43 research outputs found

    Las guerras de los drones. Matar por control remoto

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    A review of:Medea, Benjamin (2014) Las guerras de los drones. Matar por control remoto, Barcelona, Anagrama.En reseña de: Medea, Benjamin (2014) Las guerras de los drones. Matar por control remoto, Barcelona, Anagrama

    The relationship between conflicts and power

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    En este artículo se estudian y analizan las distintas definiciones de conflicto para intentar determinar que rasgos son comunes a todas ellos. La globalización y las sociedades complejas hacen que existan distintos niveles de intensidad en los conflictos y que el rango de situaciones que se producen sea muy amplio, por lo que es importante intentar encontrar los elementos comunes y configurar un modelo metodológico que ayude a establecer una aproximación a una teoría de los conflictos. Además, se propone la relación conflicto-poder como un elemento clave en el origen de los conflictos, entendiendo el poder como un potencial humano para hacer algo, para conseguir objetivos específicos e intereses personales o para superar resistencias, que determinan tanto el surgimiento del conflicto como el posterior desarrollo del mismo en base a los distintos niveles de poder de que puedan disponer las distintas partes que interactúan. Por último, se exponen los métodos más usuales de gestión de conflictos analizando la dificultad de poder desarrollar una teoría general de los conflictos que tenga carácter universal y, por tanto, la dificultad de explicitar un método general de gestionar, transformar y/o resolver los conflictos.In this paper the different definitions of conflict are studied and analyzed to obtain its common features. The globalization and the complex societies have different levels of intensity in their conflicts, and the range of situations produced is very wide. Therefore it is important to find the common elements and configure a methodological model help us to obtain an approach to a theory of conflicts. The relation between the power of parties and the origins and management of conflicts is proposed as a key, understanding the power as a human potential to make something, to get specific objectives and personal interests or to overcome resistances that determine the emergence of a conflict. Finally, the most usual methods to manage the conflicts are showed, and the difficulty to design a general Theory of Conflicts with universal amplitude for management, transformation and resolution of conflicts is analyzed

    Qualitative and quantitative characterization of the hispanic terra sigillata from the istvrgi’s pottery complex (Los Villares de Andujar, Jaén)

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    El centro de producción de terra sigillata hispánica vinculado a la antigua ciudad de Isturgi (Los Villares de Andújar, Jaén) ha sido objeto de investigación arqueológica desde los años 70, generando aportaciones a la comunidad científica nacional e internacional que han convertido el yacimiento en un importante referente. Con el objetivo de caracterizar la terra sigillata hispánica, se toma una muestra representativa de piezas provenientes de un vertedero del barrio artesanal de Isturgi, las cuales son registradas mediante un completo sistema de fichas y analizadas utilizando herramientas estadísticas de descripción, contraste de hipótesis, clasificación y estudio de su diversidad morfológica, usando remuestreo Jackknife para estimar índices estadísticos. Los resultados muestran una fuerte asociación entre las versiones, lisas y decoradas, de esta clase cerámica y la funcionalidad de las piezas con sus dimensiones físicas. De aquí se puede intuir un alto de grado especialización en las piezas cerámicas, respecto a la función para la que estaban destinadas. Respecto a la diversidad morfológica, se ha cuantificado que existía mayor diversidad de formas de piezas lisas, sin que unas formas fuesen más utilizadas. Por el contrario, las piezas decoradas presentan un menor grado de diversidad y, en este caso, había formas más utilizadas.The Hispanic terra sigillata production center linked to the ancient city of Isturgi (Los Villares de Andújar, Jaén) has been subject to continuous archaeological research since the 1970s, providing significant contributions to the national and international scientific. For characterizing the Hispanic terra sigillata, it has been selected a representative random sample of pieces, which are registered by means of a complete system of registration forms and analyzed using statistical tools of description, hypothesis tests, classification and study of their morphological diversity using Jackknife to estimate statistical indicators. The results obtained show a strong association between the decorated and non-decorated versions of the ceramic class and the functionality of the pieces with their physical dimensions. From this, it could be interpreted as that the production of the ceramics pieces reached a high degree of specialization according with the function for which they were intended. Regarding the morphological diversity of both versions, it has been quantified that there was a greater diversity of forms within the non-decorated pieces with no forms being more used than the others. Conversely, the forms of the decorated pieces present a lower degree of diversity but, in this case, some forms were more predominantly used than others.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación HAR2016-75843-

