43 research outputs found

    The use of the streching in the sport enviroment

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    En la actualidad, las técnicas de estiramientos, son debido a las exigencias deportivas, un arma terapéutico, preventivo y de trabajo físico tanto para el alto rendimiento como para el deportista aficionado. Muchos deportistas debido a la experiencia dolorosa y a la sensación desagradable rehuyen de ellos. El aprendizaje de los estiramientos debe ser con el objetivo de la reeducación, de obtener beneficios para nuestro organismo. La metodología utilizada es la revisión bibliográfica de bases de datos científicas como MEDLINE, EMBASE, BIOSIS, CINAHL Y COCHRANE LIBRARY, con la palabra clave streching así como la experiencia clínica de terapeutas experimentados en el ámbito deportivo.At present, the technologies(skills) of stretchings, they are due to the sports requirements, a weapon therapeutic, preventively and of physical work both for the high performance(yield) and for the fond sportsman. Many sportsmen due to the painful experience and the disagreeable sensation avoid of them. The learning of the stretchings must be with the aim(lens) of the reeducation, of obtaining benefits for our organism(organisation). The used methodology is the bibliographical review of scientific databases as MEDLINE, EMBASE, BIOSIS, CINAHL AND COCHRANE LIBRARY, with the key word streching as well as the therapists' clinical experience experienced on the sports area.peerReviewe

    Nonscientific University Students Training in General Science Using an Active-Learning Merged Pedagogy: Gamification in a Flipped Classroom

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    Innovative teaching strategies are designing a new and promising landscape in education. They fill lessons with creativity and imagination for either the students or teachers. This article addresses an attempt to make the approach to science easier in a nonscientific environment: primary education at university level. Gamification methodologies were combined with a flipped classroom in order to free up in-class time and engage the students with the taught courses. A qualitative study was merged with quantitative measures of emotional and motivational parameters. These results were improved with four semistructured interviews. The results clearly showed a rise in the students’ motivational levels, an acknowledgment of good teaching practices, and an evident enhancement of felt positive emotions toward science teaching and scientific issues.Economy and Competitiveness Ministry of Spanish Government and AEI/FEDER, UE EDU2016-77007-RJunta de Extremadura (España)/Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo IB16068Regional Government of Extremadura (Spain) GR1800

    What Do University Students Know about Sustainable Development Goals? A Realistic Approach to the Reception of this UN Program Amongst the Youth Population

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    The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) constitute a working agenda for the international community with the aim of ensuring a better world for future generations. In this context, the development of competences related to SDGs is a challenge for Higher Education Institutions. Although there are several studies that address the relationship between SDGs and university teaching, the students’ knowledge about this subject has not been set out yet. In order to evaluate students’ knowledge, a questionnaire was designed, validated, and administered to students from di erent degrees. Statistical analysis showed a high reliability for the constructs (Smallest Cronbach’s Alfa = 0.859). The results showed interesting insights, either with descriptive analysis or inferential ones. For example, a low knowledge, in a general way, of SDGs was identified in the whole sample; significant di erences between the scores obtained in professional and personal implications of SDGs were also detected and several di erences arose between Health and Education students, the latter being more professionally involved with SDGs than the rest of the students


