270 research outputs found

    Evaluation of 2.1µm DFB lasers for space applications

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    This paper presents the results obtained in the frame of an ESA-funded project called “Screening and Preevaluation of Shortwave Infrared Laser Diode for Space Application” with the objective of verifying the maturity of state of the art SWIR DFB lasers at 2.1µm to be used for space applications (mainly based on the occultation measurement principle and spectroscopy). The paper focus on the functional and environmental evaluation test plan. It includes high precision characterization, mechanical test (vibration and SRS shocks), thermal cycling, gamma and proton radiation tests, life test and some details of the Destructive Physical Analysis performed. The electro-optical characterization includes measurements of the tuning capabilities of the laser both by current and by temperature, the wavelength stability and the optical power versus laser current

    SANS study of hybrid silica aerogels under "in situ" uniaxial compression

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    We have modified the inorganic silica network of aerogels with polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), a hydroxyl-terminated polymer, to obtain an organic modified silicate (ORMOSIL). Reactions were assisted by high-power ultrasounds. The resulting gels were dried under supercritical conditions of the solvent to obtain a monolithic sono-aerogel. The mechanical behaviour of these aerogels can be tuned from brittle to rubbery as a function of the organic polymer content. In order to determine the links between the mechanical behaviour and modifications made to the microstructure, SANS (small-angle neutron scattering) experiments were carried out. To measure the intensities under "in situ" uniaxial compression of the aerogel, a specific sample-holder was built. Under uniaxial compression the 2D-diagrams were significantly anisotropic (butterfly pattern), indicating the rearrangement of the polymer. The form factor of these aerogels is described well by two correlation lengths, small microporous silica clusters surrounded by entangled polymer chains of 6 nm average size (blobs), which form a larger secondary level of agglomerates governed by the "frozen-in" elastic constraints.Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología MAT2005-1583European Commission CT-2003-50592

    Flue gas adsorption by single-wall carbon nanotubes: A Monte Carlo study

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    Adsorption of flue gases by single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) has been studied by means of Monte Carlo simulations. The flue gas is modeled as a ternary mixture of N2, CO2, and O2, emulating realistic compositions of the emissions from power plants. The adsorbed flue gas is in equilibrium with a bulk gas characterized by temperature T, pressure p, and mixture composition.We have considered different SWCNTs with different chiralities and diameters in a range between 7 and 20 Å. Our results show that the CO2 adsorption properties depend mainly on the bulk flue gas thermodynamic conditions and the SWCNT diameter. Narrow SWCNTs with diameter around 7 Å show high CO2 adsorption capacity and selectivity, but they decrease abruptly as the SWCNT diameter is increased. For wide SWCNT, CO2 adsorption capacity and selectivity, much smaller in value than for the narrow case, decrease mildly with the SWCNT diameter. In the intermediate range of SWCNT diameters, the CO2 adsorption properties may show a peculiar behavior, which depend strongly on the bulk flue gas conditions. Thus, for high bulk CO2 concentrations and low temperatures, the CO2 adsorption capacity remains high in a wide range of SWCNT diameters, although the corresponding selectivity is moderate.We correlate these findings with the microscopic structure of the adsorbed gas inside the SWCNTs.Peer reviewe

    Bioactivity of wollastonite/aerogels composites obtained from a TEOS-MTES matrix

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    Organic-inorganic hybrid materials were synthesized by controlled hydrolysis of tetraethoxysilane (TEOS), methyltrimethoxysilane (MTES), synthetic wollastonite powders and polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) in an ethanol solution. Aerogels were prepared from acid hydrolysis of TEOS and MTES with different volume ratio in ethanol, followed by addition of wollastonite powder and PDMS in order to obtain aerogels with 20 wt% of PDMS and 5 wt% of CaO of the total silica. Finally, when the wet gels were obtained, they were supercritically dried at 260°C and 90 bar, in ethanol. In order to obtain its bioactivity, one method for surface activation is based on a wet chemical alkaline treatment. The particular interest of this study is that we introduce hybrid aerogels, in a 1 M solution of NaOH, for 30 s at room temperature. We evaluate the bioactivity of TEOS-MTES aerogel when immersed in a static volume of simulated body fluid (SBF). An apatite layer of spherical-shaped particles of uniform size smaller than 5 microns is observed to form on the surface of the aerogels after 25 days soaking in SBF.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación MAT2005-01583Junta de Andalucía TEP 79

    Characterization of Gain-Switched Pulses from 1.55 µm VCSEL

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    We report on short optical pulse generation by gain-switching (GS) a low-cost commercial vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser emitting at 1.55 μm. The dependence of pulse characteristics on GS parameters is investigated and analyzed. Pulses with duration of 55 ps and time-bandwidth product between 0.91 and 2.2 are obtained at repetition rates between 1 and 3 GHz

    The hemiparasitic shrub Osyris lanceolata (Santalaceae) does not disturb the ecophysiology of its hosts

