3,642 research outputs found

    Geomagnetic modeling by optimal recursive filtering

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    The results of a preliminary study to determine the feasibility of using Kalman filter techniques for geomagnetic field modeling are given. Specifically, five separate field models were computed using observatory annual means, satellite, survey and airborne data for the years 1950 to 1976. Each of the individual field models used approximately five years of data. These five models were combined using a recursive information filter (a Kalman filter written in terms of information matrices rather than covariance matrices.) The resulting estimate of the geomagnetic field and its secular variation was propogated four years past the data to the time of the MAGSAT data. The accuracy with which this field model matched the MAGSAT data was evaluated by comparisons with predictions from other pre-MAGSAT field models. The field estimate obtained by recursive estimation was found to be superior to all other models

    COVER Project and Earth resources research transition

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    Results of research in the remote sensing of natural boreal forest vegetation (the COVER project) are summarized. The study objectives were to establish a baseline forest test site; develop transforms of LANDSAT MSS and TM data for forest composition, biomass, leaf area index, and net primary productivity; and perform tasks required for testing hypotheses regarding observed spectral responses to changes in leaf area index in aspen. In addition, the transfer and documentation of data collected in the COVER project (removed from the Johnson Space Center following the discontinuation of Earth resources research at that facility) is described

    Undercover Investigations and Government Lawyers

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    Multispectral determination of soil moisture

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    The edited Guymon soil moisture data collected on August 2, 5, 14, 17, 1978 were grouped into four field cover types for statistical analysis. These are the bare, milo with rows parallel to field of view, milo with rows perpendicular to field of view and alfalfa cover groups. There are 37, 22, 24 and 14 observations respectively in each group for each sensor channel and each soil moisture layer. A subset of these data called the 'five cover set' (VEG5) limited the scatterometer data to the 15 deg look angle and was used to determine discriminant functions and combined group regressions

    Polyetheretherketone as a Biomaterial for Spinal Applications

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    Threaded lumbar interbody spinal fusion devices (TIBFD) made from titanium have been reported to be 90% effective for single-level lumbar interbody fusion, although radiographic determination of fusion has been intensely debated in the literature. Using blinded radiographic, biomechanic, histologic, and statistical measures, we evaluated a radiolucent polyetheretherketone (PEEK)-threaded interbody fusion device packed with autograft or rhBMP-2 on an absorbable collagen sponge in 13 sheep at 6 months. Radiographic fusion, increased spinal level biomechanical stiffness, and histologic fusion were demonstrated for the PEEK cages filled with autograft or rhBMP-2 on a collagen sponge. No device degradation or wear debris was observed. Only mild chronic inflammation consisting of a few macrophages was observed in peri-implant tissues. Based on these results, the polymeric biomaterial PEEK may be a useful biomaterial for interbody fusion cages due to the polymer\u27s increased radiolucency and decreased stiffness

    Monitoring global vegetation

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    An attempt is made to identify the need for, and the current capability of, a technology which could aid in monitoring the Earth's vegetation resource on a global scale. Vegetation is one of our most critical natural resources, and accurate timely information on its current status and temporal dynamics is essential to understand many basic and applied environmental interrelationships which exist on the small but complex planet Earth

    Initial geomagnetic field model from MAGSAT

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    Magsat data from magnetically quiet days were used to derive a thirteenth degree and order spherical harmonic geomagnetic field model, MGST(3/80). The model utilized both scalar and vector data and fit that data with standard deviations of 8, 52, 55 and 97 nT for the scalar magnitude, B sub r, B sub theta and B sub phi respectively. When compared with earlier models, the Earth's dipole moment continues to decrease at a rate of about 26 nT/year. Evaluation of earlier models with Magsat data shows that the scalar field at the Magsat epoch is best predicted by the POGO(2/72) model but that the AWC/75 and IGS/75 are better for predicting vector fields

    Exploratory shopping: attention affects in-store exploration and unplanned purchasing

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    A fundamental function of retailing is to bring products into the view of shoppers, because viewing products can activate forgotten or new needs. Retailers thus employ various strategies to entice shoppers to explore the product assortment and store environment, in the hopes of stimulating unplanned purchasing. Here we investigate consumers’ breadth of attention as a mechanism of such in-store exploration and hence of unplanned purchasing. Specifically, attentional breadth is the focus that is directed to a wider or more limited area in processing visual scenes. In a series of lab and field experiments we show that shoppers’ attentional breadth activates an exploratory mindset that stimulates visual and physical exploration of shopping environments, ultimately affecting their product choices and unplanned purchasing. We also show that more impulsive buyers are more susceptible to these effects. These results complement and constrain prior theorizing on mindset theory, attention, store exploration, and unplanned purchasing, all of which are of practical importance to both retailers and consumers

    The Concept of Sustainable Development and Its Impact on the Shaping of Modern International Relations through Global Agreements

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    The goal of this article is a depiction of the process of the molding of the concept of sustainable development as well as a look at the influence that this concept has exerted on contemporary international politics, especially taking into account agreements of worldwide scope. This article is also an effort at demonstrating that the foundations of the concept of sustainable development can be traced to certain economic theories. The final section of this article is devoted to the characteristics of individual conferences initiated by the United Nations in order to promote enduring and sustainable development on a world scale. Also presented are the achievements of the individual conferences and their roles in demarcating universally obligatory principles and standards of sustainable development.Celem niniejszego artykułu jest scharakteryzowanie genezy kształtowania się Koncepcji Zrównoważonego Rozwoju, a także wskazanie, jaki wpływ miała ona na ukształtowanie się stosunków międzynarodowych w zakresie ochrony środowiska i rozwiązywania problemów społecznych. Przedmiotem analizy są także teorie ekonomiczne, które stały się fundamentem dla wykrystalizowania się koncepcji zrównoważonego rozwoju. Poniższy artykuł jest także próbą wykazania, iż konferencje organizowane przez ONZ na rzecz trwałego i zrównoważonego rozwoju, stały się siła napędową do rozpowszechnienia tej koncepcji w skali światowej