43 research outputs found

    Thermoelectric efficiency at maximum power in a quantum dot

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    We identify the operational conditions for maximum power of a nanothermoelectric engine consisting of a single quantum level embedded between two leads at different temperatures and chemical potentials. The corresponding thermodynamic efficiency agrees with the Curzon-Ahlborn expression up to quadratic terms in the gradients, supporting the thesis of universality beyond linear response.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Onsager coefficients of a Brownian Carnot cycle

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    We study a Brownian Carnot cycle introduced by T. Schmiedl and U. Seifert [Europhys. Lett. \textbf{81}, 20003 (2008)] from a viewpoint of the linear irreversible thermodynamics. By considering the entropy production rate of this cycle, we can determine thermodynamic forces and fluxes of the cycle and calculate the Onsager coefficients for general protocols, that is, arbitrary schedules to change the potential confining the Brownian particle. We show that these Onsager coefficients contain the information of the protocol shape and they satisfy the tight-coupling condition irrespective of whatever protocol shape we choose. These properties may give an explanation why the Curzon-Ahlborn efficiency often appears in the finite-time heat engines

    The Measure-theoretic Identity Underlying Transient Fluctuation Theorems

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    We prove a measure-theoretic identity that underlies all transient fluctuation theorems (TFTs) for entropy production and dissipated work in inhomogeneous deterministic and stochastic processes, including those of Evans and Searles, Crooks, and Seifert. The identity is used to deduce a tautological physical interpretation of TFTs in terms of the arrow of time, and its generality reveals that the self-inverse nature of the various trajectory and process transformations historically relied upon to prove TFTs, while necessary for these theorems from a physical standpoint, is not necessary from a mathematical one. The moment generating functions of thermodynamic variables appearing in the identity are shown to converge in general only in a vertical strip in the complex plane, with the consequence that a TFT that holds over arbitrary timescales may fail to give rise to an asymptotic fluctuation theorem for any possible speed of the corresponding large deviation principle. The case of strongly biased birth-death chains is presented to illustrate this phenomenon. We also discuss insights obtained from our measure-theoretic formalism into the results of Saha et. al. on the breakdown of TFTs for driven Brownian particles

    Bounds and phase diagram of efficiency at maximum power for tight-coupling molecular motors

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    The efficiency at maximum power (EMP) for tight-coupling molecular motors is investigated within the framework of irreversible thermodynamics. It is found that the EMP depends merely on the constitutive relation between the thermodynamic current and force. The motors are classified into four generic types (linear, superlinear, sublinear, and mixed types) according to the characteristics of the constitutive relation, and then the corresponding ranges of the EMP for these four types of molecular motors are obtained. The exact bounds of the EMP are derived and expressed as the explicit functions of the free energy released by the fuel in each motor step. A phase diagram is constructed which clearly shows how the region where the parameters (the load distribution factor and the free energy released by the fuel in each motor step) are located can determine whether the value of the EMP is larger or smaller than 1/2. This phase diagram reveals that motors using ATP as fuel under physiological conditions can work at maximum power with higher efficiency (>1/2>1/2) for a small load distribution factor (<0.1<0.1).Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Stochastic thermodynamics under coarse-graining

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    A general formulation of stochastic thermodynamics is presented for open systems exchanging energy and particles with multiple reservoirs. By introducing a partition in terms of "macrostates" (e.g. sets of "microstates"), the consequence on the thermodynamic description of the system is studied in detail. When microstates within macrostates rapidly thermalize, the entire structure of the microscopic theory is recovered at the macrostate level. This is not the case when these microstates remain out of equilibrium leading to additional contributions to the entropy balance. Some of our results are illustrated for a model of two coupled quantum dots.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Energetics and performance of a microscopic heat engine based on exact calculations of work and heat distributions

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    We investigate a microscopic motor based on an externally controlled two-level system. One cycle of the motor operation consists of two strokes. Within each stroke, the two-level system is in contact with a given thermal bath and its energy levels are driven with a constant rate. The time evolution of the occupation probabilities of the two states are controlled by one rate equation and represent the system's response with respect to the external driving. We give the exact solution of the rate equation for the limit cycle and discuss the emerging thermodynamics: the work done on the environment, the heat exchanged with the baths, the entropy production, the motor's efficiency, and the power output. Furthermore we introduce an augmented stochastic process which reflects, at a given time, both the occupation probabilities for the two states and the time spent in the individual states during the previous evolution. The exact calculation of the evolution operator for the augmented process allows us to discuss in detail the probability density for the performed work during the limit cycle. In the strongly irreversible regime, the density exhibits important qualitative differences with respect to the more common Gaussian shape in the regime of weak irreversibility.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figure

    A linear nonequilibrium thermodynamics approach to optimization of thermoelectric devices

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    Improvement of thermoelectric systems in terms of performance and range of applications relies on progress in materials science and optimization of device operation. In this chapter, we focuse on optimization by taking into account the interaction of the system with its environment. For this purpose, we consider the illustrative case of a thermoelectric generator coupled to two temperature baths via heat exchangers characterized by a thermal resistance, and we analyze its working conditions. Our main message is that both electrical and thermal impedance matching conditions must be met for optimal device performance. Our analysis is fundamentally based on linear nonequilibrium thermodynamics using the force-flux formalism. An outlook on mesoscopic systems is also given.Comment: Chapter 14 in "Thermoelectric Nanomaterials", Editors Kunihito Koumoto and Takao Mori, Springer Series in Materials Science Volume 182 (2013

    Efficiency of inefficient endoreversible thermal machines

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    We present a study of the performance of endoreversible thermal machines optimized with respect to the thermodynamic force associated with the cold bath in the regime of small thermodynamic forces. These thermal machines can work either as an engine or as a refrigerator. We analyze how the optimal performances are determined by the dependence of the thermodynamic flux on the forces. The results are motivated and illustrated with a quantum model, the three level maser, and explicit analytical expressions of the engine efficiency as a function of the system parameters are given

    Quantum-enhanced absorption refrigerators

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    Thermodynamics is a branch of science blessed by an unparalleled combination of generality of scope and formal simplicity. Based on few natural assumptions together with the four laws, it sets the boundaries between possible and impossible in macroscopic aggregates of matter. This triggered groundbreaking achievements in physics, chemistry and engineering over the last two centuries. Close analogues of those fundamental laws are now being established at the level of individual quantum systems, thus placing limits on the operation of quantum-mechanical devices. Here we study quantum absorption refrigerators, which are driven by heat rather than external work. We establish thermodynamic performance bounds for these machines and investigate their quantum origin. We also show how those bounds may be pushed beyond what is classically achievable, by suitably tailoring the environmental fluctuations via quantum reservoir engineering techniques. Such superefficient quantum-enhanced cooling realises a promising step towards the technological exploitation of autonomous quantum refrigerators