119 research outputs found

    Enhanced privacy governance in Health Information Systems through business process modelling and HL7

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    © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. Medical data privacy is nowadays an alarming issue thanks to the technological revolution witnessed in the medical field and the ease of data access and exchange leveraged by newly implemented Hospital Information Systems (HIS). In order to help protect patient data while offering them the required medical procedures, many computerized techniques could be made available to be implemented in HIS since an early stage of their design. Those techniques should be applied throughout the rolling of clinical pathways to preserve medical data privacy and security in order to enhance privacy governance within Hospitals. When considered as processes, and because of their complexity and multidisciplinary nature, clinical pathways should be modelled in a simple way paying attention to medical tasks and the underlining shared clinical data. It is important to highlight the data with higher protection and sensitivity level. These data characteristics will influence many governance and security decisions of each process. This work aims to present a methodology to model clinical pathway specifications for data driven clinical processes, distinguishing sensitive data from other data and identifying personal data protection principles and the Protected Health Information (PHI). In this context, we precise for each clinical task potentially involving data processing and sharing, the level of protection the data requires through the use of privacy tags and labels added to data elements predefined using the HL7 standard. This method of tagging would help mapping extracted data, classified into categories, to a set of privacy requirements as needed by the HIPAA legislation. Hence data protection and privacy governance are leveraged in a seamless and highly transparent way. The use of HL7 allowed better data discovery and parsing which facilitates the definition of medical data protection measures at a later stage

    Metabolism of triflumuron in the human liver: Contribution of cytochrome P450 isoforms and esterases.

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    Abstract Triflumuron (TFM) is a benzoylurea insecticide commonly used in Tunisian agriculture and around the world to control crop pests and flies as a promising alternative to conventional insecticides for its arthropod specificity and low toxicity. From the evidence available in animal models, it can be expected that the metabolism of TFM is catalyzed by cytochrome P450 (CYP) and esterases. However, no data are available on human metabolism of TFM with regards to phase I metabolism and CYP isoform specificity. Hence, this manuscript describes experimental investigations to underpin in vitro phase I TFM metabolism in human samples for the first time. TFM biotransformation by recombinant human CYPs was characterized, then human liver microsomes (HLM) and chemical specific inhibitors have been used to identify the relative contribution of CYPs and esterases. Our results showed that all CYP isoforms were able to metabolize TFM with different affinity and efficiency. The relative contribution based both on the kinetic parameters and the CYP hepatic content was 3A4 > >2C9 > 2C8 > 2A6 > 1A2 > 2B6 > 2D6 > 2C19 > 2C18 > 1A1 at low TFM concentration, whilst at high TFM concentration it was 1A2 > >2C9 = 3A4 = 2A6 > 2C19 > 2B6 = 2C8 > 2D6 > 1A1 > 2C18. Experiments with HLMs confirmed the involvement of the most relevant CYPs in the presence of specific chemical inhibitors with a catalytic efficiency (Cliapp) lower by an order of magnitude compared with recombinant enzymes. Esterases were also relevant to the overall TFM kinetics and metabolism, with catalytic efficiency higher than that of CYPs. It is foreseen that such isoform-specific information in humans will further support in silico models for the refinement of the human risk assessment of single pesticides or mixtures

    The implication of ROS production on triflumuron-induced oxidative stress and genotoxicity in human colon carcinoma (HCT-116) cells

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    The aim of this study is to evaluate the cytotoxic and the genotoxic effects of triflumuron (TFM) on human colon carcinoma cells (HCT-116). Indeed, TFM is used to protect vegetables, fruits, and domestic animals against a large spectrum of parasites causing animal and human disorders. However, studies revealing its toxicity and its mode of action in mammalian systems remain very limited. We monitored our work with the cytotoxicity assay starting with the cell viability test, the ROS generation, the malondialdehyde (MDA) production, the DNA fragmentation, and the measurement of some antioxidant enzymes activities such as catalase, superoxide dismutase, and the glutathione S-transferase. Also, we measured the mitochondrial transmembrane potential. We showed that TFM induced a dose-dependent cell death. This decrease in cell viability was accompanied by a significant reduction in the mitochondrial membrane potential. We also have shown that TFM induced oxidative stress as revealed by the generation of reactive oxygen species, the increase of the MDA levels, and the activation of the antioxidant enzymes. Moreover, our results indicated that TFM induced DNA damage in HCT-116 cells as monitored by the comet assay. We demonstrate, for the first time, the cytotoxic and the genotoxic potentials of TFM on human cultured cells

