23 research outputs found

    A luz da grisalha. Arte, Liturgia e História no Livro de Horas dito de D. Leonor – Il165 da BNP

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    BNP, IL165, fl. 62 The dissertation entitled "The light of grisaille. Art, history and liturgy in the Book of Hours ascribed to Queen Eleanor of Portugal -IL165 from BNP" refers to one of the most remarkable manuscripts of the fifteenth century in Portugal. It is the focus of our investigation, involving the historical, artistic and liturgical aspects of its production. The volume is divided into eight chapters. In terms of methodology we started by raising the state of the art and develop a..

    Jan van Eyck Grisallas. Madrid: Fundación Colección Thyssen-Bornemisza

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    O presente catálogo assinala a exposição realizada no Museu Thyssen-Bornemisza, em Madrid, de 3 de Novembro de 2009 a 31 de Janeiro de 2010. Comissariada por Till-Holger Borchert, a mostra integra-se num conceito de exposição que este museu tem vindo a desenvolver, visando o estudo aprofundado de algumas peças do acervo. Esta série de exposições intituladas “Contextos de la Colección Permanente” consiste num novo olhar sobre uma peça da colecção da instituição, em torno da qual se desenvolve ..

    A luz da grisalha. Arte, Liturgia e História no Livro de Horas dito de D. Leonor – Il165 da BNP

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    BNP, IL165, fl. 62 The dissertation entitled "The light of grisaille. Art, history and liturgy in the Book of Hours ascribed to Queen Eleanor of Portugal -IL165 from BNP" refers to one of the most remarkable manuscripts of the fifteenth century in Portugal. It is the focus of our investigation, involving the historical, artistic and liturgical aspects of its production. The volume is divided into eight chapters. In terms of methodology we started by raising the state of the art and develop a..

    Relações Artísticas entre Portugal e a Flandres através dos Livros de Horas conservados em Institutições portuguesas

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    This thesis aims to show that Books of Hours played a central role in late medieval Portuguese society and in the relations with the main European royal houses. This study allowed us to retrace the path of some of these codices and confirm the prestige of Portugal among the main houses of the time, the enthusiastic reception of Flemish art by the Portuguese nobility, and its influence on the national production. Because the vast majority of these manuscripts have never been studied, we carrie..

    Scot Mckendick, John Lowden, Katleen Doyle, Royal Manuscripts: The Genius of Illumination

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    We need to allow the books to tell their own stories O estudo do fundo da chamada Old Royal Library, integra-se numa lógica expositiva que tem vindo a ser adoptada pelas principais instituições europeias detentoras de importantes núcleos de manuscritos iluminados. O seu programa integra uma grande exposição, a produção de um catálogo, um conjunto de aplicações electrónicas e dossiers pedagógicos que complementam e apoiam a mostra, assim como, um conjunto de conferências decorrentes do process..

    O Livro de Horas do Museu de Angra do Heroísmo

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    UIDB/00749/2020 UIDP/00749/2020 UIDB/00019/2020The main objective of this study is to present the Book of Hours that is kept in the Museum of Angra do Heroísmo. It is an illuminated manuscript, practically unknown until now, which was acquired by this institution, in 1979, from a well-known antique bookseller in Lisbon. Presumably, it was illuminated at the end of the 15th century, or in the first years of the following century, keeping only eight illuminated folios. From its content, we highlight the uniqueness of some festivities in the calendar, the inclusion of small offices, such as the Hours of the Conception of the Virgin and the Hours of St. Barbara, and the presence of two illuminated folios in the Office of the Dead. The ownership marks allowed to reconstruct part of its history and to identify some of its previous owners.publishersversionpublishe

    Proveniência, atribuição e organização

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    SFRH/BD/79111/2011Pertencente à coleção do MNAA, o Livro de Horas dito de D. Fernando ou de D. Catarina, apresenta um extenso e invulgar programa iconográfico e inclui um número significativo de marcas de propriedade que o vinculam à casa real portuguesa. A proximidade formal entre este iluminado, o Breviário Grimani e as mais distantes Riquíssimas Horas do duque de Berry permitiu recuar a sua datação, atribuir a autoria da iluminura ao ateliê do flamengo Gerard Horenbout e vincular a sua encomenda ao mecenato artístico de Margarida de Áustria, filha do imperador Maximiliano I. O estudo aprofundado do códice e o confronto com outras obras produzidas no mesmo ateliê permitiram esclarecer que era parte integrante de uma obra de maior aparato, a que pertencem também as Horas de Chatsworth. In the collection of the MNAA, the Book of Hours said to belong to Prince Ferdinand or Queen Catherine, features an extensive and unusual iconographic program and includes a significant number of ownership marks linking it to the Portuguese royal house. The formal relationships linking our manuscript to the Grimani Breviary and to the earlier Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry allowed to trace its manufacture to an earlier date, to attribute its authorship to the workshop of the Flemish master Gerard Horenbout, and to connect its commission to the patronage of Margaret of Austria, daughter of emperor Maximilian I. The study of the codex and its confrontation with other works produced in the same workshop allowed to clarify that it as part of a larger work, to which also belonged the Chatsworth Hours.publishersversionpublishe

    Relações Artísticas entre Portugal e a Flandres através dos Livros de Horas conservados em Instituições portuguesas

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    UID/HIS/00749/2013Tese de Doutoramento em História da Arte Medieval, apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Junho de 2017. Orientação da Doutora Maria Adelaide Miranda, do Doutor Bernardo Vasconcelos e Sousa e do Doutor Dominique Vanwijnsberghepublishersversionpublishe

    Mosteiro de Santa Maria das Júnias

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    A luz da grisalha. Arte, Liturgia e História no Livro de Horas dito de D. Leonor Il165 da BNP.

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