210 research outputs found

    Genes, Manganese, and Zinc in Formation of Otoconia: Labeling, Recovery, and Maternal Effects

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    Published studies indicate that genes and dietary manganese deficiency cause vestibular defects and ataxic behaviors. Manganese deficiency during development causes otoconial defects in mice, rats, guinea pigs, and chicks. Mutant genes cause otoconial defects in mice, mink, and poultry. Manganese supplementation prevents the otoconial defects in some mutant mice and mink. Manganese is essential, before crystallization of the otoconia, for synthesis of mucopolysaccharides and otoconial matrix. Such defects can be induced, after otoconia are crystallized during fetal development, by dietary zinc deficiency and sulfonamide treatment (inhibits carbonic anhydrase, a zinc-requiring enzyme). Manganese and/or zinc supplementation ameliorates otoconial defects in pallid and lethal-milk (zinc-deficient) mice. Studies herein show that: 1) Developing otoconia can be quantitatively labeled with 45 Ca. This may provide a means for studying calcium metabolism in otoconia over a prolonged period of time and for determining the possible effects of diet, drugs, and other factors on otoconia. 2) Otoconial defects, induced after otoconia form in the fetus, were observed in newborn mice, but disappeared by two days after birth. Conditions of the inner ear may contribute to the calcification of otoconia. 3) Manganese and zinc supplementation of pallid mice via acidified drinking water is more effective than dietary supplementation in preventing otoconial defects. The effectiveness of zinc but not of manganese is related to ma tern al genotype (+/pa vs. pa/pa). The effect of supplementation of the dams with zinc but not with manganese increases over successive litters. These studies indicate the potential for interaction of genes and trace minerals on otoconial formation and maintenance

    Public Opinion on Migration and the Role of the Media in the Context of the “European Refugee Crisis”

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    This book presents an overview of European migration policy and the various institutional arrangements within and between various actors, such as local councils, local media, local economies, and local civil society initiatives. Both the role of local authorities in this policy field and their cooperation with civil society initiatives or networks are under-explored topics for research. In response, this book provides a range of detailed case studies focusing on the six main groups of national and administrative traditions in Europe: Germanic, Scandinavian, Napoleonic, Southeastern European, Central-Eastern European and Anglo-Saxon.Peer reviewe

    An objective spinal motion imaging assessment (OSMIA): reliability, accuracy and exposure data

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    BACKGROUND: Minimally-invasive measurement of continuous inter-vertebral motion in clinical settings is difficult to achieve. This paper describes the reliability, validity and radiation exposure levels in a new Objective Spinal Motion Imaging Assessment system (OSMIA) based on low-dose fluoroscopy and image processing. METHODS: Fluoroscopic sequences in coronal and sagittal planes were obtained from 2 calibration models using dry lumbar vertebrae, plus the lumbar spines of 30 asymptomatic volunteers. Calibration model 1 (mobile) was screened upright, in 7 inter-vertebral positions. The volunteers and calibration model 2 (fixed) were screened on a motorised table comprising 2 horizontal sections, one of which moved through 80 degrees. Model 2 was screened during motion 5 times and the L2-S1 levels of the volunteers twice. Images were digitised at 5fps. Inter-vertebral motion from model 1 was compared to its pre-settings to investigate accuracy. For volunteers and model 2, the first digitised image in each sequence was marked with templates. Vertebrae were tracked throughout the motion using automated frame-to-frame registration. For each frame, vertebral angles were subtracted giving inter-vertebral motion graphs. Volunteer data were acquired twice on the same day and analysed by two blinded observers. The root-mean-square (RMS) differences between paired data were used as the measure of reliability. RESULTS: RMS difference between reference and computed inter-vertebral angles in model 1 was 0.32 degrees for side-bending and 0.52 degrees for flexion-extension. For model 2, X-ray positioning contributed more to the variance of range measurement than did automated registration. For volunteer image sequences, RMS inter-observer variation in intervertebral motion range in the coronal plane was 1.86 degreesand intra-subject biological variation was between 2.75 degrees and 2.91 degrees. RMS inter-observer variation in the sagittal plane was 1.94 degrees. Radiation dosages in each view were below the levels recommended for a plain film. CONCLUSION: OSMIA can measure inter-vertebral angular motion patterns in routine clinical settings if modern image intensifier systems are used. It requires skilful radiography to achieve optimal positioning and dose limitation. Reliability in individual subjects can be judged from the variance of their averaged inter-vertebral angles and by observing automated image registration