    In vitro interaction of the pesticides flupyradifurone, bupirimate and its metabolite ethirimol with the ATP-binding cassette transporter G2 (ABCG2)

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    [EN] ABCG2 is an ATP-binding cassette efflux transporter that is expressed in absorptive and excretory organs such as liver, intestine, kidney, brain and testis where it plays a crucial physiological and toxicological role in protecting cells against xenobiotics, affecting pharmacokinetics of its substrates. In addition, the induction of ABCG2 expression in mammary gland during lactation is related to active secretion of many toxicants into milk. In this study, the in vitro interactions between ABCG2 and three pesticides flupyradifurone, bupirimate and its metabolite ethirimol were investigated to check whether these compounds are substrates and/or inhibitors of this transporter. Using in vitro transepithelial assays with cells transduced with murine, ovine and human ABCG2, we showed that ethirimol and flupyradifurone were transported efficiently by murine Abcg2 and ovine ABCG2 but not by human ABCG2. Bupirimate was not found to be an in vitro substrate of ABCG2 transporter. Accumulation assays using mitoxantrone in transduced MDCK-II cells suggest that none of the tested pesticides were efficient ABCG2 inhibitors, at least in our experimental conditions. Our studies disclose that ethirimol and flupyradifurone are in vitro substrates of murine and ovine ABCG2, opening the possibility of a potential relevance of ABCG2 in the toxicokinetics of these pesticides.S

    Magnetic Study of the Heated and Unheated Sedimentary Fillings of Sebkha Mhabeul, Southeast Tunisia: A Geophysical Method for Paleoclimatic Investigation and Tephrochronological Dating

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    This paper is meant to investigate the climatic and volcanic signals within the sedimentary filling of sebkha Mhabeul through a thermomagnetic study of a 37 cm length core. Values of the magnetic susceptibility at ambient temperature show that the core encompasses four climatic stages: the Warming Present (WP), the Little Ice Age (Late LIA), Early Little Ice Age (ELIA), and the Medieval Climate Anomalies (MCA). Added to the subcycles, the spectral analysis shows the individualization of an 888 yr cycle probably related to solar activity. The heating at 250°C is good-for-nothing since it was useful neither for climatic investigation nor for tephras layers detection. Heating at 700°C generated the complete loss of the climatic signal. On the other hand, it allowed the detection of the previously identified tephras layers. Further, it highlighted the presence of other tephras layers. The extraction by the bromoform confirms the presence of these tephras. The use of the same methodology may allow the detection of tephras layers within other sebkhas

    Moringa oleifera Protects SH-SY5YCells from DEHP-Induced Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress and Apoptosis

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    Moringa oleifera (MO) is a medicinal plant that has been shown to possess antioxidant, anticarcinogenic and antibiotic activities. In a rat model, MO extract (MOe) has been shown to have a protective effect against brain damage and memory decline. As an extending study, here, we have examined the protective effect of MOe against oxidative stress and apoptosis caused in human neuroblastome (SH-SY5Y) cells by di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), a plasticizer known to induce neurotoxicity. Our data show that MOe prevents oxidative damage by lowering reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation, restoring mitochondrial respiratory chain complex activities, and, in addition, by modulating the expression of vitagenes, i.e., antioxidant proteins Nrf2 and HO-1. Moreover, MOe prevented neuronal damage by partly inhibiting endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress response, as indicated by decreased expression of CCAAT-enhancer-binding protein homologous protein (CHOP) and Glucose-regulated protein 78 (GRP78) proteins. MOe also protected SH-SY5Y cells from DEHP-induced apoptosis, preserving mitochondrial membrane permeability and caspase-3 activation. Our findings provide insight into understanding of molecular mechanisms involved in neuroprotective effects by MOe against DEHP damag