    Statistical analysis on metric and geometric features of dolmens in the Gor river megalithic landscape (Granada, Andalusia, Spain)

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    Funding for open access charge: University of Granada/CBUA.The construction of dolmens took place in Europe from the Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age (fifth millennium BC–second millennium BC) and had a rapid development along the Atlantic façade, with an important focus in Andalusia. Within this area, the megalithic necropolises located in the banks of the Gor River (Granada, Andalusia, Spain) are studied. In this paper, multivariate techniques are applied to characterize the dolmens associated with the Gor river megalithic landscape by means of two analyses. First, a new classification of the dolmens in necropolises using their location variables produces an optimal number of 8 necropolis instead of the traditional 11. In addition, this classification improves the traditional spatial division of the dolmens because there is no overlapping between necropolises. Secondly, a multivariate analysis of the dimensional variables, which aims to detect possible constructional patterns, is performed obtaining three main variables of grouping. The first two, length and width of the chamber, can be summarized as the area of the chamber and, in terms of this, the dolmens can be classified into two main groups. The third one, the length of the corridor, can be considered as a factor for intragroup discrimination.University of Granada/CBU

    A model of spatial location: New data for the Gor River megalithic landscape (Spain) from LiDAR technology and field survey

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    The megalithic cluster of the Gor River valley (Andalusia, Spain) is one of the biggest dolmenic groups in Europe, made up of 151 preserved megaliths. In spite of this high number of known monuments, increasing loss and destruction of many of the graves has taken place during the last decades due to enormous soil erosion and anthropogenic activities. With the aim of recording the location of these lost megaliths, Digital Terrain Models and LiDAR data have been used to analyse the terrain showing a high quantity of structures that seem similar to those actually documented in the zone but that were not noticed until now. These possible new burial mounds have been tested by archaeological surface survey, choosing three contrasting areas as samples. Results have shown a high success rate for this methodology, even allowing the discovery of new megalithic graves in heavily researched areas. We interpret the likely higher number of burial mounds in the area to indicate greater territorial control in boundary areas between 4th and 3rd millennium BC.Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain (MICINN) PID2020-117437GB-I00/AEI/10.13039/50110001103

    Sampling with transects inside archaeological sites. A rapid action protocol based on statistical analysis of diagnostic collections and quantitative records

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    The paper proposes a two stage-sampling strategy for surface surveys. The suggested approach has two stages. First, an intensive survey is undertaken across linear transects, georeferencing the position of each item, and then supplementary diagnostic artefacts between the linear transects are collected. The main objective of the paper is to save time in the first stage of fieldwork. The key claim is that this approach would provide a representative sample of the surface scatter using just one selected transect. The proposed method is applied to the examination of two sites in the Municipium Flavium Baesuccitanum, a Roman municipality from the 1st century CE, located in the upper Guadalquivir valley, in the south of Spain, where a total survey was previously carried out. To assess the reliability of this approach, a simulation study was conducted at these two sites, selected by intensive sampling. These sites were chosen because they are real cases with different singularities, which facilitates analysis of how the proposed protocol would behave in different scenarios. In both cases, the statistical results confirm the plausibility of the hypothesis of similarity between the distributions of the whole site and the candidate transect.Research Group PAIDI-HUM357 (GIPAJ

    Statistical proposals for a formal classification of Chalcolithic stone masonry passage graves with circular chamber in the Southeast of the Iberian Peninsula

