113 research outputs found

    Exploring the links between tourism and quality of institutions

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    This paper introduces a new perspective on the impacts of tourism on host communi-ties by analyzing the links between tourism specialization and quality of institutions. Our research has two principal aims: firstly, to test the significance and sign of this relationship; and secondly, to explore the channels through which tourism could affect institutional qual-ity. To this end, an econometric analysis is conducted using a sample of 92 countries over the period 1995-2014. The results indicate that there is a significant and positive associa-tion between tourism specialization and institutional quality. Moreover, this relation can be explained through three main channels: level of income, income inequality, and economic freedom.Este trabajo aporta una nueva perspectiva sobre los impactos del turismo analizando las relaciones entre la especialización turística de un país y la calidad de sus instituciones. La investigación plantea dos objetivos: (1) testar empíricamente la significatividad y signo de dichas relaciones y (2) explorar los canales a través de los que se producen. Realizamos un análisis econométrico para 92 países y 20 años. Los principales resultados indican la existencia de una asociación significativa y positiva entre turismo y calidad institucional que se produce principalmente a través de tres canales: nivel de renta, distribución de la renta y libertad económica

    Ethnolinguistic Diversity and Education: a Successful Pairing

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    The many growing migratory flows render our societies increasingly heterogeneous. From the point of view of social welfare, achieving all the positive effects of diversity appears as a challenge for our societies. Nevertheless, while it is true that ethnolinguistic diversity involves costs and benefits, at a country level it seems that the former are greater than the latter, even more so when income inequality between ethnic groups is taken into account. In this respect, there is a vast literature at a macro level that shows that ethnolinguistic fragmentation induces lower income, which leads to the conclusion that part of the difference in income observed between countries can be attributed to their different levels of fragmentation. This paper presents primary evidence of the role of education in mitigating the adverse effects of ethnolinguistic fractionalization on the level of income. While the results show a negative association between fragmentation and income for all indices of diversity, the attainment of a certain level of education, especially secondary and tertiary, manages to reverse the sign of the marginal effect of ethnolinguistic fractionalization on income level. Since current societies are increasingly diverse, these results could have major economic policy implications

    Cooperative learning in the Master of Tourism Planning and Management

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    La transversalidad del sector turístico explica que sea una actividad en el que la coordinación y el trabajo en equipo juegan un papel fundamental. Por ello, es necesario que desde la formación se potencie la cooperación de los futuros profesionales. Tras analizar las particularidades de los estudiantes del Máster Universitario en Dirección y Planificación del Turismo y las características de la asignatura “Financiación Pública de Iniciativas Turísticas”, consideramos que la Metodología de Aprendizaje Activo centrada en la elaboración de un trabajo cooperativo para el conjunto del grupo podía ser la más adecuada. En este proyecto se desarrollan los elementos fundamentales de la metodología propuesta y se realiza una primera evaluación. Para ello, se han diseñado dos cuestionarios, uno que se les pasa a los alumnos al finalizar el periodo lectivo y otro que se realiza a los egresados un año después de terminar sus estudios. Los resultados obtenidos avalan la metodología docente planteada.Due to Tourism Industry is a transverse sector the coordination and de team work are key elements to be successful. On this way, it is needed to promote the cooperation for the future employees at the beginning in the University. After analyzing the individuality of the Master “Planning and Management of Tourism” students and the characteristics of the subject “Public Financing of Touristic Planning” we considerate that the methodology based in the cooperative learning to execute a team project is the most suitable. During this project it develops the mean elements of this methodology and we realised the first evaluation. In order to it, two questionnaires have been designed. One of them is filled by the students at the end of the academic year and the other one, is completed by the students one year later. Obtained results guarantee the methodology we have planned

    Aplicación de metodologías de aprendizaje activo a la enseñanza de Economía de la Unión Europea

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    Ante los elevados niveles de suspensos y no presentados obtenidos en la asignatura “Economía de la Unión Europea” en cursos anteriores, nos planteamos detectar las dificultades existentes tanto para su enseñanza como para su aprendizaje. Una vez analizadas, consideramos la aplicación de Metodologías de Aprendizaje Activo para solventarlas. La metodología utilizada ha consistido en proporcionar, a través de la plataforma de enseñanza virtual de la Universidad, un material básico elaborado por los profesores. Además se han realizado mapas conceptuales que sintetizan los elementos fundamentales y su interrelación. Se ha fomentado el análisis y debate del material entre los alumnos, a través de foros virtuales y presenciales tutelados por los profesores. Las clases se han dedicado a la explicación de los mapas conceptuales y los contenidos de mayor dificultad. Finalmente, se han realizado un conjunto de actividades prácticas siguiendo la filosofía del aprendizaje basado en problemas (estudio de casos reales, debates, elaboración e interpretación de estadísticas). Así mismo se ha implantado un nuevo sistema de evaluación con un peso relevante de la evaluación continua. Los resultados obtenidos avalan la utilización de esta metodología. No obstante, se siguen detectando dificultades que serán resueltas con la realización de ajustes en la metodología.Given the high levels of suspended and not shown obtained in the course “Economics of the European Union” in previous years, we plan to identify the difficulties both for teaching and for learning. After analyzing these difficulties, we consider the application of active learning methodologies to solve them. The methodology has been to provide, through the virtual learning platform of the University, a basic material prepared by teachers. Furthermore, conceptual maps have been made to synthesize the key elements and their interrelationships. It has encouraged the analysis and discussion of material among students through forums supervised by teachers. The sessions were devoted to the explanation of the concept maps and content more difficult. Finally, there have been practical activities to reinforce the content (case studies, debates, drawing on interpretation of statistics). It also has implemented a new evaluation system. The results seem to support the use of this methodology, both as a greater number of students presented as approved. However, difficulties are detected to be resolved by making adjustments in methodology

    Do tolerant societies demand better institutions?