    The Argyre Region as a Prime Target for in situ Astrobiological Exploration of Mars

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    At the time before ∼3.5 Ga that life originated and began to spread on Earth, Mars was a wetter and more geologically dynamic planet than it is today. The Argyre basin, in the southern cratered highlands of Mars, formed from a giant impact at ∼3.93 Ga, which generated an enormous basin approximately 1800 km in diameter. The early post-impact environment of the Argyre basin possibly contained many of the ingredients that are thought to be necessary for life: abundant and long-lived liquid water, biogenic elements, and energy sources, all of which would have supported a regional environment favorable for the origin and the persistence of life. We discuss the astrobiological significance of some landscape features and terrain types in the Argyre region that are promising and accessible sites for astrobiological exploration. These include (i) deposits related to the hydrothermal activity associated with the Argyre impact event, subsequent impacts, and those associated with the migration of heated water along Argyre-induced basement structures; (ii) constructs along the floor of the basin that could mark venting of volatiles, possibly related to the development of mud volcanoes; (iii) features interpreted as ice-cored mounds (open-system pingos), whose origin and development could be the result of deeply seated groundwater upwelling to the surface; (iv) sedimentary deposits related to the formation of glaciers along the basin's margins, such as evidenced by the ridges interpreted to be eskers on the basin floor; (v) sedimentary deposits related to the formation of lakes in both the primary Argyre basin and other smaller impact-derived basins along the margin, including those in the highly degraded rim materials; and (vi) crater-wall gullies, whose morphology points to a structural origin and discharge of (wet) flows

    Mitochondrial and endoplasmic reticulum stress pathways cooperate in zearalenone-induced apoptosis of human leukemic cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Zearalenone (ZEA) is a phytoestrogen from <it>Fusarium </it>species. The aims of the study was to identify mode of human leukemic cell death induced by ZEA and the mechanisms involved.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Cell cytotoxicity of ZEA on human leukemic HL-60, U937 and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) was performed by using 3-(4,5-dimethyl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay. Reactive oxygen species production, cell cycle analysis and mitochondrial transmembrane potential reduction was determined by employing 2',7'-dichlorofluorescein diacetate, propidium iodide and 3,3'-dihexyloxacarbocyanine iodide and flow cytometry, respectively. Caspase-3 and -8 activities were detected by using fluorogenic Asp-Glu-Val-Asp-7-amino-4-methylcoumarin (DEVD-AMC) and Ile-Glu-Thr-Asp-7-amino-4-methylcoumarin (IETD-AMC) substrates, respectively. Protein expression of cytochrome c, Bax, Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL was performed by Western blot. The expression of proteins was assessed by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel-electrophoresis (PAGE) coupled with LC-MS2 analysis and real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) approach.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>ZEA was cytotoxic to U937 > HL-60 > PBMCs and caused subdiploid peaks and G1 arrest in both cell lines. Apoptosis of human leukemic HL-60 and U937 cell apoptosis induced by ZEA was via an activation of mitochondrial release of cytochrome c through mitochondrial transmembrane potential reduction, activation of caspase-3 and -8, production of reactive oxygen species and induction of endoplasmic reticulum stress. Bax was up regulated in a time-dependent manner and there was down regulation of Bcl-xL expression. Two-dimensional PAGE coupled with LC-MS2 analysis showed that ZEA treatment of HL-60 cells produced differences in the levels of 22 membrane proteins such as apoptosis inducing factor and the ER stress proteins including endoplasmic reticulum protein 29 (ERp29), 78 kDa glucose-regulated protein, heat shock protein 90 and calreticulin, whereas only <it>ERp29 </it>mRNA transcript increased.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>ZEA induced human leukemic cell apoptosis via endoplasmic stress and mitochondrial pathway.</p