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    Funding This study forms part of the research project ‘Producción artesanal y división del trabajo en el Calcolítico del Sudeste de la Península Ibérica: un análisis a partir del registro arqueológico de Los Millares (PARTESI)’ financed by the Agencia Estatal de Investigación del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (PID2020-117437 GB-I00/ AEI/ https://doi. org/10.13039/501100011033).This study offers a classification of 106 megalithic stone masonry passage graves forming part of the Los Millares archaeological complex characterised by circular chambers. The study has employed a statistical method implementing the OneR, JRip and Part classification algorithms as well as multivariate analyses. The research yielded four groups: large tombs capped with flat roofs, small tombs covered by false domes, and two types of medium-large tombs capped either by flat or false-domes that can be distinguished according to the angles of their chambers walls and the presence of construction reinforcements, including the number of stone retainer rings walls serving to brace the thrust.Agencia Estatal de Investigación del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación PID2020-117437 GB-I00/ AE

    A Geographical Dataset Describing the Complexity of the Gor River Megalithic Landscape

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    This paper presents the data that have served as the basis for the study of the spatial patterns of the megaliths of the Gor River Valley (Granada, Spain) as part of a PhD dissertation presented in July 2023 at the University of Granada. This complex, of which 151 dolmens are currently preserved, is one of the largest in Europe, standing out fundamentally because of its density. This feature undoubtedly points out the importance of symbolic territorial control searched by Late Prehistoric communities that built these graves. The geographical databases here presented are two: on the one hand, the database made up of up to 70 quantitative and qualitative variables that has been used to carry out the bulk of the doctoral study on the 151 referred dolmens and, on the other hand, the database made up of a total of 230 points identified through the review of DTMs based on LiDAR data and which could correspond totally or partially to burial mounds that have practically disappeared or are poorly preserved on the surface.Como se expone en el propio artículo, este está destinado a poner a disposición pública no sólo los resultados de una investigación de largo recorrido sobre el megalitismo del Tío de Gor sino también los datos brutos que se han generado durante el proceso para que cualquier investigador pueda reproducirlos. Los resultados más relevantes de esta investigación implican la utilización de los megalitos en el área para marcar el territorio explotado por las comunidades que construyeron los sepulcros y las rutas que utilizaron para desplazarse. Esta demarcación tuvo inicio, a travésde este tipo de construcciones, durante el IV milenio cal AC pero, sobre todo, condujo a un sistema perfectamente estructurado en el III milenio AC hasta que las tumbas terminaron por situarse en una serie de emplazamientos que no sólo garantizaron su intervisibilidad sino el dominio sobre las áreas de mayor interés para los desplazamientos (especialmente desde el valle al altiplano) y que, en muchos casos, quedaban relativamente escondidas en el abrupto paisaje abarrancado de la zona. Además, como han confirmado las dataciones, muchos de los sepulcros volvieron a usarse durante la Edad del Bronce y especialmente en sus fases finales de la transición entre el II y el I milenios a. C. La investigación, además, ha permitido plantear, a través de análisis LiDAR que alguno de los sepulcros que originalmente se situaban en el altiplano y que se presumía desaparecidos pueden existir todavía muy destruidos y/o bajo grandes majanos generados por limpieza de las tierras de labor.Producción artesanal y división del trabajo en el Calcolítico del Sudeste de la Península Ibérica: un análisis a partir del registro arqueológico de Los Millares (PARTESI) (PID2020-117437GB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033). Agencia Estatal de Investigación del Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciónDinámicas de continuidad y transformación entre el Neolítico y el Calcolítico en el Alto Guadalquivir (DINAGUA) (Proy_Exc00002). Consejería de Universidad, Investigación e Innovación de la Junta de AndalucíaArqueobiología del Neolítico del Sur de la Península Ibérica – NeArqBioSI (A-HUM-460-UGR18). Consejería de Universidad, Investigación e Innovación de la Junta de Andalucía. FEDERImagen e Ideología en la Prehistoria Reciente de Granada (IMIDEGRA) (A-HUM-262-UGR20). Consejería de Universidad, Investigación e Innovación de la Junta de Andalucía. FEDE

    Burial taphonomy and megalithic ritual practices in Iberia: the Panoría cemetery

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    Supplementary Information The online version contains supplemen- tary material available at https://doi.org/10.1007/s12520-023-01716-5.Our ability to build precise narratives regarding megalithic funerary rituals largely depends on an accurate understanding of bone assemblage formation. The cemetery of Panoría offers an excellent opportunity for exploring the ritual variability through the study of funerary taphonomy, as four of the nine recently excavated dolmens are remarkably well-preserved. Based on a multi-proxy approach that includes the contextual archaeological features, skeletal preservation and representation indexes, taphonomic processes, and radiocarbon chronology, three main ritual practices can be outlined: (i) primary sequential inhumations followed by the differential in situ decomposition of skeletal remains; (ii) the selective removal of crania and long bones; and (iii) the curation of subadult crania and probably long bones. The use-life of tombs, the intensity of mortuary depositions, and the intentional protection of specific bones appear as key aspects for understanding the variability in bone assemblage formation.Funding for open access publishing: Universidad de Granada/ CBUAEuropean Regional Development Fund FEDER–programme–University of Granada (A-HUM- 123-UGR18 and B-HUM-174-UGR20)Regional Government of Andalusia (P18-FR-4123)Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2020-114282 GB-I00


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    El conjunto megalítico del valle del río Gor (Granada) es una de las mayores agrupaciones dolménicas que se encuentran en Europa. A pesar de su gran entidad, encontramos aún en la actualidad grandes lagunas en la investigación de estas necrópolis, así como una evidente falta de medidas de conservación de las mismas. En este trabajo presentamos los resultados de una nueva campaña de documentación de estos megalitos realizada en el verano de 2019 con un triple fin: el registro y documentación de la totalidad de los dólmenes conservados en la actualidad, la evaluación del estado de conservación de los mismos y la creación de una base de datos completa y exhaustiva que sirva como base para la investigación de los monumentos desde el punto de vista de la Arqueología del Territorio. A lo largo de este trabajo de documentación se han registrado un total de 151 dólmenes conservados, de los cuales 5 no habían sido referenciados previamente. De forma paralela se han identificado una serie de problemas que han marcado el actual estado de conservación o la desaparición de los monumentos. La base de datos georreferenciada a partir de coordenadas UTM (ETRS89), objetivo último de esta campaña, consta de 65 variables, muchas de ellas calculadas mediante algoritmos GIS, lo que ha permitido la aplicación de técnicas estadísticas para extraer y categorizar la información registrada. Un primer análisis descriptivo muestra aspectos que ayudan a avanzar en el conocimiento del megalitismo en el valle del río Gor, señalando también futuras líneas de investigación relativas a la caracterización, detección de patrones constructivos o la necesidad de una nueva propuesta de clasificación espacial de los dólmenes. The megalithic necropolises of Gor river (Granada, Spain) compose one of the biggest dolmenic aggrupations of Europe. Despite its great entity, a lack of research focused on these groups and the need of real conservation measures can clearly be observed. This paper presents the results of a new documentation work carried out in summer 2019 with a triple aim: to record and document the entirety of the megaliths preserved in the present, to evaluate the conservation status of them and to create a complete and thorough database that will be the base for the study of the monuments from the approach of the Archaeology of Territory. Along this work of documentation 151 conserved dolmens have been registered, from which 5 hadn’t been referenced till the present. In a parallel way, several problems that have influenced the current state of conservation and the disappearance of many monuments have been identified. The georeferenced database by UTM coordinates (ETRS89), main objective of this work, is composed by 65 variables, most of them calculated by GIS algorithms. This has allowed the application of statistical techniques in order to extract and categorize the registered information. A preliminary and descriptive analysis shows several questions that represent a great advance for the knowledge of the megalithism in the valley of the Gor river, pointing out also several lines of research related to the characterization, the detections of constructive patterns or the need of a new proposal for the spatial classification of the dolmens.&nbsp