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    The increasing ethnic heterogeneity that many societies are experiencing could be interpreted as a detrimental phenomenon, since empirical literature exists that indicates that higher levels of ethnic fractionalization induce higher levels of corruption. This paper aims to show the role of tolerance in overcoming this harmful effect of ethnic heterogeneity. To this end, a sample of 86 countries is tested for a positive association between ethnic fractionalization and corruption. It is then shown that tolerance offsets this effect through both direct and indirect effects on corruption. In order to analyse the indirect effects, the level of income and the freedom of the press are selected as channels, since these represent two determinants of corruption that are linked to tolerance. Moreover, tolerance and corruption have been modelled as composites. Consequently, Partial Least Squares path modelling (PLS-PM) has been used. For our sample, an index of tolerance towards immigrants and people of different race and an index of corruption are constructed, for which several sources are jointly utilised. Our results appear to indicate that the adverse effect of ethnic fractionalization on corruption is offset by tolerance, which reduces corruption not only directly but also indirectly through the level of income and the freedom of the press

    Measuring social diversity in economic literature: an overview for cross-country studies

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    Over recent decades, the growing research on social diversity at country level has striven to explain several outcomes such as the differences in income across countries and the origins of civil conflicts. The literature employs a wide range of indices to measure social diversity that hinders the comparison of the results with respect to their effects on socio-economic performance. This paper intends to disentangle such a variety of indices and their applications. To achieve this goal, we have collected the social diversity indices used in cross-country studies, and have ascertained not only their similarities and differences, and the relationships between them, but also their main applications. Studies at country level have been selected that construct their own indices and that make their databases available. We show that the dimension and the index chosen to measure social diversity, the level of disaggregation of the social groups, and the geographical unit of analysis explain the tangle of indices and the mixed results achieved by the literature focused on socio-economic outcomes of social diversity. This paper enables the suitable evaluation and comparison of the effects of social diversity and the selection of the appropriate index depending on the analysis to be carried out

    Measuring Overtourism: A Necessary Tool for Landscape Planning

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    The tourism debate prior to the COVID-19 pandemic was dominated by the problems inherent in overtourism, reflecting an inadequate land management. Although publications on overtourism have grown exponentially in recent years, its scientific study still has major shortcomings, particularly with regard to measurement. With the aim of overcoming this insufficiency, we have carried out a review of the literature (using the mapping review method) and, based on its conclusions, we have drawn up a proposal to systematise the measurement of overtourism by combining several tools: indicators, surveys, interviews, and other tools linked to the Internet and social networks. The results of the research make a contribution to the expansion of the literature on the topic and may have important practical implications in formulating effective land-use policies by guiding policy makers in the management of overtourism. They could be of use in both the early detection of overtourism and the design of policies that prevent and/or detect situations of risk and that correct existing problems. This is especially relevant in the current international context to implement the effective transition to a responsible tourism model post-COVID-19

    La innovación docente en la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales de la Universidad de Sevilla

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    El principal objetivo de este trabajo es conocer y valorar la innovación docente desarrollada en la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales en el marco del I Plan Propio de Docencia de la Universidad de Sevilla (2008- 2012). Para ello, se realiza un trabajo de campo a partir de cual se recopila la información relativa a los proyectos de innovación que se han llevado a cabo. Para la ordenación y sistematización de la misma se diseña una ficha que permite realizar análisis desagregados por: cursos, Departamentos, titulación, tipología de la innovación y resultados. Finalmente, se concluye que la evolución seguida tanto en número de proyectos realizados como en la financiación recibida ha sido claramente decreciente. Que los proyectos realizados han afectado de manera muy distinta a los Departamentos y a las titulaciones del Centro. Por tipología se constata una mayor homogeneidad, destacando los proyectos vinculados con las metodologías de aprendizaje activo. Los resultados de los proyectos de innovación realizados han sido muy positivos

    The “monologue” as an instrument to pass on ethical and emotional competencies: an assessment

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    En este trabajo se describe una experiencia docente que empezó en año 2000, consistente en la utilización del “monólogo” para la transmisión de competencias éticas y emocionales. Además, evaluamos dicha experiencia a partir de una encuesta realizada a los alumnos de la licenciatura de Marketing. Los principales resultados son dos: 1) Existe un desajuste Universidad-mercado laboral y 2) Los monólogos disminuyen dicho desajuste.This work describes a teaching experience that started in 2000, consisting of the usage of the “monologue” to pass on ethical and emotional competences. Moreover, we evaluate mentioned experience from a survey to Marketing students. Main results are two: 1) There is a mismatch between University – Labour Market and 2) The monologues reduce this mismatch