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    Osyris lanceolata is a hemiparasitic dioecious shrub species growing on stabilised dunes. This study aimed to determine the spatial structure of O. lanceolata and its hosts, to understand the ecophysiological mechanisms involved in water and nutrient transfer, and quantify the physiological stress on its hosts. In the Asperillo stabilised dunes (Doñana, Spain) we selected one mixed plot (50 m × 50 m) with Pinus pinea and Juniperus phoenicea in which the coordinates of every individual, the hosts and the hemiparasitic species, were recorded. Additionally, we selected two study areas in which O. lanceolata was well represented, one dominated by P. pinea and the other by J. phoenicea. We marked 60 plants: 20 O. lanceolata with their respective hosts (10 Pinus and 10 Juniperus) and 20 free host plants. In all the marked plants we measured: leaf water potential, gas exchange, photochemical efficiency, morpho-anatomical leaf traits, pigments, and proline content. Our results evidenced that O. lanceolata is spatially associated with its hosts. Midday leaf water potential values were always between 1.5 to 3 times more negative and transpiration rates were 6-fold higher for the hemiparasite than for the hosts. Additionally, O. lanceolata plants showed a high accumulation of proline in leaves and haustorium. Although the hemiparasitic species maintains an active photosynthetic canopy, its rates of CO2 assimilation were 35–48% lower than in the hosts, which caused a 10-fold lower instantaneous water use efficiency. Through these mechanisms, the hemiparasitic plant can absorb water and nutrients from the host species. Despite this parasitic relationship, there were no significant differences in the physiological performance of the hosts in comparison to the parasite-free plants. We conclude that O. lanceolata presents a specific strategy to absorb water in this dry ecosystem, without exerting negative effects on the plant community, which might indicate that there is an equilibrium in the tradeoffs between parasitism and mutualism in the interaction between species

    Dynamical characterization of monolithic MOPAs emitting at 1.5 μ�m

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    Eye-safety requirements in important applications like LIDAR or Free Space Optical Communications make specifically interesting the generation of high power, short optical pulses at 1.5 um. Moreover, high repetition rates allow reducing the error and/or the measurement time in applications involving pulsed time-of-flight measurements, as range finders, 3D scanners or traffic velocity controls. The Master Oscillator Power Amplifier (MOPA) architecture is an interesting source for these applications since large changes in output power can be obtained at GHz rates with a relatively small modulation of the current in the Master Oscillator (MO). We have recently demonstrated short optical pulses (100 ps) with high peak power (2.7 W) by gain switching the MO of a monolithically integrated 1.5 um MOPA. Although in an integrated MOPA the laser and the amplifier are ideally independent devices, compound cavity effects due to the residual reflectance at the different interfaces are often observed, leading to modal instabilities such as self-pulsations

    Analysis of mode competition in a monolithic master- oscillator power‐amplifier emitting at 1.5 μm

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    The optical and radio-frequency spectra of a monolithic master-oscillator power-amplifier emitting at 1.5 ?m have been analyzed in a wide range of steady-state injection conditions. The analysis of the spectral maps reveals that, under low injection current of the master oscillator, the device operates in two essentially different operation modes depending on the current injected into the amplifier section. The regular operation mode with predominance of the master oscillator alternates with lasing of the compound cavity modes allowed by the residual reflectance of the amplifier front facet. The quasi-periodic occurrence of these two regimes as a function of the amplifier current has been consistently interpreted in terms of a thermally tuned competition between the modes of the master oscillator and the compound cavity modes

    Two-dimensional carrier density distribution inside a high power tapered laser diode

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    The spontaneous emission of a GaAs-based tapered laser diode emitting at lambda = 1060 nm was measured through a window in the transparent substrate in order to study the carrier density distribution inside the device. It is shown that the tapered geometry is responsible for nonuniform amplification of the spontaneous/stimulated emission which in turn influences the spatial distribution of the carriers starting from below threshold. The carrier density does not clamp at the lasing threshold and above it the device shows lateral spatial hole-burning caused by high stimulated emission along the cavity center. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. (doi: 10.1063/1.3596445

    How do Mediterranean shrub species cope with shade? Ecophysiological response to different light intensities

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    Under natural conditions, light exposure for Mediterranean shrubs can be highly variable, especially during cloudy days or under a canopy, and can interfere with other environmental factors such as temperature and water availability. With the aim of decoupling the effect of radiation and temperature from water availability, we conducted an experiment where two perennial and three summer semi-deciduous shrub species were subjected to different levels of irradiation. In order to follow plant responses to light exposure, we measured gas exchange, photosystem II photochemical efficiency, photosynthetic pigments and leaf mass area in spring and summer. Results showed that all study species presented a plastic response to different light conditions, and that light-related traits varied in a coordinated manner. Summer semi-deciduous species exhibited a more opportunistic response, with higher photosynthesis rates in full sun, but under shade conditions, the two strategies presented similar assimilation rates. Stomatal conductance did not show such a drastic response as photosynthetsis, being related to changes in WUE. Daily cycles of Fv/Fm revealed a slight photoinhibitory response during summer, mainly in perennial species. In all cases photosynthetic pigments adjusted to the radiation level; leaves had lower chlorophyll content, higher pool of xanthophylls and higher proportion of the de-epoxydaded state of xanthophylls under sun conditions. Lutein content increased in relation to the xanthophyll pool under shade conditions. Our results evidenced that radiation is an important driving factor controlling morphological and physiological status of Mediterranean shrub species, independently of water availability. Summer semi-deciduous species exhibit a set of traits with higher response variability, maximising their photosynthetic assimilation under different sun conditions