244 research outputs found

    Characterising strongly normalising intuitionistic sequent terms

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    This paper gives a characterisation, via intersection types, of the strongly normalising terms of an intuitionistic sequent calculus (where LJ easily embeds). The soundness of the typing system is reduced to that of a well known typing system with intersection types for the ordinary lambda-calculus. The completeness of the typing system is obtained from subject expansion at root position. This paper's sequent term calculus integrates smoothly the lambda-terms with generalised application or explicit substitution. Strong normalisability of these terms as sequent terms characterises their typeability in certain "natural'' typing systems with intersection types. The latter are in the natural deduction format, like systems previously studied by Matthes and Lengrand et al., except that they do not contain any extra, exceptional rules for typing generalised applications or substitution

    Refocusing generalised normalisation

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    When defined with general elimination/application rules, natural deduction and λ\lambda-calculus become closer to sequent calculus. In order to get real isomorphism, normalisation has to be defined in a ``multiary'' variant, in which reduction rules are necessarily non-local (reason: nomalisation, like cut-elimination, acts at the \emph{head} of applicative terms, but natural deduction focuses at the \emph{tail} of such terms). Non-local rules are bad, for instance, for the mechanization of the system. A solution is to extend natural deduction even further to a \emph{unified calculus} based on the unification of cut and general elimination. In the unified calculus, a sequent term behaves like in the sequent calculus, whereas the reduction steps of a natural deduction term are interleaved with explicit steps for bringing heads to focus. A variant of the calculus has the symmetric role of improving sequent calculus in dealing with tail-active permutative conversions

    Implementing gender quotas in Portugal: A success story?

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    The so-called Portuguese Parity Law adopted in 2006 determined that candidate lists presented for national, European and local elections must include one third minimum representation of each sex. Following its revision in 2019, the minimum percentage required for each sex increased to 40%. The implementation of the Portuguese Parity Law has succeeded in meeting the direct goals of the policy. However, can the same be said for all stages of implementation? Moreover, even when the numbers tell a success story, what practices and resistances do they conceal? And, finally, has the law contributed to gender empowerment that goes beyond the direct scope of the law? This chapter aims to answer these questions by focusing on the national Parliament and on the major Portuguese parties. It draws on the figures for candidates and MPs between 2002 and 2019 as well as on semi-directive interviews with party stakeholders. The main conclusions are the following. First, the implementation of the law takes place smoothly in all four stages of implementation, although parties have usually gone no further than the minimum quota requirements. Parties’ actions and discourses demonstrate a moderate but serious commitment to the law. Second, both explicit and implicit forms of individual resistance, as well as passive institutional resistance take place at the national level for both parties. These resistances are not intended to cause policy failure, but rather to limit policy success. Third, the indirect effects of the law (i.e., gender empowerment in Parliament) are still limited.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Para alĂ©m dos nĂșmeros: transformaçÔes de gĂ©nero associadas Ă  Lei da Paridade

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    Para combater as desigualdades de gĂ©nero na polĂ­tica - mundo tradicionalmente masculino -, tĂȘm sido criadas medidas de ação positiva em diversos paĂ­ses do mundo. É o caso da Lei da Paridade, adotada em Portugal em 2006 e implementada com relativo sucesso em 2009. Sendo visĂ­vel uma mudança na presença numĂ©rica das mulheres, importa analisar as consequĂȘncias dessa representação de gĂ©nero mais equitativa. Este artigo apresenta um estudo exploratĂłrio que, apoiado na perspetiva feministainstitucionalista, pretendeu verificar se o aumento da presença das mulheres na polĂ­tica levou a mudanças nas relaçÔes de gĂ©nero. Foram realizadas 19 entrevistas individuais semiestruturadas a pessoas chave do PS, com idades entre 27 e 63 anos, nos trĂȘs nĂ­veis do poder polĂ­tico: europeu, nacional e local. Os resultados revelam dinĂąmicas de mudança e de continuidade: verificam-se mudanças na agenda polĂ­tica, contudo, persiste uma genderização da organização polĂ­tica, que continua no masculino.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The temporal evolution of life satisfaction in institutionalized elderly: A longitudinal study

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    On the factor structure of the Dissociative Experiences Scale:ontribution with an Italian version of the DES-II

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    Aim of the study: Notwithstanding its clinical and empirical relevance, there is no consensus on how to conceptualize dissociation. This may be partly due to the conflicting results yielded on the factor structure of the gold-standard selfreport measure of dissociation (the Dissociative Experiences Scale-Revised; DES-II, Carlson and Putnam, 1993). In an attempt to advance research on this topic, we sought to explore the factorial structure of an Italian version of the DES-II. Material and methods: A sample of 320 subjects (122 inmates and 198 community participants) was administered the Italian version of the DES-II. Results: The Italian version of the DES-II showed good psychometric properties and replicated a two-factor structure. Items content seemed to support the distinction into two qualitatively different forms of dissociative experiences, described as detachment and compartmentalization phenomena. In line with the expectations, participants in the inmate sample reported higher rates of dissociative experiences than community participants, on both dimensions. Conclusions: This study provides further support for the validity of the Italian version of the DES-II for use with community and inmate samples. Furthermore, we corroborated previous evidence on a two-factor structure of the DES-II, which is consistent with theoretical assumptions describing two distinct, albeit overlapping, dissociative dimensions (i.e., detachment and compartmentalization)

    Towards a canonical classical natural deduction system

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    This paper studies a new classical natural deduction system, presented as a typed calculus named \lml. It is designed to be isomorphic to Curien-Herbelin's calculus, both at the level of proofs and reduction, and the isomorphism is based on the correct correspondence between cut (resp. left-introduction) in sequent calculus, and substitution (resp. elimination) in natural deduction. It is a combination of Parigot's λΌ\lambda\mu-calculus with the idea of ``coercion calculus'' due to Cervesato-Pfenning, accommodating let-expressions in a surprising way: they expand Parigot's syntactic class of named terms. This calculus aims to be the simultaneous answer to three problems. The first problem is the lack of a canonical natural deduction system for classical logic. \lml is not yet another classical calculus, but rather a canonical reflection in natural deduction of the impeccable treatment of classical logic by sequent calculus. The second problem is the lack of a formalization of the usual semantics of Curien-Herbelin's calculus, that explains co-terms and cuts as, respectively, contexts and hole-filling instructions. The mentioned isomorphism is the required formalization, based on the precise notions of context and hole-expression offered by \lml. The third problem is the lack of a robust process of ``read-back'' into natural deduction syntax of calculi in the sequent calculus format, that affects mainly the recent proof-theoretic efforts of derivation of λ\lambda-calculi for call-by-value. An isomorphic counterpart to the QQ-subsystem of Curien-Herbelin's-calculus is derived, obtaining a new λ\lambda-calculus for call-by-value, combining control and let-expressions.Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e a Tecnologia (FCT