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    Introducción: la disposición del raquis lumbo-sacro y la distancia alcanzada en el test sit-and-reach han sido propuestas para valorar la extensibilidad isquiosural, siendo su validez diferente en función de la población analizada. Objetivo: determinar la validez del ángulo lumbo-horizontal en flexión y la distancia alcanzada en el test sit-and-reach como criterio de extensibilidad isquiosural en mujeres mayores. Metodología: un total de 120 mujeres mayores realizaron aleatoriamente los test de elevación de pierna recta (EPR) con ambas piernas y el test sit-and-reach (SR). En este último se valoró la distancia alcanzada y la disposición del raquis lumbo-sacro (L-Hfx) al alcanzar la posición de máxima flexión del tronco. Resultados y discusión: los valores medios en el EPR fueron 81,70 ± 13,83o y 82,10 ± 14,36º en las piernas izquierda y derecha, respectivamente. La media del EPR de ambas piernas fue de 81,90 ± 12,70o. La distancia media en el SR fue de -1,54 ± 8,09 cm. En el L-Hfx, el valor medio fue de 91,08º ± 9,32º. La correlación entre el test EPR medio de ambas piernas respecto a la distancia alcanzada en el test DDP y el ángulo L-Hfx fueron moderados (L-Hfx: r = -0,72, p < 0,01; SR: r = 0,70, p < 0,01). Ambas variables, de forma independiente, explicaron alrededor del 50% de la varianza (L-Hfx: R2 = 0,52; p < 0,001; SR: R2 = 0,49; p < 0,001). Conclusiones: la validez de la disposición del raquis lumbo-sacro en mujeres mayores es moderada, siendo similar a la obtenida por la distancia alcanzada en el test sit-and-reach.Introduction: lumbo-sacral posture and the sit-and-reach score have been proposed as measures of hamstring extensibility. However, the validity is influenced by sample characteristics. Objective: to determine the validity of lumbo-horizontal angle and score in the sit-and-reach test as measures of hamstring extensibility in older women. Method: a hundred and twenty older women performed the straight leg raise test with both leg, and the sit-and-reach test (SR) in a random order. For the sit-and-reach test, the score and the lumbo-sacral posture in bending (lumbo-horizontal angle, L-Hfx) were measured. Results and discussion: the mean values of straight leg raise in left and right leg were 81.70 ± 13.83º and 82.10 ± 14.36º, respectively. The mean value of EPR of both legs was 81.90 ± 12.70º. The mean values of SR score and L-Hfx were -1.54 ± 8.09 cm and 91.08º ± 9.32º, respectively. The correlation values between the mean straight leg raise test with respect to lumbo-sacral posture and SR score were moderate (L-Hfx: r = -0.72, p < 0.01; SR: r = 0.70, p < 0.01). Both variables independently explained about 50% of the variance (L-Hfx: R2 = 0.52, p < 0,001; SR: R2 = 0.49, p < 0,001). Conclusions: the validity of lumbo-sacral posture in bending as measure of hamstring muscle extensibility on older women is moderate, with similar values than SR score.Actividad Física y Deport


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    Introducción: la realización de estiramientos de la musculatura isquiosural, dos sesiones por semana en días alternos, produce mejoras significativas en escolares. Objetivo: comparar los efectos de un programa de estiramientos de la musculatura isquiosural realizado en las clases de educación física en dos grupos de adolescentes, en función de la distribución semanal de sus sesiones de clase (sesiones alternas vs. sesiones consecutivas). Metodología: cincuenta y ocho estudiantes adolescentes realizaron un programa de estiramientos estático-activos de la musculatura isquiosural durante cinco semanas, ejecutados al comienzo de dos clases semanales de educación física, con una duración total de cinco minutos. Los alumnos fueron divididos en dos grupos: el grupo A, formado por 30 alumnos, tenían las clases en días consecutivos (lunes-martes) y el grupo B, compuesto por 29 alumnos, en días no consecutivos (martes-viernes). La extensibilidad de la musculatura isquiosural se evalúo mediante el test sit-and-reach antes del inicio del programa (pre-test) y tras finalizar el mismo (post-test). Resultados y discusión: se encontró una mejora significativa de la distancia alcanzada en el test sit-and-reach tanto en el grupo A (+2,15 cm) (p = 0,003) como en el grupo B (+2,31 cm) (p 0,05). Conclusiones: la aplicación de un programa de intervención con una duración de cinco semanas y una frecuencia de dos sesiones semanales produce mejoras en la extensibilidad isquiosural en escolares. La distribución semanal de las sesiones no influye en los resultados encontrados.Introduction: students who do hamstring stretching exercises, twice per week on alternate days, have showed significant increases on extensibility. Objetive: to compare the effects of a hamstring stretching program includes in the physical education classes in booth groups of adolescent, which had a different class session weekly distribution (non-consecutive sessions vs. consecutive sessions). Method: fifty-eight adolescent students did a static-active stretching program on hamstring in the warm-up of both weekly physical education sessions for five weeks. The total duration of the stretching was five minutes. Students were divided in two groups: group A, with 30 students, had consecutive sessions (monday-tuesday), and the group B, with 29 students, had non-consecutive sessions (tuesday-friday). Hamstring extensibility was evaluated with the sit-and-reach test before (pre-test) and after (post-test) the intervention program. Results and discussion: there was found a significant increase in the sit-and-reach score in the group A (+2,15 cm) (p = 0.003) and in the group B (+2,31 cm) (p 0.05). Conclusions: the implementation of an intervention program for five weeks, twice sessions a week, induded increases on hamstring extensibility in students. The class session weekly distribution does not affect the results.Actividad Física y Deport


