has significant ecological and economical impact on aquaculture

    Zoonoses parasitárias veiculadas por alimentos de origem animal: revisão sobre a situação no Brasil

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    O Brasil se destaca na produção mundial de alimentos de origem animal, sendo que cada vez mais os mercados consumidores buscam alimentos seguros e inócuos para a saúde. Nesse contexto, torna-se fundamental a prevenção das zoonoses, que podem ser transmitidas através dos alimentos de origem animal, que muitas vezes são consumidos sem o devido preparo ou por populações mais vulneráveis. Nesta revisão bibliográfica, serão abordadas importantes enfermidades parasitárias de caráter zoonótico que ocorrem atualmente pela via de transmissão alimentar: a toxoplasmose, o complexo teníase-cisticercose, criptosporidiose, anisacose, difilobotriose e triquinelose

    Zoonoses parasitárias veiculadas por alimentos de origem animal: revisão sobre a situação no Brasil

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    Brazil is one of the most important countries in the production of animal source foods, and the consumers are looking for safe and innocuous products for health. In this context, it is necessary to prevent zoonosis that can be transmitted by animal source foods, which are sometimes consumed without proper cooking or made by vulnerable populations. On this review, important parasitic zoonotic diseases will be covered, which currently occur by this transmission route: toxoplasmosis, taeniasis-cysticercosis complex, cryptosporidiosis, anisakiasis, diphyllobothriasis and trichinosis.O Brasil se destaca na produção mundial de alimentos de origem animal, sendo que cada vez mais os mercados consumidores buscam alimentos seguros e inócuos para a saúde. Nesse contexto, torna-se fundamental a prevenção das zoonoses, que podem ser transmitidas através dos alimentos de origem animal, que muitas vezes são consumidos sem o devido preparo ou por populações mais vulneráveis. Nesta revisão bibliográfica, serão abordadas importantes enfermidades parasitárias de caráter zoonótico que ocorrem atualmente pela via de transmissão alimentar: a toxoplasmose, o complexo teníase-cisticercose, criptosporidiose, anisacose, difilobotriose e triquinelose.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES