396 research outputs found

    Badanie jakości życia po operacji pomostowania aortalno-wieńcowego: 10-letnie długoterminowe badanie kontrolne

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    Background. Quality of life (QoL) is a multifactorial concept that is used to assess physical and mental health. This cross-sectional study administered the Short Form 36 Health Survey Questionnaire (SF-36) and a sociodemographic datasheet to evaluate the QoL of patients who underwent coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). Aim. With this study, we aimed to determine the quality of life of patients who had open heart surgery years later. Methods. Patients who underwent elective isolated CABG from January to December 2011 in the cardiovascular disease’s clinic of a hospital in Eastern Turkey were recruited, after which data were collected from them via telephone and mail. One patient was contacted by mail, and 32 others were contacted by telephone. The data were examined through the analysis of numbers of percentages, mean values, and standard deviations. The Mann–Whitney U test, Kruskal–Walli’s test, and correlation analysis were also conducted. Results. Of the patients who underwent surgery, 33 responded to our survey. Their mean age was 69.03±10.91 years. The results showed that gender, marital status, and educational attainment affected the mean SF-36 scores of the participants (p < 0.05) and that the mean QoL score of the patients was low. Conclusion. Considering the mean age of the respondents, studies that compare such patients with those who did not undergo surgery should be carried out.Wstęp. Jakość życia (QoL) to wieloczynnikowe pojęcie, które służy do oceny zdrowia fizycznego i psychicznego. W tym przekrojowym badaniu zastosowano kwestionariusz ankiety zdrowotnej Short Form 36 (SF-36) i arkusz danych socjodemograficznych w celu oceny jakości życia pacjentów, którzy przeszli pomostowanie aortalno-wieńcowe (CABG). Metody. Zrekrutowano pacjentów, którzy od stycznia do grudnia 2011 roku przeszli planowe izolowane CABG w poradni chorób układu krążenia szpitala we wschodniej Turcji, po czym zebrano od nich dane drogą telefoniczną i mailową. Z jednym pacjentem skontaktowano się pocztą, a z 32 innymi osobami skontaktowano się telefonicznie. Dane zostały zbadane poprzez analizę liczb w procentach, wartości średnich i odchyleń standardowych. Przeprowadzono również test U Manna–Whitneya, test Kruskala–Wallisa oraz analizę korelacji. Wyniki. Spośród pacjentów, którzy przeszli operację, 33 odpowiedziało na ankietę. Ich średni wiek wynosił 69,03±10,91 lat. Wyniki pokazały, że płeć, stan cywilny i wykształcenie wpłynęły na średnie wyniki SF-36 uczestników (p < 0,05) oraz że średni wynik QoL pacjentów był niski. Wnioski. Biorąc pod uwagę średni wiek respondentów, należy przeprowadzić badania porównujące takich pacjentów z tymi, którzy nie przeszli operacji

    Opracowanie skali do oceny fatalizmu padaczki w Turcji

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    Introduction. Many people believe that there is something predetermined in their life. Fatalism affects people’s adaptation to their diseases in epilepsy as well as in every disease. Aim. The study was conducted methodologically to determine the fatalism towards epilepsy disease. Material and Methods. “Information Form” and “Epilepsy Fatalism Scale” were used as data collection tools. With the literature review, a pool was created from the items of the previously developed fatalism scales. After removing the items with low factor load as a result of confirmatory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis was performed again. The data of the research were collected through social media. Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin (KMO) and Bartlett test, Principal Component Analysis, and Varimax Rotation were used for exploratory factor analysis in the evaluation of the data. For construct validity, confirmatory factor analysis was performed within the scope of explanatory and structural equation modeling χ², χ²/SD, RMSEA, CFI, IFI compatibility tests were used for Confirmatory Factor analysis. Results. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for the entire scale was found to be 0.768. It was determined with the results of the fit index analysis χ²/SD: 3.736, GFI, 0.922, AGFI 0.909, CFI 0.904, TLI 0.914, RMSEA: 0.062, RMR: 0.041 that the validity of the scale was ensured. Conclusions. The scale consisted of 10 items and three dimensions. The scale is a valid and reliable measurement tool in evaluating epilepsy fatalism. (JNNN 2023;12(2):63–68)Wstęp. Wiele osób wierzy, że w ich życiu jest coś z góry ustalonego. Fatalizm wpływa na przystosowanie się człowieka do chorób związanych z padaczką i każdą inną chorobą. Cel. To metodologiczne przeprowadzone badanie ma na celu określenie fatalizmu w kierunku choroby padaczkowej. Materiał i metody. Jako narzędzia gromadzenia danych wykorzystano „Formularz informacyjny” i „Skalę śmiertelności padaczkowej”. W wyniku przeglądu literatury utworzono pulę pozycji z wcześniej opracowanych skal fatalizmu. Po usunięciu w wyniku konfirmacyjnej analizy czynnikowej pozycji o niskim ładunku czynnikowym, ponownie przeprowadzono konfirmacyjną analizę czynnikową. Dane do badania zbierano za pośrednictwem mediów społecznościowych. Do eksploracyjnej analizy czynnikowej w ocenie danych wykorzystano test Kaiser-Meyer Olkin (KMO) i Bartletta, Analizę Głównych Składowych i Rotację Varimax. Dla trafności konstruktu przeprowadzono konfirmacyjną analizę czynnikową w zakresie modelowania równań objaśniających i strukturalnych. Do analizy czynników potwierdzających wykorzystano testy zgodności χ², χ²/SD, RMSEA, CFI, IFI. Wyniki. Stwierdzono, że współczynnik alfa Cronbacha dla całej skali wynosi 0,768. Na podstawie wyników analizy wskaźnika dopasowania χ²/SD: 3,736, GFI, 0,922, AGFI 0,909, CFI 0,904, TLI 0,914, RMSEA:0,062, RMR: 0,041 stwierdzono, że trafność skali została zachowana. Wnioski. Skala składała się z 10 pozycji i trzech wymiarów. Skala jest ważnym i wiarygodnym narzędziem pomiarowym w ocenie fatalizmu padaczki. (PNN 2023;12(2):63–68

    Fizička i mehanička svojstva termoplastičnih kompozita punjenih drvnim brašnom rijetko upotrebljavane konopljike

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    The potential use of a lignocellulosic filler, Vitex agnus-castus plant (Chaste tree), which is a deciduous invasive shrub, in thermoplastic composites was investigated. The stems of chaste trees with a diameter of 5-10 cm from Mugla city, Western Turkey, were used for the study. The different amounts (0 to 50 wt%, by 10 % increments) of the wood flour passing through the screen openings of 0.237 mm were added to the polypropylene matrix. Premixed raw materials were put into the volumetric feeder of the twin-screw extruder. The extruder barrel temperature was gradually increased from 170 °C (feeding zone) to the die zone (190 °C) at a constant screw speed (40 rpm). Then, the dried granules were hot-pressed into the 4 mm thick WPC panels at 2 MPa and 190 °C for 5 min. 3 wt% of maleic anhydride grafted polypropylene (MAPP) was added as compatibilizer into the formulation. The WPCs showed an increase in the thickness swelling (0.58 to 5.68 %) as the amount of the filler increased from 10 to 50 wt% in the polypropylene. The bending strength of the polypropylene composites increased from 33.9 to 44.8 MPa as the amount of the chaste wood flour was increased to 30 wt%, but further increase caused the decrease in the tensile strength (25.7 MPa). As for the bending modulus, it increased from 815 to 3250 MPa when the wood content reached 50 wt%. The tensile modulus increased from 1690 to 2253 MPa when the wood content arised from 10 to 50 wt%. The tensile strength, tensile modulus, flexural strength and flexural modulus of the unfilled polypropylene were found to be 19.6 MPa, 1505 MPa, 30.2 MPa and 664 MPa, respectively. According to the test results, it was concluded that the 30-40 wt% of Vitex agnus-castus wood could be efficiently used in the polypropylene composites for the semi-building applications such as decking or siding. The evaluation of underused invasive chaste wood in the production of tWPC production may result in an effective way to utilize this resource.U radu je istražena potencijalna primjena lignoceluloznog punila u termoplastičnim kompozitima od biljke Vitex agnus-castus (konopljike), koja je listopadni invazivni grm. Stabljike konopljike promjera 5 – 10 cm nabavljene su iz grada Mugla, iz zapadne Turske. U polipropilensku matricu dodane su različite količine drvnog brašna (0 – 50 wt. %, uz povećanje od 10 %) koje je prolazilo kroz sito otvora 0,237 mm. Prethodno pomiješane sirovine stavljene su u lijevak dvovijčanog ekstrudera. Temperatura spremnika ekstrudera postupno je povećavana od 170 °C (zona uvlačenja) do 190 °C (zona istiskivanja), uz konstantnu brzinu vijka (40 okr./min). Zatim su osušene pelete 5 min vruće prešane pri 2 MPa i 190 °C u oblik WPC ploče debljine 4 mm. Kao kompatibilizator formulaciji je dodan MAPP (3 wt. %). Kako se količina punila u polipropilenu povećavala s 10 na 50 wt. %, kompoziti su pokazivali povećanje debljinskog bubrenja (od 0,58 do 5,68 %). S povećanjem količine čistoga drvnog brašna na 30 wt. %, čvrstoća na savijanje polipropilenskih kompozita povećala se s 33,9 na 44,8 MPa, ali daljnje je povećanje dovelo do smanjenja vlačne čvrstoće (25,7 MPa). Kada je udio drva dosegnuo 50 wt. %, modul savijanja povećao se s 815 na 3250 MPa. Pri povećanju udjela drva s 10 na 50 wt%, modul elastičnosti pri vlačnom se naprezanju povećao s 1690 na 2253 MPa. Utvrđeno je da su vlačna čvrstoća, modul elastičnosti pri vlačnom naprezanju, čvrstoća na savijanje i modul na savijanje polipropilena bez punila redom 19,6 MPa, 1505 MPa, 30,2 MPa i 664 MPa. Prema rezultatima ispitivanja, zaključeno je da se 30 – 40 wt. % drva konopljike može učinkovito iskoristiti u polipropilenskim kompozitima za primjenu u graditeljstvu kao što su podne ili zidne obloge. Istraživanje slabo iskorištene konopljike u proizvodnji WPC-a može rezultirati učinkovitim načinom upotrebe te sirovine

