111 research outputs found

    Modelado Dinámico y Simulación del robot industrial Stäubli TX90

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    El objetivo de este proyecto es establecer un modelo dinámico del robot industrial TX90 de la casa Stäubli, situado en el laboratorio de robótica de l’Institut d’Organització i Control (IOCC) de l’Escola Tècnica Superior d’Enginyeria Industrial de Barcelona. Este autómata es un brazo robótico de 111 Kg. de peso con seis grados de libertad, todos ellos articulaciones giratorias. Además del hardware, se ha utilizado diverso software para desarrollar el modelo dinámico, la simulación, el análisis de datos y la experimentación con el robot (apartado 2). En primer lugar se realiza un análisis cinemático que relaciona las variables en el espacio articular con las variables en el espacio cartesiano. Una vez situadas las bases vectoriales, se obtienen las matrices de transformación que contienen los parámetros cinemáticos para todos los tramos del robot, necesarios también para analizar la dinámica (apartado 3). El modelo dinámico relaciona las variables articulares con los pares aplicados en las articulaciones. Existen principalmente dos métodos para obtener las ecuaciones dinámicas: el método de Lagrange, basado en el “balance de energías”, y el método de Newton-Euler, basada en el “balance de fuerzas”. Aunque los dos métodos llegan a las mismas ecuaciones, en este proyecto se han desarrollado los dos para tener una visión más amplia sobre la formulación de modelos dinámicos (apartado 4). Una vez planteadas las ecuaciones de manera simbólica, es necesario determinar los 60 parámetros dinámicos que caracterizan este robot. En primer lugar se obtiene una aproximación mediante técnicas CAD con el programa Solid Works, y luego se aplican dos técnicas de identificación directa, evaluando las ecuaciones del movimiento con datos obtenidos directamente del robot (apartado 5). La programación offline de robots industriales consiste en desarrollar programas escritos en un lenguaje informático estándar para actuar directamente sobre las señales de actuadores y sensores y así generar cualquier tipo de movimiento. Para este proyecto se ha implementado un programa en C que permite generar unas trayectorias parametrizadas como series de Fourier finitas, necesarios para aplicar dos técnicas de identificación.Tras todo el análisis con los datos obtenidos, se han identificado los parámetros, se ha establecido finalmente el modelo, y se ha realizado una comparativa entre los diferentes métodos y la realidad (apartado 6)

    Primary endometrial carcinoma with signet-ring cells. A case report and review of the literature

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    Endometrial adenocarcinoma with signet-ring cells is an infrequent histological type of carcinoma that usually corresponds to a metastasis of a primary carcinoma of another origin, mainly from the gastrointestinal tract or the breast. For this reason, in view of this histological finding, it is essential to carry out a thorough evaluation including mammography, gastroscopy, colonoscopy and thoracoabdominopelvic CT. To date, only six cases of primary endometrial carcinoma with signet-ring cells have been reported in the English literature. A 73-year-old patient was referred to the Gynecology Department with a 3-day history of postmenopausal bleeding. She was diagnosed with primary endometrial adenocarcinoma with signet-ring cells. The anatomopathological special features of the surgical specimen are presented, as well as the evolution of the patient, who remained asymptomatic and free of disease 28 months after surgery. A review of the literature is performed, emphasizing the peculiarities of this rare histological subtype. Despite the fact that primary endometrial carcinoma with signet-ring cells is an infrequent tumor, it must be considered in the differential diagnosis of malignant tumors of aforesaid origin. It is essential to carry out a correct and an extensive investigative study as well as an immunohistochemical analysis of the samples obtained for its confirmation diagnosis

    Spectral dependency of superconducting single photon detectors

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    International audienceWe investigate the effect of varying both incoming optical wavelength and width of NbN nanowires on the superconducting single photondetectors (SSPD) detection efficiency. The SSPD are current biased close to critical value and temperature fixed at 4.2 K, far from transition. The experimental results are found to verify with a good accuracy predictions based on the "hot spot model," whose size scales with the absorbed photon energy. With larger optical power inducing multiphoton detection regime, the same scaling law remains valid, up to the three-photon regime. We demonstrate the validity of applying a limited number of measurements and using such a simple model to reasonably predict any SSPD behavior among a collection of nanowire device widths at different photon wavelengths. These results set the basis for designing efficient single photondetectors operating in the infrared (2-5 μm range)