    Оцінка оновлення основних засобів за рахунок позикових коштів

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    Оновлення основних засобів є актуальною проблемою сьогодення. Для багатьох підприємств кредити банків є чи не єдиним джерелом коштів на модернізацію виробничих потужностей. В даній статті нами були розглянуті можливості і перспективи приватних фірм для використання з цією метою позикових засобів, оцінений ступінь прозорості банківських установ, річні ставки за інвестиційними кредитами та інші умови їхнього надання.Modernizing of the basic assets is a topical problem of the present. For many business firms bank loans are may be the only source of funds for renewal of production facilities. In the article we have considered the opportunities and prospects for use of borrowed funds by private firms for this purpose, rated the degree of transparency of banking institutions, the annual rates of investment credits and other conditions of their granting

    Diagnostic Value of Lumbar Facet Joint Injection: A Prospective Triple Cross-Over Study

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    The diagnosis “lumbar facet syndrome” is common and often indicates severe lumbar spine surgery procedures. It is doubtful whether a painful facet joint (FJ) can be identified by a single FJ block. The aim of this study was to clarify the validity of a single and placebo controlled bilateral FJ blocks using local anesthetics. A prospective single blinded triple cross-over study was performed. 60 patients (31 f, 29 m, mean age 53.2 yrs (22–73)) with chronic low back pain (mean pain persistance 31 months, 6 months of conservative treatment without success) admitted to a local orthopaedic department for surgical or conservative therapy of chronic LBP, were included in the study. Effect on pain reduction (10 point rating scale) was measured. The 60 subjects were divided into six groups with three defined sequences of fluoroscopically guided bilateral monosegmental lumbar FJ test injections in “oblique needle” technique: verum-(local anaesthetic-), placebo-(sodium chloride-) and sham-injection. Carry-over and periodic effects were evaluated and a descriptive and statistical analysis regarding the effectiveness, difference and equality of the FJ injections and the different responses was performed. The results show a high rate of non-response, which documents the lack of reliable and valid predictors for a positive response towards FJ blocks. There was a high rate of placebo reactions noted, including subjects who previously or later reacted positively to verum injections. Equivalence was shown among verum vs. placebo and partly vs. sham also. With regard to test validity criteria, a single intraarticular FJ block with local anesthetics is not useful to detect the pain-responsible FJ and therefore is no valid and reliable diagostic tool to specify indication of lumbar spine surgery. Comparative FJ blocks with local anesthetics and placebo-controls have to be interpretated carefully also, because they solely give no proper diagnosis on FJ being main pain generator

    Perspective-Taking and Willingness to Engage in Intergroup Contact

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    The current research explored whether perspective-taking increases willingness to engage in contact with stereotyped outgroup members. Across three studies, we find that perspective-taking increases willingness to engage in contact with negatively-stereotyped targets. In Study 1, perspective-takers sat closer to, whereas stereotype suppressors sat further from, a hooligan compared to control participants. In Study 2, individual differences in perspective-taking tendencies predicted individuals' willingness to engage in contact with a hooligan, having effects above and beyond those of empathic concern. Finally, Study 3 demonstrated that perspective-taking's effects on intergroup contact extend to the target's group (i.e., another homeless man), but not to other outgroups (i.e., a man of African descent). Consistent with other perspective-taking research, our findings show that perspective-taking facilitates the creation of social bonds by increasing contact with stereotyped outgroup members

    The Dominance of Associative Theorizing in Implicit Attitude Research: Propositional and Behavioral Alternatives

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