    Determination of phenolic profile of Gemlik olive cultivar

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    The effect of variation of harvest time and location on the total phenolic content, antiradical scavenging activity and phenolic compounds composition of leaves of Gemlik olive cultivar obtained from two different location (Gemlik and Mudanya in Marmara Region of Turkey) were investigated. It was determined that the highest total phenolic content (373.36 and 336.70) were observed in April for both region. Among the olive leave samples the highest (93.69%) antioxidant activities were determined in olive leaves grown in Mudanya and harvested in December and (93.86%) in either olive leaves grown in Gemlik and harvested in April. Determination of phenolic compounds in olive leaves was carried out by LC-DAD-ESI-MS/MS. The results of analysis phenolic compounds showed that oleuropein content ranged from 94.21 mg/kg to 860.21 mg/kg in olive leaves. Differences were observed in the concentration of phenolic compounds depending on the harvest time and location in all olive leaf samples.

    An in vitro comparison of different adhesive strategies on the micro push-out bond strength of a glass fiber post

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    Objectives: To evaluate in vitro the push-out bond strengths of a glass fiber post adhesively luted with self-etching resin based and self-adhesive luting cements, as well as modified application procedure of self-adhesive luting cements in combination with single step self-etch adhesives. Materials and methods: Fifty single-rooted human maxillary central incisor teeth were endodontically treated and divided into five groups (n=10). Glass fiber posts (RelyX Fiber Post) were cemented with the following materials: group 1: ED Primer II/Panavia F 2.0 (PAN); group 2: RelyX Unicem (RU); group 3: Maxcem (MC); group 4: Adper Prompt L-Pop (PLP)/RelyX Unicem; group 5: Optibond all-in-one (OB)/Maxcem. Bonded specimens were cut (1-mm-thick sections) and push-out tests were performed (crosshead-speed, 0.5 mm/min). Data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA followed by the Tukey-HSD test for post hoc comparisons at ? = 0.05. Results: The highest bond strength was recorded for groups 4 and 2, with no statistically significant differences among them (p>0.05). Group 4 showed significantly higher bond strength than group 1 (p<0.001), group 3 (p<0.0001) and group 5 (p<0.0001). Group 1 showed significantly higher bond strength than the group 3 (p<0.05). No statistically significant differences were observed among group 1 and group 2, group 1 and group 5, group 3 and group 5. Group 3 showed significantly lower push-out bond strength than the all other luting strategies except for the group 5. Conclusions: The push-out bond strength values of modified application procedure of self-adhesive luting cements (RU and MC) in combination with single step self-etch dentin adhesives (PLP and OB) did not improve the push-out bond strength of fiber post when compared with those where the conventional use of self-adhesive cements. © Medicina Oral S. L