    Efficient coupler between silicon photonic and metal-insulator-silicon-metal plasmonic waveguides

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    We report the experimental realization of a compact, efficient coupler between silicon waveguides and vertical metal-insulator-silicon-metal (MISM) plasmonic waveguides. Devices were fabricated using complementary metal-oxide-silicon technology processes, with copper layers that support low-loss plasmonic modes in the MISM structures at a wavelength of 1550 nm. By implementing a short (0.5 μm) optimized metal-insulator-silicon-insulator structure inserted between the photonic and plasmonic waveguide sections, we demonstrate experimental coupling loss of 2.5 dB, despite the high optical confinement of the MISM mode and mismatch with the silicon waveguide mode

    Irradiation-induced Ag nanocluster nucleation in silicate glasses: analogy with photography

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    The synthesis of Ag nanoclusters in sodalime silicate glasses and silica was studied by optical absorption (OA) and electron spin resonance (ESR) experiments under both low (gamma-ray) and high (MeV ion) deposited energy density irradiation conditions. Both types of irradiation create electrons and holes whose density and thermal evolution - notably via their interaction with defects - are shown to determine the clustering and growth rates of Ag nanocrystals. We thus establish the influence of redox interactions of defects and silver (poly)ions. The mechanisms are similar to the latent image formation in photography: irradiation-induced photoelectrons are trapped within the glass matrix, notably on dissolved noble metal ions and defects, which are thus neutralized (reverse oxidation reactions are also shown to exist). Annealing promotes metal atom diffusion, which in turn leads to cluster nuclei formation. The cluster density depends not only on the irradiation fluence, but also - and primarily - on the density of deposited energy and the redox properties of the glass. Ion irradiation (i.e., large deposited energy density) is far more effective in cluster formation, despite its lower neutralization efficiency (from Ag+ to Ag0) as compared to gamma photon irradiation.Comment: 48 pages, 18 figures, revised version publ. in Phys. Rev. B, pdf fil

    25 años de creación del registro español de enfermedad de Gaucher. Definiendo el perfil del paciente con enfermedad de gaucher Tipo 1 (EG1) en el siglo 21

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    Poster [PC-344] Introducción: La enfermedad de Gaucher(EG), la mas frecuente entre las de deposito lisosomal (EDL), tiene distribución panétnica y una incidencia en población no Judía Ashkenazi de 1/70-140 mil habitantes. La deficiencia de la enzima lisosomal beta-glucosidasa ácida secundaria a variantes en el gen GBA de herencia autosómica recesiva da lugar a un cuadro clínico variable. Aparece a cualquier edad con síntomas que incluyen anemia, trombocitopenia, dolores y lesiones vasculares óseas, esplenomegalia, retraso en el crecimiento y astenia persistente, con importantes comorbilidades. Fue la primera EDL en disponer de terapia enzimática sustitutiva y terapia de reducción de sustrato. En 1993 se crea el Registro Español de Enfermedad de Gaucher (REsEG), en el seno de la Fundación Española para el Estudio y Terapéutica de la EG (FEETEG), con el objetivo de brindar soporte a todos los implicados en el manejo de pacientes con EG y unificar experiencia a nivel nacional. Este trabajo presenta un resumen de las características al diagnostico de los pacientes adultos con EG1 y las modificaciones producidas en las dos últimas décadas y los retos actuales. Material y Métodos: Se analizaron los pacientes con EG1 incluidos en el REsEG =18 años edad al diagnóstico, se detallan los datos demográficos, genéticos, clínicos (hematológicos, viscerales, óseos, neurológicos), índices de gravedad, biomarcadores, distribuidos en 2 grupos: A. diagnostico antes de 2005 y B pacientes diagnosticados con posterioridad. Resultados: Hasta Marzo 2018, un total de 240 adultos con EG1 han sido incluidos en el REsEG. (A: 184, B: 56; Edad media al diagnostico A: 39, 5 (18-87); B: 40, 1 (18-63) años, relación hombres/mujeres 50, 4%/49, 6%). Los síntomas que motivaron la consulta diagnóstica fueron: esplenomegalia 37, 83%, Trombocitopenia 41, 82%, hepatomegalia 8, 72%, dolor óseo: 16, 89%, fracturas patológica 3 casos, diátesis hemorrágica (equimosis, epistaxis): 12, 16%, sangrado periparto: 3 casos, estudio familiar: 9, 45%, estudio familiar por Parkinson precoz 3 casos, otros motivos de derivación fueron GMSI, hiperferritinemia. Genotipo: N370S/N370S: 17, 1%, N370S/L444P: 30.3%, N370S/L444P+otra alteración: 1, 3%, N370S/otras: 37, 26%, otras variantes: 14, 04%. Se realizó un análisis de los principales hallazgos al diagnóstico basándonos en si los pacientes se diagnosticaron antes o a partir del año 2005 evidenciando un perfil menos agresivo de los pacientes con menor incidencia de trombocitopenia severa, anemia, menor hepatomegalia y una clara reducción en la sintomatología ósea pasando de un 71% de incidencia de dolor óseo a solo un 51% (p=0, 15), sin embargo la astenia, esplenomegalia y la trombocitopenia (plaquetas <140.000/mL) siguen siendo los síntomas más presentes (p=0, 452). Durante este tiempo se han registrado 7 casos de E Parkinson, 2 pacientes con mutaciones de novo, 21 neoplasias y otros hallazgos interesantes que se expondrán en caso de aceptación. Conclusiones: El perfil de los EG1 ha cambiado y los hematólogos implicados en su diagnóstico de forma mayoritaria debemos estar preparados para ello; este trabajo busca una re-edición del perfil del paciente con EG1 en el siglo 21 basados en la experiencia acumulada de 25 años