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    Introducción: los test lineales son frecuentemente utilizados en las clases de educación física para evaluar la extensibilidad isquiosural del alumnado, sin que haya una estandarización del procedimiento para su realización. Objetivo: analizar la influencia de un protocolo de calentamiento en los resultados obtenidos en el test sit-and-reach en estudiantes adolescentes. Metodología: a 47 adolescentes (17 chicos y 30 chicas) se les midió la distancia alcanzada en el test sit-and-reach antes, inmediatamente después de finalizar, así como a los 5 y 10 minutos tras finalizar un protocolo de calentamiento compuesto por una parte de carrera continua, actividades de locomoción y movilidad, además de estiramientos estáticos de cuádriceps, isquiosurales, aductores, psoas ilíaco y gemelos, con una duración total de 8 minutos. Entre las mediciones realizadas tras el calentamiento, los participantes permanecieron en bipedestación sin realizar ejercicio y/o estiramiento alguno. Resultados y discusión: tras el calentamiento hubo una mejora significativa en la distancia alcanzada en el test sit-and-reach (+ 2,15 cm) (p < 0,001), siendo ligeramente mayor a los 5 y 10 minutos (+ 2,49 cm a los 5 minutos y + 2,61 cm a los 10 minutos) (p < 0,001 respecto al pre-test). Conclusiones: la realización de un protocolo de calentamiento previo al test sit-and-reach, compuesto por locomoción, movilidad y estiramientos, incrementa de manera significativa la distancia alcanzada en este test, que permanece aumentada, al menos, hasta 10 minutos después de finalizar el calentamiento.Introduction: sit-and-reach tests are often used in physical education classes for measurement of hamstring extensibility in students, without a standar protocol to perform it. Objetive: to analyze the effect of a warm-up protocol based on locomotion activities and stretching in the sit-and-reach scores in adolescent students. Method: a total of 47 teenagers students (17 boys and 30 girls) performed the sit-and-reach test before, immediately after, and 5 and 10 minutes after completing a structured warm-up. The warm-up consisted on a part of continuous running, dynamic locomotor and mobility activities as well as static stretching of lower limbs (quadriceps, hamstrings, adductors, iliopsoas and gastrocnemius), with a total duration of 8 minutes. Between measurements after warm-up, the participants remained standing without performing any exercise and/or stretching. Results and discussion: after warm-up there was a significant improvement in the sit-and-reach score (+ 2.15 cm) (p < 0.001), being slightly higher at 5 and 10 minutes (+ 2.49 cm at 5 minutes and + 2.61 cm at 10 minutes) (p < 0.001 with respect to the pre-test). Conclusions: a warm-up protocol performed before the sit-and-reach test, comprised by locomotion, dynamic activities and stretching, improves significantly the distance achieved in this test.Actividad Física y Deport

    Immediate effect of Dynamic Tape® on external torsion tibial clinically painfulin a football player. A case report

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    El objetivo de estudio fue evaluar el efecto inmediato del vendaje Dynamic Tape®sobre la torsión tibial externa con dolor en un futbolista y las propiedades contráctiles de los músculos superficiales implicados.Se evaluó un futbolista que presentó torsión tibial externa con sintomatología dolorosa en la extremidad inferior derecha. Se midió el ángulo muslo-pie y las propiedades contráctiles de la musculatura superficial mediante tensiomiografía en ambas extremidades inferiores y el dolor percibido. Se aplicó el vendaje Dynamic Tape® durante 10 días y se volvió a medir. Se observó una reducción del ángulo muslo-pie de la extremidad inferior derecha y del dolor en un 55%. La musculatura con mayor tensión experimentó una reducción de la activación muscular mientras que la musculatura debilitada aumentó su activación muscular. Como conclusión, en el caso estudiado, el Dynamic Tape® puede considerarse una herramienta terapéutica complementaria muy efectiva para reducir la torsión tibial externa con dolor.The aim of the study was to evaluate the immediate effect of Dynamic Tape® bandage on the external tibial torsion, clinically painful, and the contractile properties of the superficial muscles involved in a soccer player. The subject presented external tibial torsion with painful symptoms in the right lower extremity.Thigh-foot angle and the contractile properties of the superficial musculature by tensiomyography in bothlegs and perceived pain were measured. Dynamic Tape® bandage was applied for 10 days. A decreasein the thigh-foot angle of the right lower extremity and a 55% reduction in pain knee was observed.The stressed muscle showed a reduction of muscle activation while the weakened muscles increased muscle activation. In conclusion, in the case studied, the Dynamic Tape® can be considered a very effective complementary therapeutic tool to reduce external tibial torsion, clinically painful.peerReviewe