    The Validity and Reliability of the Turkish Version of the Integrative Self-knowledge Scale

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    AbstractThe aim of this research is to examine the validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the Integrative self -knowledge Scale (ISKS; Ghorbani, Watson, & Hargis, 2008). Participants were 396 university students (277 were female and 119 were male) from Sakarya University. The results of confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the three dimensional model was well fitted and Chi-Square value (x2=108. 38, df=49, p=0. 00) which was calculated for the adaptation of the model was found to be significant. The goodness of fit index values of the model were RMSEA=.055, NFI=.97, CFI=.98, IFI=.98, RFI=.96, GFI=.96, and SRMR=.041. The internal consistency coefficients of three subscales were .74, .77, and .83, respectively. The overall internal consistency coefficient of the scale was .86. The corrected item-total correlations of ISKS ranged from .37 to .67. Overall findings demonstrated that this scale had high validity and reliability scores and that it may be used as a valid and reliable instrument in order to assess self-knowledge levels of individuals

    Facial Nerve Palsy: An Unusual Presenting Feature of Small Cell Lung Cancer

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    Lung cancer is the second most common type of cancer in the world and is the most common cause of cancer-related death in men and women; it is responsible for 1.3 million deaths annually worldwide. It can metastasize to any organ. The most common site of metastasis in the head and neck region is the brain; however, it can also metastasize to the oral cavity, gingiva, tongue, parotid gland and lymph nodes. This article reports a case of small cell lung cancer presenting with metastasis to the facial nerve

    Effect of tooth discoloration severity on the efficacy and color stability of two different trayless at-home bleaching systems

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    Background. The use of trayless at-home bleaching agents in darker teeth has raised some concerns due to their unknown efficacy. The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate the effect of tooth discoloration severity on the efficacy and color stability of two different trayless at-home bleaching systems. Methods. Ninety enamel‒dentin samples were divided into two groups: lighter and darker teeth. The teeth in each group were further divided into three groups (n=15): (1) tray-based system with 10% carbamide peroxide (Opalescence Oh) (control group); (2) a tray-applied whitening membrane with 10% hydrogen peroxide (Treswhite Supreme); and (3) a whitening pen with 22% carbamide peroxide (Hollywood Smiles). After bleaching, the teeth were stained for 9 days using red wine. Color readings before bleaching treatment were carried out using a dental spectrophotometer and were repeated 24 h after bleaching treatment and 24 h after staining process. ANOVA, Bonferroni and Dunnett C tests were used at 5% significance level. Results. No differences were observed between the bleaching efficacy of Treswhite Supreme and Opalescence Oh in the lighter teeth, while Opalescence Oh exhibited the best bleaching efficacy in the darker teeth (P<0.05). Hollywood Smiles exhibited the worst bleaching efficacy but the best color stability in both lighter and darker teeth (P<0.05). No differences were observed between the color stability values of Treswhite Supreme and Opalescence Oh. Conclusion. This study suggested that both the tooth discoloration severity and the type of trayless system used affected the bleaching efficacy, whereas only the type of trayless system affected the color stability

    Procoagulant and Anticoagulant Factors in Childhood Hypothyroidism

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of thyroid hormone deficiencies in childhood on the elements of coagulation proteins. Consecutive 54 children with hypothyroidism and 55 healthy controls aged 1 month–16 years were enrolled. One year after Na-L-thyroxine treatment, the study parameters were reevaluated. Thyroid function tests, procoagulant and anticoagulant proteins were performed for children with hypothyroidism and healthy controls. Significant decreased results were found in children with hypothyroidism in terms of fibrinogen, TT, and anticoagulant proteins including AT, PC, PS, and fPS. Significant increases were found with respect to APTT, fibrinogen, and TT. In the evaluation of posttreatment changes a statistically significant increase was found in vWF, FVIII, AT, PC, PS, and fPS. A positive correlation was found between fT4 and vWF, FVIII, PC, and PS. We would like to emphasize that the coagulation system especially vWF and FVIII, and particularly the anticoagulant system, should be monitored closely in patients followed up for hypothyroidism. Thyroid hormones should be examined and, if necessary, hormone replacement therapy should be administered in patients followed up for a predisposition to coagulation. Additionally, further studies with larger series are needed to investigate the effects of hypothyroidism on the coagulation system