    Learning to reach by reinforcement learning using a receptive field based function approximation approach with continuous actions

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    Reinforcement learning methods can be used in robotics applications especially for specific target-oriented problems, for example the reward-based recalibration of goal directed actions. To this end still relatively large and continuous state-action spaces need to be efficiently handled. The goal of this paper is, thus, to develop a novel, rather simple method which uses reinforcement learning with function approximation in conjunction with different reward-strategies for solving such problems. For the testing of our method, we use a four degree-of-freedom reaching problem in 3D-space simulated by a two-joint robot arm system with two DOF each. Function approximation is based on 4D, overlapping kernels (receptive fields) and the state-action space contains about 10,000 of these. Different types of reward structures are being compared, for example, reward-on- touching-only against reward-on-approach. Furthermore, forbidden joint configurations are punished. A continuous action space is used. In spite of a rather large number of states and the continuous action space these reward/punishment strategies allow the system to find a good solution usually within about 20 trials. The efficiency of our method demonstrated in this test scenario suggests that it might be possible to use it on a real robot for problems where mixed rewards can be defined in situations where other types of learning might be difficult

    A peach germplasm collection for increasing the genetic diversity in European breeding programs

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    Trabajo presentado al VIII International Peach Symposium, celebrado en Matera (Italia) del 17 al 20 de junio de 2013.European breeding programs are hampered by the low intraspecific genetic diversity, which is due to the self-compatibility of this homozygous species along with the low number of genotypes introduced and thus used for breeding. In 2009, four research institutions which carried out peach breeding programs in Aragon, Catalonia, Valencia and Murcia, started a new peach germplasm collection worldwide aimed at enlarging the peach genetic diversity available for breeding. The plant material was introduced from germplasm collections located in China, Central Asia, Iran and the USA (National Germplasm Repository of Davis). Sanitary status was assessed by molecular diagnosis of known diseases caused by virus, viroid, bacteria and phytoplasm pathogens. Healthy plant material was grafted and maintained in quarantine conditions. The new germplasm collection was established in two places: Zaragoza as high chilling and Murcia as low chilling requirements. Pomological and molecular data were gathered and a public database constructed. The descriptors used were from the National Center for Genetic Resources from the INIA. Introduced budwood and seeds resulted in more than 250 new genotypes from 15 countries. The molecular analysis of a subset of the collection with 21 SSR markers evenly distributed in the genome resulted in a high number of alleles per SSR (mean A=9.5) and low observed heterozygosity (mean Ho=0.38). Variability was further assessed by geographic origin. Population structure analysis revealed the existence of 8 subpopulations explained, in some cases, by the geographic origin of the genotypes. As a result of the project a new database containing 95 accessions and 38 variables is available.Peer reviewe