    Immediate effects and one-week follow-up after neuromuscular electric stimulation alone or combined with stretching on hamstrings extensibility in healthy football players with hamstring shortening

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    To assess the immediate and mid-term (after 7 days) effects of electric current combined with simultaneous muscle stretching (EME technique) per comparison to the isolated use of the same current (without applying simultaneous muscle stretching), over the hamstring extensibility in football players with hamstring shortening, and to estimate the clinical benefit of the interventions according to the muscular extensibility.publishe

    Construction, Factor Structure, and Internal Consistency Reliability of the Hospital Physical Therapy Perceived Satisfaction Questionnaire (H-PTPS)

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    The authors would like to thank the participants and physical therapy units from the three Spanish public hospitals for their involvement in this study.Patient satisfaction is a crucial aspect in the evaluation of the quality of health care provided by health services and units, especially in patients that require physical rehabilitation. This study aims to design and analyze the factor structure and internal consistency reliability of the Hospital Physical Therapy Perceived Satisfaction Questionnaire (H-PTPS) measuring the level of physical therapy patient satisfaction in hospital rehabilitation services. This study has a multicenter cross-sectional survey design. This study used the structural validity and internal consistency domains from COSMIN (consensus-based standards for the selection of health status measurement instruments) guideline. The H-PTPS questionnaire consists of 20 closed questions. A sample of 384 adult patients from physical therapy units from three Spanish public hospitals completed this questionnaire. A factor structure and internal consistency reliability analysis were performed. The factor analysis including the 20 items of the H-PTPS showed an adequacy index of 0.922 according to the Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin measure and the Barlett test allowed us to reject the null hypothesis (p < 0.001). In the rotated component matrix, four specific factors were obtained, explaining 66.75% of the accumulated variance. All factors present satisfactory internal reliability, achieving Cronbach’s alpha indices and Omega coefficients higher than 0.74. The H-PTPS questionnaire has shown a four-factor solution with satisfactory reliability evaluating the satisfaction of Spanish patients treated in physical therapy units in the hospital rehabilitation services

    Immediate clinical benefits of combining therapeutic exercise and interferential therapy in adults with chronic neck pain: a randomized controlled trial

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    BACKGROUND: Therapeutic exercise (TE) is highly recommended for the management of non-specific neck pain (NSNP) and has shown promising results combined with interferential current therapy. Yet, the clinical relevance of the pooled effect of these approaches remains uncertain. AIM: To investigate the immediate clinical effect size of combining TE and interferential therapy, compared with the isolated use of TE, in adults with chronic NsNp. DESIGN: Randomized, single-blinded, controlled, superiority trial. sEttiNG: outpatients, primary care center. populatioN: forty-nine adults with chronic NsNp. METHODS: Participants with neck pain (grades I or II) lasting for more than 12 weeks were allocated to a TE plus interferential currents group (N.=25) or to a TE only group (N.=24). All individuals underwent treatment 5 times a week for 2 weeks. The primary outcome was current neck pain intensity (11-point Numeric Pain Rating Scale). Secondary outcomes included neck disability (Neck Disability Index) and active cervical range-of-movement (CROM device). Measurements were taken at baseline and immediately after treatment. An intention-to-treat analysis was carried out. To quantify the effect size of the interventions, the relative risk, the absolute and relative risk reduction, and the number needed to treat (NNt) were calculated. RESULTS: A significant time*group effect was found for pain intensity, disability, and neck flexion and right rotation (all, P<0.05). In the analy- sis for treatment benefit, the NNT was 2 (95% CI: 2 to 4, P<0.001) for neck pain and disability, and 3 (95% CI: 2 to 11, P=0.029) for neck flexion. CONCLUSIONS: Adding interferential therapy to TE is clinically more effective than TE alone to immediately improve neck pain and disabil- ity, but not active cervical range-of-movement, in adults with persistent neck pain. CLINICAL REHABILITATION IMPACT: Our results suggest that this multimodal intervention can be a useful strategy for rehabilitation of patients with NSNP. This is the first study on this topic reporting findings in terms of clinical relevance, which is key to transfer research evidence into practice